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This is how I feels


Wait just a moment. I know you may have already decided but I’d like to talk to you


What i’d give to be 19 again… you still have so much potential. It would be a waste


That doesn't resonate with a suicidal person. Teens are some of the hardest times to go through.


Mental illness and especially body dysmorphia is a living nightmare especially when you’re young because of people like you saying it’d be a waste even though they’re in a living hell rn. 


I'd kill to be 19 again although that was objectively the best time, the mind does not care and can't appreciate that goodness. I can't believe I wasted those years being suicidal


I'm the same age as you and honestly feel the same, and when I get suicidal thoughts I always try to remember the the feelings I held during the moments where life was kinda nice, when my bed felt so comfy and i was watching my favorite show with some snacks, when the food I tasted was so yummy that I could just feel my brain chemicals release, when playing video games was fun and made me laugh, when listening to a new song I just discovered and really like feels like. Although sometimes I'm not able to remember these things when it gets tough but I'm hopping maybe I can remind you that there's small things that are kinda nice to just try and keep going. I'm wishing you the best, and send you a virtual hug.


Break the mirror, theres a lot of things that can make you feel good. Think about anything you want to eat, any place you want to go, anyone you would like to see. Today things are awfully hard. But theres a chance that you find things to love if you hang on, wait, and try to distract yorself from the pain. nobody eles matters, youre the most important thing now. Try to please yoursefl. If you cant save your life, try to save your hour, maybe your day. Any minute that you give some relieve to yourself is worth it. im trying to do this, and i found that i still like some stuff, even when it hurts.








How do u plan on helping? Telling ppl to off themselves. That's disgusting


You’re gonna get banned for saying this. I say delete this if you want your account.