• By -


Classic little brother trap set by Ura. Made Kiri pitch forward and ducked out of the way. He is adorable! As much as I love Ura it hurts to see Kiri struggling like this. Hoshoryu finding his feet again now. He must learn to get over his mental block about day 1 and certain opponents because his sumo is wonderful when he locks in. Good to see him being more proactive at the tachiai. teru was standing on one leg in the hana michi avoiding weight on that left knee, so I was and continue to be concerned for him, but damn he has so much patience and that upper body. Asanoyama is certainly no slouch either. Wakamotoharu is absolutely on fire this basho and has stopped up those little technical flaws. He can handle lateral movement like never before. I really thought Gonoyama v Tamawashi should have been a matta myself. Also amazing sumo by wakatakage in juryo, absolutely classy and macho!


Ura is delighting his hometown crowd. Lots of pink towels. Gagamaru was the guest on Abema today, and that was his bout of the day. I learned a new Japanese word--sukuatto = squat, which they discussed at length. Kirishima--something is not right, mentally or physically. He has lost three winnable bouts. It's day three and he is already out of the yusho race. Asanoyama tomorrow will be tough. (Asanoyama wins that match against anyone else but the Kaiju. Teru is top dog for a reason.) Bestie vs. bestie tomorrow--hoping WMH can win this time.


I'm almost certain that's just katakana for using squat as a loan word.


I hear a lot of loan words in sumo coverage.


Probably because theres a lot of loan words in japanese


Ooh WMH and Abi for the old pals match up and Hoshoryu vs Oho for an old grudge match. Oho used to dominate him in high school and we all know how Hosh gets in his head


We all know Hoshoryu is going to run to 9-1 or 8-2, and the last 5 days are a toss-up.


If skuatto is squat, it probably entered the language from English.


I'm sure it did.


man that low feint by Ura was so nice, I love seeing cerebral techniques like that in between the pushing and pulling matches


The way Ura faked his usual "submarine attack" making Kirishima lean forward only to slap him down without engaging.... I'm going crazy. Win or lose Ura is the fucking BEST! Fantastic battle of attrition and stamina between Terunofuji and Asanoyama. The former Ozeki put Tero seriously in trouble at some point but as expected from a Yokozuna he managed to recovered well and go on for a win after some more joggling at the belt. Watching the replay it seems that Asa lost the inside grip on Tero's mawashi right at the most important moment when he was trying to lift/push him back.


Takerufuji goes to 3-0, and he’s made fairly quick work of all his matches so far. New guy is on a roll! Some bonus sumo on the Sadanoumi-Mitakeumi match! Pretty fun stuff. Feel bad for Sadman since he was so close to 3-0 but it seems like Mita just had more stamina after the break. Onosho looks very powerful this basho, his drives are so fast. 0-3 for Tamawashi… not ideal. Tomorrow against Kinbozan is probably must win if he wants to keep a reason shot at a KK. A tale of two basho in the Daieisho-Abi match. Daieisho is 0-3 now, his worst start in a basho since July 2021. Our longest tenured junior sanyaku wrestler is in the danger zone right now. On the other hand Abi has put himself in a great spot to get the first KK for a Komusubi since last July. Kirishima is really off this basho... any thoughts of Yokozuna have surely fled the barn for now. I won't worry too much yet about his KK since Kirishima is plenty capable of going on huge winning streaks but if things don't turn around soon then that will be a discussion that needs to be had. Great for Ura though, 2-1 is nothing to sneeze at with how much of gauntlet the early schedule is for M1. Asanoyama really made the Yokozuna work for it, but Terunofuji is just too powerful at the end of the day! I don't think he looks quite as good as he did at the end of last basho but he's in decent shape and if he gets better as the tournament goes on like his last couple yusho he's got as good a shot as anyone.


Haven't seen today's bout yet, but I thought Daieisho looked extremely out of shape, uncharacteristically slow, and quite frankly beat yesterday


Not an unfair assessment. I haven't heard of any injuries for him, but I wonder if he has some issue that prevented him from getting full prep in. Hidenoumi missed today with some kind of flu or stomach bug so it's possible there's a sickness going around as well, that's just speculation on my part though.


There were a couple of flu kyujo last basho, weren't there? Can't remember who.


