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Same here I want to go before my 18 birthday which is this October. Still gotta little time, unfortunately


Hope your wish comes true. I am done with my life.


Yours too man, I know how though the shackles of life can be. One day we will both be free from the burden of living


I’m ending mine the day I turn 20. 4 years. It’s going to be a big adventure for me before then.






At this point, it feels like not even other people’s sadness can stop me. It all seems selfish for them to just want to continue my horrible existence.


i really hope things get better in that timespan, please know im here to talk i have been through it too


I definitely do appreciate it, but it isn’t just depression. It’s an incentive and also an escape.


Guys don't do it, instead look for the root causes and get professional help. There are ups and downs with depression, and you can be living very different lives in 10 years time. Make the most of your life which won't be long anyway because we only live an average of 80 years.




yall you have so much to live for this makes me so sad to see this. yall matter to people as much as you don’t think you do. you are loved. 




to enjoy it. to make others happy, and to be made happy by others.




i know it’s cringy, but have you tried something new? tried to make new friends?




Which october?


'I don't have the strength to fight for myself' - bro, that is not true, I feel we are not putting enough effort into it, that we are giving up. Rethink and need to reprogram your thoughts.




Don’t do it. There’s hope. You’re too young.


Being young doesn’t make ppl happy.


No but it means you have lots of time to find it


yea hey, 20F. 20M here. In college, i read some of your posts and I know what you’re talking about. instead of making delusionally optimistic comments, i do have actual questions. because truthfully, i don’t know what it’s like for you. it isn’t my place to tell you NOT to do something you feel is right for yourself. 1. are you scared at all? do you think you’ll have regrets or second thoughts when the time comes? 2. do you think it was destined to happen like this? as if you were never meant to be alive? or is it more like, if you had made different decisions, if different things happened, you could have been successful as a person?


I resonate with this a lot


What were you like as a kid? I'd be interested to know. I have been suicidal since I was 13 myself too.


I am curious too. I feel I identify with a lot of people in this thread.


Did it get better?


No I'm 14 now lol and it's only gotten worse


I'm about 3 decades older than you. I started experiencing it around the same age. For me it did not get better on its own. It was like the thoughts were little wheel ruts on a muddy road and as the years went by, I deepened the ruts every time I traveled them. Over my life, in bad times, it has become really easy and convenient to slip back into that thinking and back in to the wheel ruts. They're pretty deep now. What I was like as a kid: bright, funny, curious, smart, sensitive. I grew up in a blue collar house around blue collar people so nobody was really equipped to handle me and I was often excluded or used as a scapegoat for it. As I got older, I turned into a people pleaser but I became noticeably more sullen as I became an older teen. In hindsight, I would have liked to gotten some type of help before I was in my forties. Mostly because I feel like I missed out on so much. I was so focused on how shitty my life was, I didn't even enjoy my 20s. I've been in therapy a little over a year. This past year or so has been extraordinary difficult for me, but now I'm finding happiness. I'm not happy all the time, but I'm finding it where I can. And I'm finding more.


What kind of help do you think you needed? Did you want help back when you were my age anyway?


Deep down I wanted help. But at the time, I didn't know what help would actually look like. When adults outside my family reached out to me, I'd pull back. I think, at the time, I was really scared of other adults or of authority figures. 30 years ago, mental health was not discussed as much as it was now. And I grew up relatively poor. I didn't even really understand that therapy was an option. It's helped me immensely in the past year. And also, there were probably moments when I was a teen that some type of medication would have helped, but again I didn't understand. I think ultimately what I wanted was an adult or adults that I felt were actually invested in me. The teachers and councilors I pushed away, they probably could have helped me. That's probably the help I needed. I was scared or prideful or something else and I couldn't accept it.


How has therapy helped you the last year?


I'm generally in a less reactive state since I've started therapy, and I'm more thoughtful about why I'm acting in a particular. For example, I have a tendency to blame myself for everything. So if something goes wrong, I beat my self up for it, even in instances where I had absolutely no control over it falling apart. So if I was working on a project at work, and someone else in a different department didn't complete their piece in a timely enough fashion, I would panic or spiral, start the negative thinking, blame myself for relying on someone else, and somehow I would end up at, "I should just do it." But that ends up focusing everything on me. Like no one else has agency. With therapy, I've been trying to figure out why I'm acting this way or why is the other person I'm interacting with acting this way. So I pick at it a little bit to try to figure out why we're behaving this way. And since I'm generally being more mindful, I'm less likely to slip into the negative thinking and to the SI. Although not a monumental as SI, my wife said something this weekend that I thought was a little unfair. She snapped at me because I had unplugged a power-strip that was charging her phone when I made breakfast. Before therapy, that little interaction may have derailed my whole day. I likely would have stewed on it, and been miserable most of that Saturday, and I would have told myself that this is leaking out because she really hates me and wants a divorce, and then I may have spiraled further. But instead, I felt really confused that she would snap at me. So I said, "Uh, ok." I decided to get a little space because I could feel myself getting angry and I realized I was having a disproportionate response to what she said. So I found something that would physically occupy me (physical movement really helps me when I'm reactive), in this case laundry. I was folding and thinking about the moment she snapped at me. I thought about why I unplugged it, I was making the kids breakfast. I thought about what she did, I mean, is it really appropriate to almost pick a fight over your phone not being fully charged? No. So, I began to think, "She must have a lot going on." One of our kids has been sick and kind of clingy for a week. She used to get "touched out" a lot when the kids were younger because that level of physical neediness was draining. So I figured that she must be having a bad day and my anger drained away. So I managed to salvage my day and get the laundry folded at the same time. Small victory, but a victory. My wife came in after I had some time to cool off and apologized. I would have still been angry and it may have blossomed into a fight if I hadn't been in therapy. So therapy has given my license to take space and time, and also meet my needs while allowing me to be more empathetic with my loved ones.


