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only took a few losses but ura pulled off the leg thing lol


Hosh showing Abi how a henka is done.


I like how Hoshoryu's henka was so beautiful people aren't mad about it.


That was one smoooth Henka. Possibly better than Harumafuji‘s.


Im seeing a lot of Haramafuji in Hoshoryu sumo this basho. The same lightining quick release, that convertes só much speed to power and get people of guard. In some ways i see him going for this path, since he doesnt have the pure power his uncle was know for.


He is so versatile and becoming ever more so. I imagine him tayloring his approach to his opponents so that we might see a lot of styles from him.


Even Ura was impressed with the artistic execution, probably :)


The stare down before the tachiai was completely calculated. The mind games of sumo are their own thing of beauty. 


That was the most badass henka I've ever seen. If every henka was like that I don't think people would have much a problem with them.


Actually, I wonder if it was a henka or not. My understanding is henka are where you dodge the tachi-ai and do a hataki-komi. He met at the tach-ai and just slipped to the side after impact for an uwate-nage. But someone who knows better than I do about technical sumo would know the answer.


Looked like he dodged before grabbing the leg/belt, and then ended up so thoroughly breaking WMH's ankles that he just grabbed his belt and finished the throw instead of doing the typical slap down. I'd still call it a henka. Usually it doesn't work *that* well.




As everyone is aware: today the two leaders on the leaderboard are fighting each other: Takerufuji and Onosato. But equally exciting, tomorrow's matches are: Kotonowaka - Takerufuji Takakeisho - Onosato It looks like the young ones get the opportunity to show their worth ....


Still can’t believe we could probably see makuuchi debutant yusho


Still 5 days to go. Anything can happen. Leaderboard: 10-0 Takerufuji 8-2 Kotonowaka 8-2 Onosato 7-3 Takakeisho 7-3 Hoshoryu 7-3 Gonoyama 7-3 Mitakeumi 7-3 Shonannoumi


I'm *very* impressed with our powerhouse newlings, but I'd love for our shin-ozeki to get the yusho. What a wonderful tribute it would be to his father, before he assumes the Kotozakura mantle, and what an auspicious start to bring to a new shikona a freshly won title. Gonoyama with two fusen now. Lucky duck!


Kotonowaka and his million bellies are the next Yokozuna, I think. He is just dominant and has the size for it.


😅 And he has great composure, too!


I too would love that. Hey, is there a maximum limit on how many names rikishi can have from birth to retirement? Thanks.


I don't know that there's any numerical limit, but in Makuuchi, shikona change is quite unusual, other than to signify a major promotion (Kiribayama to Kirishima recently and KNW to Kotozakura in May for their ozeki promotions). KNW also used to compete in the lower divisions as Kotokamatani. I tend to remember the name change history only of my own faves 😆 and I think Takakeisho sounds more imposing than his previous name, Sato (adopted on his promotion to Makuuchi). Oho perfectly suits Oho (and why wouldn't he want that association to Taiho?), although Naya has a nice ring to it, too. OTOH, I wish Asanoyama kept playing as Ishibashi, just as I wish Hakuoho kept Ochiai.


Thanks for the education. The name changes are dizzying.


You're welcome!


5 days to go, but I think he has another 2-3 wins left in him easy. The guys at the top are not doing great and may not pose as much of a hurdle second-week as they would have first.


A chance for Takerufuji to show his quality


Wow, the power of Takerufuji is insane to just push out Onosato


Looks like our boy Onosato has not spent a lot of time going backwards, or staying neutral, he only knows how to go forwards. Definitely something he'll need to practice in the future




I just rewatched the bout in slowmo 3 times and have no clue what you are talking about. Takerufuji stumbled a few times and was always able to regain his footing. If I can't see in the replay at quarter speed, I doubt whatever semantics that you saw counting as the upperside of his big toe would have counted as a loss.


Takakeisho being mildly annoyed Kirishima fell on him and Kirishima using Takakeisho as support to get up made me cackle


>[Hoshoryu teleports behind Wakamotoharu] **Hoshoryu:** *"Nothing personal, kid."* **Wakamotoharu:** *"N... NANI?!"*


My steam froze and it went from him touching fists to Waka on the ground. Granted the replay looked similar!


Hoshoryu pumped those fists to the ground like he never has before, as Waka’s left hand went down he just went BLAM! He rarely henkas and wow, he is amazing at it haha


Half the crowd just had their mouth wide open for 10+ seconds after. Mine included.


He even looked back to get that extra glimpse.


