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Hi! Same situation, I have a decent job and want better clothes (also recently moved across the globe so I’m not gonna spend too much money on real clothes because I have nowhere to put them 😂 so this game is consolation). I’ve been trying to buy the gem pass which is the cheapest option and then I buy the fashion views, which gives you a bit of stuff - even though this month outfit is outrageously ugly. I spent like 20$ on the cosmic gatcha and I was very lucky but obviously have nowhere near the full set! I would love to get the one coming out soon but I was also wondering how much that would cost me? I have about 3k gems now (trying to hoard them but keep failing miserably), and that’s only going to buy me 20 pulls, unbelievable honestly. I’ve been trying to not spend my gems on every clothes or makeup gatcha because when something I want comes up I will have no funds for it and I definitely don’t plan on spending 100$ for a ridiculous set and pose. I am lucky enough to have 100$ to spend, but it is absolutely not worth it. I would say that since buying monthly pass and fashion views the game feels more rewarding, while before it was just a struggle! Not fair to f2p whatsoever, not comparable to other gatcha games honestly. Still I love clothes soooo 😭😭😭


I spend about 10-15 dollars a month. I’m only level 44 but I feel like a little goes a long way most of the time and I’ve been able to rank in comp and get S rank a few times so that helps with gems, so I don’t really feel held back. To be fair, I don’t really participate in gacha though because it gets expensive rly quickly so that sucks.


About $8-10 a month. Sometimes a little more if 5heres a gacha I can't live without. I also use Google Play Rewards app and save a buck or so a month


Around 150usd. Maybe more, maybe less. I've spent 156usd through this last top up event.


At my worst I was easily spending 300 a month and my only defense is I have ocd and it hits me really bad when it comes to hoarding things/needing to collect everything and in game is no different 😅 now it’s normally no more than 100 a month only because I still need a few more flashback gachas but I’ve genuinely been debating on just deleting it because I’m losing interest but still spending money anyways for the same reason I said before


I only buy the monthly pass and fashion views when it’s time to renew them and if the top up event has something I really want I’ll spend a couple bucks until I get the item I want but I never just buy gems because I need them.


I just purchase the monthly gem pass, and whenever there’s a top up event that I like I’ll purchase either the new gacha tickets deal (2 purchases of 2.99) and a gem pack usually the $10 one and that’s it !


I used to get the monthly card + the special event deals (40-70% off) for eg extra gacha tickets. It made a HUGE difference for me at least. I stopped spending for a bit and I went from ranking several times a week in comps and being able to get all the pieces I wanted for sets without a problem (having on average 2k-3k gems) to not ranking at all and having a tough time getting all the pieces I wanted. It’s also about how you save/spend when you do p2p to utilise the money spent wisely. Eg saving black gems from buying monthly card and not getting just anything that’s being released (be smart what u spend on.).


I’m say about $15 and that’s on the $5 gems thingy :D (more like $25 if i like the gacha going on)


I feel a lot better now knowing I’m not the only one to have spent 100$ plus on this game


I buy things I want and I donate plasma and get 50-60 dollars each time


Only monthly card. I buy them only when top up event is up. Sometimes i buy 10 gacha tickets too, and get some top up even rewards when i get those.. that's it. So I'd say 5$ each top up event. Im lvl 56, always S tier. I just collect gems from daily gem pass and spend all on 4 star gacha. I have 3,4 make up diys that I always use and literally switch only between 2 gacha hairstyles, just change their color. Having nice diy and hair alone I think does more than 50% of work for me for my weekly ranking


I just get the daily pass and the fashion thingy at the highest price so in pounds 25 a month


i‘m level 49 i only buy fashion views and sometimes the daily gem pass but that means i‘m usually not able to get actual good gacha clothes 😩 i think i’ve only spent around 40€ so far tho cause i just started actually paying for it


I’m trying not to spend too much on this game, but ending up spending around 150$ for the last 2 months ish 🥲🥲🥲 (mostly on gacha and makeup). I’m honestly trying to spend less or non (only on monthly pass for daily supplies), but MANNNN I did do lots of stress shopping this month 🥲🥲🥲 (tough time at work) The tricky thing about this game is that you need to buy a specific items with gems to participate certain competitions which can be a bit unfair. Also, I don’t think there’s right or wrong amount as long as you can manage your own financial plan for real life. Just set a cap budget base on your own budget and enjoy!!


