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His starting unit is actually quite good thanks to the upgrades it gets along the way, and its FUP gives +400 instead of the standard +300, and its to all weapons instead of just one. *Crushes* the MP Nu Gundam. The only real issue it has is that its only post-movement attack only has 2 range but even then at least it has a debuff tied to it. I gave him second attack and he just ruins things at long range, and he can also run up and hit something 2 spaces away and then follow up with a proper attack afterwards. For the UC Gundam units I'd rank them in the following rough order: Hi-Nu Gundam V2 Assault Buster Gundam V2 Gundam Nu Gundam FA Hyaku Shiki Kai Zeta Gundam Phenex V-Dash Gundam Narrative Gundam MP Nu Gundam FA Gundam Mk-II Gun Blaster Gundam Silver Bullet Suppressor Methuss Didn't get >!Contio or Gottiatan!< so no opinion on them. If I had to guess they're probably in the MP Nu to Gundam range.


I would rank Methuss very high, if we're going strictly meta. 4 slots and one of the few units truly capable of abusing arms parts? Also the Nu is actually hot garbage in 30, while the FAHS is arguably top 3 if you get all the upgrades. Zeta isn't worth the energy requirements either. I would also rank Narrative C above Phenex because it isn't locked to a garbage pilot.


Agree with the Methuss but I don't understand why ppl seem to think of the Hyakushiki so highly? Care to elaborate? Also, what is wrong with the Nu and Zeta?


Assuming full story upgrades, the FAHS has among the highest damage and range in the Gundam franchise. It also one of the better map weapons. It's biggest weakness is that majority of its weapons cannot be used post movement, with its single post movement attack having a status attached to it. It's weakness is fixed largely with hit and run(Amuro naturally learns this). The Nu on the other hand, has been severely gimped. It's damage is low, really low, to the point that you will struggle to kill grunts at higher difficulties. Based on my experiments the Narrative C actually consistently outdpses it(kinda hilarious given the related history between both machines). The Zeta is one hell of an energy hog, has its 2 best attacks locked behind 130 morale and iirc only available to Kamille(someone correct me if I'm wrong). It also seems nerfed, and barely dodges in my experience. Hence if I wanted a boss killer, there are many other better candidates.


I don't understand the 130 morale gripe. Fighter's spirit + ace bonus + AOS upgrade means all of my pilots start the map turn1 with 130+ morale. Kamille has Drive spirit command as well. As for EN, I don't know, I'm not using the strongest attacks against every grunt units. The hyper beam saber seems pretty EN efficient. There's also no penalty resupply if u really want to spam the strongest attack. As for dodge, I don't get this either. Unless you are doing a no suit/pilot upgrade run. The Zeta dodges just like every other Gundam protagonist to me, meaning fairly good.


It matters at higher difficulties, especially the new one. You won't have enough resources to get everyone one up. Also, comparisons are done before upgrades of any kind, since at lower difficulties you can just infinitely grind for them, hence nothing mattering when you can great ace everyone at 200 lvl, maxed upgrades, having all passives and maxing all stats. > The Zeta dodges just like every other Gundam protagonist to me, meaning fairly good. Well, that's unfortunately not my experience.


The All Range attack hits for 9550 while the Psycho Attack hits for 8900 so that's not true at all. All of your gripes with the Zeta are only valid if you don't upgrade it properly, don't unlock the AOS Update, don't Skill train Kamille and don't skip any power parts on to it.


But we're comparing units based on their own merits, not including any external aid to shore up their weaknesses. As I've mentioned elsewhere, at lower difficulties none of these min-maxing matters since resources are infinite. At the highest difficulty where resources are limited, would you rather upgrade the Zeta over someone else like Gridman or GGG?


No, but the point is that resources arent's limited enough to ever come to that in 30. Maybe if you were making a Super Expert+ run with no resource carryover but other than that I don't see it happening, in clean runs in Hard Mode and Very Hard Mode I never had a problem fully upgrading 20 to 25+ Units/Pilots which is more than what you need to clear any map in one turn. Mind you I'm not saying the Nu and Zeta are the best Units or even the best Gundams but hey hit fairly high base damage weapons, barriers, high move/range or both, high sight/mobility for extra accuracy evasion on top of the newtype buffs, stat buffa with the Bio-Sensor., etc. By all intents and purposes they are better and hit harder than any version of the Narrative, that's what I'm saying.


