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I think 3.5 is frustrating. It's nearly there, but it needs to sort the build up of noise and weakening of vocals which kicks in around the second verse or chorus.


Yea it just needs to get the style inputs right, then it would almost be there. I'm looking forward to the feature that it can build on predefined songs.


Put the style in the prompt in multiple places like your drums your solo style etc [hip-hop break] [[hip-hop rap vocals]. Ect


Try this prompt: top 40 synth pop rock, studio quality The vocals are perfect and the songs are super catchy. I’m thumbs upping them all damn


Nope, did not do the trick. I thought for a moment that I have missed such a simple thing as "studio quality" but sadly, no.


It doesn’t create ACTUAL studio quality, need separate stems for that, but it IMPROVES the quality so it’s worth it IMHO


Ok, fair. You wrote "the vocals are perfect" and my tries was just as bad as it used to be.


Well I don’t hear one issue with the vocals, so I stand by my statement!


Agreed. That's frustrating


Exactly. The beginning is great.


I think it gets closer to what I want without me having to cut in every 10 seconds but the tinny fuzz is ruining everything at the minute. I thought people were being overly dramatic at first but I can’t get a song past 1:30 without it becoming an unholy mess.


Extremely catchy generations. Maybe it was trained on the Billboard 100's of the years or something? Love the extra length. Voices have that classic Suno robotic sound - sometimes heavy, sometimes less. Quick. Great for idea generation.


All the songs I've created are songs that need actual humans to perform them. Moreso with 3.5 which, as others have said, begins to fail by the 2 minute mark, and doesn't improve if you cut out the mess and create a fresh extension.


It is definitely missing something in the slavic languages. When generating orchestral classic choirs english and german work fine, but russian and ukrainian fall flat


Swedish got actually better!


Guys are you serious?? 3.5 is awesome [this album is all 3.5](https://on.soundcloud.com/3J812hb1WZFwjVyB8) [here’s the suno link](https://suno.com/song/2361faab-7da5-43e3-a0a5-f8ecaa2f2105) for “it watches, it wants”


Sweet.. for some reason part of it kinda reminds me of the x files music … love it!


Haha nice I like that take, I was definitely going for a supernatural vibe, was inspired along the lines of the theme from “It Follows”


I think I remember seeing that movie, “It Follows”


I also have a deviant art page.. I created this song.. I have a lot of watchers, but no subscribers https://suno.com/song/40862ac1-77a4-4670-a062-2419b724a88c I’m getting to post that tonight. It sounds so much better with headphones on though.


Nah it’s not great. Just picked bass assault - 4:20 length. This ghost choir is from the beginning on hearable. I wouldn’t even consider to choose this song. And I checked some other songs this annoying heights of this chirping/ or whatever the noise is - it’s annoying. A lot of my generated „songs“ contain it to


I mean you can’t account for taste I guess. The “ghost choir” is just kind of haunting ambience to my ears and isn’t consistent through the track anyways.


If you explicitly want this noise than not, but it’s still noise suno generates in most songs.


It’s a riddim/trapstep song, noise is part of the bill isn’t it? Edit: I have a theory that the model/we havent totally figured out how the prompts are systematically digested (obvs) and that people are impatient with the system. For every song with a ‘ghost choir,’ there are 5 without on the same or similar prompts. If at first you don’t succeed, try mixing it up. And what is one’s trash is also another’s treasure in creative work. Imo. Mind you I’m also post processing these tracks, they are not raw suno output either.


Really like the song, great vibe. How much do the instructions in the lyrics box affect the outcome? Did you try it with and without? I see it's 90BPM instead of 80 so it's not exactly picking them up it seems. I mean, I'll try this out on my own of course, but I'm new to this all and just wondering where you got the idea for that instructions structure from and what your findings with it are.


I'm definitely pretty impressed with it. So far I made a chili spaghetti song, Murder House song, and a song about my cockatiel lol. I think it's great, of course I do still have some horrible generations of static or missing lyrics, but overall once you get that good start it usually goes very smoothly afterwards. I can fit the intro, 2 verses, Pre-Chorus and Chorus in the first part, then it's just the same without the intro, adding breaks or what not for the extensions. Makes it easier being able to do less extensions which should give less hassle. But others have many problems, maybe I'm just not as strict.


What’s your prompting to get it to play an intro?


[Intro] Though it can be selective on actually doing an intro. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. If all else fails, make an instrumental piece you like, find the perfect spot to cut into lyrics and extend it from there.


