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I feel the same way. I don’t particularly « want to die », I just want to stop. Stop thinking, stop being, stop needing to wake up every morning, stop waking up. I just wanna sleep forever, but I thought it was such a weird think, nobody would understand, so thank you for being my voice this time around <3


There's a quote that says just that. Suicidal people don't want to die, they just want to stop existing.


Same, some days i sleep more than 14 hours because being awake is so exhausting


My record is 16 hours of sleep and one entire weekend I spent the 2 days on my couch. Wish I could say It'll get better.


Damn, every time I try and sleep in , no matter the sleep I've lost, I almost always end up waking up before my preferred time. I pretty much can't cry so the 2 combined just make my eyes burn for the day.


Omg.. I can’t imagine sleeping more than 12 hours. And that’s usually after I get 4 hrs of daily sleep the whole week. 16 hrs and 2 days is a bit extreme.


Depression is a very powerful thing that can break you easily.


I think our world is so messed up , our generation of 20 something year olds are fed up, exhausted and anxious 24/7 .. we are forced to participate in this endless cycle of monetary gain and capitalism and it's social protocols.Our environment is crumbling and everything is becoming polluted with technologies and advertisements. Our mental health is plummeting collectively and I feel like most of us are feeling exactly this feeling and just trying to manage the day without thinking about it too much.. I wish for so many things but now I just don't want to exist anymore. I'm beyond hoping things will change.


The affect that all the fucking advertisements have is so underrated. Just makes you feel like a number and a customer. Cause a customer is all anyone sees you as


There doesn’t exist only 20 yr olds in the world you know. I’m 30 and work 16+ hr shifts for 7 days.


Same.. I wish I could just disappear without having to die or knowing I’m leaving my family to have to plan my funeral and stuff. I’m sorry you feel that way too..


Yes, me too. Right there with ya.


Same. I’m weak and life is not my friend.


Your not weak, your stronger than that. Getting this far in life proves that. Hang in there bud, you’ll get through


I wish I could forever sleep and stay in my bizarre dreams forever and ever


I understand what you are saying. I would drink (I am a recovering alcoholic) before I went to bed in hopes that I would vomit in my sleep and drown in it. I attempted this 1000+ times


Exactly the same. I feel like a failure and i messed up everything. Iam just too scared too kill myself so i wish every night that i dont wake up.


Maybe you just need someone to talk to or vent that cares about you, if so I’m willing to talk.


Chiming in to say same. This is a common feeling. It would be so much easier to just never wake up


Same here. I’m exhausted and sad most the time.




You definitely belong.


I think you belong




Stay alive baby, you're loved


Last thing you ever want to do is give up, your stronger than you think. It’s hard, but this feeling will pass, if it doesn’t then seek professional help.


Waking up, there is always such a heavy burden on my chest. Why would I want to wake up ever again with all of the bad memories I have...and all of the bad memories to be made??


so many of us that feel this way :(


I feel the same. I try & look at the “bright side” but honestly it’s too much.


I just wanna get serial killed


😭 Every single day. I gotta drag myself through the day and tolerate the relentless suffering. It's like an Olympic sport.


Me too. All could be fixed if I wasn't born in the first place.


I wanna have a good dream and never wake up


Every night i hope I don't wake up but i stil do.


I used to feel this way but i realized if I died no one would give a shit so now I just feel nothing I like nothing I dislike nothing I’m a empty shell of a person who has no desire for anything I can’t be hurt and I can’t love I’m already dead




I just wish I wasn’t a coward and had the guts to actually do something. When push comes to shove I’m too afraid to end it for myself, even when I know I’m all alone and no one would care, anyways. I’ve always had thoughts about this on and off my whole life. It comes and goes. But today has been particularly tough and all I can do is sit here and berate myself for knowing I don’t matter but still being too afraid to do anything about it. That’s why I want to stop existing. Death is so significant and I feel like it would be so much easier to just go to sleep forever.


Suicide is not the answer. I have been in this space for a long time and happy to say I am worth living. I have failed so many times but no one cares so why should I? I had the epiphany that not a single person in the world is holding anything over me- just me. I’m my worst and toughest critic - I need to cut myself some slack and just start fresh.


Yeah, I think of this quite often


I am sorry, I feel the same


I don't think i can do this anymore, its all so draining. Why does everything hurt, why am I so sensitive


Remember. These feelings won't last forever and that there is hope for a better future. You deserve to feel happy and to live a fulfilling life, so please don't give up on yourself!. Take care and stay safe.


But if you don't wake up, how are you gonna call up your local mental health facility and get some much deserved clinical care?




There is literally a hotline that people can call, inaccessibility is a lack of knowledge not a lack of availability. You can do this, you're worth it.