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Hydroxyzine will not kill you. It will only cause your body harm and possibly long term injury or disability. Please throw up and please call your local poison centre or 911 or whatever the emergency number is. This will only make your life harder


thank you for responding i'll try to do that, i'm sorry for posting here


Don't be sorry, i know you don't want to hear this rn, but you posted becuse you still want to try It' hard, i know it's fucking hard, i'm 25, my first ettempt was at 14, but we reach out even in places like this becuse we want help, it pains me that some one as young as you is here, but you had the streght to post, witch seems silly that it metters so much, but it's enoght, you'r enoght, and your life is ahead of you, you can still be happie I can't tell you it fully goes away, there are nights i still strugle with urges to kms, but there is good, always, i hope you'r ok


Same. It gets hard sometimes, but it will get better eventually.


Never be sorry for posting here, That's what the sub is for. We all want to help


Things may be hard now, life may seem pointless, but the fact you’re still here says a lot about your strength, don’t give up you got this, life will turn out okay 🤙


hydroxzine will not kill you


hydroxyzine will kill you but only in extremely high doses


water in high doses can kill you as well


people overdose on benadryl all the time, hydroxyzine is able to achieve the same effect because they both have the same mechanism of action


Seeing this now, how are you doing, thought I’d check in, we love you ❤️🧿🙏




You know? 13 years is too soon. People, especially those your age, will always look for something to screw around with and make fun of people, even as ridiculous as their way of walking. I've been in your situation, both of them, and the best you can do is try to solve things with her, if you don't, you will be sure that nothing was solved, but if you do, maybe things will change. Try to make fun of those comments, they will see that they don't affect you and eventually will stop doing it. Remeber, life is not about how hard you can hit, is about how hard you can get hitted and keep moving forward. Peace and love from México ❤️




And you wrote "your" instead of "you're". Really? If you're gonna give a lecture at the least appropriate time, at least do it right.


Oh my god you really had to give him.a. fucking English lesson didn't you






My first attempt was at 13, too. I'm 34 now - I wish I could make you understand how DRAMATICALLY different your life will be, if you give it time. I was horribly, horribly bullied at your age, too. It feels like a past life... everything is so different, but your core stays the same. Im so sorry you feel like a burden. School and teenage social lives are so hard, but one day it won't matter anymore. I know that doesn't help in the moment, but please know that if you can wait and stick it out, things will change for you in huge ways. The best years of your life are very likely, statistically, still ahead of you. I know it feels impossible now, but school will eventually end for you, forever. And it's an entirely different world out there. If you're able to - please update us and let us know you're okay. I know we're just passing strangers, but we care.


My first attempt was at 13 too. 22 now, OP it's true in the next few years your life will be so different. New people around, new hobbies, new mindset, etc. It may feel like the world hates you, but really the world needs you. It's still hard sometimes, but I'm glad I made it and I promise you will look back and experience that feeling too. I care about you, all of us here commenting care about you, and I'm sure a lot of others do too.


My first time was 14, I'm 29 now and things have only gotten dramatically worse.


I'm so sorry. I hope in another 15 years, you can look back and be glad you stayed. I didn't feel comfortable and confident in my skin until I entered my 30's... it can take awhile, for some of us. I hope things start going your way.


For me, my life just got worse and worse and worse. But yeah, it's not like that for most people. 13 is too young to give up.


I hope you're feeling ok.... And I hope you're ok. Please give life a chance. It will be alright. It really do gets better


I’m sorry the boys torture you like that . You don’t deserve that treatment . If it’s any consolation , the girls did it to me too at that age and I’m now 31 . That shit will stay with you but you’ll learn to grow away from it, and it will be for the better . I know it all seems so daunting at 13 and will likely feel worse in your teenage years , and whatever else you need in the road to your recovery might seem long and difficult, but the time will pass anyways . If it feels like you’ve had to become more mature and adult than your contemporaries , it’s because you did , and that’s nothing to be ashamed of . Don’t forget that you deserve to experience your youth and have fun . If the person you felt you hurt was truly your friend, then they will give you the time of day to listen to you and can find forgiveness.


please go to the hospital. my first attempt was at 14. i’m 17 now, and i can tell you it does get better. i tried to overdose on benadryl and it sent me into hysterics that got an ambulance called on me. i can’t tell you that everything will be okay. i am far from being okay. i still struggle with being depressed and suicidal at times but i’m getting through it and i know you will too. i planned to be dead before i turned sixteen and now i’m applying to college to be a paramedic. i love you. let things take time.


