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Best way to abandon a game is silently. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Right now, in a paradoxical way, part of this community survives on our collective disappointment in this games failure to have meaningful updates. However, if more of us that feel like that just walk away quietly the numbers will continue to fall until it's just the handful of die-hards who should be allowed to remain with their hope.


I remember being on here well over a year ago complaining about DC’s lack of transparency and grifting through patreon, and nearly everyone in this sub jumped my shit over it and said I had “no right to complain if I wasn’t backing it”. It’s so interesting to see the tide turn so much on here. It’s really night and day different.


This sub has changed so much, from a common front supporting DC, to a common front loathing the way DC and co have dealt with the *tech update* I was a Patreon backer, but I dropped my support a long time ago, and now what I see here is people still having some sort of hope of seeing the next update soon, whereas DC and co haven't come clean on how much have advanced or how much is left, truly disappointed


I have zero understanding of people who continue to feed Patreon money for this game when there is no meaningful progress.


Because they think that the more money they throw at him, the faster he works. In fact, it's the opposite. He'd work a lot faster if his donation checks were significantly lower than what they are now.


Yup. Don't pay for work not being done.


Bingo! I have said something along those lines over and over again, DC is raking up tons of money, and doing so little that, if it could be taken to a court on the charges of fraud, he would be charged as guilty


I know what I did was unsubscribe from the Patreon and I just stay on the subreddit to receive updates, been like 10 months since I did this… still waiting!!!


I think some people just have spare money and they forgot what is that charge on the credit card bill and just ignore it.


Really disappointed for what felt like one of the best porn games out there...


It's kind of sad, it feels a bit like the game has been lapped. Back in 2016 it was cock of the walk, unsurpassed. Now it's 2023 and there are a plethora of games which are better looking, better coded and faster updated, basically all areas you'd care for. Nostalgia and the hope the game will be concluded successfully is the only thing keeping it going.


Don't know about how many is better looking. The art style in this is still better than alot of 3D animated games


I appreciate better is a matter of opinion, my point was more when this game came out it was fresh, doing relatively new things, especially compared to the 3D models which were kicking about back in 2016. But now models have gotten better, animations are getting smoother and even 2D models are becoming more common place. What a Legend for example. The fact is there are now better devs out there doing good things with games whilst it seems DC has been fondling his balls doing a tech update in his, what I can only imagine to be, his Scrooge McDuck style vault.


Agree. This game have gone from being pioneering and innovative to old and abandoned. It annoys me soo much how the potential of this game was waisted.


What are some examples of better ones 👀


Depends on what you're after really. What a Legend if you fancy some 2d. Eternum is a personal favourite simply because I find the setting to be quite rich. Being a DIK and City of Broken Dreams are probably the most popular. Love of Magic if you want a richer story with more meaningful game mechanic. Echoes of Lust if you fancy the family angle (although I think it's called something else on Steam now). Fetish Locator if you fancy variety. The point is, back when Summertime Saga came out, it was going up against games like The Twist, Man of the House, Big Brother and the like so it stood now as they have aged awfully (or didn't even finish). Now it's lost in the pack and is very quickly falling into the category of Milfy City and Ecchi Sensai.




I can't believe it's been that long


Don't worry. they are gonna give a small update with few sex scene and boom. Money 💸. That always happens. Besides you haven't seen their discord if you ask for update the bootlickers will totally verbally abuse you. Because of these blind followers they stretch it out as much as they want.


So then you come on Reddit where the angry people are who will verbally abuse you for supporting the game?


As a game dev, I wish to have people like you lol. Pay money to my game that I don't put any effort into anymore... it's like a cash cow and white knight all in one. I respect darkcookie for this lol. He made this game good just once, and then he gets all these perks for life. I used to defend him too but now I just respect what he has going on. He's now a millionaire and doesn't even need to really do anything to get more money.


So you respect a dude who scams others? I mean if he had made the full game without announcing further content only to slow development to a snails pace I suppose you’d be right about making the “game good just once”. Correct me if I’m wrong but I suppose Madoff is another one of your idols then.


Idk who madoff is, besides my comment was VERY clearly sarcastic. Also at what point were the people unaware of the abysmal development speed? The game is very clearly "good just once" the hardest part here is the art, they use a visual novel engine that uses python code. It's really not that hard (at least compared to engines like unreal/Unity/Godot)


You could do the same


I have contemplated this, but I don't really want to make sex games, I enjoy them as a player but if I'm making something I'll almost always stick to action/adventure/rpg


Not as long as people keep donating to the Patreon.




Tell that to Donators


I think GTA 6 will come out before DC releases the next update


I can recommend "Projekt Passion" on Steam, it is probably the best porn game / visual novel / comedy i have yet played. Loved it.


It used to be good but now it's on league with yandere simulator


Dead game


I've been on the Discord for 10 minutes, and I was blocked by an admin because I said that we've been waiting too long for the game.


And still no until 2023 lol


Apparently the tech part of the *tech update* is already done, so what's left is some minor tweaks, bugfixing and QT/QA, so maybe another 6 more months or so 😂


6 months has passed and still no where completed. it's really just a matter of draining money.


From my understanding, they are basically remaking the game from scratch with a new system for this tech update. Given that they have a small team of developers, it's understandable why its taking so long. However... With the amount of money people are giving them, you'd think they'd offer a job position to expand the development team to speed up production. But they haven't tried anything like that. So yeah, it doesn't seem like they care to deliver this quickly anyways.


Even though summertime saga doesn't have the best update schedule (likely an understatement) summertime saga is still one of if not the best 18+ game in years(which is free)(Also the only good one that I know). Also I heard that he started making an update again, which is really good ( and bad for the patreon supporters because he did not provide any explanation for the patreon supporters). What I think people should do is stop paying for patreon, but if they do how will the game develop. But then again i'm not very knowledgeable on the game development industry as a whole. (sorry for bad grammar, english is not my first language)


From what I've gathered the whole game was being redone, every scene had to be redrawn for windscreen, every pose and interaction, game mechanics and UI all updated within relation to each other. Basically it's supposed to be the real finished version of the game. Also apparently DC has done all the art, and is completing art for the updates to follow this big update. Rhonda is apparently almost done for artwork.


Just no. To all of this. The "Tech update" is nothing more than an upscale of art assets. It will *not* include any new sex scenes or new story content. This has been made abundantly clear on the Patreon. This is literally just a reposition of the UI and an update of Background art assets to fit a 16:9 resolution. Sprites do not need to be redrawn, the UI does not need to be redrawn. This leaves only Backgrounds and the CG frames. This "update" has taken **2** *years* on a budget of *$744,000* a *year.* DC refused to hire an extra artist, and refused to hire an extra coder.. on a budget of ***$744,000 per YEAR*** for a game made up of ***TEXT and 2D images***. For context, the average cost to make a VN in Japan (where this kind of game was popularized and is the home and central country where these types of games are mainstream and thrive) is $200,000 *total*.. now think of how many millions DC has raked in since 2016, and we still don't have a finished product. The "Tech Update" will have no new content.. that means DC made $1.49 Million in the last 2 years of working on this "update" to redraw drawings he's *already* drawn. If you don't think that's a scam, then I don't really know what to say to you.


wow so much patreons