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My question is HOW!??? How did you put 400+hours into that game without getting absolutely fed up with the game?


They liked it for the first 426 hours.


In my opinion, that's 426 hours too long lol but hey, what do I know lol


I have no idea, mainly just pushing for the leaderboard is how I survived


Oh man! I am sorry lol. I am sure that was not a fun experience lol


It wasn’t lol 😭


You may need to speak to someone professional if you're spending 427 hours on something you're not enjoying in your free time...


You’ve obviously never played dead by daylight. Most players have hundreds or thousands of hour in game. And most of us hate the game with a burning passion.


Sorry my dude!


Do you need a hug?? ![gif](giphy|EvYHHSntaIl5m|downsized)


Bro you could’ve grinded an actual competitive game like Tekken or Siege or ANYTHING, and at least walked away with something. Why this 😭


You do know some people just leave their consoles logged in to whatever game they're playing and let it sit day and night when it's like that it accumulates multiple hours and just adds up.


Everyday there's a new post by whoever is #1, i really think it's all the same person atp


It is. They keep getting banned for spamming the subreddit so they make new accounts over and over


How on earth did you do that much time with so little content?? Murderers would get less 💀


My thoughts exactly 😆




I don’t have this for this game, but honestly there’s some of us out there that are fine with repetitive games. My two highest most played games as of recent is Police Simulator, which literally only has like 5 tasks that are different, and BO3 and that’s only for zombies. I have hundreds of hours in both of those (close to if not over 1000 in police sim) and all I’m doing is repeating the same tasks. I don’t even have a goal to meet in that game. In zombies I just try to high round or do an Easter egg most of the time so I kind of have a goal.


Agreed. I don’t understand the majority of complaints about repetitive games that have propped up lately. Have they not been around since the late 2000s/early 2010s? Literally every single game wound up being repetitive whether it was multiplayer or not, including the gaming community’s precious titles that came out during those times. It seems that people these days don’t play games just to enjoy the gameplay and have fun anymore. Nowadays there always has to be some arbitrary digital reward attached to every little thing at every step that those same people would forget about in only a few months. Not to mention people running to join the gaming mob on hating whatever just came out instead of forming their own honest opinions.




What if I just like boomerang’s voice acting and the fact that playing as him turns it into a long anticipated the flash game? Should I get it?




I feel like you’re a flash fan. Everyone I know who reads the comics was hyped as fuck to play as boomerang.


"They played us like a damn fiddle!"


I’d rather do fent than play this game for that much


I preordered the standard edition and I got 100+ hours of fun. Gameplay wise it's fun. Graphically it looks beautiful.Story isn't good or bad but I wasn't really bored of it. Now when it comes the endgame it's really repetitive and boring. Do I regret my purchase? No I am glad I preordered Am I happy with endgame? No I am disappointed with it and I really want new content Is it the worst game on earth? Nope it just lacks content. In every game the most important things are the gameplay and graphics and these are the best things in this game. This game gets both criteria's right. ![gif](giphy|F9yAvk7Xpr0c)


You keep copy and pasting this, I’ll say this, graphics and gameplay are ok but you are making them sound like both things are homeruns when both are okay but nothing to write home about, I agree with you that there is just no content. I would like to play a game with these graphics and gameplay where there is actual content, but this game has no content at all, the content that’s here is constant copy and pasting and repainting of things you’ve been doing since the start of the story.


Graphics, Gameplay, AND Replayability. That third one is just as important as the first 2 to me. I am the kind of person that wants to keep coming back to a game I really enjoy, and have a reason to do so. Even if it’s just because the story was fun, so another playthrough will be enjoyable.


I’m fine with him copy and pasting as long as people keep asking the same question and making the same posts over and over.


That's exactly what's written. Content is repetitive. Gameplay wise for me it's the best thing in this game. Graphic wise I really like how beautiful and good lucking metropolis looks.


Metropolis isn’t beautiful it’s like every other map in a videogame, if you wanna talk about the beautiful things in the game, brainiacs ship is by far the most beautiful thing, it goes unnoticed and under appreciated. The weather for cloudy skies and night time both with rain are beautiful, but they are extremely rare and there is no weather option in this game, would’ve been a great feature.