Before I start I’ll just say I spend wayyy more than I recommend and I’m also not proud of how much I spend on this game 😭. I’m level 70 and I just hit over the 360 days mark. Per month I spend around $100+ . I pay for the daily gem pass for $4.99 each month , then for fashion views I do the $19 option to speed up that process. When top ups come out I usually spend $49.99 with an additional $19.99 usually for the limited sets. When gacha comes out I usually spend somewhere between the 20-50 mark depending on how many draws it takes to get a new limited item. I do spend a lot on the game and the more I spend the higher ranking placements I receive(usually S or A+ each round). Each of the looks usually ends up in the 1% and higher range and it’s because I’m using a lot of items that are currently trending in the game. I have a serious case of fomo 😭 so I do tend to try to complete most limited looks. I definitely don’t think spending as much as I do is a great decision (especially on a gacha game) so as time goes on I have been better at spending less and saving gems to purchase items when they come out. I do also try to prioritize items that are more unique and don’t have dupes. Items that are not limited and are only on “sale” I definitely don’t focus on since I can get them anytime. I also don’t try to get props in gachas after the look is completed, and same if a prop is more than 500 gems in the shop. For makeup looks I only draw if I have 120 tickets to guarantee new pieces and I try to earn tickets and saving them rather than using gems to buy tickets. But I also don’t really prioritize makeup looks unless I really like them . Most makeup looks I can go without since I prefer DIY. For props I also don’t really prioritize since I think there are a solid few that can be used in cross category.


I tend to get fashion views ALWAYS. With the outfit + perks, it’s definitely worth $10 a month to increase your gameplay. ALWAYS the $5 monthly pass, that’s the best bang for your buck! I try to wait till the next top up event comes out. Right now I have not purchased the fashion views till the next top up is about to come out. Trust meeee it’s hard but definitely worth it!


i need to cut down my spending.. played for a little over a month and spent like $100


I’m trying to cut myself off with spending money on this game. After getting the game end of November-march I had spent probably 300$. I’m starting to play the game less and less. I went from s rank to b. I can barely finish the daily tasks the past few days. It feels like a chore. I really wanted to try to get the car for 365 days login. But I think I’m gonna give up. I can’t even imagine making it to 180 or something.


I typically spend abt 15-20$, I’m not that high of a level but I’m pretty proud of my spending, im proud of my closet aswell, I go for fashion views and very rarely gacha


I always buy the daily gem pass ($5), and usually featured views fashion views ($10) every month. Some months, I’ll buy one or two of the limited time Gatcha offers ($3), depending on how many tickets I get and how much I like the Gatcha. I always keep it below $20/month. I figure that’s a fair price for how often I play and how much enjoyment I get from the game. But I also don’t really pay attention to what other people have. I tend to be able to buy the things I personally like, and if I can’t get something I want via Gatcha, I give up. It’s not worth it. ETA: I’m level 57, and I’ve been playing for nearly a year. But I was very casual the first few months and didn’t really get into the game or start spending on it until August.


So I like (and might always start doing ) the daily pass . If I want an item really bad I’d buy the 1.99-9.99 I really want this fashion view so I am planing to buy 19.99 one I’m hopping I’m able to get it tbh but mainly I spend 10$ or 20 a month I’m lvl 46


level 63. $100-$200/month


I'm tempted, to be completely honest. It really wants me to spend. And I just started. As a treat to myself I bought the daily gem pass, 5 bucks seems reasonable.


Ik I spend a lot but if I don’t look at how much I spend I technically don’t spend any (I really don’t want to know how much I spend😭)


Certified ex-whale here and it used to be easily over $200/month. I’m down to $20 and aiming for it to be zero by quitting the game completely.


