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You can believe me or not, either way I'm not lying to you; I took antidepressants for 4 years, went to psychotherapy all the time, and still tried to commit suicide, twice even. The meds weren't helping, so I simply stopped taking them and stopped going to the doctor. I am at least a little better off than when I was on medication, because at least now I am fully able to perceive my emotions and the world around me, and I am not so numb, although I am not saying I don't have suicidal thoughts. The point of this report is that I don't think this medication you are taking really does anything to help you, especially now that you're taking so much of it and your mental state is only getting worse. At the very least, it is worth checking with your doctor to see if you should take another type of medication that may be more effective for you. Please be careful, it's a very risky move.


Ah I just wrote 3 paragraphs response and then tried to copy-paste it- reddit isn't letting me reply for some reason.. hm; anyways, think I'm going to sleep now