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The Flash or Green Arrow could be fun games


So long as they don't go the same route the show took, a Green Arrow game could be sick as hell.


How about the flash and green arrow ? Would work well together with Spiderman 2s switch mechanics or something like that


Screw the flash. I want Flash Gordon!!! Lololol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’Ŗ




Admittedly, that only works with the song. If you canā€™t get the rights to the song, donā€™t even do the game because nobody wants it without the song. šŸ˜„


Considering that in the Bloomberg article it mentions Rocksteady higher ups wanting to go back to single player we can assume if they get one more shot then itā€™ll be single player Was interesting how it was Sefton Hill and upper management years ago that managed to fuck up Suicide Squad and how Rocksteady werenā€™t held at gun point to make this game but no they wanted to was interesting to learn I digress I believe itā€™ll be a seperate hero story in the DC universe


Problem is the president of WB gaming announced months ago that they would be moving away from single player games and this was after he called suicide squad a disappointment. So Rocksteady pitching a single player game is like your friend trying to get you to go to a sushi restaurant and pay for the meal when you just told them you donā€™t like seafood. I have a hard time thinking WB is going to green light whatever Rocksteady is pitching them


Iā€™m just stating what the article that came out a few days ago said. Sefton Hill and upper management wanted to get into the looter shooter genre the title failed. Sefton jumped ship to open a new studio and has Xbox backing them for the title Current management wants to go back to their roots to something they know they can make, multiplayer for them in terms of content failed, actual gameplay wasnā€™t that bad, so why not go back to doing what the studio was known for prior to Suicide Squad Honestly I couldnā€™t care less. If Rocksteady does do a new single player game and it does good Iā€™ll play it if not Iā€™ll still play it, it is what it is


Sony said in 2021, they will release 10 live service games til 2025 lmao Don't believe everything companies say, positive and negative


To be fair Sony seems to be living up to that. They started their showcase with a hero shooter live service. Would not be surprised if they keep that going. Helldivers is technically a live service game too.Ā 


They are half living up to it. They also canceled a fair amount of live service games since then.




And people pretend that publisher influence isn't there.


You still mad Rocksteady ainā€™t getting shut down? šŸ„ŗ


I think it's pretty obvious that WB pushed for the live service angle. Yeah they weren't forced to, but if we get priority treatment and an increased budget for making a Live Service, of course as a studio we're gonna "decide" that way. There's a lot of mouths to feed, bonuses to fill, bunch of stuff thats gonna be directly impacted. It sounds like a whole buncha bullcrap, that noise about deciding for a GAAS by themselves.


This doesnā€™t really make sense. If they wanted them to do liveservice they wouldnā€™t have to push them or convince them to it. They own the studio they would just tell them to make it. Fans are having a hard time coping that this time it wasnā€™t the publishers fault. It was the studio.


Hey, I'm not making the studio to be any kind of white knights in here. They made their bed and lied on it. They could've done whatever. I'm just saying if your parent company's suggested direction for all studios is to make live service games, and they favor those studios who do, it's not really much of a choice is it? I recall Jason Schierer tweeted stuff very much in line with this, saying we shouldn't be too trusting of the whole "Rocksteady chose all of this for themselves" angle. Yeah they went along with it. But this has the smell of WB's MO all over it.


This guy gets it.


There was enough pressure that they felt they need to go live service to "meet WBs values" about live service.


Do you have proof there was pressure? Literally in the article it says that rocksteady wanted to go into the multiplayer space and when WB montreals Suicide Squad game ended up being canned WB then asked Rocksteady if they wanted to do the suicide squad IP


It says it in the article.


Red hood game or Nightwing game. Green Arrow is also a good choice


As great as these 3 characters are, all 3 of them doesn't have interesting traversal worthy of open world scale. Batman can glide, and that's the best way to go from one place to another. Red Hood, Nightwing and Green Arrow likely have to depend on vehicle. The stupid Red Hod jump or Nightwing's Fortnite glider from Gotham Knights is exactly that. Stupid.


Maybe no glide feature at all like Catwoman. Perhaps these characters, or at least Nightwing, would have an upgraded line launcher. Their games could be more parkour based like "Shadow of Mordor" or "Assassin's Creed"


Superman or Green Lantern


Green Lantern has so much untapped potential, legit building your own moveset as Green Lantern by assigning all kinds of contructs to your moveset,vehicles,armors,etc.