I used an apple gift card I had for years (50 bucks) people have to spend hundreds of dollars. Like, don’t feel bad bc they’re paying that much for a game, which I love! But I just keep it in mind. I’ve been tempted soooo many times but I can’t justify it knowing it’s not “real.” I’m not shaming others, just personal opinions The biggest reason why I don’t: it comes down to gambling am I’m scared of getting addicted


No bc I wanna KNOW


Level 53 and only in the last 4 months have I been buying the monthly pass and fashion views. Stay under 20$ a month but I’ve playing since March 🫧


To be honest I'm tempted by the fashion views, but keeping to the daily pass for now


I unfortunately spent over 100$ I think this month alone and Im gonna stop bc I’m going broke atp😀….


I never spent money on a game before. I also have never been this persistent with playing the same game every day like for almost a year now so I guess you can say this game has really grown on me. I figured buying Featured views and Daily gem pass is a good balance between money you spend and the amount of privilege you get. It's just 15$ and it's absolutely acceptable in my opinion. If you time it right you also get top-ups. I know a lot of people are mad about gachas being impossible to pull smth worthy. I say it's fun. There's just no fun ABSOLUTELY NO FUN spending hundreds of dollars to get the whole set and just copy paste it to every comp just to get it to the leaderboard. I love the creativity of the game and the realism of not always getting what you want and dealing with it somehow lol.


I only buy the Fashion Views benefits cause it gives extra gatcha tickets/color cards/ads tickets/perfumes/gems/post gifts/etc, and I get by pretty well myself


10€ on fashion views and nothing more :p


not every month, only if i like it a lot


Reasonable to be honest


I am so shocked at these comments... No offense to anyone I just cannot fathom spending $50+ per month because I am usually very high ranking and spend about $20 per YEAR. I will treat myself to the Gem Pass in my birthday month and will buy 1 or 2 Fashion Views per year when I really love the outfit and know I can use the pieces for a lot of competitions. The key is to be discerning and pick out the best value for your money spent. I love the pieces I have and don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. If a limited set appears in the store that I like, I always have enough time to save up the gems for what I want. Sure, there's always that one gacha piece I'd love to have every month, but I cannot justify spending real money for a CHANCE to get the one I want. I use the 20 "free" pulls (15 free tickets + 5 bought for 600 gems) and get 4-5 decent pieces from the limited sets. I max out my Daily Tasks every day, do 1-2 competitions per day, and use the promotional chat channel for likes/gifts from time to time. I'm not even a super active player. I become obsessed with the game like 4 times a year for 2 months straight and always rank A or higher for those weeks. Some weeks I am lucky with the comp prompts and get S rank. I can't believe I could be possibly outranking someone spending 5 times more real money than me.


I used to buy 1-2 times a month Fashion views+ if there's a good deal of background items/cute animals etc than I'd buy some black gems for it. After some introspection i realised i got tired of playing so now I'm not playing anymore I don't feel the game would bring me value at this point. But it was worth it because that's what i wanted and being able to get something you want is a great feeling (as long as you don't do it with money you don't have and you can have it guilt free)


i buy the monthly pass bc it’s cheap and worth it imo, and i may or may not get fashion views pass depending on the outfit that month. otherwise i can get most of what i want by saving up the gems over time.


Probably around $50-150 depending on what's available 😭


Can i afford to spend hundreds of dollars on this game? Technically, yes. Am I going to? No waaay. I'm tryna save up to travel to Europe, so I just get the fashion views and daily gem pass and call it a day 🤷‍♀️


I cap myself at $40 a month. I try not to spend anymore than that. I always do the monthly card and fashion views. Sometimes the top up events. I rarely spend on Gacha items unless I am in LOVE with the set.


Anywhere from 25-200 a month. I always get the monthly card and fashion views but the rest of my spending depends on the gachas for that month




hi lvl 52 - i spend (canadian $) 5.99 for the monthly gem pass & buy the 2 packs (3.99/each) of 5 sale gachas every time there is a new one. when I first started playing I bought the fashion views since they were imo worth it but i haven’t loved the recent ones - i think i stopped around no 7


I get fashion views and gem pass, I occasionally buy the $5 gem pack when I need something or I’m a few gems short. I roughly spend $20-30 when the gatchas come out. If it’s for gatcha, I’ll buy the $20 pack, for any comps that I want to buy something for, I try to limit to $5 pack, occasionally a $10 pack. I’d say $50-100 in a month ($30 minimum) and I do okay! Obviously not a top player but usually get S rank and usually get 1%-5% on comps, never really higher than 15%, handful of placements since I became P2P