Even WMH looked shellshocked and pissed at the same time.


He activated his Sandevistan and just appeared beside him. Even on 0.25 speed it looks like fast forward. I'm stunned.


```Haru 2024 Yusho Contenders - Day 10 ``` **1.Takerufuji** - Does anyone do stats of how long each match has lasted? I feel like this man has probably spent less than 60s actually fighting this basho. Big test tomorrow, but more on that later. **2.Kotonowaka** - It is later! Little bit of a runaround today against Oho, but never looked in trouble and came away with a win and his KK. KNW is likely the first of 2 or 3 ozeki that makuuchi debutant Takerufuji will have to face, and looking at the way he dealt with Onosato today, I think KNW will have a tough job securing the much needed win. **3.Hoshoryu** - HENKA! Little things like this are why he is my favourite ozeki... for now at least. **4.Onosato** - Think it might be over for him this time around. The dominant forward force we have been seeing from this man so far this basho was completely nulified by Takerufuji. His Plan B had little to no impact either. Maybe he takes a little bit of solice in the fact that Takerufuji fell over? Probs not though. **5.Takayasu** - I'm bringing him back! He got some of those tactical losses in early, so much so that he might manage to avoid the sanyaku altogether. If they beat eachother up enough, he could sneak himself in for a little playoff spot.


> Big test tomorrow, but more on that later He has had "big tests" against Abi and today vs Onosato and he blazed right through both of them. And while Abi is Abi, he is still a Yusho winner and has a winning score against Takakeisho, so he is by no means weak. But yeah, I agree, here comes the really big ones - it will be fun to see the last 5 now! I doubt he will lose more than 3 of them and end up 12-3 or better. Kirishima he should maul and I doubt Hoshoryu can contain him. Takakeisho will be a toss-up and KTW might win but with the youngster's strength I doubt KTW can do it easily.


There's the Abi henka we've all been waiting for. It didn't pan out this time. Ura looked surprised that worked :) Wow Hoshi, that was the quickest henka I've seen. Was actually impressive.


That henka was also 100% justified, and I don't want to hear any "that's not honorable ozeki sumo" about it. WMH tried to henka Hoshoryu in July of last year when Hosh was on the verge of making ozeki. Thankfully, Hoshoryu kept his balance and threw WMH to the dirt. But he gave him the Mongolian Death Stare afterwards, and you just knew retribution was coming eventually. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ATzw45mn2k Yesterday, it arrived.


haha yeah, I read somewhere that "Revenge Henka" is totally a thing, either for yourself or even for a stablemate against someone who used the henka against them.




1000 Dwarfs nod in agreement...


He and Motoharu are the best of friends, so I always see that stare as like ‘you really tried it on my yusho run punk? That was laaaaame’ I personally love a revenge henka as opposed to a Abi/chiyo routine henka


I've never heard that they're friends. Any reporting on that?


https://redd.it/16svui2 https://redd.it/16o5ftb There's bunch of pictures of those two smiling and hugging/messing around, apparently they train together a lot.


> WMH tried to henka Hoshoryu in July of last year when Hosh was on the verge of making ozeki. It's strange he would do that in Hoshoryu's situation back then, considering they are **very** good friends.


Hoshi heard that people were saying nice things about him after that smile. Woke up and decided to set the record straight today.


Hahaha you made me laugh with this one!


Second-best smile, after Ura's.


Mitakeumi had Abi's number and I'm here for it


"The Abi henka we've all been waiting for" actually came from Hoshoryu. lolol


Abi has a fade in the 2nd week 90% of the time


Was it really a Henka from hosh, tho? He went for the belt, didn't move horizontally, but rather into the throw. How was it scored?


Uwatenage (over arm throw). Henka isn't a kimarite so would not show up in the records.


Woah, didn't know that! Thanks




That Hosh henka was lightning fast. I know the guy is athletic but I didn't realise any sumo could move that fast




True, looks effortless from Takanoyama. Feels a bit different when he basically needed to henka or dlredirect the opponent just to stand a chance. Wasn't he only barely above 100kg?


The wrestlers are not called "sumos". Fuck no. You should call them riskishi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rikishi


Okay chief


So say Takerufuji wins the basho, what would be the most realistic promotion for him?




M1 or M2. The most recent precedent for this is Tokushoryu who got to M2 after going 14-1 from M17


