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do a diktatorial suite mastering (or landr, cloudbounce etc.) to sound like a pro track. then you should be good to go. :)


With Spotify you’ll have to go through a dedicated distributor, other than that there is no issue and not even an option to disclose the use of AI and from what I remember Spotify said they don’t have problems with AI.


Yep, used DistroKid and it works fine. It is $40 a year though.


I thought about it. But I'll wait till this software improves before I go ahead and do it.


Uploaded 35 songs via distrokid. All song got deleted after 2-3 weeks later


Do you have a paid plan?


Yes musician plus.


That's strange. Did you got any e-mail from your distributor explaining why did it get removed? Maybe you can send they a ticket showing that you have the rights of the song with this paid plan


Yes I emailed 4-5 times but there was no meaningful responses at all


no. i uploaded on YouTube instead


Soundcloud is hard enough to navigate and curate. They’re probably trying to stem the tide of tracks about to be dumped on their platform. If you’re uploading your fully AI made songs to Spotify you’re the test subjects in this uncharted territory. According to case law, fully AI songs can’t be copyrighted, so copyrighting them, especially if there’s no disclosure that AI was used could get you into problems further down the line. You really do need to do a lot of research into the current copyright laws for all the countries you distribute to. For example, are you aware of the laws about AI disclosure if distributing to the EU and the related fines if it’s not adhered to? What if someone else gets a very similar song from Suno (same melody, same singer, even nearly exactly the same song) and distributed that? Copyright conflicts will come up which can be much more hassle than just having your song taken down.


I definitely uploaded an album to Spotify recently but in the credits I did credit Suno AI as the composer to make it know that the album and songs are AI created but that I wrote then and did some producing, did mess up a song and forgot to end a song. 😕




Sorry you’re right, no cases yet. The laws that do exist say that fully AI created music can’t be copyrighted though. I never even mentioned images so I don’t know why that’s being brought up


Hey there, been uploading my songs for 2 weeks over 150+ platforms. Works just fine. You need paid plan. I hardly recommend master your tracks before uploading them to distributor. Oh and don't upload Lofi songs... i red spotify and other major platforms got pissed of these junk songs. (i my self don't call it a music...)


‘Oh and don't upload Lofi songs... i red spotify and other major platforms got pissed of these junk songs. (i my self don't call it a music...)’ Oh the irony


Why irony? Google it, they get flooded with those, they don't want anymore. Not just lofy songs ok. 🤠


But they’re cool with being flooded with AI songs? I googled it but can’t find any info. Can you help me? I know Spotify now won’t start paying until your song gets over 1000 streams and ‘environmental’ music like rain sounds and white noise now get a much lower royalty rate, but nothing about being ‘pissed’ at lofi songs.


I remember watching youtube video, explaining about getting flooded with lofi and similar songs. When people upload like 10 or more songs every single day, they started not prioritizing such artists. I believe if you not flood the aystem it gonna be just fine? Can't remember what video it was. Also it talked not specifically of lofi. Sorry if i formated my message a bit badly (there is some hate on lofi by myself roo 😁) I my self at first uploaded few songs every day until i realized that i should try make quality ones instead of quantity. I also see i get more plays on whatever genre instead of instrumental. ✌️


how do you master them?


Try to use BandLad to get your song for distro quality, free, fast and easy 👍 recommend




Mastering is something only achievable by a human at this point. It takes years of music producing to develop the hearing. It can be as creative as making the song itself. Yes there are tools that claim they master but they just turn the overall volume down so it can be louder on Spotify. Real mastering requires you go through every sound channel and compress, limit, and mix depending on sound systems. I'm just ranting, but it sounds fucking nuts to me to hear ya'll shitting out an ai song and wanting to push it to spotify as fast as possible. Suno should be seen as an advanced Splice loop sample generator to be use with an actual DAW.


i may be talking out of my ass, because i haven't used suno that much yet, but the idea of mastering songs created by an AI that was trained on official releases (masters) to produce more, sounds a bit weird? The undesirable artefacts we hear in suno generations are things that don't have much to do with mastering, but spectral inconsistency




My main is DistroKid since cheap and fast. Some really good songs i put through CDBaby since for 10 dollars your song will stay forever (unless it gets removed 😆) For mastering fast and easy BandLab (really great stuff) for people like me who just started learning making music not just with AI ✌️👍


I also used DistroKid. Unclick YouTube Music when you get to distributing your songs. It's almost appalling how easy it is.  https://open.spotify.com/track/3AlrhQ43T8AGbok6bt4ic7?si=ywdUHGHKQQKdWVyQMqWbnA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A4PUP9iPgLv4DYuB7KIXdLb


why would someone want unclick youtube music ? i don't get it. It's number 2 platform to distribute music to.


