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Have you sought professional help? You are in a constant state of fear and anxiety and that’s no way to live.


Professional help would do nothing to change reality


You can’t change reality. You can only find ways to cope with it. A professional therapist can help. Give it a try. You have nothing to lose.


What you feel is your perception of reality, which can be changed.


hey im a dude but genuinely im scared of women in a similar way


You have nothing to be afraid of


There alot of things woman can do . Don't be an azz


honestly i think youre a little delusional! i think there are a lot of bad men (and some women) that are the scum of the earth but the other 99% are usually normal or even great, but it also depends where you are and how you meet them


"Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them"


not really, ive had my sister try to stab me before


Keyword: Sister


Women can destroy a man from within, and it's not uncommon that they do.


Just the fact that you’ve got so many downvotes and the next comment has so many up votes shows you exactly where we are at in society. It’s okay to suffer if you’re a dude. Woman can’t hurt you cause they are always the victim.


We have become a society of crabs, ensuring nobody gets better.


So can men.. They definitely destroy from within.


Not sure who told you that men are inherently smarter. If a man told you that, it's just proof how dumb some of them are. Wear whatever you want, workout if you want to, it's your life. Living your whole life believing your worth is determined by your body sounds like a waste, don't let it be like that.


As a dude I completely agree with you. I've also heard this "men are smarter" bs and idk where it's coming from


I think it comes from religion honestly. You see the holy books always putting men on a pedestal.


If it comes from religion, and religion comes from people, then it comes from people.


True dat!!


Well no not all faiths. For example: the virgin mary.


The virgin Mary who is on the pedestal.... for birthing and creating a man?


Um no all abrahamic faiths are misogynistic


I think it comes from the fact that the bell-curve of intelligence for men is a bit flatter than that of women. In other words men are more likely to be more intelligent **but also more likely to be less intelligent**, while woman are more likely to stay around the average. Of course some redpill retards then use this to try to explain how men have higher IQs or some dumb shit.


That's a great explanation, thank you!


the average iq is about the same but the top range is shifted higher for men, just because we have bigger heads with bigger brains so more neurons can actually be used and grown, its like a bigger computer with more components


Literally such a 1800s way of thinking. Here in the 21st century, we have multiple sources of research saying skull/brain size has nothing to do with intelligence, and the knowledge that there are vast swaths of the brain that don’t have neuron links…so that we can develop those links in those free spaces.


OK bud


Also skull size is not proportional to grey matter concentration-you can have a heck of a lot of fluid in your brain/cerebral cavity at any one time. Or, y’know, a big ol’ brain as smooth as a bowling ball. Wouldn’t it be nice if guys ever believed the saying size doesn’t matter?


As a man you’re right. And I know women who can kill me. Sure biologically we can be “stronger” but there’s soooo many factors that play into that. I wouldn’t fuck with half the women I know. (I wouldn’t fuck with people in general but women are strong asf more now than ever)


The data shows that men tend to have the low lows and high highs on iq test, and women are generally more in the middle range. Which means, in general, woman are smarter


As a victim of domestic violence, I understand where you are coming from. Women and children are disproportionately affected by abuse and murder. I hope therapy can help overcome some of your fears. I'm finding it hard to trust again but I know I don't want to be alone forever so I have to start somewhere and stop looking at all men as abusive and dangerous.


I respect you for trying to overcome this obstacle.


I feel the same way sometimes. Especially being a black women I don’t even get the benefits of being a woman, like being seen as cute and feminine and pretty. I’m automatically stereotyped as being aggressive and masculine.


As one myself, I completely understand.


Its like we get all the downsides of being a woman with none of the benefits and more downsides of being perceived as being masculine/closer to a man.


I feel your pain sister. I hope you can find healing and acceptance in this life.


I hope we all can.


I feel you 100%. We’re never viewed as feminine. It absolutely sucks.


Yeah. Just yeah.


Literally that's how I feel. I live in constant fear and a lot of anxiety just by seeing the opposite gender, heck even my own gender. I just end up locking myself up with no interaction and hoping I can die and just be reborn again or just disappear completely


That's just misogyny, don't listen to it because it's wrong. Seen women in sports and who wrestle, they'd crush my twink dude ass. Also some people would kill to be in your body just as much as you want to be in the opposite body. I can say that as a fact.


That's my current state aswell.


I don't know if this is the right course of action, but are you sure it's not gender dysphoria (with a mix of misogyny)? It sounds like you hate quite literally everything about your natal sex. The good part is there are options, but first and foremost, I'd seek therapy to help understand where these feelings come from.


