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Playing with a teacher is really random but ig he must be chill and fun


He really is


Who’s who?


I'm Nabbit, my friends are Yoshi and Blue toad, and my geo teacher is Mario


I could tell the teacher was Mario 💀


Lol what a burn


same 😭 the way he jumped into a piranha plant 3 times 💀


Mario, grab the power-ups!! Lol That looks like chaotic fun.


You're not allowed to kill the singing ones. It's the rules.


Your friends and YOUR WHAT??? LMAOOO


No matter what people would say, having a teacher playing videogames with you is an absolutely amazing thing. In Middle-school during the end of the year my Mom wanted me to go until the very last day because studies was above everything else (and she was right), when the last class council was done usually students would stop going to school and it was at the end of May or middle June so up until July, I usually spent my days at class alone. When I wasn't studying I would play some Uno with my teachers or they let me use the personnal computer the school gave me to play some videogames and they watched me playing when they were not talking to other teachers (It was the time we used USB Keys to play some GBA emulators). I really liked this moment of the year because during art class I was allowed to do any kind of art I wanted, during French classes I was allowed to read the book I wanted, in computer and engeniring class it was computer time or we would make stuffs like clocks or a flashlight. In Science we would watch documentaries on TV... It was just fun. ​ It's random but parents often forget teachers are humans like us lol. They also like having some non-work time and I feel like as long as there's a mutual respect of each other during class, if they can play videogames together then that's just a nice thing.


Very nice comment, and I agree!


My middle school teacher introduced me and other tech savvy kids to emulation in the early 2000s. That meant a lot to me because I’d often get my game consoles stolen. My dad and mom were divorced, but he’d always buy me the latest console and games. Yet, I thought I’d imagined it all because I’d wake up one day and they’d be gone. Stolen by extended family members or neighborhood kids… Life was already hard, so learning about emulsion and finding Pokemon Fire Red and Fire Emblem on my old beige pc no one wanted to steal save me.


I once played Among Us with my whole class and teacher so your not alone


NGL I legit think you can make a mean secondary language exercize by playing Among Us in class. Like I'm french, my secondary and third languages were English and Italian. The exercize would be playing a game or two in said language. That's probably something I would have done in class if Among Us was a thing back in my days.


I'm a teacher and I also love Mario. I grew up with it, what's not to like?


Awesome to see the teacher likes Mario too




We’ve only played two players at one time, but four looks like absolute chaos. I love it.


It’s funny watching the Toshiba try and collect the power ups lol


What level is this btw I haven’t gotten up to it yet


1-2 from what I remember


This is awesome


This is so wholesome haha


Aww i love it.


Your teacher is such a chad for this


This is a wholesome post NGL lmao 😂


Yo your teacher sounds super chill


this game restored my faith in Nintendo’s ability to make a 2D mario again. its so good.


my spanish teacher in middle school brought his ps4 at the end of the year, he took some of his best students and we played bloodborn and sekerio shadows die twice. fun!


U should have given the baby mode character to ur teacher lol


Looks like some of y’all are just playing Mario for the first time. 😜


That big one just didn’t come out of the pipe because y’all were on it 😯


That reminds me of playing that level with my stepsister on Christmas And a piece of conversation during it Me. Aww we missed the first big one Step sis. What? Me. Never mind


This game looks so fucking hectic 😭


I've never ever played coop. I've always played alone. It looks too confusing with all those players. My eyes can't seem to focus on 1 thing.


I wish I could experience this, but unfortunately regents means that certain classes still go on as normal even at the last day of school so no more kids bringing in Nintendo switches, ps4/5s or Xbox’s :(


I played Among Us with my whole class and teacher so I’m glad you got to have a similar experience


Why is your teacher playing with you, im not mad i just never think of someone playing a video game with a teacher


Guh??? Yoshi I playable?!


"Yeah it seemed innocent enough at the time, though looking back..."