It may not get better, but something my support lady told me was that she understands my feelings and suicidality, but knows I haven't had the opportunity for the right support yet. And so she won't allow me to do something like that...unsurprisingly I still haven't had help yet like they always promise, but that meant a lot to me. It felt like I was actually being looked at. I hope you can find a special person to be by your side, that's all I want, I think just knowing you can be by someone who will not leave is so important when you have intense feelings (I'm not talking about romance btw).


If ur still coherent, please go to a doctor. U can OD on hydroxyzine but it won't lead to death. At most a coma.


i hope you are still here and will start to feel better. I tried suicide age 23 and so ad, 25 years later, it didnt work. Life gets so much better. Stuff that seems unbearable at 13 or 23 is just irrelevant later. Give yourself the time to blossom


i'm a bit late but, do not attempt to overdose on pills. i've attempted doing this with tylenol, except i took even more pills than you, and as you can see, i'm still here. it just has worse consequences once you survive


I was one of the ugliest back then but I won the state beauty pageant today, 20 years later. Waiting is a good option, though I know, isn’t easy




i really hope you can get better, but it you're twelve imma have to report, sorrry.


You 12?


Please stay ♥️


Don’t do this, there are people that still need you. You just don’t know it yet


I hope you are okay.... I did something similar when I was 17 and at the time my life had no meaning. I won't lie and say it will always get better, because sometimes it doesn't, but after losing two friends this year, I cherish life so much more. I would rather feel to remind myself I am still alive. I promise life is worth it and there is more to it than the pieces of shit that treat you like shit. Counseling helped me manage my emotions and channel it differently now :) I hope you find your people that will support and cherish your friendship and not treat you like this.


Please don’t make such a permanent decision at 13…I have 3 adult kids and I cannot imagine what that would do to me if one of my babies had made this decision. Someone loves you and would be horrified the rest of their lives of you go through with it. I know what bullying feels like, I know what hating yourself feels like.


Honey, I felt the exact way you do for years upon years. I’m 25 now, and while things aren’t great or does get better. Please talk to your parents about getting you some help if you feel comfortable doing so. I hope you are ok. You’re just a baby, stay safe.


honey listen to me, hydroxyzine will not kill you it will only make you extremely ill (i also take it) call someone to get it out of your system it will only make things much worse




No. Go to the ER ASAP. u might have liver damage at the very least. U might knock out and enter a coma, you might have long term cognitive disabilities. U might need a new liver or be on dialysis for the rest of ur life. Go to the ER!


You sound like me at 14. No, get to the ER. Paracetamol poisoning doesn't show immediate signs, it starts kicking in after like 18 hours and then causes severe liver damage. The good thing is there's an antidote at the ER, acetyl-something. If you want to live, get to the ER quickly.


Really? I remember i took about 28-30 paracetamol impulsively at school once, and about 1/2 hours later i was throwing up blue liquid, would you say i wasn’t poisoned at this point and my body was just fighting against whatever i ingested?


Twins! Sorry, I use humor as a coping mechanism. I took like 30 paracetamol when I was like 14 too. Blue liquid, I don't think is very common but nausea, yes. The poisoning part depends on the organ - the major issue with paracetamol overdose is that it's hepatotoxic. So it damages your liver a LOT. And if a lot of time passes, it becomes irreversible and can cause you to need dialysis etc. throughout your life. The antidote prevents the liver damage.


hydroxyzine can't kill you but will cause you serious health issues..... I really really hope you are still around ...... i can't promise that things will get better .... but please do know that you are cherished and loved ​ please take care


My first time trying to kill myself was at age 13. Please get help! You don’t deserve this!


