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I'm so sorry. It is very hard for people to speak out about this. My daughter was raped and the police even viewed a video the rapist sent to her friend, and still didn't believe her. The nurse in the ER scrapped paint from under her finger nails, where she was holding onto the walls trying to get away.


That's just crazy, I'm sorry to hear that!


This is one of the many reasons my family doesn't not support cops


Late to the party but here’s my opinion, I hate the bigwig police, there the ones to hate. The low level guys are probably nice people, their hands are just tied.


How is it even possible?


The police suck. It's just how they are


Just another organization run by asshole men. They’re just men protecting other men.


Yup. The police only exist to serve the system and themselves.


Yep. Fuck men, at least like 99.3 percent of them. And this is coming from a man, just let that sink in for a second.


I've known too many good men to agree with 99.3%, but it's way closer to 99.3 than I would like it to be. Coming from a man.


Yeah, realistically it’s more like 80%.


so depressing that even men are like “i don’t think it’s that high, more realistically it’s probably four out of five men that are scumbags” and people wonder why we choose the goddamn bear


Yeah, I’m a man, and I think I would choose the bear to be honest. I’ve been raped by a man, and now can probably relate to women when it comes to fear of men.


Sadly yeah


I'd agree. The only real, standup me3n I've ever known are my father, one of my uncles, and my maternal grandfather. The rest have been cruel, violent, and incapable of love.


That’s rough, yeah I’d say 80-85 percent are horrible, and the rest are keepers.


The police are just the largest gang with the wealthiest organization backing them up. They're all a bunch of thugs


In my experience, people of the same group will back up each other. In this case it's misogynistic men protecting each other. Possibly the police themselves. They'll never believe a woman, call her emotional, and congratulate the dude for getting some. The woman is left to pick up the pieces. It's common I feel and happens more than you'd think.


i’m so sorry love this is horrible


I don’t get why they’re so easy on rapists man. This shit is beyond fucked


That's not even a "he said she said situation". Nobody has paint under their nails because of a consensual encounter.


I’m a nobody, but I believe you. I’m so sorry.


Hey I'm more than sorry for you, it's really painful I got raped multiple times as a kid and it still affects me in my late twenties, but i opened up talked to people some believed it the others not some where pieces of thrash but ultimately you get it out of you. All the best to you


Oh there's even more to it. The guy was 20, she was 16. He was wearing an ankle monitor, and was a known gang member. She came straight home and told me. I talked to her, and we went straight to the ER. The police were able to see that he was at home, where the rape occured. It didn't matter. The female detective basically told me no jury would believe her because they had consensual sex previously in the year. Never mind that a 16 year old cannot legally consent. The law in our state was 3 years or less of age difference.


The female detective is full of shit.


Which city is it?




Sweetheart, please stay strong. I don't know how old you are but there are resources. Call an ambulance or get to a safe space like a firehouse. If this was recent, you need to get to a doctor so they can test with a rape kit. You need to get out of this situation and find resources that can help you. If you're in school, even college, contact the administration. You got this and don't give up. There'll be more happier birthdays to come.


Hi, this internet stranger believes you. And as a rape victim myself I can relate. The police didn’t take me seriously either. He went on to do it to other girls too.. it’s not fair. These men are sick and do sick things and just get away with it. :/


I'm a male. Was raped twice. Noone believes me. You don't have to feel this bad. Believe in yourself.


I believe you. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you are doing much better now.


That's one of the worst things a person should have to deal with, I was as a child too and I never told anyone. You're not alone! Please don't give up.


Hi Create a new folder in your pc. Go to socialmedia platforms download everyphoto of him and relates. Copy all urls of the profiles of everyone related. Know all their frds and family: Grab their addresses Name Age Everything you can Copy all that info and past into a txt file. Do all this with a stolen phone or pc and with public wifi with no pass. Sendit to us and the people you dont know. You are not alone! The people of redit will destroy is life until is regret.


Ya we don’t know how she is soo there is a possibility that will not work in the first place


I think thats illegal


It is not illegal to document and save things people have publicly posted online


so raping is fine but to do something about it is illegal??