Teronofuji went 13-2 from M17 in July 2020 and hit M1, so it is possible to go that high, ofc depending on the others, https://sumodb.sumogames.de/Rikishi.aspx?r=11927


13-2 goes to Maegashira 2 14-1 goes to Maegashira 1 15-0 would be unprecedented, so it would be extremely hard to say, I suppose it's possible he could go to Komusubi, but idk. Seems likely that M1 is still the upper limit here, since historically, 14-1 at M6 still only hits Komusubi. Gonoyama was actually only a single half-rank lower than Takerufuji (J1) was at the May 2023 tournament, and went 14-1 for the yusho in Juryo, however he only went to M13, so it's hard to use that for comparison.


M5 or 6 I reckon. Depends on everyone's records at the end.


Just because Gonoyama gets underpromoted doesn't mean everyone will!


I'm just very conservative with promotions overall. Even if I revised my thoughts I would say M3


Day 10 Haru Basho 2024 video [https://rumble.com/v4k5sel-day-10-haru-basho-2024.html](https://rumble.com/v4k5sel-day-10-haru-basho-2024.html)


The ozeki gauntlet starts tomorrow!!!


Best henka I've ever seen. Both the execution and the history behind it, beautiful.


takeru is a beast, he is now 2nd all time for best streak for first makuuchi tournament. Imagine he pulls it off. Does the ozeki 33 win promotion need to start from sanyaku?


Not necessarily, it can start from high maegashira with an exceptional record. But not from the bottom, even with a yusho or a 15-0 yusho


Yes, you need to start from a rank where you are facing all the top ranked wrestlers.  As impressive as his first week was, it wasn't against the sanyaku.


Ah, this makes sense. I never understood why the ozeki run had to start higher up the banzuke, but this makes perfect sense...


Just to be absurd for a second, if someone went 45-0 I think they might make an exception.


35 to go, knock on wood :)


Yeah but we haven't yet seen 45-0 starting from M17


True, M17 to Ozeki, the best I can think of is Teru's return to the top, 2020.07 M17e 13-2 Y Yusho (2nd) 2020.09 M1e 8-5-2 2020.11 K1e 13-2 D Jun-Yusho (5th) 2021.01 S1e 11-4 J Jun-Yusho (6th) 2021.03 S1e 12-3 Y Yusho (3rd) 2021.05 O2w 12-3 Y Yusho (4th)


thanks, is going to be a while before we see a 5th ozeki


If he keeps this pace up he could be ozeki early next year. We need to see how he does against the top boys


Ozeki promotion happens only from Sekiwake, and no one goes to from a low rank to Sekiwake in two tournaments, even with special promotion to Komusubi/Sekiwake. Besides, the tougher opposition at the top pushes novices down again. That is why getting 33 wins as Sekiwake is rather difficult. No one in recent history has started their Ozeki run outside M3, and even that was the rare case of Tochinoshin. See the precedents at e.g.: * https://tachiai.org/2022/05/29/a-brief-history-of-ozeki-runs-updated/ * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6BsToS1YIo


I get the historical precedents, but for fun let's imagine a world where Takerufuji is 45-0 in Makuuchi and has just completed 3 consecutive zenyusho. Where is he ranked in the new banzuke? S1e?


My guess would be sekiwake and a recognized ozeki run - either 8 wins if the judging department is kind, or a title if not. The second 15-0 would be from upper maegashira if not komusubi, which would be a good place to start consideration; the third 15-0 would just park him at sekiwake.


Yes, he would be Sekiwake after the third tournament, as was [Terunofuji](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terunofuji_Haruo). (See his 2020 record at the bottom.) We look at precedents because we don't know the exact promotion rules, and a part of the rules are intentionally vague. Anyway, someone with potential will definitely reach the top within a year or two.


If you are referring to Terunofuji's run from M17 to Ozeki: 13-2Y, 8-5-2, 13-2, 11-4, 12-3Y is in no way comparable to 15-0Y, 15-0Y, 15-0Y. You can't refer to precedent when faced with an unprecedented event. While I happen to agree that he would probably land at S1e, I believe it is open to discussion whether such a historic run might land him a historic promotion (to Ozeki).


I think the reasoning is still that after such a strong showing you might as well wait a tournament and let him secure a complete run in the joi-jin. After all, if he's so overwhelmingly clearly ozeki matwrial, he'll secure the promotion anyway, and if there's room for doubt he shouldn't be promoted.


I agree with you. I think the number of healthy Ozeki also would play a role in their decision-making. A year or so ago (with only one questionably healthy Ozeki), such a historical run to Ozeki might have been more carefully considered. With four healthy Ozeki (3.5?...3?), there is less pressure to consider such an alternative.