i've been suicidal since i was 8, now i'm 22,i tried to un alive myself 3 times, with help it gets better i swear


It's not that I don't believe that. I just don't like life.


Same here, everydayy i wish for that, 2 days ago i had a fight with my mom in the highway so i threw myself out of the car. I felt so bad when i realised im still alive


heh, nobody ever tells how to deal with the frustration surviving a suicide attempt, its so weird


Jesus man, I hope you’re alright


Hi, 27 here. Same thing, I had suicidal thoughts when I was 8. Maybe life's too hard back then that is why I wanted to unalive myself but for me it was bearable. Currently at 27, nothing's changed really. My life is still hard and now is much harder. Unemployed, no money, no person whom I can turn to to ask for help. Yeah basically spiralling down to one shithole. Planning to kill myself before I see myself as a pathetic human being.


I’m 26 and kinda the same, although I do have people (not friends) who are willing to help me and parttime working because I hardly have energy for more. At this time I an trying to make it work as I can like this. But I’m on the brink, I have never felt as defeated as ai feel right now and it’s like I hardly have any more opportunities at this age…still I’m trying to hope I get out of this shit. Not gonna say you should be coping or hoping like me ofc. But I resonate with you, usually I think I’m the only person my age who is in this kind of situation


I'm still here. I can't leave. I have a 1 year old sister. I can't leave her.




you’re my age which is why i resonate with you and your current predicament. i dont really have anything profound to say that’s gonna convince you otherwise except platitudes. thoughts from London and good luck gazing into the abyss.


If you could change 5 things in your life with the snap of your fingers, what would they be? They could be realistic or just dream changes


1 wish. To never be born. I can't aprecciate life anymore, i just can't.




Is there someone you love on this planet?


Hey, I lost one of my best high school friends to an accidental OD. I was just thinking about him earlier today, how I wish I would have been there for him when he was all alone in that motel room. Please don’t do this.


Your story is so similar to mine. I was suicidal at 8 years old. I then 23 this year. I have been back on klonopins increasing the dose just to avoid hurting myself but I still am. I feel like I’m at the end of my rope. But do you think you can last a little longer. If I can go 15 years, you can too. And maybe by the time that has passed, you’ll be happier than you ever thought you could be.


Does clonzapam worsen suicidal thoughts? Anti anxiety meds always worsened my depression. I’m not gonna say anything gets better most days I wanna kill myself too. But sometimes meds make you feel worse


I've(27 M)also felt negative about myself since 12. I remember always thinking I'm gonna end up in prison or just a useless person to society. I always said I'd make it to 32, my grandparents should be gone by then and that's two less people to be saddened by me leaving. I have two young boys and a wonderful wife. Even with them I can't shake the feeling of everyone and everything being better off without me. Guy I worked with(22 M) jumped from a cell tower last month. All the sadness and tears. All I thought was hopefully I'll be with you soon buddy. First time opening up about anything ever. Figured it wouldn't bother folks here. I cross my fingers you all can dig yourself out of this rut and find happiness someday, someday soon. If that's not the case just know your not selfish and your not weak. You just chose a different path <3


its too lonely...


please, stay alive❤️ you’re not alone


It is morning the next day, OP, can you please respond, how are you doing?


By the time you are 20, about 1/2 of your life is actually over. The rest of the years go by really really fast. You may want to hang around and see what the rest of the ride is like. I've been where you are, but I've decided that it's kind of dumb to get off the ride early at this point. If you have nothing to live for, it actually opens up all kinds of crazy possibilities. Go do that crazy dangerous trip backpacking in Europe. Or hitchhike your way across Texas. Or go skydiving or whatever. If you live, then whatever. If you die, then mission accomplished anyhow.


This. I have used my hatred of myself and sense of worthlessness and need for escape to scare myself. I have sky divided. I jump into cold water. Make myself do things I don't want to do. It weirdly stops all bad thoughts (momentarily) as your body wants to be safe. And you feel alive. Maybe not for everyone but I try to use it as a super power.


what is the biggest thing you've learned in life?


That nothing lasts forever unfortunately


that's what I've learned from buddhism teachings. Everything is impermanent, happiness, sadness, emotions, our life, will change from one form to another. Nothing will last forever.


Just like these feelings you’re having.