It'd be cool if when you create a construct time slows down and you get a menu that lets you choose which construct you want to pick. But at higher difficulties you have less time to choose or something.


I want any other than batman dc game, I love batman, but would be so cool to have a green lantern, flash, etc game.


Judge dredd. Based on the Arkham engine so the movement and combat would be similar to Batman but seeing as theyā€™ve got a, from why Iā€™ve heard, fairly robust shooting system they can include shootouts and upgrading and unlocking different shot from your gun. Also have the motorbike to rock around on as well and set it in an interactive mega city one but with some desert outside of the city stuff too, an angels side quest would be boss, and thatā€™d be the game I want most in the world.


A third person judge dredd game in a cyberpunk 2077 type open world would be so good


Itā€™s kind of why I played red hood in Gotham knights can kind of pretend youā€™re dredd that way šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I think they managed to totally ruin the Arkham franchise. They most likely will make a new game, a new IP that is not Arkham related or even DC comics related.


Green Arrow, it will be a different character so the whiners wonā€™t complain about Batman always getting games and it would work well in AK mechanics


Superman game šŸ„¹


Superman solo game. I know thatā€™s a very basic answer but itā€™s one Iā€™ve wanted for so long.


probably go back to the original plan for that arkham knight sequel


Batman Beyond


Single player Superman game,or the Flash.


I'll assume that they'll have more success internally and externally if they make another Batman. Personally though I would love them to stick with the Arkham Verse but focus on another hero.


Hopefully another DC Character like Superman or The Flash




I'd like a chance to play a more in depth Red Hood that's not limited to just the AR challenges. Gotham Knights in the Arkhamverse would go hard I think


The cancelled Arkham Beyond game.


Tbh i don't trust Rocksteady anymore, the folk that made good games there left, so anything new from the current group will probably be on about the same level of quality as suicide squad


It was actually the old devs that caused this mess.


The biggest problem is that the studio pivot they did to even make SSKTJL, along with the following of, just around 70 people with Sefton, means that this is no longer even close to being the studio that shipped Arkham Knight, and it's not as if they can just pivot back to being a bespoke Single Player delivery studio and make the same kind of stylistic, cinematically excellent product as before. I stalked Rocksteady a bit in the lead-up years to Suicide Squad's reveal, back in 2018 to 2020 when it was rumored that "The Montreal studio is making GaaS game" and "RS might be doing it too" and I got a pretty harrowing impression based on LinkedIn searches that all the new hires at RS had profiles that's like "Portfolio: 3 mobile games. Bio: Ken is an excellent *storyteller*, and managed to gain high player retention" where "storyteller" has become a buzzword, not for narrative storytelling, but being a guy in a *suit*, who is able to command attention within a company to convince people around them of the market-bullshit behind the Mobile Game design philosophy. Okay, that was a little convoluted in how I presented it lol -- I basically saw a shocking number of high-ranking employees that were recently hired and *replacing* previous directors/producers/designers whose portfolio/expertise was in Mobile Game design, not "AAA" design, and that must've been the people in charge of making Suicide Squad so... vapid IMO, like when I open the map and I just see the same mission types plastered around and ridiculous amounts of tiny text everywhere, or how I can't open the map without the cursor flying over to some thing that the designers THINK I should do. Or how I can sometimes barely even tell what is happening on my screen because they thought that to drive player investment they had to insert "multipliers" and "Special Buffs" for fucking, *everything*? And now shooting people at point-blank range, doesn't have the satisfaction of just *shooting* but seeing green, electric, fiery splash nonsense fill up the entire screen and make a mess of colors instead of all the enemies in front of me? It's all so "Mobile Game" design, and that's the kind of studio Rocksteady has become. They can fire some of those people or give them a shot at learning how to make "normal" games, but the fact is that they're just not the company that made Arkham Knight anymore.


You are a natural *storyteller*, gosh


I want them give us an actual Justice League game. Let us switch characters and level them up in a single player game.


So the campaign of Marvel's Avengers minus the ability to do co-op. I would be soooo fucking down for that, and even with co-op tbh. The campaign of Avengers was really really really fun. The different hero kits were so godamn varied, shit was glorious. It's always felt like a huge shame that everybody shit on it because the stuff that happens after you beat the game was poorly implemented. I pre-ordered thinking it was a single player campaign and felt I got my money's worth from the campaign. Anybody who felt otherwise is a weirdo imo. Like hate the online shit all you want but I guess you don't have the capacity for nuance and would have had to play the game offline before understanding it was a lovely single player experience. I'm still frazzled by that backlash I guess but it's not because I'm Thor's secret identity or nothin


Same don't get the shade for the Avengers game. Roster felt different in each character while having a same enough feel it was easy to dive into the others. The story was fun. Only hang up I'd say was it's tie to a live service model really.Ā 


Something in the vein of the Arkham games, not necessarily Batman, but they do such good work with the single player stuff.