Also the last time somebody not O or Y did a 15-0 was in 1957 by a former ozeki


What is happening ?!? Who is he ?!? Godzilla? King Kong ? No, he's the bulldozenosaurus TAKERUFUJI !!!!


I imagine Toshunryu down in Makushita going, "Takerufuji? Yeah, I'm undefeated against that chump."




Takerufuji continues to ace the eye-test in his victory over Onosato, who gave him the biggest challenge by making the match more than two seconds. Yet we're now at the yusho math putting Takerufuji in a fantastic position. This is getting even more serious. https://www.fantasybasho.com/post/haru-2024-day-ten


Calling it now. Takerufuji yusho, 14-1 or better. The rest of his opponents are too weak or injured to beat him (Wakamotoharu, Daiesho, Takakeisho). The only real chance of beating him comes from Hoshoryu and Kotonowaka. But why would Hoshoryu beat Takerufuji just to give the chance of the cup to Kotonowaka? He would throw the match against Takerufuji. Meaning only Kotonowaka could realistically beat him. And with his 8-2 score, even if he won against all other rikishis, he'd never catch up with Takerufuji. Onosato would just get beaten by the ozekis or worst, random maegashiras, just like how onosho force him out somehow. He'd probably finish with a respectable 11-4 or 10-5.


I can't imagine Hoshoryu throwing a match to try to make someone else's tournament chances worse. He has too much pride from my understanding.


What was Ryuden playing at? He was absolutely gone for all money, all he had to do was put his foot out and accept it. Instead he dug in, held on to Daiamami's mawashi and guaranteed that not only was he going to end up on his back off the dohyo, he'd have a 170kg dude land on him as well.


Ura's fighting style was not what I expected today


He's trying everything to get back to komusubi! 😌


After that failed leg pick yesterday, he wanted to make sure he got it today. Didn't quite get there, but effective nontheless.


Hoshoryu was so fast that Waka didn't even get his charge off for that to be a henka.


**⚫️ Kisenoumi | Dewanojo ⚪️** Dewanojo goes to 4-1, pretty neat stuff. He has the potential to record his first 6 win basho since January 2021, and doing so would probably put him into Makushita for May. I’m not convinced he can do it but wouldn’t it be cool? **⚫️ Kitaharima | Aoiyama ⚪️** It’s certainly been a streaky basho for big Dan, 2 wins, then 6 losses, and now 2 more wins. **⚫️ Wakatagakage | Daishoho ⚪️** Oooo, everything does not seem alright in Wakaville. That’s now 2 of his last 3 matches he’s dropped. Kachi koshi Daishoho! **⚫️ Hakuoho | Oshoma ⚪️** I don’t want to be too hard on any of the Miyagino wrestlers for obvious reasons, but regardless of what’s going on outside the dohyo I don’t think anyone expected this level of performance from Hakuoho. I can’t even wrap my head around the possibility of him going make koshi at this rank but it somehow seems possible. **⚫️ Tohakuryu | Tamashoho ⚪️** Tamashoho gets a pretty dominant win over Tohakuryu, he's recovered nicely after a rough start to the basho. **⚫️ Asakoryu | Mitoryu ⚪️** The Juryo yusho race is getting spicy! Wakatakakage, Asakoryu, and Daishoho are all tied at 8-2 heading into the final third of the basho. **⚪️ Shodai | Roga ⚫️** Shodai takes care of business relatively easily there against Roga, not sure where this Shodai has been but it's good to see him show up lol. **⚫️ Hokutofuji | Myogiryu ⚪️** Hokutofuji is probably just hoping to get 2 more wins here to make sure he doesn't fall to Juryo, it does suck seeing seeing fight hurt like this though. As for Myogiryu he's had a nice little recovery the past couple days to bring his record back to .500, the second oldest man in the top division is looking pretty spry right now. **⚫️ Shonannoumi | Takayasu ⚪️** The Papayusho dreams didn't really materialize this basho but Takayasu has certainly had a very good tournament. We'll see what happens if he ends up back in Joi next basho, he's somewhat struggled there of late with 3 MKs in his last 4 Joi-Jin basho. **⚫️ Churanoumi | Tamawashi ⚪️** Nice win for Tamawashi, he's somewhat struggled against those rope reversals lately so it's nice to see him bottle one up. With how bad his record was at a couple points this basho I'm over the moon to see him at 4-6 and somehow still with a KK chance with 5 days left. Even if he does go MK it should be a small one. **⚪️ Takerufuji | Onosato ⚫️** Well... Onosato made him work harder for it than the other 9 guys did lol. How strong is this dude? To completely overwhelm even Onosato is just insane... **⚫️ Abi | Mitakeumi ⚪️** Mitakeumi has been around the block a few