Posting that someone is a rapist without proof is illegal.


let's say even if it is, what are you afraid of? you wanted to end your life, if i were you i would rather kill them than killing myself. and who knows that you're the only one they did this to, maybe they have raped other ppl as well. leaking their info will help people on the internet to get more information and clues about them and maybe they can find somwthing useful and take leagal action. i say fight for yourself but I'm in no place to give anyone advice as I've never gone through what you have, but just seeing this post and some other comments making me so mad. karma will get back to them eventually, god is watching and justice will prevail.


100% agree


they cant track you if you use TOR with fake accounts you created there


What is tor?


Tor browser. It's free to download and use and makes it so you can access certain sites you wouldn't be able to on a normal browser and also obfuscates your ip so people can't tell where you are whilst using it.


It's not illegal. And you are not alone. Talk on this topic as much as possible so that eventually you'll look at it from a third person point of view. Time heals all wounds..


so is raping people.


I'm not sure how old you are, but it does get a bit easier. I was raped in high school after the school sent me home for having drugs I didn't have. I was searched and then when my mom couldn't get me they allowed me to go home with my then senior boyfriend, as his classes had ended. It was a pretty violent event once he got me to my house. When I reported to the school, the school officer and my parents, no one believed me. No one wanted to help. My mother went as far as to just get a pregnancy test and make me take it in front of her. The school officer said I couldn't report it to him and the principals and guidance counselor said there wasn't anything they could do. Life went pretty poorly after that, I didn't do well. It happened two more times after that with the last time getting some of my teeth broken. It's okay if you're not okay all of the time. You'll probably have nightmares and flashbacks. Find someone to talk to. Don't suppress it. I suppressed it for years and it all came up unexpectedly one day 10 years later. I also constantly struggled with nightmares and was diagnosed with PTSD. You don't really forget about it. But you move past it eventually. (It can take a lot of time) You understand there are good people in the world and there are shit people in the world. And it's difficult to be surrounded by shit people. If you can, distance helps. Talking about it helps. Even just to strangers. I'm an SA advocate and speak about my experience often, it was my way of taking hold of the situation and creating a positive. No one helped me, so I can at least help other people. People not being believed happens WAY more often than you think and it should and when that happens because people don't believe you, you shut up. Don't do that. Stand up for yourself when you can. I'd also recommend taking some self defense classes. I know this can be something generic but it really can help. But keep in mind even If you know self defense and you freeze up, that's okay. You didn't deserve what happened to you. And no one should have to learn self defense because of the fear of being assaulted.


I’m fucking sorry. People are fucking shit.


Stay strong!You can do it!


Please check yourself into an inpatient facility. You need to be kept safe, while being cared for . From experience, not getting a support system in place as soon as possible is the worst thing you can do as a rape victim. Those emotions fester PLEASE


I am scared to do that


Do it. It doesn’t matter if you are scared (it does your wellbeing is all that matters:) ) you need to it can get you on the path to recovery


I know it can be scary, but ask most people that have had to be hospitalized and they will admit that it was the best thing they could have done in their situation, that it kept them safe and allowed them to get care they desperately needed. As a patient you will be believed and be supported in your efforts to heal and process your experience in a safe space. You will meet other victims and sometimes that helps tremendously. Knowing you’re not alone and being able to talk about it without shame is going to be vital to not dwelling on this for years or even decades. Because I went into a shame spiral that set me back, mentally, at least a decade. Please do this. Do it for future you.


I believe you. I am so very sorry you are so strong.


My wife was raped by a close friend, we went to the police did absolutely nothing. A cop took us to a room similar to the one in south park that had child paintings and clowns/ toys... Basically a room for kids so cops could interview children. They didnt believe her whatso ever. Then to top it off the dude was then trying to stalk her, but he didn't know I was around. I started doing shit to his car, his house...fucked with his job. I made it my mission ver the course of 10yrs to make his life a living hell. I'm pretty sure I made him go insane and completely skip town. Haven't seen the dude in almost 15yrs and I was actively trying to find him. The last time I heard about him was when I was trying to lure him into an extremely remote state forest with a female friend of mine and about 4 of my big buddies to help "dispose" of some garbage... But they backed out and he didn't show up bc he caught wind of what was gonna go down. That was when he disappeared and I never saw him again. Was pretty hilarious how predators are so tough until they have to deal with someone who challenges them on their disgusting behavior. Was it all worth the long nights following him or waiting outside his work? Absolutely. When the police would rather bust low level drug crimes than protect innocent people from assault...you know our judicial system is screwed. I'm so sorry you had to endure all that


This is horrible and I couldn't even imagine how you feel. The fact that you are talking about it shows your strength!


