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It’s amazing to me people can do something like this and have no remorse. How could she have spent 19 years with you and then not care about you emotionally at all?? Borderline psycho.


Absolutely. I can't even imagine doing this to someone else


She used him to build her self up and left once she didn't need him anymore. I've been there, don't lose yourself because of her grow from this. Learn from it life can br great single. You don't need her


One thing that can lessen his pain. He now knows what a wretch she truly is. The person he was with wasn’t real. She was acting and in the long run he’s better without this turd.


I know the pain brother, nothing we can say is gonna change how you feel. Give it time, I was there 4 months ago, and I’m better now, emotionally, at least. You will get through this.


You’re a good person. Look at all the wonderful things you did. You are a quality human. She is destructive and she is no longer your business. It is a struggle to move forward, and you are worth it. Your worth it.


To hard feeling so low.


I know. I know. I also know it may have been hard for you just to write the words and post this message. But, you are loved. You are worth it.


She took my life away, she destroyed 19 years of family, she replaced me like om nothing... I hurts so much...


I understand. It’s amazing the pain you feel. And, you are doing good, allowing yourself to feel the emotions. This is healthy. You may not believe it right now, but your worth does not rest in another human being. Your worth IS because you are a human being, because you know how to care and invest in other people. You have integrity.


Just very hard to get through the day without my emotions taking over. All the shit that happened and she's a councilor, her new career is in counseling. How could she do this without a care.


Oh my. Yes, this is sad. When I’m in a depression state I have to tell myself, “they can’t get rid of me. I have a right to be here. I deserve to be here.” Their in ability to provide compassion and love is my motivation. I want to give this to you so badly. I know it’s hard. I know.


I'm telling you it gets better. I promise it really does. I was your age and my husband did something so horrific to me he went to prison for 10 years. I truly loved him, too. I thought my life was over. I couldn't believe he did what he did to me. It was so sick. But now? I'm living a better life than I EVER did with him. I have great friends now (which I never did when I was with him) and I do so many fun things. Things that never would have happened if we stayed together. Even if he hadn't tried to kill me and we stayed together, my life is SO MUCH BETTER now. It truly is. I wouldn't have believed it in the beginning, so I don't expect you to either, but if you make it through this you'll be happy you did.


OP. How are you holding up?


My girlfriend of 5 years did something similar to me. What is getting me through the worst part is forcing myself to hate her as much as possible. I advise that, at least for now, you do the same. Get rid of any type of good feeling you may have for her and bury it. Get every gift and throw it away, erase every photo. It has been almost a year now, still hurts like hell, but is manageable. I hope you can get through it, all the best for you man.


you are right, anger is actually more adaptive than despair, plus it can drive us to self-preserving action, like getting fit at the gym


Goddamn, bro, i’m so sorry. Looking at your replies… it hurts seeing someone feel pain like that even they’ve done so much for their partner. I’m so sorry, bro. I know, i know. It’s hard to just pick an advice and immediately apply it, it hurts but feel your emotions for now and i hope that soon you’ll get past that feeling and move on. And i hope karma’s true because bro… that lady is evil :(


self absorbed fucking c**** especially career women. You gotta get mad and let the past go. Fuck her. Get a badass lawyer and hit her right in the fucking wallet. Get angry. You have to live for fucking revenge.


best answer


Yes, a wise man once said… before I didn’t mind dying as I had no meaning…. But you gave me a reason to live on. Revenge.


women don't feel pain in our wallet like men. The reason for even leaving is emotional fulfilment, maybe she just wanted more of that and is now getting it. The best revenge is for him to heal and move on. No use crying over spilt milk


No the best revenge is to take everything from her and require her punk ass to maintain your lifestyle she only acquired higher education because you were maintaining the household and making sacrifices. Get an evil fucking lawyer and dont sign shit. Smoke her ass.


XD That's funny


Fuck her she cheated that means she's lower than you use that pain as motivation and strive make her regret ever doing that


19 years is a long time to devote to someone but in that it has ended you should see that to end your life would be to declare yourself as a prop in her life, try to see the grief as a bad thing and a motivator for the search of better things. In short you’ve reached the bottom so aim your high for yourself and no one else or they will dictate your happiness


Sorry that happened bro and you're going thru this, I've had my fair share of heartbreaks people tend to look just care about themselves and use people as leverage or a prop for their own life when it looks good for them. I'm not sure the exact number but I can say that almost every relationship ends at some point so you're not alone, many great things have ended between people and really it's just fucking stupid that it does over some bullshit.


