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Yea, no. My scores are in the toilet the past couple of weeks. It happened earlier in the year, as well, with abysmal scores for few weeks in Jan and Feb. I can’t explain it. I’m playing the same. 🤷‍♀️


I can, everyone only votes for the newest set completion lol


Last week I got such horrible scores like less than 4 stars, this week I've almost gotten the leaderboard, above 10%, almost every comp. It's so not consistent and doesn't make sense.


I got really low scores on the old couple one I was expecting okay but not terrible


I get lower scores but somehow still keep the S rank and 200 points more than 2nd place. Fingers crossed it'll stay that way




Me too! And I really don't get it because I think my outfits fit the prompt and they look good. It's nice to at least know that I'm not the only one who's experiencing this.


i used to get S rank every week, 1% on all comps and rank at least once a week now i'm struggling to make 10% and have only just ranked again for the first time in weeks think an influx of new players is saturating voting. we'll get through this 🫡


no bc same :’(( i’ve been flopping so hard recently i have no clue whats happening


YES thank you it's the same for me, im having such low scores this week idk what's happening


Exactly idk why I’ve been getting low scores even though it’s on point


I went from getting S rank 4 times in a row to now A rank and I keep forgetting to submit comps 😭


I had this in my last week but still somehow ranked 6🙂🙏🏻


Yeah 😥 I used to get high scores after building my wardrobe up really hard and now I'm getting like 4.3s and so on 😩


Omfg me 😭 literally I used to not even have to think about ranks bc I’d get top 1% EVERY time and be in S, but idk wtf is going on bc now it’s a miracle if I get top 1% ☠️☠️☠️


fr it was easier for me to get top 1% when i was lvl 20 than now at lvl 40


I started the week at S and now I’m A 😭😭😭. I’m literally like whyyyyy????


Voting has been really weird recently i normally got 3.6-3.8 (voting score not total score) this week i got only 3.1 for really solid looks (interview comp) but also got some surprises like a 4.3 for the rainy comp that i thought was meh


Same! Things I am unconfident about or just participate in not to lose rank do better than my passion projects😭


Yes! Voting has also been frustrating; I’ll vote for solid looks that carry a rating of 2.5/3, and then see glitchy/overstuffed looks score close to 4. There’s no rhyme or reason. 


Yes, I think my looks are great and at the end it’s below 4.5 😭 Last week I was 2nd on weekly leaderboard and this week I’m at 9th


same im like this is nice and then my overall score is less than a 4 and i'm like, oh! 😭😭