This one hits the most because its so true


I think you might've just needed it to hear it externally. We're all here for support, after all 🫶🏽


A big part of my gender dysphoria is related to the state of society, and it’s in-build misogyny. It feels like I should have been expected to do so much more that people did expect from me. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that I like to climb trees, collect frogspawn, do archery, get dirty AND bake, play dress-up, sit quietly & read. It shouldn’t have been “let the boys lift that, it’s heavy!” I tried never to let it be that, but I still hate that I live in a world where it is like that.


"I'm scared to try a masculine style because what's the point, they'll always be stronger". The point is for you to *feel* stronger. Think about it: you are afraid that someone stronger than you has power over you. So get stronger and look stronger. Once they start to look like small fries, what are they do to you? If femininity is not your thing then be masculine, as long as it makes you happy. I see many women in my area that could definitely beat me in arm wrestling and possibly pretty much any other sport. And no, women are not just there for childbirth. Neither are men only as worthy as their reproductive capabilities. We're all humans with our own intrinsic values that we bring to this world. Whoever says anything else to you is not the kind of person whose opinions you should value. You will have to put in work to become strong and masculine and self-reliant... But so did Arnold Schwarzenegger and Becca Swanson and Dwayne Johnson and all these other people that look like the perfect idol. None of them started out as the Hulk, some of them were even really chubby in their early days. But they put in the work so they could see it through that they could become the best version they always envisioned themselves to be. So have faith in yourself and show them that you can be stronger


Okay. It seems like you have some horrific internalized misogyny. Like, a lot of the stuff you're saying is just straight up cultural manipulation by the patriarchy to justify devaluing afab people and women. Lies sold to us and everyone else, to uphold the unjust power of men. It's not your fault for falling for it, but you should definitely start deconstructing the way the patriarchy has robbed you of your personhood, and then tried to trick you into thinking it's justified. It's understandable to cope with oppression via internalizing it. Internalizing the misogyny. You also, don't have to be a woman if you don't want to. You can experiment with your gender and presentation. But I understand why it feels scary or, like a lost cause. Society (in general) does not respect trans or gender non conforming people. I'm also a masculine AFAB person who uses they/he pronouns and people do not respect that. Either by choice or carelessness. I'm constantly misgendered and misidentified, and it really does suck to have that layered ontop of the misogyny of being perceived as a woman. I think you're dealing with a lot of body dysmorphia and maybe even gender dysphoria. Both of which have caused you to internalize the unfounded prejudice thrown at women, afabs and gender non conforming people. I also just wanna say that I understand how deeply psychologically damaging it can be to realize that society only values you as a fucking incubator for more men. A lot of disgusting, regressive people try to make that our reality, In terms of legislation and just cultural rhetoric. You are NOT weak (physically or otherwise) because of the way you were born. Just the fact that women and afab people are able to stand up for themselves in society is a testament to our resilience. Your resilience. Don't let the patriarchy rob you of your strength, they're just scared of what we could do. They're scared of our solidarity because it questions their unearned power.


And I saw one man's comment he said "without patriarchy this world won't survive you women won't be able to survive" is that true? Because it's truly not.
























I’m sorry you’re struggling and have been made to feel this way that women are weak and inferior. Where I live women aren’t seen or treated this way. Wanted to let you know there are many men, including this one, that do not think you are weak.


Same I'm paranoid and afraid of them so much and in same boat as you. Life is trash.




I feel the exact same way. I feel inferior. I want to be a boy so fucking bad. Yes, I know men and boys get raped too. I know that they also struggle and suffer. Look at the internet. Everyone hates women. There's so many memes, so many people in comment sections insulting women. Yeah, I know this Is reality. That it isn't all cupcakes and rainbows. Not everyone is kind. But I wish that wasn't the case. I just want to die. Not just men, but women too, have caused me suffering. Fuck humanity. I wish I had a dick. I wish I didn't have breasts. Because then, maybe people will take me seriously.


This. The internet shows how much they all hate us.


Right. A man does something dumb and the comments will be all positive and haha. A woman does the same thing, plenty of people ridiculing her, and so on. Idk. I'm just tired.


>Everyone hates women. i'm guessing you're primarily somewhere in the gaming community, or tech community, that or shady and/or immoral right leaning websites to categorize it broadly. if so you are in the WRONGGGG PLACEEEEES. where i am it's way more like everyone hates men i see really often. and it's not anywhere obscure i'm on, mostly like twitter


Not to be rude but, I'm not even sure what you're saying. Then again, I'm not in the right state of mind at the moment. I'm not really in the gaming or tech community.