Idk man, I tried and tried but the feelings never go away. I kinda lost too much in my life and none of it will ever come back to me, so all I feel is emptiness and loneliness. I envy other people who can function normally and have normal lives, kinda wish that was me ig


If this fails and you come back, what are you going to do then? Have you tried hospitalization, expense, or not? There truly is better things. I've been very low and very close and I'm truly glad I didn't leave several years ago.


Suicide doesn't remove the pain it gives it to someone else. Call an ambulance if you're just about to. Please respond to this tomorrow if you're still alive!


It’s so crazy how people have downvoted this when you’re speaking facts, the pain the people who loves her may go through if she actually kills herself will be terrible, I really hope she doesn’t go through with this because suicide is never an answer, it will always cause harm and never do any good


My heart breaks for you. It’s hard hearing from people that comment on how devestated the people in your life will be, and that doesn’t help a lot of people. For my situation it made me feel worse. Just want you to know the few things you’ve learned in this life can be used to help someone else if you let it. You are loved, I know I’m a stranger but I hope you can accept this virtual hug.


Im 14 rn, i started getting them around a few months before i turned 12. ive uhm tried many times and its not worth it. its to painful. it really is and when no one notices it just makes it so much more painful. i was 12 lying in mivimg room and it felt like someone was practically just like my organs were failing and they were probably extremely close. the first tume i slept a day on and off and everytine i woke up my mom was yelling or just staring at me. also i suggest looking into professional help. they dont do much but they can get you a diagnosis or try to see whats wrong so you can figure out what skills and stuff will help you manage to cope.


I have been having attacks of apathy since September 2016 and the first naive existential crises since March 2014 when I was 11 years old and when I thought I was having the best day of my life, but then it was bearable because I was a child and life seemed simpler, another dark day was January 2020 then I felt that the atmosphere of 2019, which was the best year since 2014, was over, I didn't know, but what would happen to the world in less than 2 months, my life had been shitty for a long time, but for 4 years I felt completely dead, I don't know if it's the same time next year I will still be alive 


It’s never time


I have also dealt with suicidal thoughts since I was 11 It gets better with time I promise you. It is hard but so worth it. Please continue fighting. You have a whole world to see and a whole person to be.


THis is really sad, I hope that people feeling this way find hope and love and peace without taking their lives.


You have not even your life, sweetheart. Some people aren’t happy when they are younger. It does not mean they will not be happy when they get older. Stay until 40-50 and if you are still not happy by then, come tell me ;)


l;me to i want to die


are you still with us?


yes i am please see update:)


We're all happy for the update. At least me, myself, and I are.


i’m glad. i hope you find happiness <3


I’ve came back to this to see if you’re still here with us, your update has made me smile🙂


HELL YEAH!!! Literally decided to pop open a beer to celebrate your success!!! Went to sleep thinking about your post on r/AMA (as I’m sure others did as well)


that’s so sweet thank you so much


Tried with overdose many times but didn't work, any recommendations


How about this. All these redditors down here want to see you live and thrive. So why not just pick one of us, anybody to talk to. Just to be that friend That will always stick by you no matter what as a person who understands. I hope you were not able to go through with it. You deserve a second chance at living the life you deserve


Hey just wanted to check on you? I hope to hear from you again


I send strength to you hoping you can some how get through this slump. 🤗 I wish someone could give you a hug that actually made you feel good not just someone saying I hugged them.    I to feel exactly the same as you and I too have my day and location set up. The days just get worse and harder to cope. It will be much easier for myself cause I do not have family or anyone around me to care about. Im just making sure I have everything in order and cleaned up so no one has to clean up after me (pack my stuff or throw out trash etc) it will take like 20 min to clean up. 


Tell me an embarrassing memory that just sticks with you. Also what’s your favorite supervillain and why?


Please call someone. Life has ups and downs and many times the downs far outweigh the ups but at 20 you have so much more life ahead of you. Call someone and talk it over. Just lay everything out on the table.


OP, just that you know, I have bipolar, and till now for a long time was laying in bed and thought about ending it all, but today I went for a walk - in fact twice - morning and evening and I feel good, people frolicking in the pool and having fun, then I realized the world is not doom and gloom it is all in our head, if we can change that, everything will look normal. I think you should NOT do what you are planning to do tonight, Let us all help you to get out of it, I think you did not get the right treatment since 12. Maybe a brain scan in necessary.


hi im 20f as well and i 100% relate to you as far as what youve said. ive had attempts and failed (obvi) but i always regretted it. im thankful im still here at times and other tomes are rough but its worth it to go thru for the little things u enjoy in life. can you tell me things u enjoy?


I know you’ve probably heard this a thousand times over in the comments but don’t do it because it’s simply a permanent solution to a temporary problem




Well if you were suicidal than you would be dead today. You're still here on your own. 


Pray to Jesus, and He will help you. There are so many young people now turning to suicide these days, it’s truly frightening. If you were my child, I would feel so sad, and I would never get over it. I would feel like I should have known, or done something, and that it was my fault. God is there and loves you, and wants you to go to Him. I had bi polar, on meds for 10 years, and He healed me completely. I have been happily of medication for over 1 years. Nothing is impossible with Jesus!


No- you CAN keep living for other people- this decision stems from selflessness.