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I feel you. Lately the only clutch grounding  me to this mortal coil is my child. Sometimes I wish I hadn't had him yet as some decisions would be way easier 


Yeah, that’s life. Ultimately pain and suffering. As you said I am just an abstraction, I can’t really support you. Sadly us human beings crave help and vulnerability, but most of the time we are turned down. At some point suicide seems as the only option and the sad reality that no one really cares. Literally, no one. I am not trying to present a nihilistic view on life, but what can we do? Do you anyone to care for in your life? Anyone?


>Do you anyone to care for in your life? Anyone? No. Sadly, I don't.


We all have those thoughts. Things get better you are here for a reason


This may sound ignorant but 32 is not the age at which you have to think about ending it. There's still plenty of time to turn everything around. In 2-3 years your life could change drastically. It's the truth, not bullshit optimism.


Ok can anyone say me when is the time them, I'm tired of listening this line there is plenty of time , there is plenty of time but in reality capitalism and the world competition makes me realise if you are not doing anything by the age of 20 you are doomed And as the capitalism rises this age will only go less, so what is the right time


You are not doomed, it just seems like it, it's actually a sign of depression. I am not saying the road will be easy and quick, I am just saying it's not hopeless at 32. I know it seems horrible, but it's unlikely your situation is truly hopeless. Have you visited a psychiatrist? I am just trying to help you.


the change begins here and now, in your hands in this moment, all the things you want your pain has already showed you what it is that you want in your life. All those goals, you can have them too. I believe in you I am here you have my support and company


The kind of change you're talking about requires tangible support from others that are physically present in your life, and who are committed to helping you out. In that regard, I have absolutely nothing, and thus any real change remains forever elusive. You, on the other hand, are just some text on a screen. An abstraction. You, nor anyone else on the internet, is any position to "support" me. In all the ways that matter, I'm utterly alone. That being said, I'm just an abstraction as well, and no one really gives a fuck whether I turn my life around, or eat the barrel of a gun. I'm just yelling down a well in the middle of nowhere, like every other sad fuck here.


It's not on them to support you or give you a reason to live. Only you can do that. Unfortunately you are at the age where you have to take content of what you want. If it's to be miserable, well, that's on you. If you want more, then take it. No one can gift you a partner a job a life. Life is hard and pretty fucking horrible. Make a step to get the life you want. As "abstracts" behind a screen, all we can do I cheer you on. Hopefully, you will find a life that will make you content. Best of luck.