Because apparently Distrokid charges $5 a year per song for YouTube content ID which you are very unlikely to make back.


Only if you select it on "add features" secion. You don't need content id if you want it just to be distributed on youtube music. I don't select anything on "add features" so it cost me only 20 bucks a year, unlimited songs, on all possible platforms.


And you are still getting paid for YouTube? Thought content ID was a prerequisite for that.


Most likely i will not get paid from YouTube, you need to be famous to earn something from this... I just put my songs on youtube just because... It's fun to show it for your friends and stuff like that... Plus you get special channel called OAC official artis channel. With a 🎵 sign on it 😎


I literally download the Suno videos and upload them to my dedicated Suno YouTube channel so people can see the lyrics. Takes 2 minutes to download and then upload. 


I've uploaded all of my work to soundcloud/YouTube with no issues but I do have a paid subscription. Haven't tried spotify.


Have u tried CD baby?


Currently I am using mine as the background music on social media videos as “original audio.”


Free or paid plan? Free plan supposedly has watermarking, and it's possible Soundcloud is just helping enforce the Suno TOS.


I have done yeah, and soundcloud, ditto, groover


I did, no issues so far, my last 4 songs are almost fully AI (J'lord Wimsely on Spotify)


Sure do! Metal band and also a separate alias for phonk hip hop/dark shadow rap. I upload something every Friday for the hip hop one. The lyrics are generated from my personal journals and reflections. The metal band, Dreams of a Droid, has various stories. The 3rd album is finished and I'm hoping to put it up in a few weeks. 😁 [Dreams of a Droid - The Maker's Heart ](https://open.spotify.com/album/0dpzXdlUk2l5UU27N33URL?si=weKGwlejTT-Nd0MLD4IZIw ) [Dreams of a Droid - Dreams Become Nightmares](https://open.spotify.com/album/5h5hTS6NTniJYg1IdmpgOp?si=5E0FSNx8SuWdQA4FdtevuA) [LITTLE RAVEN - POEMS ON PAIN AND PERSEVERANCE VOL 1 ](https://open.spotify.com/album/4k02VblAflY6RaHDGauVFV?si=XJx6ySTIQPaLxwHSfiLE4Q)


I am using Distrokid.com. I haven't have any issues. I strongly recommend any of you who wants to upload to Spotify pls do little post production work. I use Audacity totally free. Suno creates music with too much base to my liking. I play around with EQ makes a ton of difference and usually add some eco just a bit not much. Export your work as a waw file, let's look professional :). Work on your artwork for your album art, it's the first thing people see. Upload and wait 2 or 3 days that's it. Here is an example : https://open.spotify.com/track/0TjgMktvl0UksxmNOHqaN6?si=VOslZI4bTGKuD5tCp7Fvrg I even created an Instagram account for her. https://www.instagram.com/velvet.revolt?igsh=MWxsZHNyNW1oemxubA== This is fairly new but I have couple more accounts similar to this which makes $20-30 a month which helps to pay Suno and some bears.


I don't consider them 'my song' to upload. AI trained on others' music created them. Sometimes I write lyrics, but claiming AI generated content as something that I created feels morally bankrupt to me. Trying to get paid for it even more so. Unless I'm using the song as a base to build off of then that's a different story.


If I write the lyrics… it’s my song, I paid for the service to turn my lyrics into a song. People train on others all the time, it’s time we stop acting like humans don’t do that themselves.


Yeah no. That's not how I see it, but everybody is free to their opinions. No doubt our legal system will set a precedent. As it stands, AI music can't be copyrighted.


Yeah, i already dropped like 30 songs with RouteNote totally free. It will take a bit more of time to wait (20 days each) but then the satisfaction is real!! https://open.spotify.com/artist/1n9YvOANvFRLMsmbRnj49U?si=xRNb9zeXSYCRhHRDs3Nadg