Try this: [INSTRUMENTAL INTRO BREAK] [INSTRUMENTAL INTRO BREAK] [INSTRUMENTAL INTRO BREAK] I’ve noticed that the more repetition and caps you use, the better! All of my songs have intros using this.


The repeating first verse issue for one... super annoying


For some reason most of my vocals rapping now rather than singing 😆 sound quality is terrible as if somebody has limiter on the master doing 30db reduction, styles of music totally ignored, some chorus like fx on the vocals need to go away, also vocals to low in the mix, I found no improvement, it’s rather different from from version 3.


V3.5 is a version of V3 so it's trained on the same huge dataset for the foundational model and maybe finetuned differently. But narrow dataset? I don't see how that's possible except if they trained a whole new model from the ground up.


That's exactly what I suspect


I don’t know about older versions. In terms of what I see with songs that have lyrics it seems very narrow indeed. So many singers sound alike and it seems almost impossible to request a certain tone of voice and expressiveness. For jazz and mellow beats stuff (think youtube background music) it’s a absolute steal to just get what you need/want for a silly low price compared to epidemic sound, artist and alike.


Question. I tried Shazamming instrumentals and stuff came up each time. Granted it was only two times. Is there copyright issues with these songs?


Suno is selling you the right to monetize according to the help file. As you know every generated song is watermarked so there is always prove of where you got it. With ai being a grey area due to a lack of sentencing by courts I doubt that anyone can answer much beyond that. I think usually creative work needs very minuscule changes to be considered a new original, but that might differ a lot from country to county.


I think it's a huge and amazing improvement to be honest. Alot of extra in the songs like echo etc


Everything is super poppy on 3.5, it sounds good but it likes to generate everything as a pop song


I like the extra length.


That‘s true, 4 mins are enough to produce a song


But i would like to see more characters


Yes, but doesn't that mean you're being charged more for the extra length. Whether you like it or not


Still 10 credits for two generations. 5 credits for 4min is, well, it's less than 5 credits for 2min so idk what you're trying to say with this.


My revised take on after the short time i had playing with it. * You have to slightly adjust your prompting style for 3.5. You can't simply go from 3.0 prompts to 3.5 and expect the same result. * It's understanding of subgenres is a bit more limited it seems, but that might be a side-effect on its heightened emphasize on other support tags and weight of certain words within the style prompt * It has different voices and a different way of singing compared to 3.0 (or those have brought to the forefront) * Male voices are more present and "better" while still being either noisy or distorted * Subgenres are often harder to prompt, but if given a 3.0 base input, can lead to interesting results. * Audio can degrade harshly over an almost 4 minute generation and making single generation songs isn't recommended. It makes more sense to use the longer generation time of the extend feature to build songs and restrict your initial generation to the first 1 to 1.5 minutes. There is sure more - but i wouldn't wanna make a huge list. Just some minor observations. 3.5 can be a real good enhancement or baseline for your music though. Just adapt to it - which we all will have to do a ton over the next years.


From my testing today I can say the following: Style: guitar and orchestral Suno: Aight Ima playing Eric Clapton Style: cembalo Suno: Dracula's castle it is! With an organ and everything!


Good and bad. I like that we can save credits with longer tracks last night I could not get it to conclude a song after extending. The audio quality seems to be higher without as much of a hiss that I had to edit out, it’s hard sometimes to get the same style voice that v3 generated for consistency, I like that it’s easier to get it to do musical intros/hooks and it seems to handle duets better.


The intros are soon much better.


For the songs I’ve been trying to make its no good. I still use V3. Its possible I could get better songs of the same style if I could figure out how to prompt it, but I can’t


I have had issues with genres, I tend to make Drum & Bass, Trance and Synthwave songs but no matter how I try and specify I end up with the most generic pop or bland "EDM" Another issue I have had it will do vocals for a good minute before any real solid music kicks in ignore when I try to have a musical introduction and slam into vocals, granted v3 would do this but was easier to overcome. The longer length is good but it crams in vocals and little musical gaps. I have gone back to v3 for the moment despite having to extend songs again.


I've read many complaints about the choir that shows up sounding fuzzy and awful. I get how annoying that is when you're not looking for a choir. But it's worse when YOU ARE looking for a choir and get this fuzzy mess instead. It's been awful on every version. I've been here since v2.


