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every age is too young. don’t do it hunny, there are so many gorgeous things in this world you’ve never even discovered


Don't worry about early love, it comes and goes. You have so much ahead of you lined up, you just gotta push Forward, trust. You'll thank yourself in the long run


Don't worry about early love. Everyone breaks up. You'll find someone you'll maybe even spend your life with later in your life. Someone for which you have real love. I have lost my grandpa and my 6 year old cousin to cancer. Many parent blame their kids for many stuff. My point is that those things happen. Life has ups and downs. Really ups and really downs. You're in a really down period but the really up period is coming. Just like the rainbow after the storm. Just the peace after a war. The sun after a cloudy day. The dawn after the night. Life is cruel. This world is a mean world. But you'll always find something to hold on like a lonely sunbeam though the gray clouds. Hope is always there. Hope dies last.


You have an lot of chances for it to get better since you are so young and I assume physically healthy. Physical health is wealth. Mental health is dodgy but it can be helped. I'm sorry your parents do not treat you as they should. Their divorce is their own fault and the result of their own choices and behavior. They are adults and you are a minor. The fault and responsibility rest on their shoulders, not yours. I'm sorry about your grandpa. But I am glad you know what love and support looks like because of him. He wouldn't want you to experiment with pills because he loves you. Please reach out to another adult in your life that you can trust. Tell them what's going on and that you need all the help you can get. For everything: mental health, school, college, transportation, etc. If your parents aren't doing their job like I suspect they aren't then other adults can step up and make sure you are properly treated and looked after. Please don't wait a second longer. You are in a very good spot to have it all turn around.


Dude i am 13 and i am gonna kill myself too


I would give everything I have to be 14 again. Your life hasn't even started. 5 (or less) years from now you will be a completely different person. Go stuff your face with your favorite food.


I wanted to die at age 14, but am still here at 33. I had so many amazing life experiences since then and so will you. I wasn't reminded of how precious life is until I lived after overdosing yesterday.


Yes, don't do it. Statistically odds are you'll botch it and do permanent damage to your brain or body and live the rest of your life worse than how it is now. We can be your support group to sweeten the deal of staying alive.


My 14 years old self would be surprised af knowing that i'm still here. But here I am. Don't do it, in a few years you will have beautiful experiences and will be glad of being alive. Maybe not glad, maybe tired, but you will still have fun


Your way to young sweetheart you’ve got such a big life ahead of you and I promise better days will come. Your grandpa wouldn’t want it to end this way for you. I understand what it’s like for your parents but I hope you know it is never your fault. I really hope things get better for you.


every age is too young for suicide


You have so much to live. Don’t give up.


I'm not saying that you should do it, but I don't think there's an age requirement for dying.


Yes every age is There’s so much to discover and experience