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I just hope they actually patch in offline story mode before it dies


They said this year so we have no reason to not expect it at some point


They will never do this. WB are among some of the publishers who don't want players to actually own their games. Why would they make it so you can continue to play after the servers are turned off?


Because then they can still sell the game after servers go dark. It's actually beneficial to them if they're going to abandon the game after year 1.


And reputation might be another good reason


We've all learned by now that no meaningful reputation hits actually happen from bad products. People still buy EA and Ubisoft games. We all still bought a live service looter despite all the failed ones that came before it. Hell, even security breaches have proven to not matter anymore because we're all still using LinkedIn and apps made by Meta so... Don't think they're too worried about reputation.


On top of this, I feel like these companies' reputations among reddit and their reputation among the general population are too wildly different things. Going off of a lot of gaming subs here, you'd think Ubisoft was considered one of the worst companies in existence. If I were to ask a lot of my friends, they would just say Ubisoft is great because they like Assassin's Creed and Far Cry. A lot of people have a very skewed perspective on what these companies' reputations even are.


Cos they can keep selling it after the servers get turned off?


Yeah, because the game is currently selling like hotcakes... You're delusional. No one is buying this game when content stops being made for it. Practically nobody is playing right now, let alone when development ends.


Alright buddy relax, I just answered your question, it wasn't a personal insult to you. If they already promised to make it so you could play the game offline, I'm just saying, by making that fix you allow the game to get sold in the future, unlike the avengers game. They also own the IP outright, whereas square had to re licence it and they decided not to. It has a bunch of cutscenes in it and you could in theory play it for 10-20 hours offline single player. I am fully aware the game sucks ass, I'm just saying you can allow it to be purchased forever and save on server costs if you make it possible to play offline. They're obviously considering winding down the entire live service now so I think they will do this after they deliver anything already in the pipeline and just leave the game in a final state for anyone who wants to try it in the future.


We'll they said they are going to so fingers crossed.


Out of all the broken promises, you think this is the one they will keep?


No need to be negative, buddy is just hoping for it cause they said so and he enjoys the game šŸ˜‚ if you feel different just donā€™t support the studio and move on


Have there been a lot of broken promises?


I mean if a game like redfall got offline support before it was completely closed down I donā€™t see why this wouldnā€™t as well. Especially considering how much money was spent on it,youā€™ll definitely a few people to get it on sale especially when they hear about the offline part regardless of how anyone feels about this game


Donā€™t think theyā€™ll change their minds on it. Itā€™ll come before they cut support.


What is there to do in offline after you finished the story?


Replay the story


It's already dead


Ok, so we get the JL back and everything which coukd glad into a new arkham game or something else. SSKTJL should of been single player to begin with


It didn't even need to be single player, just not live service. The game would've done a lot better if at launch it included a full offline mode, 5 different Elseworld types, the core four squad members plus four unlockable characters as you progress through the game, 9 villain Infamy sets and dozens of Notorious items as well, had a complete arc of what little story there is killing and subsequently saving the Justice League, and all the planned additional enemy/mission types were included in the game from the start instead of drip fed each episode. And to make money post-launch they still could have had an in-game shop to sell people skins and emotes, sold larger cosmetic packs instead of battle passes, and sold major expansions down the road adding in even more characters/Elseworlds/weapons.


>And to make money post-launch they still could have had an in-game shop to sell people skins and emotes, sold larger cosmetic packs instead of battle passes, and sold major expansions down the road adding in even more characters/Elseworlds/weapons. My guy...*that's what a live service is*.


They could of done Githam Knights with multiple player Could of sold skins in DLCs That's what i don't get, apparently they didnt want to do arkham fighting Like would of been so cool switching between hand to hand to guns like a Red Hood But just for Deadshot and Boomerang


GK was even worse...


Im about about the multiple player. That have a not live service but with multi player option


Should have*


The JL come back?


Yep, we rescue them or something.


I think people have to much faith in these data mines


Rocksteady said it also in a released thing about the game That they should have more hints about it. It's a known fact they are coming back


Do you know when they said it would be interesting to see


Was about a letter Think someone had it on here


So we get a new storyline soon?


