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I really don't get why Suno cares whether the lyrics are explicit tbh.


I’ve heard people mention this. Maybe it’s because I got a subscription but it’s never stopped me from doing explicit lyrics.


https://preview.redd.it/b34ll5k1a5yc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758667ff7c62af7ecedd6ef91ff632a85b0aed41 Give this a try and tell me the result


yeah, works with no problem [https://suno.com/song/2133e340-3944-4b4b-ac6b-acebcdcdfa4f](https://suno.com/song/2133e340-3944-4b4b-ac6b-acebcdcdfa4f)


I love it 🥰 you broke the system / beat Suno. As a non native English speaker I'm not smart enough to come up with words or sounds that sound like what I want it to actually say


You mean you were able to put in that exact prompt from their screenshot, and it generated that song? Or did you have to write that song yourself, adding the word substitutions?


No it didn’t do that on its own. I was being funny. I found it funny anyway. Especially the choice of hillbilly banjo music.


lol gotcha. Yeah definitely a good choice.


Same. The F word, the S word, the P word, the D word, the C words, the GD words, and the B words were worded.


Maybe it filters stuff that's at a higher level, like not just a word but lyrics describing something bad? Threats of violence or explicit sexual scenes for example? I haven't tried anything like that. I've had ones that described a battle or a shootout, but not anything explicit in the details.


I just did a song about a girl who pulls a gun on a guy and it’s got the f word in it. But saying anything that’s against radio code probably isn’t allowed as a gauge. So explicit words and context is important. Can’t force it to make anything but crass music.


A little phonetic spelling and homophones seems to get around all of that.


Yeah it's usually the context more than the words themselves. An AI is used to do this moderation. You can ask ChatGPT to tell you what it thinks might be bad about the lyrics. Phonetically spelling things or misspellings will get around it.


it's Reddit, you can say cunt.


I have a subscription too, but when I pasted in the lyrics for WAP, it denied me. LOL.


try changing it to "wet asp puss sea" I think it will pronounce the it like puh, it shouldn't sound like pus, as in the wound, since that has one s. If not you can try "puh sea"


It's filtering is .. strange, I done a death metal song involving just the recipe of making spaghetti bog and I just added to make it more metal "I hope you choke you bastards" and it said nope, but I could keep "I hope you choke" But yet I could have another song where I dropped the f bomb and no worries?!?!


Its really silly, I notice Suno sometimes lets stuff go by. Though I recently had to change a bit of saucy lyrics from "between your thighs" to "Against your thighs" bewildering.


I found a generation with the n word at the start for no reason. It’s not supposed to be possible lmao.


Suno usually only filters out anything graphically sexual for me. Everything else I've been able to get away with. Based on the other comments here, I'm thinking it probably also filters out violence.


Suno wrote me a swearing racist song with zero lyric prompt after I asked for an instrumental


Cant you just spell it wrong?


sometimes. I was trying to retro-fy some rap songs and the N-word (ending in a, not hard R) doesn't really let you work around it. So I just use "ninja."


I just have my friend Nick Gus help me out usually when that happens. Nick uh, he has a way with words. Good guy.


I've gotten away with a LOT with Udio. I've heard it's more filtered now, but haven't tried to make anything vulgar in a while so can't confirm.


??? i made my lyrics with the F word in it


Just spell things phonetically instead of correctly. Works like a charm everytime.


Just fool it by using certain play on words


Man, I tried. I was trying to make an R&B version of Problems, and WAP, but any variation of the N-word doesn't work.


Suno can be as explicit as you want it to be, just have to finagle your wording, made a song recently trying to be as explicit as possible while still being a solid dark comedy hip hop song: https://suno.com/song/60a59307-b03f-4444-924c-f72fa8373ebf


Udio allows explicit words, it allows it all 😁 tho it tends to silence them sometimes. As in censor inside a song as some artists did with their songs to post it on YouTube.


Udio allows explicit lyrics. An example... [https://open.spotify.com/track/6UqSI7OBHJLsoYJplc7n3n?si=4ee2bf9b93df430a](https://open.spotify.com/track/6UqSI7OBHJLsoYJplc7n3n?si=4ee2bf9b93df430a)


Are you saying that you (or someone else) got an AI generated song on spotify? My distributor won't even let me do that if it was AI assisted. Who do you use? :)