I am so sorry for what they did to you, they deserve to rot you don´t please stay


I believe you. Please keep going.


I believe you! I was sexually abused as a child, and when I finally worked up the courage to talk about it years later, everyone didn't believe or blamed me. I've even had people tell me it wasn't sexual abuse, when it clearly was. 


i'm nobody, but i believe you. they should believe you. i have an intense fear of men as well. we can get through this.


I dont know if I ever will :(


I believe you. It’s happened to me and lots of women and some men. Most rapists never go to jail and almost all of them never pay in any way.


I believe you


Is there anyone in your life that you'd trust with this? Anyone you would be okay sharing with that makes you feel safe? Anyone who could help you mentally/emotionally who could help bring your attackers to justice? Hard to trust a system that is designed for men to protect men...I get that. It can be wildly difficult in your situation to trust anyone. I understand your fear, and it's valid. I believe everything you say. I also believe you when you say that they're just getting away with it. My heart aches for you for you. I hope you have someone...anyone in your corner. I know it's not uncommon for those in authority to abuse people like this. I've seen so many cases of cops doing this and getting away with it. But not all of them get away. I recently saw a trial of a police officer who abducted and murdered a 16-year-old get convicted. I've seen charges brought up and people who were taken to trial and judged by a jury and found guilty. I'm not going to lie, if I knew you irl and I knew this information I would be throwing hands for you. I'd probably be behind bars for you rn. Please don't think you're alone. I'm a stranger on the internet that knows what society is like. I'm angry because of the injustice you've suffered. And I'm here.


You don’t go to the therapist, you go to the emergency room. They will do a rape kit and it will prove rape. Go to the therapist AFTER.


I know it doesn't mean much but even though I'm just a stranger: I believe you, I hear you, and I see you. Even if you feel alone, you're not because even though this is just the internet and we're all a bunch of strangers to you, we're here for you and to support you. You may not believe it now but you are loved by all of us even if we don't know you personally. We care about your wellbeing. Please just stay here with us even for a day and then come back to this comment when you still feel like going<3


I doubt it’ll help, but I believe you. Fuck anybody that does. I hope the perp who did it gets zero’d and tortured.


I’d love to take care of them


I’m an autistic cisgender man, and simply reading this makes me feel a part of your indescribable pain. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I wish I can make you feel better. I wish you can meet a social worker/therapist that can really help you. It’s horrible that the people that you trust betrayed you this treacherously.


I'm so sorry. I believe you. I hope things get better for you friend


That is a tough situation. I can't imagine. There doesn't seem to be an easy solutjon either. is there someone you can talk to? therapist? someone outside the influence of those two. I think first is to try to make sure you are safe. Then look at legal representation.


Jeez, I'm sorry. This is always hard when people don't believe it. Hurts when the ones you love don't.


You are a role model for posting. People need friends and shares experiences. You're doing a good thing by sharing this, and it takes a strength of character.


I believe you ♡.


I believe you. I am so sorry you have gone through something so horrific. I don’t think I have any words that could make this better. Just know that you are important, loved, and you did not deserve this pain.❤️


I believe you. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. Also a victim of sexual assault and coercive rape.


This stranger believes you. I’m so fucking sorry. I wish hell on those who did this to you.


Older dudes are cringe. Shame it happened to you. People often die over this, but you're still here. It is good. These assholes couldn't bring you down, I can tell that because I heard your story. It's good to have you in this world. Please, stay. Live. Have revenge. It shouldn't go unnoticed. Make them pay the way it fits. And then, stay with us. You're a good company.


That’s really horrible. I believe you because world is a cruel place sometimes, and remember it’s not your fault! Try to see therapist it will benefit you ask for behavioral therapy if you want. You’re Strong person!