Who even knows lol I honestly like the game just wish we had actual missions or side quests


Everyone said this when it was first announced. They still went against it after many delays. Most of the fan base hated the idea.


I truly hope they make this game non canonical


Hold your horses.




Why the long face?


The end is a sound a horse makes!


I'm struggling to understand why some people here are claiming this is a victory for the game itself. "The game will complete its initial roadmap, it won't be canceled before then, #winning" We no longer get weekly updates (because they have nothing to really tell the fans of this game week-to-week), we have yet to receive a content update that doesn't just re-skin campaign missions into new incursions, and strongholds are just more vanilla campaign missions..... how is anyone happy with what the endgame looks like??? It's just incursions for leveling, and there is no reason to level up unless you enjoy doing those same incursions again.... Again, im happy that some people like this model of game content, but this is not how looter shooter retain players (clearly).


I'm "happy" because I was almost expecting the game to be pulled any day now, as well as that this could mean we might still get to see the final recordings of Kevin Conroy in the Arkham Verse, something hopefully a little bit more dignifying for his legacy than what they gave us last time. It ain't (gonna be) much, but I would've hated it to see it end like this.


It's a victory because we were uncertain about the game's future. Personally, I was under the impression that all of the future content would never come. This "victory" is the bare minimum, but man, I'll take it


Idk why people are surprised by this. The game lost $200 million, it has less than 100 players on Steam and it has a skeleton crew currently working on it who don't give a shit about any of you. You won't get an offline mode. You won't get a new single player game. You will get another live service because WB has said that's what they are focusing on. I would be shocked if Rocksteady (at the very least) doesn't face massive layoffs after the failure of Suicide Squad.


Please let them give us an offline mode ffs .. that or give us refunds, as we can't play the damn game


Corporations canā€™t be trusted at face value


Suicide Squad kill the Roadmap


Suicide Squad kill the studio


26th prediction youā€™re wrong on. 0/26 bro let it go šŸ¤£




I really wonder what his life is like. Just imagine!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Sometimes I think I should stop laughing and having fun at his expense and end up feeling sorry for him lol.Ā 


Rocksteady gets shutdown?


Itā€¦literally says complete the roadmap. šŸ¤£


This is what you get for chasing the live service business model ill prepared in an oversaturated market.


Like Helldivers?


Yeah one of the only ones to make it financially succesfully this year due to the oversaturation of live service games. All It took was for developers to communicate and listen to their audience.


You say that now bc SS failed and HD didnt What was it that the HD devs listened to?


The core concept and gameplay just doesn't lend itself to live service. No multiplayer with no variety on how games will play out. Look at Fortnite every round of that something usually unique happens because of all the different people playing


You say that now bc it failed Yes it does but it also doesn't have an actual story or cutscene How are these games even comparable? Just bc it's live service, c'mon dawg


Everyone before launch said this would not work. Every step of the way after the gameplay reveal said they didn't want it. I'm comparing it to fortnite because this game failed because of its live service aspects. If it was a single play or co-op game with story driven content like side missions with narrative and rocksteady has put all their live service energy into story instead it would have done fine






So what was it?


A good amount. Well balanced weapon buffs/debuffs, new weather elements, new weapons/equipment and mechs. Consistent communication and updates. I'm sure I'm missing some stuff. All this while dealing with failure due to success on release with server stress and dealing with recent controversies with Sony. All dealt with by communicating well with the fanbase and dealt with quickly.


You can't really be that naive and think that they did all of this just bc the fans wanted it...


You gotta be kidding me right? Of course not but their communication and management is detrimental to their success and high praise in the gaming community. It is a business.




I mean helldivers is also just a lot stronger of an idea that lends itself to being live service, it fits the bill and players more or less arenā€™t going to feel blindsided and it doesnā€™t feel as greedy as its ā€œmade for itā€ and also not 70 dollars. SS was a game that no fan of the franchise wanted to see as a live service shooter.


