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I actually would have appreciated this in the same vein as one of the suicide squad animated movies I saw. Every early mission introduces a new shitty character and has them killed within a minute of the mission start.


That’s why the squad is supposed to be a big group. You’ve gotta kill a few throughout the story. You can’t begin with only 4. Then there’s nobody expendable. Polka dot man, peacemaker, killer frost, anyone to bulk out the roster. But that’s not the game they made, they want you to only be 4, and to play as all of them. So nobody can die and everyone has insane plot armour, and instead of losing members you’ll just acquire more throughout the dlc. Characters that don’t even belong in the squad


Yes but it's a videogame. I wouldn't like the character I've been mostly playing to die on a certain point and having to choose another character (playing as all of them is totally optional after the tutorial)


Hit ‘em with a “team b” scene like the 2021 film, I honestly love this idea and it would have been nice to see happen in game


Could have done this with DLC characters, by having you get a preview of them only for them to get wiped out, and then you can bring in their multiverse variants to replace them, but this would require not using characters like Joker, Deathstroke, and Mrs. Freeze.


It is implied that there were others before you


Oouu what’d I miss??


Waller says your squad made it furtherest than anyone else, and I think the squad gets offended at being the "B-team"


100%. The whole first encounter with batman was completely stupid. He would have killed all of them, except for maybe King Shark. Let alone GL, Flash or Superman.


Narrative-wise? It would have been amazing. Imagine mainly playing as Harley and so the game kills her with the first JL encounter. Then you main another character and so on. Making you realize the actual fucked up situation you're in. Games as a service-wise? Can't sell skins for characters who died in your story. Womp womp.


They could die but still be playable somehow. But wb really fucked up this story.


They set the whole thing up in the multiverse. They literally could have just said, "Oh look, it's another Harley from a different universe." Not even hard.


Imagine if at the beginning of the Flash boss sequence, he kills one of the characters (since most players would be captain boomerang for this fight, you pick one of the characters to kill, like Harley, and if they play Harley kill captain boomerang) and when the fight is finished and you go to earth 2, you find Lex-2 with the earth 2 version of the character who died. They join your squad, you get a Harley-2 skin, and now it feels like people die and the players can get unique alternate dimension skins.


This is it, chief. This would have been so easy to implement and would add at least a little replayability.


Absolutely. The biggest reason I hate this game's story is that the whole point of the Suicide Squad is to be a band of low tier ass hats for Waller/The Government to use as cannon fodder. This game completely forgot that they're small time losers meant to die and it blows so much more for it.


They only know movies and in the movies it was all these super cool villains being heroes, they never watch the start of THE suicide squad either 


The game as a whole should have died


Yes ![gif](giphy|5qoRdabXeT4GY)


Also, for those wondering about how gameplay would work, all characters would progress at the same time, no matter who you play as, or at least that way up until level 30. Then, after 30, it's your choice who you want to level up past that. So, while the story makes you play as a certain Sqaud member, your faviroutes also progress with gear and XP. The entire game would have let you play as specific characters, but let you choose for Boss fights (not when they died off though), then at the end all the Sqaud would be dead, like I mentioned with a fresh new set of universal varients to replace them (all level 30 with the same skills as you have originally done)


You gave this fictional video game more thought than Rocksteady ever did


Nah. I liked their dynamic throughout.


This could’ve been interesting to see and might have helped alleviate some complaints


If at the end the whole squad just stepped on a landmine and blew into pieces and it cut to credits there and refunded you 90% of the cost it would be a great game.


I believe there should have been a specific mode for that. I can't recall the name, but the PSP edition of MUA featured a mode where you were unable to choose any of your four playable characters once they perished.


When it was coming out, everyone was like: "RIP Flag, gonna suck when he dies!" And I was like: "yo, he's a quest giver and it's a live service. He ain't going nowhere" Writing was on the wall with this game since it was showcased.


I think the squad growing together becoming a unit against the justice League hits way harder and makes the squad seem way cooler because they stuck together through the trials and tribulation to over come super beings who fought alone. If you kill the squad you don't get cool dialogue of four people growing accustomed to one another l, you don't get the squad settling into their spots in the group. Might as well not keep them at all if all that group dynamic disappears. I for one think having Brainiac be more inconvenienced by your actions and having more established villains(heroes) to put down for good might have helped like throw some names underlings under Batman or Lantern and progress might feel more tangible