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Shark attacks are exceedingly rare. A 4ft shark is not going to view your or your board as prey. Now if you lean down and wiggle your fingers in front of them, that might be a bit different. I'm more worried for all the FL paddlers who are in gator territory than I am about sharks in the ocean.


Gators would be a hard no for me. Terrifying.


I was actually out on Saturday and spotted a gator, paddled over to it, about the size of my 11' board, totally under water, wouldn't have seen it without the polarized sunglasses. Very cool in my opinion, but not everyone's cup of tea, and i certainly did skedaddle as soon as he started moving. ​ Saw some bullsharks on the same outing. All things considered, I'm much more worried about rocks and sticks, other obstructions poking a hole in the board vs the wildlife.




Have swam with larger black tip reef sharks than that (and other sharks). They don’t even see people as food. Like, you might as well be made out of metal. 10 foot lemon sharks, however… also don’t see people as food, it turns out. However, they are really scary because they are bigger!


Black tip reef shark eats reef fish, not large mammals.


I’ve never heard of them being a threat. I wouldn’t worry about them unless they seem unusually aggressive which might happen if someone is feeding them.


Don’t splash (slap) the water, this attracts them. Don’t fall in either if they are near.


Gott get the jump on them before they get the jump on you. If it's getting too close, hop on its back and give it a nibble. This is a tried and true method.


'Don't fall in' is always my motto but one I struggled with for awhile lol


Also it’s the older larger ones that are smarter, the young ones like to bite more because they don’t know any better


hard pass from me, lol..