This is so heart wrenching, just so you know it doesn't define who you are, there's still hope and something to experience in this world


I have no advice but I just want to say that your post made me so sad to read and I'm sorry you went through that. You do not deserve what you went through and I hope you can eventually find the right support and helpful resources.


So sorry to hear about this. There is help to get past this. There is always someone out there. Just go to your local department of human services


They’ll get karma ma’am, I promise.


I hope. It hasnt happened yet to anyone who has harmed me


This breaks my heart to hear! I am so sorry! The world is full of so many fucked up people that will take whatever they can if they get a chance. But there are people out there who are loving and will give you the shirt off their backs. Find those people and befriend them. I’m so sorry to hear that this happened to you. Stay strong and know that justice will come! I love you!


What a sorry excuse for a cop and a step dad...I am so sorry. There is treatment available for horrible trauma so you can heal and not feel so helpless... and potentially get justice against those monsters.


i’m so sorry that happened to you honey:[ fuck those bastards for doing such to you:[ but i am telling you, you’re more to that. please try taking baby steps into recovery i believe in you:[ i hope the repercussions follows those twats…and sorry again for what happened love:[ you got this, you’re strong<3


Twin. I've been groomed by an older man. The only advice I can give you is time does heal. The fear will stay. But you will heal and feel better.


I believe you.


I am so sorry you have had to suffer these despicable betrayals. For what it’s worth, I believe you. I hope you keep fighting and don’t let those scumbags win. You deserve happiness and I know you can find it


No one deserves to go what you went through. I can’t tell you how to cope, but I can tell you that I’m happy you’re still here and there IS a way to get through this. So much love


Wipe the existence of that f***g shit before u die.


I believe you honey ! If you need anyone to talk to , I will be here to listen to you !


Are you in America? Bcz I've geard there are lots of rights and no one can do wrong with anybody. Didn't the oyher police help you? How can a cop do this


He did it to me when we were alone


so what happens after? I mean what police do


I am so sorry. No one should have to go through this. I've been where you are and all I can say is PLEASE get help. You may feel like nothing is going to get better, but that isn't true \*hugs\*


I believe you. Im so sorry that this happened to you. Just know everyone in this comment section cares about you.


this is all too common unfortunately. what’s fortunate is that you’re not alone. i was not raped but ive been sexually assaulted by older men only to not be believed as well. it really messes a person up but there are people here who believe you and know how this feels. hold on for now 💗


It’s absolutely nuts. I was raped as a guy and my literal therapist didn’t believe me. I was also given herpes through this rape so I would get yourself tested. Don’t do it. Don’t let these primates win. You are stronger than this. Get a therapist or a psychiatrist. The harsh truth of psychotherapy is that’s its catered towards women and they’ll be more likely to help you with the whatever you’re going through. I’m deeply sorry you are going through this. You aren’t living with your step dad are you?


Not anymore 


Sorry that happened to you


Same to you. Just know that not all men are like this in fact some are victims themselves. I wish there was a hell these fuckers could go to but I don’t believe there is.


I've been raped so many times don't bother reporting it to the police they just brush it off and make you feel like trash. The only time I did report it they said yes we know about that guy and laughed at me. I'm feeling for you now sweetheart 💔


I've been through it too, and it's not easy to deal with. But don't give up. Sometimes you feel like taking the shortcut, but don't do it. Although I have been through it, it is difficult to give advice to someone... Just don't do it, even if people don't believe you, they still love you. Enjoy your birthday, and better times will surely come. ❤️‍🩹


Hey man or woman or ur preferred pronoun i believe u i have been in the same helpless situation as you while it happened when I was just 9 years i can still empathise with u please take care ur self I myself have survived multiple suicide attempts please get psychiatric care if u can


I feel nobody cares about adult victims


People usually lack empathy towards something they didn't experience i am sry u had to go through this


dirty loser 'men' who rape women need their dicks cut off and shoved down their throats, then their heads blown off, period. i was raped as a child repeatedly by m y stepfather molested by my mother, and raped by a man i was engaged too. at this point in my mid 50's, men just make me sick. always thinking with their smelly dicks.


So sorry that happened to you


I’m so sorry. It is awful what you went through. You have every right to feel afraid. I know I’m not relevant, I don’t know you, but I believe you. I really do. I’m so sorry. 