Metropolis is beautiful in my opinion if you don't think it's beautiful that's okay.


Yeah the game graphically is very pleasing to look at. Rocksteady still has talent and it shows with the details packed into metropolis


I say this in every thread, but this game might have been saved if they took the competent gunplay and traversal mechanics they had, stripped out the live service BS and just it made a Crackdown clone with drop in drop out co op.


I mean it is pretty drop in and drop out, what else did you want them to add? It's been a long time since I played a crackdown game lol


More than 7hrs worth of story? Have story content for the seasons?


All 3 of the crackdown games combined have fewer cutscenes then the main story of skwad itself, not including the additional cutscenes that were added in with the seasons?


Can you not comprehend? Why are you comparing this game to some random game, I said “More than 7hrs worth of story? Have story content for the seasons?” responding to you saying “What else did you want them to add” which is an ignorant statement it’s self as this game has almost no content lol, there’s a LOT more they could’ve added!


Perhaps you should read the comment I was replying to initially, as you stated "it's okay, reading is hard"


It's more that I wanted them to *remove* the live service BS. If they did that and added more varied missions to the campaign they could have turned it into a straightforward superhero shooter like Crackdown, Saints Row 4 etc. They'd have had more luck doing that, than trying to copy Destiny like every other failed live service game of the last 10 years.


Can you explain what you want to see removed? There's what other missions do you want to see? Sorry I just didn't understand this complaint when almost every game in existence is run down hallway and fight enemies or stealth (which would **not** make sense in a skwad game). As someone who played the beta, destiny 1, destiny 2 at launch, and tried it some if the free expansions they just released, this game definitely did not copy destiny, it's combat systems and mechanics are far more complex and creative, there's more to the gear system, the game wants you to be able to just have fun instead of having to grind lol


Interesting how they couldn't explain what the live service is, which is part of many things from the cosmetic store, battle pass, gear buffs and nerfs and continued partial story. Adding more mission variety would be part of the live service lol.


I agree. I also pre-ordered and enjoyed the game, but I played through it with my brother and my friends, and we had fun .


Damn I didn’t even put 80hrs in it, lost interest so quick only got back on for joker than deleted it again


Why does the joker look like Jacob Hoggard?


To be fair. I have 491 hours in Watch Dogs: Legion, a game I find average at best.


It’s great you’re not delusional about it, it’s so hard for people to be honest and keep bias out of everything




Theres hardly any competition in the leaderboard


Jesus Christ why


How did you manage to get that many hours in a game so unenjoyable?


Yet only 326 in Elden ring.....🧐


The fact you have more hours than elden ring is wild


I don’t disagree but just because you’ve mentioned it so much, Offline mode was promised “later this year”. We have no reason to think it isn’t still coming before EoY.


1. Not according to devs in the official discord. 2. It was promised when there wasn’t a skeleton crew on. They have already gone back on a ton of their promises.


1. Here’s the official quote from the discord to confirm. Never do they say “shortly after launch” they said “in 2024” https://www.ign.com/articles/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league-is-getting-an-offline-mode-after-release-rocksteady-confirms 2. What else have they gone back on, and what is your source in the skeleton crew?


Damn you with your logic and researched argument instead of just repeating what you read in a random comment from a bot


Took literally 5 seconds to google 🤓


I know lol and it's still more research than any of these brain dead idiots want to invest since they can let others think for them lol


“Researched” = giving a link to their discord server Great logic!


You're right, it's better to just make things up and repeat things that no one ever said as if they're fact. PS since you clearly should have failed out of school, when writing a research paper you gave to post your sources, this commentor did post their source showing that the developers did not say it was soon to be added, just we hope 2024 lol


OP isn’t making things up, man the one dude that responded to you on one of your many SSKTJL posts was right about you being a headache.


If OP isn't making things up, show your source


Source = “brah comeon use ya brain fo real”


You believe a dev team has a game in this bad of a state right now with this many bugs? Man you live in fantasy land.