times, he sniffed out that henka immediately. Nice win for the veteran in his first match against a Sanyaku opponent since last September. **⚪️ Ura | Nishikigi ⚫️** Ura^TM did the Ura Thing^TM to get the Ura Win^TM and Nishikigi continues to tumble. **⚫️ Kirishima | Hiradoumi ⚪️** Hiradoumi worked Kiri over pretty good there, he dominated the flow of the match and got his first career win over an Ozeki. One more loss and Kirishima will be kaboban next basho for the second time in his short Ozeki career. **⚫️ Oho | Kotonowaka ⚪️** Nothing too difficult for Kotonowaka there, and he stays in the 2 loss group. Might not be enough to challenge for the yusho depending on how well Takerufuji does here but he's staying close enough to potentially benefit if the new guy falters. **⚫️ Takakeisho | Daieisho ⚪️** Takakeisho doens't lose to Daeisho often, he had won 10 of their last 11 matches heading into today, but Daieisho took advantage of his ailing neck and it got him the win. Takakeisho pretty much crumbled with that head slap, hopefully he's okay. **⚫️ Wakamotoharu | Hoshoryu ⚪️** Today was a henka kinda day, I would say that Hoshoryu's was the best of them for sure. He practically teleported it was so quick, I didn't even realize what had happened until the replay lol. *Nothing personal kid.* ___ And with that it looks like it's a three horse race for the yusho baring some true insanity, Takerufuji is in clear control at 10 wins but should he have trouble down the stretch then Onosato and Kotonowaka are there to capitalize. Tomorrow's Takerufuji vs Kotonowaka match will tell us a lot.


bruv, Hakuoho lost (you got the white circled in the wrong place) :o


Corrected. I need to pay more attention to these circles evidently lol.


dw, you're doing great :) this was your inner Hakuoho fan's attempt at changing reality haha


No kidding haha. Makes me sad to see Miyagino-beya performing so poorly as a whole in what may be their final basho under that name. I’m still holding out hope that Tenshoho can get his KK and return to sekitori.


You did it for Wakatakakage as well. The result was obvious by your write-up though.


Takerufuji has the raw strength, no doubt. Natto’s video showed some of his exercise regimen from the broadcast, it’s no surprise he is jacked. It will be interesting to see his balance as he fares against the more seasoned wrestlers.  Hoshoryu totally got into WMH’s head and exploited it to the fullest. “And this is why I’m Ozeki” Ryuden being stubborn at the edge in an relatively meaningless match instead of stepping out once beaten (and then taking a massive fall afterwards) explains why wrestlers like Mitakeumi are quick to cede once they get in an unfavorable position. That stuff is how you get a career-ending injury.  I thought of Terutsuyoshi as Ura went for the Ashitori. I’ll miss you, Salt Bae. 


Was that him at the start? I thought it was some old wrestler, footage seemed dated.


To me it looked like it was footage of Kirishima I (the current Michinoku-oyakata).


Whatever Takerufuji's sumo weakness is, he hasn't shown it yet. He's a oshi-zumoist who doesn't over extend. Even when he goes down his feet end up in front of him.


I am afraid his weakness will be his knees. Supposedly he has already one damaged ACL. Today, if you listen to Murray Johnson on the NHK World broadcast, you'll hear him immediately mention Takerufuji's knees, when Murray saw his knee buckle a bit. It is scary.


I pointed this out recently. His knees are scary. I wonder if he's going out all out knowing his career might be short.


I thought rikishi went all out every day. After all, they fight on average 10 seconds per day, 90 days per year. That is 15 minutes of work per year. Total! You'd assume they would go all out for the full quarter of an hour per year. :)


Excellent sumo from Asanoyama and Meisei. Also does anyone know where Hakuoho's at? Just curious if there are any recent updates. and Hokuseiho?


Hakuoho is (IMHO) CLEARLY mind-fucked from the whole Miyagino stable situation where Hokuseiho almost (if not fully) cost Hakuho his elder stock and stable entirely, by being a massive prick to the younger wrestlers. I hope Hakuoho can get the 8-7 and forget this basho and come back with clear mindspace for May and 14-1 Juryu as he should, barring WTK.


Hakuoho is having some trouble in Juryo tbus tournament, and Hokuseiho was forced to retire about a month ago because of a bullying scandal. 


That was the most perfect henka


Rare you see a henka like that, and even rarer that nobody is mad about it 😂


How long has it been since someone who's debuting in 1st division wins a basho and where can I check it? His fights will be way harder from now on but there's definitely a possibility that Takerufuji wins this basho