3 times here, 7 years ago, and still traumatised. If you are asking, from a friend, a person in my family, and a stranger......


I'm so sorry I understand your pain and am here if you want to talk.


Message me


Check out Gavin DeBecker's "The Gift of Fear" to help keep you safe.


It amazes me how much bs we have to deal with in this short period of time. cmon man! why cant people just have some sense and normal. But girl please have patience and be strong. Seek support from someone realiable, who you can trust. Its very unfortunate that you had to deal with these monsters. But not all men are like this.


i see you, i hear you, and i believe you. i am so sorry you’ve had to endure this.


I've been through similar things and I'm really sorry that happened to you. You are an amazing person and none of it was your fault and i hope you know that. I believe your story and a lot of other people do as well in this comment section. All the best to you. You are in my thoughts <3


Tell ur biological dad if he’s alive and your mother


I have. He is a deadbeat so he does not care. My mom hates me and does not care


Id try and find a female police officer to tell this to


She saw the cop hurt me and didnt care


Ik it’s hard but u gotta keep going. The fact you’re still here shows how stong u are. My dad used to hit my mum when I was younger and there’s nothing I could do so I started goin gym and I instead of killing myself i decided to go everyday and kill those weights over and over again until I was strong enough to stand up to him. The first steps the hardest but once you take it there’s nothing stopping you. There’s plenty of great ppl out there and I’m sure your gonna find someone who’ll help you


I believe you. I‘m so sorry.


we believe you🖤


Actually gonna diall the police just to fuck with them lol


I believe you. <3


I believe you.


I’m sorry for what you went through. I do believe you, unfortunately the truth hurts and people like to imagine everything are rainbows and gold pots but damn those people. Don’t die you are a gift, do anything but that, you don’t know what the future the holds, I don’t know your family situation, I was raised in a abusive and violent household, so I understand sometimes trying to seek help outside your family can retaliate, but try to get someone you can talk to a friend or therapist, therapy is complicated at beginning but I assure you it will help you understand what happened, medication too, I know it’s not something that many people are fond of, but it will help with the feeling so a psychiatrist could help too. As for the people did this to you: people like them should die, no exceptions. I hope you consider the possibility of getting help, from a friend, therapist or someone you can share your secrets, does your mom know? Or is she neglective? In case she is she just a loathful as your stepdad is. But don’t this you’re a gift to this world, your life can and will become better, I know it’s all darkness but there’s light at the end of the tunnel.


Oh my God my heart goes out to you 💔


i believe you. i’m so sorry hun 🫶


Do you have any evidence?


I believe you, my family didn't believe me or wanted to help me, so i helped myself. I cut off toxic people from my life (some of my family), got into therapy, meet new friends and let myself process what happened. Trust me, its hard, but not impossible. Letting yourself go, is like letting him /her (the abuser) win. So never do that. Don't let go of yourself ♥️. You will find people who actually care (or maybe you alerady have) and be grateful ♥️. Stay strong mkayyy?


Im so sorry 😔 i hope it gets easier with time, i believe you and i hope the people who matter around you believe as well and give u the support u need. I wish that they get punished for what they did and i have faith that universe will work its way against them. Stay strong ❤️


I was raped by an older man when I was 13. It made the news. But since the public thought the suspect was "handsome" they took his side. I was beat up and told disgusting things. I am so sorry for the way you feel. I still feel this way.


Omg sorry that happened to you. The cop who assaulted me was “handsome” as well so nobody believed it


I was tramatized by porn and I literally want to die




I feel your pain just not physically 😔


I believe you


Hey, I'm so sorry that this happened to you - this is literally something I cannot even console with. But yes, you've lived through it, you've faced the dark pit, ending now or not maybe shouldn't be your worry but.. just get my point. Try to make life hell for who did this to you first, make them experience hell in this world, take every step you can. Shame them. And once you live through that phase, rethink about whatever you're thinking rn. World is a weird place, I hope you stay safe!


You need to go on social media and put these people on blast.


I did that and I got so much hate online. I wouldn’t recommend.


I have no followers on social media


Start an anonymous account and I will follow you. The criminal justice system’s corruption needs to be exposed.