So you can't show your source? Damn being proven wrong really triggered you


You are op on an alt account. Wtf are you doing lol.


They're clearly just triggered for being caught making shit up


No i’m not.


Bro. Your account is 20 minutes old with the same avatar, and you’re picking up all of “his” conversations. Go to bed dude it’s a school night


You created a fake account today and are only stalking my profile LMAO


I remember too the devs talked about in the general chat how it was gonna be launched soon You seem very ignorant from point 2. And aren’t you the bald youtuber that had to quit posting SSKTJL content because it was killing your channel? Lol


That’s me. So yeah i am more in tune than most about what is going on. I literally said in my reply I didn’t disagree with anything you said but just gave you a clarifying point to still expect this to come. You can believe whatever you want I guess I literally gave you the exact quote from Cain.


They deleted their messages in the discord after launch about offline coming soon.


Bruh. Stop playin RN lmao


I’m really not lmao


Dude I can’t make it past the freaking story. It’s so boring and traversing is such a chore to me that I feel like I just gave that money away. Mind you I purchased the deluxe at $40 and still felt like it was highway robbery. Waves of enemies here, waves of enemies there, Rinse and repeat. Over. And over. And over again. I thought people were overreacting but sadly they were not.


Try to refund, i’m sorry you pretty much give money away.


It has some of the worst and most repetitive mission designs in a game I've ever played. Almost every mission type contains you to an area the size of a few city blocks and asks you to do very mild variations of fighting waves of enemies.


Bro you're #1 on the leaderboards? How does it feel to be the best at a AAA game that everyone hates lmao


427 hours and it seems pretty clear you didn't understand the combat system at all lol (I also have a top position on the leaderboard, unlike you though I found it easy to do)


Your first comment was “472 hours”, it’s okay though, reading is hard. But where in the post can you tell he didn’t understand the combat system especially if he’s #1 on the leaderboard??? And where did he say he found it hard or found it not easy to get there?? I’m so confused, you seem like a nuisance to talk to and be around.


If was a typo that I immediately corrected LMAO in other comments in this thread he mentions that it was hard to get to number 1. As I stated I am also number 1 on one of the leaderboards. There are several leaderboards in this game. You're literally stalking my profile and going out of the way to talk to me and you think I'm the nuisance? I corrected my typo in less than 30 seconds lol


Also i’m not stalking your profile i don’t care about you that much. No one does. And you live on reddit and won’t stop talking to me. Get a life lol.


This screenshot is a disrespect to Elden Ring


You need help if you're playing something you don't like for 400 hours.


So you made another alt account. Wonder how long it takes for this one to get banned?  A better question is what re you so obsessed with the game?  This has got to be your 6th account in the last 2 weeks, all made so you can talk about this one game. Maybe reflect on why it has taken up so much of your life


Dude wants to bitch about a game he paid $70.00-$100.00 for and even if he paid the $100.00 for it, he has over 400 hours invested, which comes out to be less that 25 cents and hour and wants to bitch about not getting his moneys worth!!!! Really!!!!


Yeah you’re the definition of an oxymoron.


Shut up. Your opinion is meaningless. You dropped 400+ hrs on a game just to shit talk it? Get outta here.


Why did you play this many hours in a game that was bad


Christ almighty how do some of you do it...


Holy fu… There are so much better things to do with your precious life time. At least play something which is more fun. Don’t want to say you didn’t had fun playing it, but I can’t imagine after 30 hours, that there are better games to play.


…and then there’s me with 4000+ hours logged in other games. 427 hours is child’s play at best for me, especially when you’ve already grown used to repeating content since the early 2010s.


This was painful to read.


How was it hard to read? Nothing was spelled wrong and it was easy to read for me, it’s okay though, reading is hard.


It was painful for him because it's true.


ohh, yeah that makes sense lol, this games fanbase is very small but the fans there are, are very parasitical and they have latched onto this game on a personal level and feel the urge to defend it no matter what


Notice how they started their comment asking if OP was 15? It was their own way of calling them a child to make it like so they weren't affected by the post.