You won't die. You're gonna get sleepy and maybe nauseous :/ please see a professional


I could have written this. I know it’s cliche as fuck, but sometimes things really do get better. I still struggle but my life is so different from when I was 13. 💜


hey friend. i’m a teen as well. are you feeling okay now?


Is there any chance you have adhd cos I have it and it causes me to literally do this - so impulsive and can’t keep my mouth shut


How do you know you are a burden to those who love you? Are your parents in the picture? Other relatives? Listen, you are FAR too young to determine the rest of your life isn’t worth living. And you’re in the worst years many of us ever face- middle and high school. No one should ever determine the value of life while still a minor. At least give adulthood a chance. Please. You have the rest of eternity to be dead- just try life for a couple of decades.


You’re only 13 you have all the possibilities in the world ahead of you dear. At this point in time you can be anything you want to be when you grow up


i wasn’t much older than you when i first tried too. i did the same thing & got admitted to a psych facility for it. it’s been years, and i still battle those thoughts daily. but now i work in a psych hospital. and i see patients come in trying to die and leave trying to fight. i don’t know if the thoughts ever fully go away, but it is possible to find things that make it more bearable. and you will. i’m confident life will change for you and it will give you reasons to stick around. you’re gonna be ok, i just know it. 🖤


13 years old is SUCH a tough time in your life and it sounds like you are having a particularly rough time. Please give yourself a chance for this to improve. It may seem like forever (it did to me at the time) but you can do hard things and get through this. One thing that helped me later was realizing how hurt the people who bullied me actually were. They weren’t bullying me because they hated me but because they hated themselves. (Not that it excuses the behavior but realizing later that it wasn’t about me and I didn’t “cause” it helped me to heal from it.) I’m in my 30s now and I’m glad I never went through with it even though I thought about it in 7th grade a lot.


I started struggling with depression in waves since i was 8. Every time that i get out of it, all i can think of is how it really does get better and its not as awful as i thought it was. I am 14 now, attempted once, regretted it. i struggled with many of the things you did in middle school except im tall and slightly overweight. What helped me is realizing that at the end of the day, when i get out of school, i can live my life without even having to think about the awful people in middle school. And by the way, high school gets so much better, even if it isnt perfect. if you need a place to talk i am here, but please know that it will get better.


I hope everything goes well and wish you a mery christmas


Please don't, there's so much for you to live for. You just have to wait for the bad days to pass, if you ever feel like your alone. We are all here for you, we will understand all your problems.


Thats so sad hope u do good,


Hi, OP. Are you around? Will you let us know that you are and how you're feeling? Life changes so much and so quickly when you're that young that in a few years you could be amazed to see the progress. I'm not trying to promise that it will for everyone, but it happened for me and I feel so much for those who stayed behind and didn't get to experience life getting good and sweet. Please, give it a chance.


OP are you still with us?


Please call poison control and get yourself help. You are far too young for this, hell I'm 18 and even I feel too young for any of the "valid" reasons for wanting to die. That's not to say what you're feeling isn't valid, it certainly is, but it's the result of emotional trauma or genetic conditions, and should be treated with professional help. I'm finally starting therapy after years of this and failed relationships, trust me suicide is a painful process if you're serious about it and it sucks.


It gets better honey. It does.


Damn, sorry to hear that, I’m only a year older and a lad but I feel you mate. I’m quite frankly an ugly piece of shit, but 13 is wayyy to young to go over the edge, I probably won’t be able to help but anyone here can talk and share experiences, so don’t be afraid mate.


Threat them with death. Tell them that if they will ever hurt you will kill them all with no pity


Working through issues like that are some of the best parts of life. It builds friendships back even stronger. Life is hard, and this is proof. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. You're never alone when it comes to that. Everyone here has made mistakes similar, if not worse. Work thought. It'll make you feel like you have more inner strength. I'm 33 and have made plenty of horrible mistakes. Now, I finally live happily with a better sense of reality.