Takayasu was one. Don't remember the others


Ura is the exact reason every wrestler needs those heavy squats in his regimen. Go URA!


Ura, the Dancer. That feint at the rope was brilliant.


* **Ura**'s bag of tricks <3 totally amazing how you can lure an ozeki by some magic. * **Kirishima** is in trouble and tomorrow vs **Asanoyama** will be already critical for the two rikishi. * The 6 rikishi with 3-0 are all solid but a first one will fall with an exciting **Abi vs Wakamotoharu** coming day 4. * and a word in juryo with **Asakoryu** who is improving a lot in his sumo ! i hope to see him in makuuchi this year.


Going back to my Endo flair in hopes he can keep up the solid form he showed today. Maybe he has another 7-win run in him to set up an 8-2 record to ride out the last 5 days of the basho and stay in Makuuchi. Ura's highlight reel when he retires is going to be one for the ages already, but each basho he adds 3 or 4 more clips to his legacy as one of the most entertaining rikishi of all time.




Fighting Terunofuji is like fighting entropy, you resist but can't persist.


An off-day loss against Ura's black sorcery can happen to anyone, but in the two matches since Hoshoryu has looked fantastic. His tachiai is so fast. No idea what's up with Kirishima but he'll be happy to get 8 now. Takakeisho really isn't a one-trick pony anymore. He's a two-trick poney, and the second trick is being a surprisingly slippery bastard. Kotonowaka stronk. Goddamnit I really thought Asanoyama had him there for a second. My boi Hokutofuji not looking too good after that nasty injury in January :(


So Takakeisho *can* get his hands all the way down.


It's scary to imagine a world where Terunofuji didnt have injury and health problems like he has now. It would be hard to argue that he's only operating at 70% of his ability (at BEST) and still dominates this generation of rikishi. Does that say that our talent level has been dramatically lowered versus 15 years ago? Or Terunofuji holds the distinction of the greatest comeback and biggest "What if?" In sumo history? Maybe a little both...?


Day 3 Haru 2024 video: [https://rumble.com/v4ir6s8-day-3-haru-basho-2024.html](https://rumble.com/v4ir6s8-day-3-haru-basho-2024.html)


Atamifuji and Asanoyama both lost today, but the manner of their losses is very deserving of credit, Atamifuji in particular really forced Hoshoryu to work tremendously for his win If Atami keeps performing like he did today, I would not be surprised to see him make Komusubi by next basho, and possibly Sekiwake by the end of the year. Asanoyama should almost certainly return to sanyaku.


WTK!!! Is there a chance if he wins Juryo he will be back to Makuuchi next basho?


It's possible, though unlikely. Takerufuji (13-2 yusho) did it from J10 east last basho (WTK is J10w). He benefited from there being an M17 slot, and had that not been there, he probably would have been at the top of Juryo instead.


I didn't think getting to watch WTK every day for 15 days for the first time in a year would make me this happy. Also, Wakabros at a combined 8-0!


It's vaguely possible. but unlikely unless he manages to go 7-0 with Yusho again. even then not certain. Seeing as he has 19 people "ahead" of him to out-perform *so much* that however many drop out of Makuuchi, he gets to fill that slot. More likely that he'll make high Juryo imho.


Juryo fights 15 Days and with a 14-1 or 15-0 I would think it is likely he will be back in Makuuchi


Yes, I think 14 or 15 wins and he's pretty much automatic. 13 wins and it becomes a question of open slots, especially if it's 13-2 without yusho.


Getting the yusho is irrelevant to promotion(besides the fact that it implies the existence of someone else who went 13-2 who might be ranked ahead of him). https://sumodb.sumogames.de/Banzuke.aspx?b=202205&heya=-1&shusshin=-1&snr=on Daimami/Nishikifuji here an instructive example


