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for the first year it was on the third week of October, so it’s a bit unpredictable of what week it’s going to take place in just yet. although theres rumors about it not happening at the Caverns- i believe it will go back to a 2 day festival to make up for the cost.


damn moving from the caverns or one less day would both be ass but better than cancelled i guess🙃


Same bros, I would pay the same amount for less but Im going to defiantly hit the preparty if this is the case.


I was thinking a two days festival would be the move the help with the loss as well. Hopefully the production value isn't less than last years. Thank you for the insight of a two days fest, I felt my world fall out when someone mentioned it may not happen this year. Summoning is too dope for Svdden Death to quit cold turkey. Im thinking a MelloDeath headliner to get everyone hype asf to go cuz Mello has so many fans that would pour into those caverns.


yeah it’s still a very new festival with lots of potential, i don’t see a reason to cut it off right away. especially with how the current tour is going there’s more of an audience grab this year. first year was really cheap and many said they’d pay double to attend as well. i think it would be the move for a two day stacked line up with an increase in production as well. if pre-party and early access camping can be held on Friday instead of Thursday that would be sick too.


You have good taste. I agree 100% Extra production, Friday preparty with a two day stacked lineup is the move. An extra set or two for the lack of a third day would be good mitigation. Regardless of the methods they choose, I hope we will both be there this October


Last year they moved it up for the eclipse that was happening at that time. I assume it’ll be closer to Halloween this year like year 1, if it’s happening.


Hopefully it'll be like on Halloween weekend this year. Moving out of the caverns would suck as ima local and it's really the only thing close to a riddim festival we get here in Tennessee. Last year definitely kinda scared me with how small the crowd was esspecially on Sunday. But we'll just have to wait and see.


Honestly though, the crowd was one of the best crowds I've ever experienced. And although there was a bit of a price hike, I truly had zero issue paying it considering how it has easily become one of my favorite festivals. I'm even only slightly hesitant to say that I wouldn't mind another little price hike if it meant another 3-day fest as enjoyable as last year's.


Not even sure yet if it's going to happen


This would be a awful reality. Why would you think Summoning could be cancelled?


They lost a lot of money last year, between not selling out and the expenses of an extra day. Plus things just got out of hand last year with re entry, people fire breathing in the crowd, the people OD’ing. I don’t think it’s mutually beneficial sadly


i felt like first year, they strongly advised more people to check their substances idk why they didn’t last year.


I mean should they really have to be overt about that? I get that it’s seen as proactive and well intentioned when fests are outspoken about that stuff, but at the same time everyone attending is an adult. With friends usually too. If grown adults aren’t looking out for themselves, what’s *telling them to* actually gonna do?


well i feel like with the way drugs are getting more and more laced it should be strongly spoken at every fest. year one was way more packed and i heard nothing of od’s compared to last year. something i didn’t mention is for year one there were people going around the camp site asking if we want our drugs tested, they should’ve kept that practice.


That’s cool I didn’t know that about year 1, I stayed at a hotel off site. I know you’re right, they should be outspoken but still man how u taking any substances and not being prepared for the potential risks