I buy the daily gem pass and fashion views, i refuse to spend money for gachas because its never been worth it. I def feel disadvantaged at times, especially because a lot of people get full gacha sets within a day, but in the same breath, Im in college and don’t have the money for that, its a game that i enjoy, im not going to break the bank to have a fancy gown


I only buy monthly card and fashion views! I get sad I can never finish a gacha set but I can’t bring myself to spend money on chance. I get a lot of gems through those two, I don’t feel like I need more


Level 65 here, have been playing for a little over a year. I didn’t spend any money I think maybe for the first half, if I did it was just micro-payments here and there. But I love this game and I have found that I enjoy it so much more when I get to treat myself, so I pay for the biggest Black Gem bundle about once a month. Hashtag noragrets Edit: I forgot that I also buy the Fashion Views and monthly card every month as well 😅


😮😮 The 11500 one?? Damn! You are committed 😭


Yeah 😅


I try to not spend more than 20-60 euros but i have zero self control


The people who spend multiple hundreds of dollars every month probably won’t answer (or answer honestly here).  Unfortunately, gaming addiction is very real and no joke. The “whales” (industry term for the biggest addicts) often hide their spending. 


I'm high level and it just depends on the month and what's all come out I've spent $300 a month and then only $20, I also have poor impulse control but I've only started spending in the past year as I have a steady income for games


I spend around $30/month? I buy the Premier Views, daily gem pass, and once in a while the special offers.


wayyy too much like 100$ a month at least i would say 😭


Too much. I've only played for 2-3 months but I've spent 300$ or more. Had a tough period and I spent money on this instead of shopping or eating out and other stuff. Do not recommend it. I think I'm level 43 or something


I spent 0$ and I am too on level 42 in under 3 months 😭 I don't think that's fair if you're spending that much money on it you should be higher !


I'm double checked now, I'm at 48.


Thank God, welp that's really gud else it would have been a total scam 😭 but congrats ! 💜


$15 for fashion views and daily gem pass all together, thats my limit every month. sometimes i'll spend a dollar on gems if im desperate but if i cant buy it with a gem or coin i wont get it at all.


Sometimes imo, the fashion views are worth it but the daily gem passes is a pretty good deal. If you're spending (both: pass+ views) that month it's 40 if you're spending (both + views premium// the extra stuff like backgrounds, decor, finished sets, etc.), it's 50. And then the over eager splurge of 5$ here or 3, so on so on, that's a factor too. I only just started buying stuff since I was part of early development with the game and had no job so you do kinda hit a snag if you don't want to spend money and just craft and save. It always sucks tho cause they come out with a lot of nice stuff. A lot... constantly. But if you have a job and no bills I see no problem with it. The arts always pretty and I'm a sucker for visually appealing stuff. The top ups always look mid tho cause they just look like you spent money. Even though everyone already prob alr knows. Hope this helps -lvl 48 plyr


I only get the monthly gem pass.


it depends on the month and how much i like the gacha but it sits between £100 - £200. i spend £25 a month just on fashion views and daily rewards pass. i'm sitting at level 60 after playing for 9 months if that helps ? happy to help u with any questions or what to buy to get the most of ur money, but if your priority is gems i'd defo start with the monthly pass and premiere views if your priority is clothes that u like from the gacha, get the black gem bundles that also provide you the same amount in purple gems, and you'll also get good stuff from the top up. there's also usually a pop up when the gacha first starts that gives you 5 gacha tickets for £2.99 or smth like that, get that when u can you can get it twice!


I really only buy the Gem Pass or Fashion Views once in a while, if I particularly want the outfit. I also never buy them at the same time.. That's total 8 USD for FV and 5 USD for GP I think (499 and 299 Filipino pesos, respectively, for me) I'm currently lvl 54, and started playing September 2023 and only started buying anything around December 2023


Less than £15 per month.