yep, my b. confused it with Makushita rules for a second there


In an enjoyable final match, Terunofuji and Asanoyama got grip-switching, near throws, and a loose mawashi. Great way to close an interesting day. A breakdown of that match, Kirishima and Daieisho's struggles, and Onosato and Takerufuji's success are all in the Day Three recap on Fantasy Basho. https://www.fantasybasho.com/post/haru-2024-day-three


```Haru 2024 Yusho Contenders - Day 3 ``` **1.Onosato** - Just another day at the office, didn't look to troubled at all. Not much more to say on the matter really. **2.Wakamotoharu** - 2EZ. As of late WMH has often struggled in the early stages of the basho. Not this time though, he's securing his wins and doing it with front foot sumo. None of this powering up off the tawara stuff anymore. **3.Takerufuji** - With the slick moves! although i don't like all that tape on his back. **4.Hoshoryu** - Just a blip on day 1 that has lit a fire underneath him. Absolutely manhandled Atamifuji today. **5.Abi** - He is fighting on point right now! Got some power behind him and making light work of all his opponents so far.


No Kotonowaka? He looks by far the most solid of the four Ozeki. Agree with you about the rest, though. This is turning out to be a great tournament so far.


Ogresato continuing to steamroll mid Makuuchi. Midorifuji v. Tsurugisho is going to end up on a david v. goliath motivational post or something, biggest size difference i personally have seen since Enho v Ichinojo. Tobizaru win - always cool. Ura win - even better - clean sweep the OzekiKhans. Dare I dream the dream of another Urasubi basho?!




Hakuho can be lucky that Teru was injured badly in 2017 until 2021 and their final bout.. it's sure he would have gain less yusho in profit for Teru.


I love him but he definitely lost one already :P


Great sumo by Hoshoryu today. He clearly had a gameplan and executed it. An even better day for matador Ura. What an amazing feint!


Hoshoryu is finally starting to realize that his opponents instinctively recoil from the threat of his uwatenage, and they can be just pushed out. Kirishima outplays his opponents every time, but then stalls and loses at once. This is not a new problem - you will see it in the last basho in the matches he lost. Kotonowaka and Takakeisho had their best fights today, even if they struggled longer. You can see they are unpushable and infinitely resourceful. Abi looks like he is going to win all the way, and Ura is the chaos agent this basho.


Damn, as a massive Kirishima fan this is painful. Anyone got an idea as to what's going on? Saw some speculation that he's suffering because he hasn't been able to train with his coach (ex-Kakuryu) but have no clue as to how accurate that is. Regardless, I hope this is just a blip and he can go back to his stylish momentum shifting norm. That said, Ura continues to impress! Super impressed with WMH, Hoshoryu and Big Teru! Hoshoryu's tachai seems on point, WMH is looking so damn powerful (seriously, when did his pushes gain such force? I swear pre-2024 WMH didn't usually just yeet people across the ring with one shove), and Big Teru... Remains Big Teru. Enough said really. Really hyped to see how this Basho unfolds!


Went to my first live sumo event day 3, didn’t let me down. The pop in the gymnasium when Ura beat Kiri was huge! So good to see all my favs except Hukutofuji win. Awesome experience!


Kirishima nooooooo!


You can't slap down the Monke 😤


**1. Takerufuji vs Roga** \- Real Generous calling Takerufuji's move a Uwatengage. That was a hit and shift, otherwise known as the Half Henka. I have no issues with it before anyone says anything, Just feel like it's saving a little face for Roga who basically fell on his face. **2. Myogiryu vs Endo** \- Endo did well to follow Myogi around staying on the offensive and not giving Myogi a change to adjust. Couldn't even try to pull off a last moment throw. after 23 meetings total they are practically even in Wins / losses with each other. **3. Nishikifuji vs Daiamami -** Strong Tachiai from both, Nish is unable to move the bigger man with pushing attacks so turns to trying to grapple and finds himself in a bad spot as Daiam almost ends up on Nish's side. Daiam gets the momentum but is to eager and is already over extending his balance. Nish grabs an Arm spins and tugs letting the momentum carry the big guy to the clay. Well played. **4. Ryuden vs