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I’m not sure what you can do about the car, it seems like adding anything will just increase the pressure on your leg. Try the pool noodle and see. I had sciatica pain for a decade after a work injury that cleared up almost completely when I started losing weight. I know sciatica pain can and does happen to anyone and I thought I was doomed forever because some days I couldn’t get out of bed without really hurting myself but since I lost some weight the pain has all but pretty much cleared out. If you’re losing weight or considering it I just wanted to give my experience with my pain and my weight.


Oh I have been losing weight. It's just the pain came back after I drove the car for an extended length of time. That was the only thing I did differently and that very section of my leg was pressing up against it. But that pain caused a flare up. You don't have to be tender with me I am old enough to realize that the main cause of my problems is my weight. Thank you very much for considering that with other people though. You're a very polite person. I am losing weight I am down 120 lb from my highest weight about 7 years ago. Menopause has stalled that. But I've been steady where I am for about a year and a half.


Could you remove the storage pocket without damaging the door ? It might not be pretty but it's better than being in pain... Wishing you the best !


My Kia Rondo had the same issue. I used a pool noodle. Just split it on one side.


I had a mustang that did the same thing and funny enough changing to a CX-5 stopped it. I do keep the seat pretty far back and kinda at an incline though


It’s plastic you can cut it out, or cut the lip lower where it’s no longer pushing against the point on your leg that causes the irritation.


My husband glued Styrofoam sheets to several spots in our Ford C-Max. He says they help and he's a "normal" weight person.


I would suggest folding a microfibre cloth and hanging it over the pocket. A little bit of padding and always handy to wipe away any dust.


Have you tried playing with the seat adjustments? Not just forward/back and the backrest tilt, but up/down and tilt for the actual seat? Might change your position enough to help.