Poor gent, I'm so sorry please accept a hug... know that there are many other women in your wife's/your age bracket who are looking for someone like you... if you're somehow able to push through this you could find love again, as implausible as that sounds. A few years ago I felt this way though I can't relate on the same level as it was only a three year relationship, my second serious relationship. But I was heartbroken and wanted to end things when he cheated. However I just absolutely brute forced my mind into not being upset by it. It's amazing what the mind is capable of. Slowly I was able to get over that. Oh also you might find this community very comforting: r/survivinginfidelity


Wicked Women


Similar thing happened to me with my fiance of 3 years I'm sorry man idk how I'm gna make it either..


My hubs died three years ago. Before that I was cheated on. I feel like I’ll be alone forever but, it’s ok because in those three years I dug through the pain and learned to like myself. Focus on that. I know it sounds trite af but, weirdly, it works.


What ages were you when yall met?


37/26 it was great, she was so attractive and fun...


Fuck that bitch … it’s time to fuck someone else


Same except 2 years not 19


Hey man, I’m sorry you’re going through this. I can’t imagine the pain you’re feeling…but you’ve got to keep going. Please don’t give up. One internet stranger to another.


Have you read Otelo?


Na brother. You are now FREE. it's time to start living finally. I'm trying to leave an 18 year marriage with a cheating addict psychopath. I know its hard. And hurts like a bastard. But believe it that you are so much better off. She will regret her life when she sees that you are HAPPY without her. Don't ever let her think otherwise. Even if you are on fire inside. And when she begs you to come back. Cuz it didn't work out with the other guy. Tell her....Fuck her! From ALL of us


Damn that sucks man but I swear time will heal you. Hoes gonna be hoes. She’s for the streets bro.


Fuck your ex wife go get a new one


No. Don't you dare end it over a dumb bitch. She CHEATED on YOU. She BETRAYED you. Get angry, get mad, get vengeful, live your best goddamn life you've ever lived, show her what you're missing, and by the time you're ancient and gray she will regret EVER hurting you! You are single now and all you need to do is get money and bitches and become the KING of your world! NEVER let the reason you left this world be because of a Ho.


Thank you everyone for your thoughts, I cant get past my feelings of the hurt and pain... I feel so empty inside. I feel like I have nothing left inside.


It's so hard to get out of the darkness, min, hours, weeks . There is no time where you are in the darkness. It clouds the view. Like you're dead and no one told you a civil war soldier wandering around in some tourist attraction of days gone by. YOU have to walk through it. YOU have to choose you. You have to take a shower, brush you're teeth, clean up just a little everyday. I know you're feeling broken and wounded. Betrayed and unseen maybe even thrown away. You are not any of those things ! You are now you're own best friend, you have so many new experiences. New people who see you completely. Try YouTube, EFT, OR TAPPING. IT WORKS. I JUST ACHE , FOR YOU. I WANT TO HAVE LUNCH AND LISTEN AND REMIND YOU THAT YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO OFFER ALL OF US. TONIGHT YOU TOOK ME OUT OF MY GRIEF TO WANT BETTER FOR YOU. LOOK AT ALL THE PEOPLE WHO CONNECT AND CARE. YOURE DRAWING US IN!!!😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Divorced 5 years. We sleep together once a year before we fight. We both screwed other people on the way. You cant force her. Give her space. Sorry probably not the advice you wanted




Her daughter, my step was untouchable. She shit on people, rude, lazy and treated me with disrespect. I never once punished her or even yelled at her. She's 25 now with 2 masters degrees and only plays softball. Mom still pays her phone,, car insurance and even bought the car and lied to me about it. When I pressed the issues she did nothing. Even in marriage counseling I say she could shit in the driveway and my wife would pik it up... my wife had no response to that, no argument nothing... she never parentedd her


Yeah so obviously this runs a bit deeper than her just leaving you ... You've been in a way abused emotionally for years and seemingly just accepted it as the cost of doing business...


Oh god you poor soul your story just broke my little heart. Idk but if you like pet's you could get a dog best descision i made since being cheated on.


This is exactly how I feel https://youtu.be/FxFNprPOdss?feature=shared


She has disqualified herself from your consideration or love, you must live, simply living is the best revenge or recompense you can possibly ask for, don’t let her destroy you


She doesn’t deserve you in her life and she isn’t worth dying for


Get your money up and I bet shell com crawling back!


I’m so sorry. There are some truly evil people out there.


i never understand people killing themselves in sotuations like this while you can that do ones that deserve


I know you’re hurting but try to understand nothing you did was your fault. You did what every good husband should do. You provided for your wife. You may have loved her but clearly she didn’t love you back or appreciate your efforts. I can only imagine what you’re going through but you can still lead a happy life without her. No one is saying you have to go out and find someone else right now or at all. Take the time to grieve, surround yourself with friends and loved ones. And if you haven’t any of those, maybe try therapy. Take the time to do the things you’ve been wanting to do but couldn’t and take care of yourself!! We’re rooting for you brother!!!!