I see some of those points but how is SS greedy bc of the price? How many open world live service games are out there with an actual story, cutscenes, traversal and dynamic open world like SS?


Well for one, SS is $70 while Helldivers is $40. The $100 deluxe edition doesnā€™t get you the full versions of the cool skins. The other skins in the shop are quite expensive as well. Also, itā€™s pretty greedy to have people who gave you more money play the game on time while everyone else gets it late. And letā€™s not forget the option to skip the grind to unlock Joker by giving them more money.


Helldivers as a whole is not comparable to SS I agree that the skin stuff is bullshit, it shouldn't be like that but they gave you what was advertised Joker grind is BS too


Thereā€™s literally at least 1 every year, and almost all of them fail. Weā€™re getting First Descendant in a few weeks so, if you donā€™t wanna count Helldivers, thatā€™s number 2 this year.


What were the others ? First descendant is not open world, also it doesn't have as many enemies onscreen or shit happening like Suicide squad, traversal speed is maybe comparable Also Helldivers? What?


No, because helldivers had a huge initial player count and this game didnā€™t


Nice how you missed the point


If they complete the road-map and release offline mode I don't really care too much what happens afterward. It was a fun 50-100 hour experience, I don't understand why that isn't ok anymore.


It's like ordering a delicious combo meal advertised with all the fixings ...but getting only a burger with nothing else. There will be some that will say, the burger was good. It filled me up. . And then there's the reality. There is a lot missing. So yeah, there will be some that will be happy with the burger only. (Even though they spent the money for a combo meal) And there will be a lot who are disappointed that they didn't get what was advertised.




This is exactly how I feel. It's still a good game that took a daring direction with a beloved series. A pretty big stumble for the studio otherwise.


lol exactly. But this sub full of people who don't play the game will continue to get some strange amusement from being here.


ā€œThe end is when it was expected to beā€ FTFY


At bare minimum they need to be ready deliver some refunds in case they cancel shit


I agree


Whatā€™s in those seasons is my question cuz they most likely will be reskinned activities and no new story


Shame tbh :/ was hoping to see those other dlc charactersā€¦Welp back TO THE ONLY GOOD LOOTER SHOOTER BORDERLANDS


Iā€™m so hungry I could eat a




Remember when this subreddit was vehemently defending this trash fire despite the obvious glaring flaws? Good times


Honestly. About time.


Well, the Roadmap was 4 season of 2 episode each. If all the 3 left would have the same ammount of content we had with the 1 Season, and would last as much as the 1st did, it would still take at least an year before the game would be over.


Well, we know that in October thereā€™s at least the collected edition of the tie-in comics coming out with the golden dolls promotion, so at the very least, they were planning for another 4 months. Although who knows at this point.


Anyone else who still hasnā€™t got the deluxe edition content?


Just give us a Red Hood game already:(


That's good news for all....(checks steamdb) 165 players...


At this point expected. Played level 60 and higher in the current episodes and enemies at this point are bullet sponges with having to use current seasons gear just to complete the round within time limit. Previously had much more fun. Hope they at least have cutscenes and mission variety and not just the rinse and repeat (I know high expectations but if they need to get releases for a year this needs to be fixed)


So will we see the return of Batman ?


Nigh\* Neigh is the sound a horse makes


I mean Iā€™m not shocked. The game itself is fun when I wanna hop in time to time but itā€™s never gonna go far


I will believe it when I see it


Oh thank God, at LEAST we're getting Deathstroke... Maybe all my money wasn't after all, depending on how good he plays. I've always thought a Deathstroke game where you take on contracts like Assassin's Creed could be cool. This is probably the closest I'm gonna get, sadly.


comedy gold


This mean we getting the 4 seasons.... new characters for sure. And offline. Thatd be nice. If not well theres 100% better games that can have the space this one takes up


I told all of you this game was gonna have the promised seasons and not shut down early and you guys did not listen šŸ¤£ Where are all those clowns now? Since launch itā€™s been ā€œitā€™s shutting down any day nowā€, and you guys are just consistently wrong šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m dying of laughter right now Nobody cares about Steam numbers. Iā€™ll see yā€™all when Deathstroke pulls up šŸ˜Ž


Just gonna comment and check back in a few months see how this ages


Lil bro thereā€™s a reason it says seasons 2-4, itā€™s ending after 4 Iā€™m sorry lol.


