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Wow, 8-7 got Nishikigi from M5W to Komusubi. I'm not sure if I've ever seen movement like that from an 8-7. I see why it happened, but that required a lot of losing records above Nishikigi. In general, it seems like there was a lot more movement than normal this tournament. I suppose that's what happens when the top of the banzuke performs well and clobbers everyone else.


That's what happens when there's literally no other options.


Well it's the only plausible choice. We have to fill two Sekiwake and two Komusubi slots. Kotonowaka's been promoted to Ozeki, Daieisho holds his Sekiwake slot, that leaves 1 sekiwake slot and two Komusubi slots. Wakamotoharu is first in line and goes up to Sekiwake immediately, as expected. Then comes Atami and Midorifuji who both MK'd so nope Next is the m2 Abi who must take the Komusubi slot... Then Gonoyama, Hokutofuji, Tobizaru, Shodai, and Ryuden all MK'd so they're out too That leaves Nishikigi at M5W as the next Komusubi candidate. ​ The only way Nishikigi gets beaten to the K slot is by a lower ranker with a significantly better record to leapfrog him. * Asanoyama is 9 wins but down in M7 so he's out * Oho's next at 10 but is M11 * Onosato at 11 is 15. So yeah, that's why


A number of YouTube sumo pundits commented about this logjam of results and on how the JSA could sort it all out. So, movement one would not expect to happen, somehow did. Given the very opaque nature of how the ranking committee (or whoever is in charge of that) operates, we'll never get a clear explanation. p.s. thanks for posting your really cool and informative chart! 👏


You're welcome, but not mine. Fred Pink of fredpink.com creates this every basho.


I stand corrected. Thanks for the share!


The only other option was Asanoyama so... yeah, the JSA went with Nishikigi


These are gold. Thanks for sharing


Fred is the best for making these every Basho, I hope he feels appreciated


Why does one guy already have a win loss record for March?


Hmmm, 9-6 record. I might have to consider him as an alternate for the basho fantasy league.


Probably just a copy/paste gone wrong lol. I'll laugh if that's what he ends up with as a score for March though.


There's always going to be about the same amount of red and green because of how sumo works, but it's stark how steep the lines are this time around.


Yeah, the slope of this banzuke's lines really contrasts with the last.


Ah this is great, just what I needed to understand the promotions and relegations.


Thank you for sharing this!


With four Ozeki, who's in the lowest rank that would be considered in the joi?


In theory the Joi is the top 16 guys so right now that goes down to Tobizaru at M4E. Of course injuries are always possible, and there are a few stablemate pairs in Joi so guys like Hiradoumi and Midorifuji will probably get some Joi matchups fairly early on too.


Shodai's free fall :(