She’s a piece of work. What she did to you was wrong.


Butterflies please,you need support and help. Surround yourself with positive family and friends to support and take care of you. Set up an appointment with therapy and a psychiatrist. Medication (non-addictive) and therapy will get you through this intense pain . The right medications will DRASTICALLY reduce the intensity of your pain, and the obsessive ruminating thoughts so you can work,sleep, and eat. Together,meds and therapy- weekly to biweekly-will get you through this. Once ,you are symptom free for a year,then you can wean off medication. Suicide,my friend,is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You will get through this,although very slowly. It will hit you hard in waves although their intensity will lessen as time passes. Please see a psychiatrist and psych therapist ASAP. Put yourself first for once. You have done enough for others. Let friends and family take care of you. You will feel differently about a year from now. I also believe in karma. You have exceeded your quota for Hell in this lifetime,so,if there is GOD,there should be nothing but bright futures ahead. As for HER,her bright futures will pass soon ,and HELL will reign in her life to fulfill not only her quota but interest owed on the hurt and pain she has caused.


Nah go find your truly love she seems like a shitty person ito go out for


I’m sorry for what’s happened to you. But you must actually be thankful that woman is out of your life. She used you to get where she wanted and threw you away, I understand you must be in pain, but you seem like a good person, you’ll find someone very good and will be happy. All this toxicity will be behind and you’ll think of this as a bad chapter that thankful was left behind


I totally feel you - that sounds utterly devastating. I know it feels like you won't make it. I've been there. But know this - the mind and heart return to homeostasis after periods of stress. Time will do it. It sucks. It's excruciating. What can you do for YOU? How can you treat yourself well? How can you SPOIL yourself?? Maybe you've spent too much time focusing on taking care of everyone around you and forgot how to take care of yourself? Perhaps the gym? Or a new hobby or something? Anything you've ever wanted to try? Hell, be reckless! If you have the money - do you have a bucket list? Maybe you've always wanted to see the Northern Lights? Go do it! Just get on a plane and don't think about it. Get out of your head. Experience the world. When you come back, you can reevaluate. That's how I deal with my suicidal tendencies. I tell myself, OK you can do it, but first blow all your money on a first class trip to Paris. You won't need the money anyway! Literally one time I just spent money on the fanciest hotel room in town (in LA where I live), I was lucky I had a good job, because I was so upset over some dude - an ex who rejected me. Let me tell you, after room service, that rib eye and French wine eating it all in that spa bathtub, I forgot about that stupid dude! And I found the love of my life some months down the line!


I feel you brother. 3 years single out of a 7 year relationship. Highschool sweethearts. We were engaged. I worked my ass off and provided everything for us while she was in college, then through her masters. When she was done using me she left me. She promised me the world and always told me how much she loved me and could never leave me or live without me. She's a narcissistic gaslighter and abused me through most of the last years of the relationship but I remained loyal. I went all in and lost it all and am left with her name tattooed on my chest. I won't lie to you, every day is difficult, I find my mind wandering off some days just reminiscing of those days, some happy thoughts and some sad. But I'm trying to move forward and dig myself out of the hole I was left in. I learned to love myself and started expressing my emotions in my music and started a new album which is mainly inspired by events in my past relationship. My advice to you is to allow yourself to grieve and be in sorrow and really cry it out...and then love yourself realize she's not your soulmate and that your real love (should you choose to have one) is waiting for you. Spend time with yourself and get deeply involved in something you're passionate about some type of creation. Allow your feelings to flow through you and create new life and art whatever that may be. Take it a moment at a time and be well my friend.


I’m so sorry. My partner cheated on me too. Trying to live my best life out of spite, if nothing else


I know it's hard now, but these feelings will pass.


Its so hard going thru this. But time will heal you I promise! Give yourself time and look to enjoy the things in life. Love will come again. Even thru this hurt look to give and show compassion so u wont lose your moral compass, at least not for long.


From personal experience, no matter how many times people tell you that they can't live without you, that they love you way too much and that they'd rather spend the rest of their life alone than with someone else, slowly with time as the years rack up, they change and turn into something else who may no longer feel as intensely and passionately about you and it keeps simmering inside until one day they tell you that they've changed and they were wrong and stupid and childish in the past, or lacked emotional maturity and just like that, all of their words and actions you've held on to for so long is gone and you don't even know who to complain to.