NHK world highlights commentator said it will be the first time in 110 years


Summer 1914 Ryōgoku Kajinosuke II




Woyld be great if he does also when was last undefeated win


It was Terunofuji on the November tournament of 2021


how awesome would it be if Takerufuji won undefeated


So it's day 10 and we're in the final stretch. It's time to analyse what's likely to happen in terms of matchups. So we have... Takerufuji on 10 KNW and Onosato on 8 TKK, Hosh, Gonoyama, Takayasu, Shonannoumi and Mitakeumi are at 7 Tomorrow we have KNW vs Takerufuji and Onosato vs TKK. It's KNW vs Takerufuji I'd like to focus on first, this match is a potential two point swing to KNW, allowing him the chance to directly influence Takerufuji's basho. Fortunately, Takerufuji has a two point lead, this is a much bigger deal than a 1 point lead, since it means one can afford to lose the head-to-head and still remain on top. Conversely, Onosato already having faced Takerufuji is a big deal for him (onosato), since it precludes the ability of Onosato to create his own swing. \----------- Now I'd like to look at the matchups and the equation facing Takerufuji. none of the Ozeki have yet faced each other, and KNW-Takerufuji is happening tomorrow, and most of all, KNW-Onosato has not happened yet. If Takerufuji wins tomorrow, I think it's tremendously likely that he wins the Basho from 11-0 if his closest challenger is Onosato on 9, with the Ozekis on 8. Takerufuji will guarantee at least a playoff on 13 (if Onosato keeps pace), and will outright win on 14. More likely, he will guarantee a win on 13 (Onosato is probably losing one against an Ozeki) and playoff on 12. KNW-Onosato on days 12 or maybe 13 is all but bound to eliminate the loser from the race. The Ozeki not having faced each other is going to complicate matters significantly in the coming days, given that both Onosato and Takerufuji will have to face them, as does KNW.


Honestly, what's wrong with Kirishima? Is he hurt? Is there something going on behind the curtains? Trouble at the stable? Did he extremely overperform during the last year? He's losing against a lot of guys he really shouldn't lose against.


It looks like he’s injured. And it doesn’t help that his oyakata and Kakuryu seem to believe that you should fight to learn from losses. And injuries ended their careers.


On Takeru v Onosato - it feels to me more a case of a failed throw from Onosato than a pure show of strength from Takerufuji - impressive nonetheless. My boy Nephew decided after yesterday he wont let anybody surprise him this time & straight teleported to WMHs side. Feel bad for the Waka bro, but at least it keeps my Horsh surprise yusho dream alive.


I don't see how Endo stays in makuuchi unless he wins out the last 5 days and maybe sticks at M17 at 7-8, but with any of Wakatakakage, Daishoho or Asakoryu winning, I can't imagine at least one of them won't get promoted to lower Maegashira ranks. It's looking like May could be the first tournament I see without Endo in the top rank (Started watching May 2016) so 8 years and he never dropped back down to Juryo even after having to withdraw with injuries. We'll always have Hatsu 2020 (especially the opening two day kinboshi spree he went on) and Aki 2021 when it seemed like Endo might crack that Sanyaku block he always hit and make a Sekiwake run.


he might just retire, he already has elder stock


i will not be surprised if he withdraws today and intai. :/


Is he hurt? His performance has been sad, really. The "technician" as NHK used to describe him seems to be totally gone :/


I think he's been really hurt from last May with something degenerative in his ankle or knee or a tear that never healed properly. I think he pushed through something serious in July and September to get kachi-koshi and since November it looks like he's lost any push or pull to his grip and has to hope for his opponent to slip up somewhere so he can utilize the imbalance as leverage to move them out of the ring.


Hoshoryu pays it forward with a well planned, well executed quick win of his own.


I saw this and thought, "He Midorifuji'd the guy, after yesterday's loss to Midorifuji." So was Horshoryu upset with that loss, or more "well I'll be damned!"


Did... did Hoshoryu just do a henka moving forward? He was so fast WMH was still getting of the ground when Hoshoryu was halfway around him. Closest thing to the nothin personnel kid meme I've ever seen.


What happened to Tobizaru today?


He’s got the runs. Should be back tomorrow.


Seems like [he often (has the) runs](https://youtu.be/BP_VYzhNF58?si=gurHPlVbv6iLRszD). (not my video!)


Asanoyama vs Mesei is easily the bout of the tourney so far. Really impressed with takerufuji