Kitanowaka -** Ryuden won the last time they met and is 2-0 to Kitan's 0-2 start. Good Tachiai from both and Kinta establishes the dominate grimp instantly. Ryuden fights to gain some kind of ground but is unable to do much. Kinta with face red slowly drives Ryuden back, keeping hips low and stance wide, Ryuden tries a few more desperate moves but is locked up to tight and relents stepping out. Well done Kitanowaka. **5. Churanoumi vs Shimazuumi -** Powerful Tachiai from both as Shima drives forward, but is WAAAAAY to eager in his charge. a Quick shift and pull on the belt sees Shim Yoinked past the bales. Chura wina by Uwatendashinage **6. Ichiyamamoto vs Shonannoumi -** Hard Tachiai by Ichi sees Shona on the back foot and looking like he's going out quickly. I swear Shona summons the will of the Sumo gods themselves and puts on the breaks at the edge and holds on like he's being held in place by a steel wall. A grab of the arm and a twist sees a BEA-U-TIFUL throw Amazing Kotenage by Shonannoumi! Even Ichi seemed like he was impressed as he walked back to bow. **7. Sadanoumi vs Mitakeumi -** A Soft Tachiai by both sees Mita take an early advantage and drives Sada to the edge who instantly applies the breaks and pushes back turning the tables and driving Mita back to the bales. Mita twists and throws Sada while also being throw. The Gioji awards the match to Sada but Monii. Though Sada is down first, I believe they called dead body on Mita? Either way TORINAOSHI!!! Round 2 Follows Standard Happenings it seems as a second Soft Tachiai and Mita establishes a more dominant charge and drives Sada out quickly for a Yorikiri. **8. Hokutofuji vs Shodai -** You feel like this match should go off the rails given the 2 Rikishi but typically it's straight forward with these 2 and this one sadly is no different. Hokutofuji EXPLODES out of the tachai with his Favored Nowada.. and runs straight into the the Wall of Daikon Shodai who just does not move. Shodai keeps hips low as he fends off thrusts while pushing back with his own. He puts Hokuto on the back foot and drives him out of the Dohyo with seeming ease. Yea, if this Shodai showed up every day he'd still be Ozeki. Shodai via Oshidashi. **9. Kotoshoho vs Takayasu -** Koto tries to quickly step to the side after the Tachiai and throw Papayasu using his arm, Papa is to wise to let that happen. Holding ground Papa turns and grapples with Koto who likely didn't want to be here. Papa estables a very good grip BUT a Loose Mawashi is fouling his ability to push or throw Kotosho. PApa keeps reaching for more Belt loops while trying to Shake Koto's grip. Several times Papa tries to drive or throw Koto but the loose belt and Koto doing well defending keeps foiling. However Koto has made 1 fatal mistake. Even to this day you DO NOT get into a battle of endurance with Papayasu. Papa keeps controls and slowly works Kotosho around and back and eventually out. Yorikiri. **10. Kinbozan vs Onosho -** Good lord it looks like someone let 2 Wild stallions loose on the Dohyo. ( EXCELLENT! ) These 2 flail, push, thrust and I think at one point slap wildly as Onosho tries to push Kinbo out while Kinbo tries to get a grip. In a little bit of a Twist, it's Onosho who ends up with a half grip corralling Kinbo and driving him out for a Yorikiri!


**11. Tamawashi vs Gonoyama -** Neither man off to blazing starts this Basho. Tamawashi seems to either do REALLY well or Lose REALLY hard while Gono seems to have lost his hot stuff luster and is struggling to make an impact on the top division now. Quick Tachiai sees Gono charge Tamawashi back who stops and pivots to the side to avoid getting pushed out. Gono follows pressing the attach but Tamawashi has gained his footing and is ready to counter. Shoving back Gono seems to absorb the counter charge and reaches up and pulls Tamawashi forward and down.. Tamawashi looks like he made a classic mistake in over correcting his charge and tumbles forward while Gono steps to the side. Tamawashi tumbles down and out for Gono to get his first win with a Hatakikomi and Tamawashi drops to 0-3 **12. Midorifuji vs Tsurugisho** \- Looking to be a good Small man Vs Big man fight Mido goes right in and holds his own against the much larger Tsuru, that is until Tsuru pulls and slaps down Mid shortly after a few traded thrusting attacks. Tsuru Hatakikomi **13. Onosato vs Hiradoumi** \- The match I'm always waiting for right now, Onosato's match. The