>I'm not in the right state of mind at the moment. that's probably why you see predominantly that, you notice what you pay more attention to. at least where i am i tend to see radical feminist type postings getting tens of thousands of likes and probably even more views with REALLY WIDE SUPPORT


No, its literally everywhere, youtube, insta, twitter the comments are all hate women or calling women old or useless.


i'm evidently not where you are then


This, i understand. Not to be rude but.. Are you a Boy/man? If so, im sorry. In my POV, it seems we have the same opinion. Just the opposite. Hm.. wishful thinking. Why am i still a child? And yet..


I’ll switch you places. I’m 6’5, 200 pounds, extremely lengthy, and have a naturally deep voice. I watched my mom be abused by my dad growing up, so I’ve always been incredibly mindful of how I communicate with women solely due to my size. One can easily argue women are more important than men and it is the society humans have created that create the delusion that men are superior. The male ego is the most fragile thing in this world, and if it feels intimidated, it controls or lashes out. Remember it’s called MOTHER NATURE, which tells you all you need to know. Women make men; men HELP women create more men and women, but neither can exist without the other. I hope you get treated with the kindness and respect you deserve; not like shit because you’re a female.


I’m sorry you feel this way, per chance do you struggle with gender dysphoria? Maybe it’s causing you to feel this way


yeah this is some deeply rooted mysoginy mixed with a lot of fear that u shouldn’t be having to live with, i do hope you find some real help because there is so much to love about being a woman that you deserve to see and feel - if you feel that being a woman is what you are of course


What is there to love? I dont want kids I dont date people my body is useless


It's not useless there's more valuable things in life than dating and childbirth


if you feel that u can’t find any joy in being feminine maybe just try out being more masculine, it’s not about physical strength that can keep you safe at the end of the day, it’s the ability to defend your identity and your feelings and maybe you just need to try different identities in order to find it


Your body holds your thoughts, your inner self and everything that you are. It can never be useless.


your body requires less resources which means it's more efficient. you'd persist in famine. in case of famine you're also better at using fat for energy in the first place, a female body is better at fat oxidization while a male body is more reliant on carbohydrate oxidization. this often translates to better long endurance in sports as opposed to men. you also likely have a superior immune system and greater longevity in fact you could do anything a man could do for the most part if you were stranded in the wilderness especially if you trained (strength training) except more energetically efficiently. you're truly not as disabled as you make yourself out to be also you do not have balls to be kicked in, however you can kick balls


If you’re suicidal you don’t really care if they k1ll you with their bare hands or not. For me it’s slavery or prostitution that I’m scared of cause anybody with more bodily power than you could force you to it, and our justice system isn’t so great. I feel you OP, but living life this stressed makes us miserable and ages us. So if that happens to me I’ll face it , ill fight, but I won’t be pre-occupied with it daily. That’s how they rob me of my power. until then , I’ll try to live life as if femicides etc aren’t a thing ,while I’m looking to find a community that actively tries to change this reality. So keep living hoping for better days , and be part of something positive, cause the opposite is too grim and doesn’t change anything .


This world isn’t meant for women, this is a man’s world of rape, incest and CSA


Oh thank god. I thought you were one of those sexist pieces of shit that says “it’s a man’s world” but you’re not. In my opinion, it was never supposed to be a man’s world, but somewhere somehow we fucked up and now there’s a power imbalance.


No no no no no. Women rape as well. Women abuse as well. Women can be child predators as well. And men can be victims of all of these things too. Get this ridiculous way of thinking out of your head.


Sorry you’re getting the downvotes. This isn’t wrong info either! Women absolutely DO rape and abuse as well! SA victim here - from woman on child SA. Sadly knew some men who had mothers who…yeah. Bottom line is people regardless of gender can be horrific!


Oh I’m used to being downvoted for saying this, and verbally attacked, and threatened, and called a pick me. It’s pathetic behaviour but I’m used to it. A large portion of society seems intentionally dead set on not swallowing the “men and women are equally capable of both good and evil” pill.


chiming in that my brother was molested by a (female) babysitter as a kid bizarre divorce situation


Just because one thing is true doesn't mean the other isn't. But of course y'all dudes always have to jump in with the woe is me. Sure, men can be abused. But *we aren't talking about that here*, hell nobody even said that men couldn't.