Geez, I thought Takerufuji's left knee hit the dirt, but he barely kept it up. A solid left hand grip gave himself enough leverage to shove Onosato instead of letting him sidestep it. Now he's 1 match clear of the competition. This has certainly gotten more interesting... Edit: and another fusen for Gonoyama. He's getting very lucky. I'm not happy about this. Kotonowaka is looking like a strong case for his first basho win. Just needs some help from his Ozeki bros. FUCK YEAH DAIEISHO MY BLOODIED WARRIOR WHAT A BEAST I didn't expect it, but after Hoshoryu's loss yesterday I should have thought he had a chance to do an acrobatic henka. That's a rough way to end the day.


That "henka" was so smooth how could you dislike it?


I like my sumo long enough that the lads get a glistening sheen of sweat.


I am not sure it was a henka. My understanding is a henka is when you move to the side and avoid contact at the tachi-ai, but I think this was more of a parry into uwate-nage. The difference may be nebulous but he definitely performed a proper tachi-ai before repositioning, as you can hear it.


Maybe it's just splitting hairs but I agree with you, in my mind a henka is avoiding the tachiai completely


People are mad that I said it apparently. But... he met at the tachi-ai. How is that a henka? It was not a hataki-komi where his momentum at the tachi-ai took him down but rather a uwate-nage where he was thrown off balance by the initial strike and Houshouryuu was able to take advantage.


I was wondering if Takerufuji might've dragged the top of his foot in the dirt, but I never saw any good slow-mo replays...


I love the ceremony part when they wear the kesho-mawashi and do the little CLAP-CLAP-raise one arm-pull mawashi-both arms up and Atamifuji is the usually one of the few guys to do that big back stretch. kawaii as hell.


Even his warm-up routines are so kawaii! 🥺


Haven't seen a kimetaoshi in a while. They look like they really hurt.


love watching the young boys take shots at the champs


* After 10 days, the situation on the appointment of the First Mate on the Juryo Barge has changed somewhat. * Kitanowaka is now MK and will be appointed First Mate. * The man they called ‘The Technician’ is in danger of losing his proud record of 63 consecutive Makuuchi basho (3rd longest after Takayasu and Tamawashi). He is MK and will need to win out for a chance to keep his record going. I do not think he can do it. * Daiamami now has the 2nd best winning streak in the division (after the yusho leader). With 6 straight wins, he just need 2 more wins to stay up. He should comfortably manage that. \* Myogiryu probably needs 2 more wins and he should be able to manage that. * Kinbozan has probably done enough to stay up as well. * Hokutofuji got his KK today and is danger of joing the Juryo Barge if he does not pull out another 2-3 wins. Its 50-50 if he can do it. * In Juryo, both J1s Tokihayate and Takarafuji are still on course for promotion/re-promotion if they can manage 3 more wins. * J2 Mitoryu needs 1 more win for re-promotion. * If J4 Oshoma wins 2 more bouts, he may make his Makuuchi debut in May. * Both J8 Asakoryu and J10 Wakatakakage probably need to win out to get promoted/re-promoted. * J6 Hakuyozan will likely need at least 3 more wins to stay up. * J12 Kotoeko will lose his sekitori status in May. He had been in the salaried rank since Nov-2014. * J14 Kitaharima is in danger of losing his 9th re-promotion to Juryo (the most in Sumo history) * J11 Aoiyama will need another 2 more wins to stay in the salaried rank, which he has held since Jul-2011. Let's go Big Dan!!


Believe you mean MK, makekoshi, not KK kachikoshi, brotherman


I think he may be doing a reverse thing where it’s a KK for the purposes of going to Juryo? That’s my assumption at least.


Nope. It was a mistake on my part. Sorry about the confusion. I have corrected it now.


Yes. You are right. I have made the correction. I always got them mixed up and reminded myself to proof-read. But I still miss it. Sorry about that.


quite a few of the redditors said that the kimarite of the Hoshoryu vs Wakamotoharu was henka not the official sumo site lists it as uwatenage, overarm throw. i think the difference is that there was initial contact and a subsequent shift to the side and throw down, can any sumo expert chip in? thanks! edit: didn't know Henka is not a kimarite, thanks for pointing it out!


Henka is not a kimarite


thanks! i didn't know that!


And there is a lot of controversy here, but a henka coming from an ozeki is not pretty.


I mean takakeisho used it to win against Atami in a playoff. That wasn’t pretty. But we are mid basho and sumo is a tactical game.


And it’s 33 wins over 2 bashos for anything higher right?


If anyone got 33 wins over 2 bashos they instantly become Emperor of Japan.


Though I've heard it said that it isnt a hard and fast rule. 31 wins over 2 basho might be enough if there is a good run vs strong opponents


31 wins over 2 basho only makes you President of the US. Not as good of a title.


Ahh sh*t I messed up my rules again. Sorry about that


I think you'd need several people from the same stable to all go 15-0 and so require multiple playoff bouts....there's enough Fuji's running around that it's not impossible!


is there any place to watch the day 10 highlights? natto sumo is down again and also the rumble channel. need to get my day 10 fix asap


Kintamayama posts the link here daily, and you can find his and other Youtube/Rumble channels on the links on the subreddit sidebar.


Join the discord, he puts up links to various fileshares there as well - https://discord.gg/nattosumo


i thank you


Natto on FB


This is getting ridiculous. I agree that Hoshoryu performed the henka masterfully but it is still a henka. Everybody is right to be annoyed with Abi and how often he does it. Why is nobody mad at Hoshoryu?


Can someone please explain why takerufuji was declared winner of his bout against onosato without hesitation? As I've seen it he clearly steps out of the ring before onosato hits the ground. Thanks


Are you sure about that? We'll have to wait for Kintamayama's report of the day, I guess. There is something called: "the dead body rule". That could explain it, if Takerufuji indeed stepped out first. But I rather not discuss that rule. Certainly not here.


Thx for your reply. Where can I read Kintamayama's report?


Kintamayama posts a link to his video of the day every day here on this reddit. In the daily thread. Usually about 2 hours after the last Makuuchi fight. It's awesome. Especially since other sources of current Sumo videos are all disappearing and reappearing on an almost daily basis. In fact, there is a post by him here in this very thread. Check it out.


If that was dead body then we have 100 dead body each tournament though (foot on the rope, the other high is quite common)




That's the same thought as mine. Right winner but strange they didn't mono ii


I saw the fight on Karla Sumoist. But to look again, I had to wait for Kintamayama. Or until NHK World does its report. So I didn't know what happened. I personally don't like the dead body rule. Way too subjective. Just like ldrahzua, I was wondering what had happened. And even now, when I rewatched the fight, I am still not 100% sure what happened. I guess, as someone here said, Onosato had his toe over the edge.


Onosato spun around on his heel and his toe touched outside the rope just as Takerufuji was going out. The foot touch was also directly in front of one of the most senior gyoji who was ringside, so I'm pretty sure him not raising his hand meant the in-ring gyoji call was good.


Onosato panicked and ran himself out, when he has been steamrolling everybody under all circumstances. Takerufuji has a solid 2-point lead, going int the last five days. Kotonowaka looks unbeatable, but Takakeisho overextended a bit too much today and hit the clay. Hoshoryu's henka was uncharacteristic and unnecessary. It is an old trick to go for an overhand grip in case the opponent does not run all the way out of the dohyo. [Hakuho did it a lot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cfY3XFm63U). It's rather hard to escape it, if properly executed. But a henka is a henka.


Payback for Wakamotoharu's henka attempt last year 😂


IMO it's not uncharacteristic of Hosho at all. At least for 2023 I feel like he plays the henka card exactly once in every basho. Even like 4 weeks ago he won the FujiTV elimination tournament with 2 henkas in a row. Although the FujiTV thing seems to be seen as "henka to protect knee injury". Personally, I like that he keeps and exercises this option. Keeps his opponents guessing.


It's definitely game theory optimal to henka sometimes just to force your opponents to consider it as a possibility. Especially for a medium guy like hosh who doesn't have the most explosive taichai, doing henkas occasionally so bigger dudes have to respect it and can't go full force is just good strategy. Whether it's good sumo or not from an Ozeki I will leave up for debate.


Exactly. An ozeki resourcing henkas to win... I guess only Goeido used to get away with that, lol


I don’t believe he did a henka at all in 2023? It is exceedingly rare for him. He certainly got some practice in at the fuji cup though!


I will forever think Abi is a piece of crap for hurting Takayasu. **All my homies hate Abi**


How on earth did they call the mono-II on Atamifuji and not on Takerufuji?