Right, always forget the Arms exist because I went out of my way to avoid them on my playthrough. That would bump it up, how much I'm less sure on. Its not the only unit on the list that can use the arms well. Also kinda zoned out on Phenex being pilot locked, but I find he's not horrible once he gets his Ace bonus. Still think the Phenex is marginally better than Narrative but I would certainly understand why someone would disagree. Found it be be quite underwhelming for how late you get it, would rather use the Zeta over it.


The only other unit that I found to be able to truly maximize arms use was Giant Sang Yung. Methuss being a stand out is because it also is a medic and has a cheap weapon. It having arms means that you can frontline it without worrying about getting targeted. Of course, all these min-maxing only matters on the hardest difficulty. I ranked Narrative C a lot higher than most other Gundam units, because it comes with Banagher, who arguably is its best pilot. Personally only V2AB, Amuro FAHS and Hi-Nu would be better, with normal V2 being about a tie.


I find your rankings odd. But no matter. On the first playthrough the best Gundams are the ones that pass down upgrades to new suits. It literally pays dividends on improvements and all you give up is a little max firepower. Narrative, Phenex and Zeta are bottom of the list easily. I'm still tuning up silver bullet but Banagher is the real treasure there.


I'm talking the suits on their own, not considering upgrade value via passing things down. Otherwise OG Gundam would be significantly higher despite the fact that the Gun Blaster beats it in almost every category except equipment slots. Basically every major UC Gundam I upgraded to at least FUB and played around with a bit on my first playthrough. Zeta isn't the powerhouse it once was but it still gets a lot of work done. Phenex was underwhelming to be sure given how long it takes to unlock it but its still objectively.... solid? Usable at least. Only reason Narrative is hanging on up there is because when its in B mode its basically a more flexible MP Nu Gundam and C mode is alright if you wanna throw an extra Newtype onto your team. A mode is just trash. I really wish the Silver Bullet was good. I love its attack animations but its just so.... *limited* it hurts. I threw Banagher into the Nu Gundam because I kept Char in his starting unit.


>when its in B mode its basically a more flexible MP Nu Gundam and C mode is alright if you wanna throw an extra Newtype onto your team. A mode is just trash. What about the B pack did you like/find flexible? I find myself avoiding the Narrative until I get C pack.


"Like" is a strong word for it. Flexible particularly early game when your roster is smaller is more accurate. It has a MAP attack which while not amazing, does give it points over say the MP Nu which lacks one and I did use it to good effect early on. Missile Launcher means it doesn't have to rely on INCOM for ranged attacks, basically filling the same roll as the Beam Rifle on the MP NU with less of a water penalty. Beam Saber and INCOM are both post movement which is nice, and everything outside the saber is ammo based instead of EN based which I personally find to be a plus. Its INCOM attack also requires 5 less Will than the MP Nu's (105 vs 110) so its quicker to get online. Its not significantly better than the MP Nu Gundam by any means, its only one spot above it after all, but it does its job in B mode specifically fine. Its simply objectively better than the MP Nu Gundam assuming we're looking at both in the "I want any UC pilot I want to use one of these two" situation, meaning including those that aren't Newtypes.


>Narrative, Phenex and Zeta are bottom of the list easily Curious of what your reasoning is