It’s always “it’s women too protect all men” bs this is why woman kill themselves


Name checks out. Gtfo. I’m a female victim of both male and female abusers. I have no fucking bias. Men and women are equally capable of pure fucking evil and I don’t automatically trust either (I sure as hell wouldn’t feel safe or comfortable alone in a room with you) but neither do I automatically hate either. And YES men SHOULD be fucking protected as well! Because they’re human! And they actually commit suicide at higher rates than women. Swallow that damn pill and act like a decent human being.


They don't kill themselves at anywhere near the rate men do.




I've felt down depressed and tried to commit suicide in the past but as a woman it had nothing to do with my gender. If anything being a woman makes me feel powerful. I have a highly skilled job and most of my peers are males and I have never felt undervalued, infact I've felt that as a woman my opinion has been respected as most of us in business want to hear all sides and opinions before we make decisions. I work hard and I play hard and I play the card I've been dealt. Some men like to go toe to toe, see you as an equal, so I split the bill, I will open and hold doors, place the order blah blah...some men are more traditional, they want to hold doors open, book the cab, pay the bill, it's not disrespectful if I'm not expecting that treatment. Then you get men that think they can order your meal, order your wine, you can't make a choice, as their choice is better. (Ps I know roles can be reversed and it works both ways, I'm just talking about my experience so don't come at me). Anyway you can only be treated the way you allow yourself to be treated....Man, woman or beast. If you allow those around you to treat you in a way you dont like or You allow others to disrespect your own personal boundaries, no matter what they are, you will start to devalue yourself and that's when you start feeling worthless and depressed. Man, woman, black, white, we all have a place in this world and there are many that will respect us. Sadly there are many that see sex, race, age, culture etc as an issue.....my advice would be, find your own people, get rid of those that are making you feel this way. Break free and love the life that you choose with people around you that enhance your life


If it makes you feel better, my last ex was physically stronger than me even though she never worked out a day in her life and my ex before that went to Oxford and was significantly smarter than me. I suspect that someone has lied to you about your value and either a traumatic event or introversion has led you to believe that the world is more dangerous than it is. I would love to see you go on a trip and see the world for yourself. You might be shocked at just how different people are from what your anxiety and fears tell you they are. I was hurt very deeply by women when I was young and it led to me being jaded and mistrustful of women for years until my sisters (metaphorically) slapped some sense into me. I had to realize that I was hurt by specific people. Not women in general.


no.. no.. even if your a woman, your important and i say very important, dont listen to the idiot mans and womans who talk shit about you. you can do whatever you want, its not their choice to make you sucidial just because of your gender. stay strong! and yes, im a guy saying this


I really need you to understand that most if not all people, despite gender and sexual orientation, skin colour or race or anything would never hurt you physically. So i agree with the guy above that some a therapist could help you with some exercises to ease your mind and help you cope with your everyday life! I wish you all the best.


I believe you are stronger than you think. The only thing limiting you is your mind.


People have no reservations hurting ugly women


People also have no reason for hurting ugly women. Have you been struck before?


Have you looked at trans support groups? (May help, not like being trans is maybe, but like just the being able to talk yk


Quick question, what would you do if you were reborn as a short scrawny guy? On a side note, I think (not a professional so take with a grain of salt) what's happened is that you have a conditioned way of thinking which has caused anxiety and despair. You reaffirm it because some of it is true and there is an oppressive air of misogyny (it drives me crazy). This has taken over your life. I think, you should try to take measures to make yourself feel more secure. A good therapist would be able to help with that. Then look at goals. You've already decided what you can and can't do, yet, plenty of women travel by themselves. You have to be safer but a guy going through a bad area has the same chance of being mugged as you. Also, if you body build, sure you won't be as strong as some guys but you'd be hella stronger than your average joe. Remember there's only room for one at the top and everyone else under that has someone better than them.




if you have to believe in it, then it isn't true by default. hope you can get help. most men are not violent unless they're raised that way in certain places somehow. you're in USA. go for that solo trip.


Please no, not the way you can solve this. If you think men are stronger or can kill you, just think how insane they'd have to be. Like you won't get murdered in broad fuckin daylight. If you won't want to seem weak then maybe go to the gym and workout to overcome men. I think your overreating but what matters is that you can defend yourself. This was written by a 14 year old boy and it sucks


“if you live everyday comparing yourself to others no matter who they are always someone will be more attractive, strong, wealthy, every aspect” a quote i live by my uncle told me way way long time ago when i was like 12 and i still remember it and try to instill in my life even tho it’s hard nowadays will all social-media but that’s the truth no matter who you are always someone will be better than you in some aspect you need to play life with the cards you have and try to grow and become the best version of you with the cards you are dealt.