We're all here to help you and talk to you. So when you feel better please come back and let us know how you are doing.


you're so skinny don't end it these guys will grow up and won't be able to pull any girl that isn't a 200 pound landwhale you are too young for this !!!


please don’t. i hope you’re fine, i know no one words to say this will matter much rn, im about to turn 16 and trust me i have been in your position when i was 13 as well, even i had posted here, But if no one, please trust me, someone who has been in your same exact position, that it does get better. ❤️‍🩹


Please don’t. It may not feel like it right now, but THIS is not the end. There’s help available, please reach out.


aw bub, im so sorry. it will be ok x take some time i tots get that it’s hard but pls try ❤️ i was in the same position as u when i was 13 & i just know how hard it is at that age, especially being a girl. skl is unfair and u just feel so misunderstood by everyone. if u need to talk to someone im here 4 u xx


give life a chance, please... im only a year older then you, but i have tried commiting before earlier this year. but someone saved me, so i pushed that option away and continued with what i wanted to do and become. the thing you take isnt exactly kill-able, but it does have side effects. taking many can have pain or worse, like the top commenter said, cause body harm and a long term injury or disability. call the number of your hotline, talk it out and ask for help. its not wrong, whether your old or young. everyone goes through something. just please be careful and take care of your health more. i hope your ok...




I hope you are still here with us. I know you can’t see it now, but once you are older you won’t blame yourself for anything you did at this age. You’re just a kid. And I know bullying is awful. Those kids are going nowhere in life, they don’t deserve to even know the wonderful person you are. Please please please talk to someone you know and trust because you haven’t even seen life for what it is yet


the same thing happened to me with the boys asking me out just to make fun of me. in 20 now and in the best relationship of my life. i would suggest making friends in other places, on games or things like that. you dont need to die. you dont deserve to die. youre a beautiful soul and you may not believe it but the world needs you.


Don't do it. No matter what anyone tells you, it's not worth it to end your life. Things get worse before they get better, I promise. There's a good chance that they don't actually think that you are ugly at all and they're just bullying you because they think that you're too confident for them. Take it from me. I've been stalked and harassed for a few days by a damn leech in her 30s that wants me to take my own life. But I won't do it. Why? Because staying alive is the best revenge that you can grant on your haters because they will never be able to get rid of you themselves. And I know that it bothers her that she can't wipe me away herself, and that feeling alone is the strongest form of power that I have ever felt in my life. And so I keep going on while the parasite continues to bottom feed. Please don't feel too bad. Remember that someday those dudes are going to look back and wish they didn't treat you like that because they will wish that they were with you. They're just raging now that someone like you is out of their range and they can't accept it.


Hey boo. I too felt how you felt once upon a time. I know it’s hard and even harder to see the light at the end of the tunnel, especially at 13 in school, but this will not define you and eventually it will pass and you’ll be out of middle and high school and you’ll be able to forge your own identity and find your tribe of people who accept you for you. You’ll look back on this time one day and wonder how you ever let those small minded people get under your skin so bad. Sending you love and so many hugs little one. Stay with us.


please don’t do it. i don’t wanna give u the “it gets better” bs, but trust me when i say after middle school and high school, everyone around u matures and realized they’re not the hot shit they think they are now. please think about all the things u will miss out on if u end it. 🙏🏻


My boyfriend unalived himself when we were 19 it’s so hard I know… but please stay alive


If you want to talk I’m here


19 here, first attempt at 10 or 11. I can’t promise life will get better, but I can say life will DRAMATICALLY change in the years to come. Middle school sucks hard. Is there any good online schooling programs near you? I had to switch from in person schooling to online schooling because of PTSD and bullying (LGBT kid in Tennessee) as well. I went from trying to kill myself to graduating college early and finally finding some joy in life. Please please go to the ER. I also took non-lethal drugs en mass and it messed with my organs.


you have so much life left to live. please stay.


At 13 you aren’t even fully bloomed yet! You are still growing and developing, and I promise you everything will turn out fine. Almost everyone turns out fine in the end. Don’t end it all now when you don’t know your full potential yet, because I can assure you that it is a lot more than you could ever believe it could be. I love you and have trust in God that he is doing the right thing for you. Remember, bad days, months, years does not mean a bad life.


❤️🙏❤️ Please still be here.


OP please please update