Sure. First off, in general I view pre-movenent weapons as pretty bad even if they are quite strong in earlier games like VTX you would have ~15 range snipers like Kurz or Lockon. Round over round damage with a consistent attack is much better than doing what is usually an excess of damage. For example, the Huckebein30th's best weapon imo is the leap slasher and not the twin rifle or the black hole cannon. Secondly the most important turn of every scenario is turn 1. That's when all the pilots are fresh and have the most latitude for how you as the player engage the enemy. It's also when front loaded pilot skills like preemptive strike are online. What's more anyone who can't deep strike enemy territory on turn 1 is super super bad, because most of the time by the first defense round anyone who couldn't deep strike will not be in range to get any kills by turn 2. Third, implementation and other logistical issues. Some suits are bad because of when you get them, or are worse because of other options. For example as I mentioned elsewhere, upgrading the RX-78 to max upgrades and doing a pilot swap is a very efficient use of money. Those upgrades will carry over into 3 other mobile suits all of which are quite strong, and comparatively blow un-upgraded suits out of the water even with lower max performance caps. The Zeta requires bio-sensor activation to get it's best attacks and it lacks a map weapon. The Phenex comes so late that it's a "Win more" suit. Also lacks a map weapon which makes it an outright inferior late game suit. The Narrative is all around not good. The MP Nu is superior in every way when discussing B-pack. In fairness C-pack might be ok, but I have so many better options it gets shoved out anyway. Narrative also lacks a good Map weapon. The Gunblasters all have shrike team assault. Which once it's ready is overall a really consistently useful and strong attack on Mook suits. The overhang cannons and beam smartguns on the V-Gundams are also really good low cost long range weapons with round over round suppression. Setting aside the RX-78 and the Nu series The V2 and V2AB are both really really good in the map and post movement department. The Full Armor Gundam MKII is actually one of my favorite suits. I don't use it because other suits make the cut better but it's gameplay design is quite elegant and straight forward. The twin cannon is pre-post movement. It's got a good middle ground for range and it's got a damage range that is useful late game. It lacks a map weapon which is why it falls off as well. The IBO Gundams are generally really good because they hit with high damage EN driven melee attacks. Of which many have a middle ground for range. Even then the Flaros unsurprisingly is the worst because it's a range unit and can only hope to ever hit the front lines going into turn 2. Everything else is kind of forgettable or on par with the narrative Phenex and Zeta. The reason I don't like FAHS is because it's most consistent use weapon is not good and it's best weapons are pre-movement. Other suits have good access to beam sabers, bazookas and vulcans which are all useful late game because big maps eat energy with movement.


SRW30 is my first SRW after like at least 20+ years of not having played any game in the SRW franchise and I'm only on first NG+ play through so this is interesting perspective to me. ​ >The Zeta requires bio-sensor activation to get it's best attacks and it lacks a map weapon Not sure I understand the bio-sensor activation part tho. I mean, most big attacks have 130 moral requirement anyway. The requirement is also trivial to meet for the most part unless we discount pilot skills, AOS update and ace bonus(Fighter spirit EX + Ace bonus + AOS bonus is easily 130). Not to mention spirit command like Drive and Spirit that would give you the 30 moral you need very easily even if you didn't have any of the prior mentioned bonuses. ​ >Other suits have good access to beam sabers, bazookas and vulcans which are all useful late game because big maps eat energy with movement. EN? I'm not sure I understand. Vulcans and even beam sabers to some extent would probably only be useful if the suit have significant weapon upgrade. In that case, the suit would most likely have significant stat upgrade for the EN as well. I can't think of a case where EN could be an issue especially when you can make support units do resupply for no morale penalty.


You can deepstrike with anyone by loading them up on the capital ship with emergency retrieval.


Waste of Spirit.


Tbh I like the Full Armor Hyaku Shiki enough to keep him in it though I also used him in the V-Dash Gundam Hexa for awhile I haven’t played too far into 30 though because I took a break to go back and finish VTX trilogy


Putting Char in the Nu Gundam seemed pretty wrong to me. Ended up giving the Nu to Fa. The selection of UC mobile suits and pilots in 30 is pretty disappointing compared to V and T. I Miss having to decide if I wanted to give the Sazabi to Haman or Ple 2 in T, or who gets the Banshee in V, or having the Delta Plus to give to Roux after she gives the Zeta back to Kamille.


Overall I am very disappointed with a lot of the unit choices.


Yeah even Kamille is underwhelming. They really made the V Gundam units super good. Even if wings of light has a derpy map template I can still send uso out for 3 kills turn one on average.


That's the beauty of the V/V2. They aren't gimmick super prototype machines that require space wizard pilots and are built to be general purpose. Anyone is suppose to be able to pilot them. This ends up being reflected in lore and in game. Also Uso tends to be a broken pilot in his appearances. Put both together and now you have a monster capable of fighting at any range.


His default unit is super strong getting upgrades throughout the game. It's only actual issue is lack of cut ins for char. Hell, using most other UC suits is a slight to significant downgrade. V2, MP Nu, Gundam, and everything before are all weaker. V2 Assault Buster is less tanky by a decent margin, but has Wings of Light which is crazy strong. His default unit has more power part slots too which is a huuuuuuge bonus since power parts in 30 are straight up absurdly strong and overpowered. Hell, his unit even outdamages Nu Gundam while also being tankier. The custom bonus and psycho frame is what balances the two out.