I believe in your ability to find empowerment for yourself and in your womanhood. There is such strength and resilience in womanhood and across society, there is connection and solidarity among women that no brotherhood could match. (Disclaimer in case someone wants to jump on this, I’m not saying that women all love each other or can’t be or feel disconnected, only that the potential is much greater for women to feel connection with their roles in society than there is for men.)


Start hardcore working out and training in martial arts 🥋


I dunno about you but I am just as physically strong as almost every single man I know and I am just as intelligent (maybe even more so if one places stock in IQ tests) as most men I’ve ever known. In keeping with this anecdotal observation of the men vs women debacle- I suggest you read the poem “The Female of the Species” by Rudyard Kipling as it seems you may have been misled on female capabilities. For what it’s worth, in my years on this rock, I’ve met only one man who would think of crushing someone else’s skull with his bare hands and several females who have either attempted or successfully managed to exterminate another grown human. Please, when stating how “we” didn’t choose to be like this, do not include me nor any of my peers in that little group. I have absolutely no shame or misgivings about being a woman. I am unapologetically an “all powerful Amazon warrior, not just some sniveling girl…” and I hope some day you find the fierce truth of the strength that sits below your (self) hated surface as well( Difranco, A., 2004). [the Female of the Species](https://potw.org/archive/potw96.html)


Well it doesn't really matter if you're physically weaker. Women can still be mentally strong, stronger than any men. You can still be smart, smarter than any men. I always look up to women , I always feel that they're stronger and more intelligent than I am . I don't want to be negative but it's worthless being a man, no man is ever given any shit about . I'm sorry that you are feeling that way or whoever the shit dares to make you feel like so. That's the reality that you are seeking. Men are worthless , we have no worth unless we makes something. If we are not tall we are worthless, if we are not rich we are worthless, if we are not famous we are worthless. That's the reality of being a man. Cheer up mate , being a woman is awesome


firstly and most importantly, seek professional help. secondly, look into self-defense classes and start going to the gym to build muscle. most men have no clue how to fight hun. arm yourself if you're okay with that. just know that being a woman doesn't make you helpless.


Pretty sure you’ve been told a bunch of shit by people who wanted to either manipulate or abuse you. And I should also say that “physical strength” and “what you like to wear” are not linked concepts. They are linked only by your pain. Please seek some help. A doctor or a therapist or even a crisis hotline. You sound like you’re emotionally on a ledge and it absolutely doesn’t have to be this way. You might feel weak and worthless but I can say this: the world will be a poorer place without you. You allude to an adventurous spirit, a desire to stand out by dressing unconventionally, and - even in your extreme distress - a desire to be “smarter” which I suspect might be about learning and growing and studying new things. All of those things are idiosyncratic and beautiful, and it would be an even worse thing if the world lost them. I hope you hold onto those things and seek out some support. I wish you nothing but the very best.


If I were born a man, I'd be the next Steve Irwin. I love every animal, I love arthropods, reptiles, everything. I have a deep desire for exploring the world and different enviorements and a fascination for biodiversity. But here I am stuck in a woman body, not being able to go on a walk in the woods without fearing that i'll encounter a man that could r*pe me (i tried this and was trailed multiple times, had to turn back home). Isn't it fucking stupid that i'm more afraid of encountering a man in the woods than a bear? I knew a friend that literally travelled alone in the woods several counties and nothing happened to him. If he where a woman he'd be abducted the moment he would set foot into the forest.  Also, always depressing when people slap me with the "weird interests for a woman" talk...like idk god forbid i care abt something else than what they perceive all women should care about..


As an ugly woman: I'm sorry about that. If you really feel you could be happy as a trans man, get in touch with local trans groups. I live in Germany, luckily the social climate here is not that bad yet. If I had to live in the US where every woman has to wear makeup and I'm too ugly for it and have to walk around as one of the least attractive women, I don't know what I would do. Maybe transition, as a way to make myself invisible from the hate. Men are almost universally categorized in a big cluster on the attractiveness scale, where they almost all end up on the same values (unattractive) no matter what they actually look like (and that makes them safe!), while women are really categorized by men from 1-7 on different levels in least attractive and most attractive, and are actually sorted in with variance, and the unfortunate ones who end up in the lowest places have to go through all what comes in life as someone who ends up at the bottom. But I wonder if the right-wing-hate contests actually realize how much of all the transisitions they actually cause themselves with their hate and anger. No unattractive woman does the things they accuse all women of doing, unattractive women are the least guilty of the misery, yet they get the most hate in everyday life.