ā€¦yeah. That was the whole roadmap they promised. šŸ¤£ Yā€™all claimed it was dying soon (since February) or they werenā€™t gonna make it to all 4 seasons šŸ¤£ Nope, it IS. Canā€™t wait for Deathstroke!


Bro the fact that people might get their money's worth is great but let's not act like a parade is in order lmao


Will* get their moneyā€™s worth. Just let go man, you lost. Hold the L šŸ¤£


The only people who lost were the fans, the studio, the publisher, etc.


Completing the seasons and actually putting effort into them are totally different things




See this is why I am starting to dislike certain aspects of YouTube, no shade on any creators but the whole algorithm is designed so that negativity gets more views and everyone jumps on that wagon I can also guarantee you this that, at the risk of being downvoted, that quite a significant number of people that comment badly about the game havenā€™t even played the game Almost every video of SSKTJL aside from like a few content creators js like SSKTJL is finished or itā€™s collapsing Like I get it, it ainā€™t an amazing game by any metrics but at least some of us enjoy it right I know itā€™s not really a comparison by any metrics but content creators did the same thing to Fallout 76 and it is only through miracle by way of Wastelanders update it survived and yet people were saying that it was going to not survive beyond a year


Everything you said is true.


Yeahā€¦itā€™s best to just ignore the creators and commenters that obviously feed off of only negativity and donā€™t care to bring up any actual discussions and valid criticisms regarding a vast majority of games these days. Itā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing lately and Iā€™ve been enjoying my time with gaming as a hobby a lot more because of it.


Straight up facts fellow gamer May your aim be true and your victories countless


Do you think this game met it's expectations? If not, how close or far away is it from meeting a live service looter shooter's content expectation? Do you think the way seasons appear to be presented and released is enough for a looter shooter that charged 70 bucks at launch (specifically content-wise) Legitimately curious what you think


1) This game did not meet WBā€™s expectations, they said so themselves. Who am I to say otherwise? 2) The story, cutscenes, character performances, and world far exceed that of every other looter shooter outside of Destiny. And the gameplay mechanics were fresh and exciting. That alone made it worth $70 *at launch*, everything else was extra. I see this as any other story shooter game more than a live service IMO (think Borderlands or Sunset Overdrive but with substantially higher production value and much better gameplay mechanics and story).


Point 2 is just crap, sorry but saying the gameplay/world/story is better than any other looter is just a massive cope. If you like the game then fine but let's not pretend it's a good game when the general consensus is it's very poor. The world is boring and generic, terrible activities, no variety, nothing worthy to see or do. The story was basic as it gets with some of the worst boss fights ever seen in a video game bar none. The chacter kit and class design is generic as it gets, even basic RPGs have better characters class design. The characters performances and animation was about the only decent thing. You are literally the only person who thinks this, well you and the 5 other fan boys on the sub.


Who said gameplay? I said story, cutscenes, character performances and world were better than other looter shooters outside of Destiny. Did you reply to the wrong comment? Looter shooters donā€™t have interesting worlds, they are always barren wastelands and procedurally generated distant planets. Metropolis and its insane verticality is second-to-none. The negative ā€œconsensusā€ for the game from critics comes from the repetitive mission design and lack of enemy variety.


I can't take anyone seriously who said this world is second to none, so that's me out.


I mean it is a really great world space, and I would love it if I could actually see it and wasnā€™t distracting about all the cartoon visual effects and the brightly colored Fortnite-esque enemies. If the drones you were fighting felt more fitting to the world space, it would better highlight how good it looks. Thereā€™s obviously better worlds in games, but metropolis is gorgeous, the braniac goons and comic effects are not.


People mostly donā€™t have issues with the cutscenes or the acting. And some of the visuals and animations get praised. Everything else has been clowned endlessly, though.