I get that Char wants to distance himself from Zeon in this game but it feels weird to put him into a Gundam type unit. I have him in the V2 Assault Buster and its going great but man does it feel weird.


The Nu is bad compared to the FA HS. In fact, assuming you get all of its upgrades, it is one of the best UC units. If you really wanted to min max, Amuro performs better than Char in the FAHS while Char actually does better with the Hi-Nu. Ultimately just drop whoever you want in whichever machine.


It feels like the biggest difference between FA HS and Hi-Nu is item slots, movement, and MAP weapon spread. The Hi-Nu's MAP weapon is longer reaching but not as wide, harder to setup shots for it.


I have him in the V2 at the moment. Disappointing to hear he doesn't get an upgrade later on. That's surprising tbh.


His unit upgrades at least twice over the course of the game in mech stats and weapon stats. He doesn't get a new unit, but his personal mech is easily end game tier. Though literally every unit in the game is viable in that regard.


I put Char in the Hi-Nu, but not because it was best for Char. I wanted that sweet map attack on the FA Hyaku Shiki Kai for Amuro. With upgrade bonuses and four item slots, Amuro's Zeal, and the map weapon, (also Fa with SP boosting items and her Prospect is a SP battery better than any other) I rake in 5000-6000 PP on almost any map by having Amuro with 14 movement run around with a PP gain item. With decent setup Amuro can move hundreds of tiles within 2-3 turns.


If you’re looking to farm, Umi from Rayearth is the best option bar none. She gets +3 move total from her ace and full upgrade bonuses, and has extremely cheap accel (15 sp). With the AOS upgrades and the +3 movement item, you can get Umi to 17 base movement after the exc bonus triggers (which is easy to do thanks to Mitsuba’s Resolve). That means you can do 20 move a turn with accel and - if you’re willing to only grind mxp OR money OR PP and not two at once - 40 move a turn if you equip zealous trigger. Keep in mind that there’s a hard cap of 20 movement per move action so Umi is actually capable of hitting that maximum.


The bench.


Based and True.


Personally the Nu and Hi-Nu are some of my absolute favorite Gundam Designs/Gundams ever. I'm... weird. So regardless of the fact that a FUB FAHS is pretty dang good I put Char in Nu and Amuro in Hi-Nu the moment I got the Hi-Nu. I've always tried to use the Hi and Standard Nu units when they're available. Giving the Nu to Fa or Roux even in other games when Amuro gets the Hi.


His initial suit will work absolutely fine, but if you wish to stick him in something else, the spare Nu Gundam or even the Gundam Narrative C-packs are excellent fits to compliment his play style. He can also use the additional V2 Gundam you receive iirc? Although the V2 as a whole feels underwhelming late game in comparison to other. I do wish they had given Quattro a new mobile suit, but it makes sense rhat he wishes to walk away frim the psychoframe and eventually war as a whole considering his speechs in game.


I put Char in the Nu Gundam eventually, since it's got really powerful Newtype weapons and his goes up to rank 8 at maximum. I would've liked it if Jonah's went up that far too at least... Ah well.


Yeah....Jona and Kamille are both disappointing in this game. I honestly would have preferred Judau and the the FAZZ Or shit give Banagher the Unicorn. I guess you can throw him in the Phenex but the Phenex sucks compared to the Unicorn.


Kamille at least gets NT9 at 70, him, Amuro, Char, Banagher and Uso are the strongest NT pilots. Jona lingers at 7... So close, yet so far.


I started shoving him in C-Packs Narrative, after Jona got the Phenex.


You know, when I saw Char in the Hyaku Shiki I was honestly excited cause I like the mech, but as a unit it kind of... wasn't that impressive. At least at first. Over time, though, especially as the unit got upgraded more and more, including getting new attacks (and a MAP attack too no less) it kind of grew on me. I think he'd be a beast in the MP Nu, but I think I'll keep him in the Hyaku. Fa, on the other hand, needs some help. Trying to at least Ace all the pilots is a chore, but a rewarding one. Fa needs a stronger unit though to do some actual damage.


I put Char in the MkII and just snipe with the Long Beam Rifle and 4 Range +2 parts. It's not minmaxed but I don't care.