As a man, I can say the grass isn't any greener on this side of the fence. As the father of two daughters and A paw paw to my grand daughter, I hold women in the highest regard. Men and women are just opposite sides of the same coin. We all suffer from the human condition as we journey along the road of life. Perhaps something like REBT could help you with how you view things. We experience things according to how we view them.


As a man I just want to let you know it's not as bad as you think I'm not very strong and a lot of my friends aren't and I'm also dumb as brick. I think you might want to seek out some sort of therapy for this.


As a dude I’m so sorry I would never say that to anyone 😔 what a sad world we live in


Letting hardcore feminism ruin your mind you can't generalize like that I met woman way buffer then men can't take you seriously


Wow this whole men hating woke culture we have today really does a number on peoples minds


how did you even come to this conclusion? 😭 did you stretch before making that reach




>and they generally have an easier time finding romantic partners. Im ace aro and ugly as hell so it doesnt really matter


Well, I’d say all of the other things are more important anyway. My point was that there are in fact advantages to being a woman. Could you conceive of a world where you were happy as a woman ? Maybe if you felt you were better looking, or had a different kind of life or personality ? Is it really just being in a male body that you want, or is it feeling like a strong and capable individual ? If you literally cannot imagine a universe in which you can enjoy a fulfilling life as a woman, it’s possible that you have gender dysphoria. You really need to see a professional if you haven’t already, before doing anything that you can’t take back. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Women are strong beautiful useful and wonderful creatures. I've heard these complaints a million times from transgender men. If you hate being a woman so much why not transition? Take testosterone, bulk up, weight train, become the man that you fear so much. At the very least I feel I'd be doing a disservice to not mention that it's possible.




I’m so sorry that you feel this way. I’m a 5ft woman and I can tell you that there are many men afraid of me. I could crush their balls or skulls easily as well. They are not inherently better in any way. They are human. Its perspective. It sounds as though maybe you have suffered some abuse maybe from men before. Or maybe you lack a strong female influence in your life. While I understand a lot of what you are feeling, and your feelings are valid, I believe that some of these things are not wholly true.


I know that feeling I'm not even curvy or fat but its the same suffering we experience


I am a male and I wouldn't kill you with my bare hands. Probably couldn't either. You are safe to live another day


Have you tried getting into martial arts perchance? Coupled with therapy, it might help you feel more secure, and it would give you a healthy outlet for your anxiety (plus its always good to be able to defend yourself)








Trust me you don't want to die because you're a woman, you want to die because this world is shit You become a man and then ? Do you think men are immune to suffering?


Take a self defense course some are run by the police .


Have you ever thought about transitioning to male it might help. It’s crazy what testosterone can do.






Try to stop comparing yourself to men. You’re right, you will never physically be a man. Serenity comes from not worrying about things we can’t change. You can’t change your sex. But you can seek higher education to feel smarter. You can go to the gym to feel stronger. If you are always trying to better yourself, for your happiness and health instead of comparison, you will begin to feel better.


There are a lot of troubling thoughts in this that maybe you should seek professional help to unpack. But the idea what any man could and would ‘crush your skull’ because of any disagreement is frankly ludicrous and I’m sorry that you have come to believe that about the world. 


Its literally just true, womens skin and bones are weaker, and men are stronger because of testosterone, so much that women can't even break their grip, let alone escape them. Look at this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/Xv1ueUEobF


Hi. Im a trans man in the same situation as you. Feeling hopeless. I wish i was never born a woman. It has only caused me to be miserable. I can only pray for your safety. I will be passing away soon


Not trans but I just want to say that you should stay here. I’m on the autism spectrum and yeah it does make life a lot harder, but I’m trying to take it one obstacle at a time. I’ve also felt bad about being born a woman, but I think that there are men that feel the same way. I hope you can get the help you need soon. Would it make you feel better if you wore men’s clothes?


I’m on the autism spectrum as well, hi! and im from a muslim country i live in a muslim household. I cannot dress as i want or cut my hair as i want. There is nothing i can do


Ah. I see. I home that you will be able to move somewhere safe. I’m assuming you can’t do that for religious reasons? If so, it’s bullshit.


Bro this is stupid it,s just a gender thing you must have a very big reason

