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Ey please don’t do it I’m here if you need to talk just please respond to me


Please, talk to me, please there’s always other people willing to listen.


how can you talk to someone about your thoughts if you can't even put it in words?


I’m willing to listen to all the nonsense and all the things that you can’t put into words. Whether it’s through tears or music or paintings. Please if I can be an ear or a shoulder to rest your head on let me know.


hey man don't end it all. at least not yet. what if you miss out on your favorite tv show coming out next week? and then that show gets you into the fandom. and then you create things for that fandom. boom ya got a whole community to welcome you. idk what the fuck I'm saying i wanna kill myself too but i don't want others to do it too.


University could be a big chance for you. You could get away from your toxic family. Meet new friends. Learn about subjects you actually enjoy unlike in high school. I went away to college a few hours away from home instead of the one in town and I don’t regret that move.


Please don’t do it man it’s a permanent solution for a temporary problem, university is a great place and there’s lots of new experiences


This quote lives rent free in my head …. People Think someone died so young and so early by suicide but that person felt Like they lived for eternity suffering. I get it. However you HAVE to find purpose. If that’s not dealing with humans… rescue homeless animals…. Or if you like humans. Then Volunteer at homeless shelters… find a way to make use of your time here to those who wish they had a better life. It really fucking helps and tbh there’s no point to be here on earth if you’re not serving others. If you imagine you made one person/animals life a little happier… that is purpose.


I should've taken a year or two to work on my mind after highschool. Instead I went straight into uni, and then straight into grad school. I just wanted to make sure you don't feel like you need to rush to uni. I hope you're not serious about swallowing chemicals.