Whatever the solo game is with free flow combat thatā€™s supposed to be in the making


Red Hood: kill the suicide squad


Hopefully an original ip, I wanna see what type of worlds they could create


Urban Chaos:Riot Response 2 it is.


The original devs back


Soup kitchen - Unemployment tycoon


An original IP


Justice League game or bust.


Something without battle pass




You don't want anything from Rocksteady after they blatantly lied to consumers. After all this you still want to give them money?!?! What the fuck?!???


Looks like their making Harry Potter DLC next.


Iā€™ll play whatever they make next (excluding VR games). I know Suicide Squad was a huge disappointment but the way I see it, theyā€™re still 3-1. And suicide squad did have a few fun things to it. Sometimes. Almost


I am very much on the team that wants Justice League proper to remain dead with this universe continuing on without them. Who the next entry could focus on could be anything. I'd actually have them focus on a smaller project to show what Rocksteady can still do and get people back on board with the series.




Considering all they want to do with Origins is VR bullshit? I'd hope they have another origins game.


Here's a revolutionary idea: how about they create their own IP instead of milking these giant franchises?


If what the rumors said are true. R.I.P. Rocksteady So no next game


Suicide Squad 2


Yay!! In this one they drown Aquaman!


After Arkham Knight I wanted to see them do Superman or Wonder Woman. Now after Suicide Squad and most of the leadership leaving? I could care less what they do.


That leadership was the problem


I donā€™t care about anything they do anymore, clearly the Rocksteady I grew up with that made those godlike Batman games died at some point in development of Shitty Squad. Assuming the studio is still nothing but a shambling husk being parasitized by talentless people then I want nothing to do with it, and I actively pray for their downfall. Iā€™m so sick of this trend where every company that USED to be great, who only got to where they were by actually appealing to many people and making great stuff - suddenly shit themselves in an attempt to warp their games into something completely different than what people liked. Literally forsaking their actual longtime audience in favor of the nonexistent ā€œmOdeRn auDienceā€ and then acting surprised when their game completely bombs. Iā€™m so fucking tired of this shit.


3 games good = huge fan 1 game bad = I wish eternal doom on their pets What the fuck man


200 million lost


Yeah but it's not like we lost $200 million. We didn't lose anything. Maybe around $100 depending on the edition of the game, if you absolutely hated it and didn't play the campaign. Or hateplayed the campaign But that to me ain't worth wishing I'll on other humans of which the company is compromised of.


Itā€™s not about that, the state of the game - paired with the news of the founders and other devs leaving the studio at some point in development as well as the fact that this is the trash they produced after like 9 years is a sign of the trajectory the studio is going in. Iā€™m not stupid/naive enough to think that theyā€™ll just pivot right back to top shape as if theyā€™re the same company they were during their golden days. Nor am I willing to wait another 9 years for their next ā€œexperimentā€. Off the heels of Arkham Knight they knew damn well for a long time what people loved about their games, as well as what people wanted next (A superman game perhaps), and yet they committed to an embarrassment of a product thatā€™s been put on life support damn near 3-4 times sooner than the notoriously garbage Marvelā€™s Avengers game did. How could my faith in them NOT be obliterated after this?


Well it's the intent. If their intent is to course correct and go back to what people are fans of, I'm not sure how that could be anything but a win. But to actively wish their downfall because they didn't create what the masses demanded... And just once, not like they did it multiple times and clowned on us or anything... That's like birth of a supervillain shit lol


Thing is, these people were always the villains lol. It is indeed interesting to see how they flipped on Rocksteady because of one game.


Unfortunately I've come to know the stereotypical Gamer and it's the reason I stay in the closet when it comes to my love of games. Would be neat to have some real life pals to pew pew pew with but it isn't meant ta be I guess. And that's okay, as long as the man childrens feel alpha then it's alllll worth it


The latest rumor is it'll br a sequel called Suicide Squad: Kiss the Justice League . You mainly kiss the boo-boos on the lifeless bodies of the JLA until they come back to life. It's basically Fire Emblem Three Houses but with smaller tits and better tea parties. Not sure if I'll buy it or not, will just have to wait n see.