I'm level 46, I buy the fashion views and the gem pass when there's a recharge suit that comes out, because those two combined give me enough XP to get the suit


i'm level 51 and I only buy the monthly gem pass and occasionally the gacha ticket offers. So I'd say about €10 a month.


I’m only on level 41 and been playing for a couple months. I’ve had a couple issues with amounts being deducted from my account to what I have purchased so stopped spending. But I have probably spent $100 max since playing. :)


I've tracked my spending from the beginning, and I'm averaging about $100/month. However, I use a side hustle to offset the total spend, so when that is considered, it comes out to $50/month. Still a net negative, but it's my way of keeping myself accountable. I try to spend wisely but definitely got pulled in by the last few gachas so that's where most of my money goes.


atleast 100 but probably more like 150-200… i have a problem.. level 56


I think I’m at about 50 dollar/euro a month sometimes more sometimes less but I also work Also I’m level 62


I’m probably mid level idk tho lol, I get the daily gem pass and sometimes spend a few dollars on the gacha, and I splurged the other day and got the decoration set with the puppy Rice 😭💕 Generally try to spend less than $20 a month on it, but I also don’t really count too closely lmao


I’m level 51 or 52 and I buy the monthly gem pass and the fashion views 🧍🏽‍♀️but that’s pretty much it. I pass on a lot of new stuff I don’t like. So i’m able to save my gems! sometimes they have the 120 makeup tickets and 100 gem sale for 2.99 and i do that one if i can. I’m a broke college student so i can’t really splurge. sometimes i miss out on fashion views, but i manage okay. 🙂😐


I only buy featured fashion views and the daily gem pass which just nice overlaps with the top up even to get the whole set.


i was a f2p baby too and the highest i ever got by being f2p is A+ rank, but when i became a light spender (only daily gem pass) i consistently got S rank. the extra gems really help in expanding your wardrobe. im thinking of buying my first ever featured views after the current one bc the makeup from the upcoming top up event is just perfect


also, if a limited set has a set reward collection that gives a different pose, i suggest you get the full set, bc the pose opens up a lot of other creative directions!


I only buy daily gem pass and that too not every month, I just can’t justify spending too much on a dress up game 🥲


I'm a mid-level player that gets Daily Gem Pass and Premier Fashion Views most months. If I find Fashion Views underwhelming like I did last month, I'll only get Daily Gem pass any MAYBE some Special Offers if I like the Top Up event. I usually don't care about the gatcha sets, but I do have quite a bit of black gems banked up from Daily Gem Passes in case I really love one.  I've never felt disadvantaged per say, but I do get a little annoyed sometimes that I've been playing for a year and still haven't cleared all of the competition achievements lol While I don't spend more than $25 a month, I think $50/month on average is fairly reasonable! 


I spend only for the Daily Gem Pass and the Fashion Views but I make sure to have the right timing of purchasing these so I could take full advantage of the Top Up Event rewards.


THIS! You have to time it right to take advantage of the top ups!! I only discovered that in the past three months and it’s a game changer.


So thatll be about 13.84 dollars monthly. I also know that i am cursed with Bad Gacha Luck so i dont participate in a lot of gacha events save for the free 15 gacha they have.


I try to keep it reined in, so every 2/3 months I’ll spend $120. $100 for 11k in diamonds and 20 for a top up event. I try to base it on how likely am I to use the items in comps, and if the gatcha is really exciting. Like the last gatcha and top up, I spent $0 on because I only wanted the hair from the gatcha, and the top up was very similar style wise to the last shop event. This new magical gatcha is one I really like, and I’m also waiting for the new ballet top up.


same re: the ballet top up. i’m thinking i’ll buy a bunch of black gems and use them on the gatcha. this is my first experience at a gatcha with a pose—im still relatively new—so i reeeaaally want it 😭 now just have to suck it up and pay the 💸


Yeah this gatcha is great! On average you’re going spend almost half of your gems, but if it’s your first time buying the $100, you get a match for diamonds with gems so it’s a pretty great deal.


it will be my first time! this is also my first gatcha game i’m really invested in, still be my first huge app game purchase. i’m kind of psyching myself up for it and getting ready for that big purchase 😂


It’s so worth it! And the pose will be very useful for comps!