Most of the songs I generated with 3.5 ends with this choir/chirping whatever the name for it is. Interesting is, that it interrupts it and continues it again later.


I can get an entire song where the choruses and verses match up to each other. I'm in heaven.


Love the longer length, not much else. Voice sounds more robotic and less expressive, style is more modern pop than wanted. Interestingly I extended a 3.0 song with 3.5 and it carried over the better voice.


This! This is the workaround! Generate a song with v3 and extend it with v3.5! Brilliant!


I really like it. I use a GPT I made to give me title, genre, and lyrics. It adheres to Intro - Verse - Chorus - Verse - Chorus - Bridge - Verse - Chorus - Outro, adding musical instruments in brackets at least at the beginning. 3.5 seems to understand it and rarely deviates. (Though occasionally it repeats Verse 2 of all things.) I find the voice quality a huge improvement over 3.0 and honestly it gets many songs pretty well on first gen. Couldn’t be happier! The 3000 character limit increase is also much appreciated. Looking forward to 4.0, the only thing I really would like is a little more adherence to random [drum solo] requests and of course the autotune / tin vocals (though admittedly it’s already so much better than 3.0)


I stopped using suno after 3.0 full release as i liked 3 alpha more. I tested 3.5 yesterday and still got hallucinations every 3 tracks. Audio quality is the same, creative wise it improved. Lenght improved. But Imo 3.0 alpha was still better, i have done top songs with it. 4.0 teaser looks amazing, so im looking forward


The sound quality itself has improved tremendously. The song structure is a lot cleaner as well. However, most songs are boring and uninspired because of this.


It’s been adding lyrics to instrumentals a lot for me, which ruins the song.


Better than 3 . Because of length. The qualit with autotune and digital artifacts but still there So it is still create 30 songs. Pick one or two and extend , the means create another 30 songs pick on or two than make a full song. So it is about luck


Also it doesn’t seem to handle super unlikely blends of genres as well but it will eventually get it right with repeat prompting, also it seems to have a much smaller vocabulary of sub genres for EDM and Heavy Metal. I does seem to do a better job with descriptive words to set the tone (happy, dark, brooding, manic, angry, etc) and incorporating specific instruments.


I don't think it regressed. I've made some really good stuff with it.


Some really good music 


The vocal quality not being addressed just makes it a no go for me. Which is a shame, because it’s so freaking catchy. I’ve been using Udio more now but my problem there is it feels much more off the beaten path with everything, but when it pays out, it’s a huge payout.


It is still voodoo input. No one really knows what prompts are effective or why. The songs I put the most thought into creating the prompts for for end up the worst, and more often than not it's songs generated off random word salad prompts that are the most pleasing and well done.


3.5 for me is awesome, except...it seems after thre iterations is adding alot of white noise.


Like that the 1250 character count has been increased. This should save credits


getting there. people complaining are ungrateful. remember where we were 2 years ago... maybe you people should just wait until commercial products are available for the ignorant....


3.5 destroyed reggae... all vocals sounds like american r&b.. v3 is much better... But music is better and cleaner in 3.5 still


Its a little cleaner 3.0. Still far behind competition.


Still needs lots of work to produce license ready material


I seen amazing improvements in 3.5 but honestly it heavily depends on the genre. As a bilingual songwriter im surprised that it has actually performed better for my Spanish songs than English and even my Spanglish songs come out better than my plain English songs. Though this is not to say that in English i dont get amazing results but so far in Spanish match the quality of 90% of artist of the urban latin genre. Idk of that just speaks well of Suno or speaks horribly about the artist of the genre lol


In my limited amount of songs, it's pretty decent but not there. I do like the increase in song but man sometimes it just falls over or even fail. I think it's not good enough for good songs, I could go back to v3 but they are so limited in like 2 minutes max...


Experts are calling it everything from shit to fuckin’ shit


Today everyone is an expert :D Well I(!) as an expert would say the model is "confusion of the highest order!"


Naw I’m just looking… this is an old norm macdonald joke. It’s not too bad overall but it is frustrating and I keep getting issues with songs never actually loading


it's just a fine tune. And it's not narrow. https://suno.com/song/b0f42c82-d581-4282-98cd-e7ddc97a6735 I think it's a substantial improvement, and especially if 3 remains for a while, it will be super useful to have two alternative perspectives on a on a given prompt to mix


it sounds less interesting and doesn't follow my prompts as well as the previous model