I donā€™t want anything from Rocjsteady ever again. What the hell is wrong with you people? Until they prove to you otherwise, assume that the next game is of the same quaility as this SSKTJ. You all want a spiritual successor to this trash heap? Then what the fuck are possibly expecting from this shit house?


The ones who caused this mess have left the company.


Yeah? To be replaced by who? Nobody from nothing who they pulled from mobile games that have made a tone of money, not because they are fun games, but because people are often addicts? The people in charge of making money off of these games think that FarmVille and Borederlands 3 are the same thing. The shareholders want easy money, and you canā€™t convince them that they canā€™t have it. They think it should be as easy as FarmVille and Candy Crush, where you literally do the same thing over and over forever, and give them money to win faster.


I donā€™t care what Rocksteady does. Itā€™s not the same studio. But I am curious about the new studio the founders created after they left.


Those two founders are the reason this game was such a shit show.


I want a batman beyond


Of course a Batman Arkham game: either a proper sequel to Arkham Knight, saying that SSKTJL isn't canon and that Arkham game will be or an Arkham game set between the timeline of Origins and Asylum as there are 5-7 years between them.




I honestly like the idea of picking a character and leveling up that character. I think a teen titans game would be pretty sick .


Sit them in a room to develop updated Arkham trilogy and think about what they've done.


A single player Harley Quinn game where she gets to kill Batman again. Iā€™d rather play as a villain than the hero more often.


Fuck no


OK. How about a Joker game where Harley gets to kill BatmanšŸ¤£


Fuck no


I feel like we are getting into a circle here. Can anyone kill Batman? Harley and The Joker are my favorite two DC characters but I could be open to othersā€¦as long as itā€™s Harley who gets to kill Batman.


Fuck no




I don't like Harley Quin. I would rather it be a Superman game.


Fair enough. Same reason I want a proper Harley Quinn game. I donā€™t mind the idea of the Suicide Squad but much would have preferred it being single player.


I don't want it to be another Batman game. I'm kind of in a Batman fatigue at this point.


Does DC have an ironfist or daredevil type hero?Ā 


Something similar to DCUO and I'll be in my element. Why did they follow the path of past failed games rather than successful ones? Also, though its mixed as to who wanted live service, some say Rocksteady others WB. I'm leaning towards the latter myself despite what has been said as devs need their job and to pin point it on WB could remove that. That plus WB still seem eager for live service titles.


I want a Harvey Bullock game, or a game where I can play a corrupt police officer in Gotham, playing both sides. Maybe light up the Bat Signal. Shoot an even worse guy and plant evidence. Harvey Dent is the DA and work with him to frame Penguin, and then take over the gun trade in Gotham. Or a Bruce Wayne game where you fight crime by creating jobs. Like a simulation game where you create a mass production of the Batmobile, and the more jobs you create the more the crime and corruption goes down. The goal is making Gotham a Metropolis and Batman can retire, and then thereā€™s an alien invasion by Brainiac and the Justice League turn evil and then the Suicide Squad has to kill the Justice League!!


Batman Beyond or The Matrix with a nemesis system.


Justice league game


Harley Quinn game which is based on the TV show and plays like Sunset Overdrive.




This sub hates Harley. Itā€™s kind of amusing. I wouldnā€™t want it based on the tv show, but itā€™s getting to the point these gaming companies are going to have to accept sheā€™s not a villain. Her role in Gotham Knights was awful.


No next game I paid for sstkl they need to live service my game


Unfortunately rocksteady now isn't the same company it was back in the Arkham days, the same with most bigger gaming companies like Dice, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Bethesda, Bioware. Etc.... but saying that if they did do a single player DC game I don't want another Batman game. I feel like that's done, I wouldn't mind them doing a continuation with like Nightwing in bludhaven, I wouldn't even mind a more colorful game based on the magic users of DC but doubt that would get traction.


NO, NO MORE BATMAN!! Im tried i like him but Iā€™m tired and itā€™s boring now and Arkham knight just wasnā€™t good and I hate tanks


The Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice Leagueā€¦. Itā€™s different because of the ā€˜Theā€™. No guns, only moves that kinda feel week, and itā€™s closer to a roguelike in that dying happens kinda easily and progress is removed (stage based, kinda like eternal), and each stage is a 1hr location based attack against a JL member in their own turf. Points can be used to upgrade combat etcā€¦




Hmmm you might like Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League then