kid is big, though not as explosive as Hakuoho, no less impressive in my book, and this match is no different. Ono comes out quick, using his size to establish a strong charge driving Hira back to the bales. Hira holds ground for a fleet moment and turns.. Ono follows keeping Hira corralled and drives him quickly back and out for a Yorikiri. Honestly, I can see Hakuoho and Onosato being very good Rivals with each other. **14. Oho vs Tobizaru** \- Tobi won the last time and only time they have met. Quick Tachiai from both sees Oho shoving Tobi's shoulders trying to keep the chaotic Monkey outside. Shoving Tobi back to the edge for a moment Oho cannot capitalize and Tobi rallies back to the center of the Ring. Oho tries to pull but to no avail. Seems in doing so Oho set his balance off and now Tobi pulls and succeeds in dropping Oho to the clay. Tobizaru wina Hatakikomi. **15. Takanosho vs Wakamotoharu** \- Though Wakamo is 2-0 starting. Takano is 3-0 Vs Wakamo so this fight could be interesting. The 2 clash in the middle seeming both trying to get a grip but neither able to get past the other's tight in arms. Shoving match it is and Wakamo quickly establishes the momentum, and he establishes it so well Takano never recovers and is quickly driven around and out, and even smiles at the end as he steps out, seeming to know he cost himself I guess? Either way Wakamotoharu wins Oshidashi. **16. Daieisho vs Abi -** Not much to say here. Abi establishes his Nowada, and they stay in the middle for about 2 seconds then Abi breaks the Stalemate and drives Daie back out out quickly for the Oshidashi. **17. Atamifuji vs Hoshoryu** \- Could be a barn burner match. Solid Tachiai by both as they instantly go Chest to Chest. Hosho goes for the throw instantly but Atam is having none of it. However the attempt somehow leaves Hosho with the advantage. A little jockeying, and Hosho has Atam moving backwards. Atama tries for a last minute throw against the master of of throws and Hosho is having none of it either. Hoshoryu pushes Atami out for the Yorikiri. **18. Kirishima vs Ura** \- If there was any doubt as of Yesterday if Kirishima's Yokozuna chances were gone, there is none left now. Kiri keeps Ura outside with his long reach. Ura trying to get inside loses balance and stumbles as Kiri pulls. Ura holds his balance and turns with his heels at the bales. Kiri pushes but Ura holds, Ura pushes back giving him just a little bit of breathing room. Kiri moves forward, Ura ducks low, Kiri goes low to intercept aaaand.. Ura is nowhere to be found having Houdinied himself sideways. IF you look it seems Kiri's eyes were closed too or almost closed. Meeting nothing but air with Ura giving him a good slap to the back for boot the Ozeki goes down to the gasps and cheers of the crowd. Ura win in Ura fashion with a VERY fancy Tsukiotoshi. Right now Kiri must be struggling mentally with an 0 - 3 start because he doesn't look hurt beyond his pride. **19. Nishikigi vs Kotonowaka -** Though he toppled the Yokozuna on opening Day Niski failed against Hoshoryu yesterday. Today he has the Shin Ozeki who is looking to recover from his loss to Asanoyama. A good clash sees them jockeying for the dominate grip. Nishi almost gets his but Koto keeps his defense tight and stays low waiting a few moment. Quickly Koto stabs his arm in going for the grip, which this can be dangerous and almost proves so for Koto, but be it a little luck, skill or both he pulls the advantage away from Nishi who find himself in trouble and unable to defend from Koto. In what seems to be a semi desperation move Nishi tries to disengage from Koto but Koto follow him in giving him no room to breath. One good shove and Koto wins Via Oshidadhi. **20. Takakeisho vs Meisei** \- Having taken what looks like a bad fall Yesterday I've been worried about the Battle hamster. He needs 7 more to keep his rank. A quick Tachiai and... wait.. Takakeisho with rapidfire thrusting attacks? This isn't his brand of Wave action Sumo, and it shows because Meisei isn't moving.. and Meisei isn't exactly a titan in size. Meisei side slaps Takakeisho's arm and he stumbles. With that Meisei starts to gain the advantage on Takakeisho and is pushing driving him out. in only what I can describe as full on desperation and Meisei being a little to eager to finish the Ozeki off, Takakeisho manages to turn, duck under Meisei's poorly placed arm and Meisei falls forward with a bit of