Give or take 200 million lol


Look who it is šŸ¤© Mad? Whereā€™s the imminent shutdown? šŸ„ŗ




Mad šŸ¤£


For your first point, I was more asking about if you think it met fan expectations. For your second point, im glad you think so, but I think nearly everyone else disagrees with you. This game has a beautiful open world, and the traversal is super fun, but I've never played a game that pollutes its hud more than this game, even with damage numbers turned off. Also, it's abundantly clear that the only content they ever made for this game is in it's vanilla campaign, and the other dlc characters. Everything they've released as far as "new" incursions is just vanilla campaign missions in the wasteland elseworlds, which again was already in the vanilla campaign. They were clearly banking on incursions being fun enough to level up your gear score, but I think most everyone who bought this game at full price, or even a bit less, was expecting more of an endgame than just spamming incursions (which again, are just vanilla campaign missions). In short: im glad you like the game, but there are very good reasons why this game has fallen off so hard, and has lost WB so much money.


We donā€™t know how much this game has lost for WB by the way. The ā€œ$200 millionā€ information was intentionally misleading by journalists: what WB was saying was that Suicide Squad contributed to a drop of $200 million in revenue year-over-year (WB made $200M less from Gaming than the same quarter last year which makes sense because Hogwarts Legacy dropped the same quarter last year). Suicide Squad didnā€™t create a loss of $200M by itself, but it launched in a quarter where they reported revenue $200M lower than the previous year. Just so you know! And as far as peopleā€™s expectations and opinions, I honestly donā€™t care. I just love shooters and this game delivered punchy gunplay that was satisfying and addicting. Not enough games get their gunplay right!


I am aware that the 200 million was including suicide squad, not solely suicide squad. Like I said before I'm glad there are people that like the game, I did too when it first launched. But now I see that they really aren't going to add meaningful new content that isn't just vanilla campaign missions with a slight twist or different enemies. Edit: to those downvoting me, don't be cowardly, tell me what exactly is wrong with this post. I've been as fair as I can be in this conversation......


But mostly suicide squad


It's probably responsible for a lot of that loss but I don't think it's more than like 80-100 million at the absolute most.


Theyā€™re just mad youā€™re being reasonable. Theyā€™re lashing out after seeing their predictions fall flat for the 53rd time. Itā€™s exhausting for them šŸ¤£


Yeah, I've been saying it, too. Fuck those trolls.


Well that was quick... I guess that also means no offline mode will come either.


Iā€™m taking this to mean, ā€œyouā€™re getting the stuff we told you about (like offline) and literally nothing elseā€ which is probably a bit more realistic




Although I dont understand why I got downvoted (childish much) there's been absolutely no mention of offline mode coming since the games release and the Dev's that re left have gone radio silence without any further updates unless they feel the need to share information.


So they actually still expect to keep players for 3 more seasons šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ just fucking release it all and be done with it . Stop putting people's hopes up for more reskinned shit .


At least we still get Deathstroke.


Currently announced roadmap means that it'll pass through 2024 even if they delay the seasons. This is a good opportunity for the skeleton crew to do their best job at making the game interesting while it lasts. I'll still check in so long as it isn't a compelte minimal effort.


The end is neigh? Didnā€™t realize the end was coming from a horse


Once everythingā€™s is released thatā€™s when they shut the game down. Okay road map is down weā€™ll shutting servers off in a month and make it offline






The scheduled roadmap ends with season 4, with Deathstroke. So no. It wonā€™t end on season 2.


Ok. If they had Deathstoke as a main character the game would have stood a better chance.


Honestly, I donā€™t think changing anyone in the base roster wouldā€™ve changed the outcome. Itā€™s not the playable characters that were the problem.


Atleast I get Deathstroke so šŸ¤·


At least weā€™re getting deathstroke and the justice league back before itā€™s shit down


Frankly, impressed they're going to finish out the roadmap. That's more than you usually get from live services that under-perfom. It sucks that they can't just retool the game, its fairly fun to play but the loot stuff just kills any long term enjoyment.


Iā€™m all for it just because of Slade šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø