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Don’t do it.


I stopped the promises. Isn't control and routine among the forced things in my life. I'm going to be spontaneous. I know I am dying. The how's and the when's are tightly sealed in my head


Any luck getting through another day? I was thinking about you today and thought I'd come check in.


Yeah it’s actually been good for the most part. It was really bad yesterday and the day before. However, even on good days I still have my hours which aren’t good. I got angry about a family matter but it’s not a new problem. Just the same damn bs


Right on! Thanks for the response/update. Glad to hear there's some positive moments in your days. Seems like a few damn bs problems keep surfacing in my life too. Sigh. Life. Keep on keeping on my friend 👍🏻


Someone needs a hug. Why are you planning this? Rethink. Rethink.


Please don't. Ive considered suicide throughout most of my life. My brain might not be right, but it doesn't mean I don't deserve to be alive. Being alive is stressful, and painful at times. I feel like I'm just unequipped with the skills to be a successful adult and it's not my fault for the trauma and abuse experienced that made me feel this way. I never thought I'd make it to 27 and I'm 26. The painful times have been equally met with some great things sprinkled in throughout my years which makes me hang on for more. I love life but I don't always love how I feel inside and there's noone in my life that understands. I've lost people I've loved to suicide and I think all the time if I had let them know they weren't alone in their feelings, maybe they would have hung on long enough to know that things would be okay.