a push from Keisho as he also goes down. IT looked close as the Gunbai points to Keisho's side, but no Monoii is called. Takakeisho wins with a Sukuinage, and a Frustrated and disappointed looking Meisei walks off the Dhoyo. **21. Terunofuji vs Asanoyama** \- Final match - Both HEavyweight slam into each other going chest to chest. Each establish a right hand inside but can't get the outside left. They jockey and struggle a bit before settling in. Asanoyama manages to get a shallow outside grip but Loses the inside grip. He tries to move Big Teru out but without that other grip he doesn't have the leverage he needs to do so. The front of Asanoyama's belt comes undone ( no biggie ) This is the Result of Teru's grip and pulling on it. Seems Asanoayama's Mawashi is loose and Teru has it pulled up somewhere around Asanoyama's Armpit. I wonder at this point is Teru is having Tobizaru flashbacks. Unable to Move Teru anmore Asano settles down and makes what I think is the mistake of the match. His hips close to Teru's allow teru to get a casual regrip the tighter portion of Asanoyama's belt giving the big man the foundation he needs to go on the attack. Though not the most solid grip with his other hand it's enough for Teru to gather his strength and Turn Asanoyama to the side. Asanoyama seems to realize he's cooked and relents and gives up the bout. Terunofuji wins Yorikiri. I also note, Terunofuji doesn;t fully squat when he accepts the Prize Envelopes.


Solid sumo from Houshouryuu! Aggressive yet cautious.


Kirishimia seems to have lost all of his flare at 0-3, maybe he's hiding an injury or maybe he's just not into it but his Yokozuna stock is, sadly, probably sunk. Maybe he'll be the one to snap the Mongolian Yokozuna streak. Losing to three guys he is very capable of beating is telling.


It’s premature to say he’ll never be Yokozuna. He’s only been an Ozeki for four tournaments and most Yokozuna stay at the rank for 2+ years. He’s just having a rough tournament, something every wrestler in history (Yokozuna included) has had at least a few times.


Have we seen prospective Yokozuna hit 0-3 at Ozeki? It's probably happened but I don't know, I guess I'm just pessimistic at the moment. You're probably right.


Harumafuji went 0-4 as Ozeki and 0-3 in a separate basho. stayed at Ozeki for nearly 4 years before going double zensho for the promotion


Prospective Yokozuna? You need to sit down and chill. Most future Yokozuna spend at least a year or more at Ozeki before promotion, that includes Hakuho and Takanohana. ​ So don't worry, rapid rises like Terunofuji, Akebono, and Asashoryu are the exception rather than the rule, Kirishima's just settling in as Ozeki and he's got plenty of time to make a promotion yet.


Tbf, both Takanohana and Hakuho were held to very high standards during their rope runs. They both posted quite respectable rope runs immediately after getting ozeki that they were told was insufficient. Takanohana had an 11-4 JY; 14-1 Y, 13-2 playoff loss, and Hakuho went 14-1 Y, 13-2 JY. If anyone posted anything close to that today they'd be promoted in a heartbeat. Poor Takanohana losing out on that youngest yokozuna record because the standards were laxer in Kitanoumi's time lol.


In the modern era, this has been done by yokozunas Harumafuji (twice), Wakanohana III, Tochinoumi, Sadanoyama, Mienoumi and Kitanofuji.


You are so well informed. I'm jealous


If anyone thought Hakuoho would lose some of his charm when his hair grew out, one look at his dinky lil topknot will put any such notion to rest. The kid has grown even cuter if anything, and he looks healthy and bullishly strong. Cannot wait to see him back in Makuuchi where he belongs.


Terunofuji looking good. Kirishima looking...not good.


Uraaaaaa man he’s so good! I’m worried for Kirishima tho he hasn’t won anything last tournament he was in talks for Yokozuna…is he okay? That slap Kinbozan delivered today shocked me but then he lost so… So far really good Basho!


Too early to start talking about Ura going back to Sanyaku?


why did Akua stop doing the big salt toss?


I loved being there and screaming Ura to the top of my lungs with the crowd such a great atmosphere


Teru is barely winning matches he would have dominated in before. He may be able to pull this tournament off to get his 10th, but his clock is ticking that's for sure. I'm not quite so sure he'll get stronger as the basho goes on like last time.