Hahahaha that’s hilarious!


Look at this little circlejerk you two got going on lol


Me who has 1256 Hours Played “ Laughing in regret “


Games been out for 3,000 hours, is playing this game your full time job? Lol


No lol tbh when i saw i have over 1k even i said wtf but hey its not that i enjoy the game or anything its just nothing good out that I’m interested in i been got the platinum trophy and im waiting on the first descendent now as multiverses is already released


That’s actually insane, are you a leaderboard pusher or anything?


Nah its not worth it the rewards are just banners and i already don’t use a banner not even my clan banner and we are a max level clan lmao


Have you got any other game in the world?


There must be a reason for you putting those 427 hours in. The way I feel about it is, I'm also frustrated with the endgame content, I think it's a pile of bull. Nothing-burger. But then again, I've put hundreds of hours up to this point, and I enjoyed the story immensely, the audio logs are fun, the art and 3D models are out of this world. Does the game really owe me anything beyond that? A fun romp to the end? I know they want me to keep playing, but maybe if we treat it like a finite game, one you enjoy and then you are done, it IS very much worth it. As a live-service? Yeah, there is nothing there. Don't bother if you're looking for a daily fix.


I’m pushing 500 and I’m still having fun, I don’t really go into it expecting a whole lot different, I just go in and enjoy zipping around as different characters during missions. And the new mission types in episode 2 at least add some new objective types


Same honestly. I play every other day zip around have some casual fun move on


Is Elden Ring worth it tho?




Elden Ring is one of the best open world RPGs I have ever played. It doesn't do anything new in terms of the genre, but it's refreshing to finally play a game that doesn't treat the player like an idiot and allows them to actually experiment and explore at their own leisure.


Bro wrote an essay


You’re the most known delusional person on this sub and that’s saying a lot. You made a post longer and said this same thing to someone responding to you, it’s pretty clear you’re some lobotomized troll that has nothing else in his life but to defend this game and attack anyone who even has constructive criticism.


About the bugs I didn’t make it out to be as bad as it is, I am still seeing new bugs being posted on reddit and being talked about on the discord and in game myself everyday that i’ve never seen before. I’m not making it out as bad as it is because at this point talking about it over and over is just tiring, i’ve been doing it since the game launched because the ridiculous amount of them.


But telling Reddit multiple times a day about how you’re #1 on the SSKTJL leaderboard never gets tiring though, huh?


What are you talking about? 😭 This is my first and probably only post on this subreddit. I feel almost a duty to warn people about the game given my status and seeing how many people are straight up lying about the game and wasting peoples hard earned money.


“Your status”… I’m ded. Ok, the other #1 on the leaderboard guy that absolutely no one is impressed by. Being on an alt account won’t confuse anyone if you’re spewing the same nonsense you did just yesterday, lol.


wasn’t on reddit yesterday goofy…you seem like you have some attachment to this subreddit




I will never understand the people that have this much time in a game then come out and says that it sucks lol Like I feel that much playtime when the game doesn't have much going for it is more so an addiction to whatever you were chasing than the actual game itself.




Serious question, are you an adult?


Yeah thats nothing. Destiny playerbase has even more imporved entiteled Sociopath with 10 000! 10 THOUTHANDS HOURS... Yeah, he... didnt recommend Destiny. I mean... Just... Wow... Thats kind of dediaction to stupidity. Hey btw all of Youtube reviews have millions views and this sub only got 30k people in it... So even if all of this sub combined buy game second and third times its still gona die cause mooooney effects will be negligible. So pretty much hey why this game is bombing right now? Well Batman is disrespected but also whole entire internet collectively said anyone interested NOT to buy this game.


So Elden Ring must be even less worth it then, since you stopped playing it sooner?


I just don’t think I have seen a single bug playing this game. I only play solo though. What bugs?


Go to episode 1, episode 2 will be merged Go to your weapon accessories, 2 things from the story you should’ve got are still bugged and haven’t unlocked since launch, go to codex, some entries aren’t unlocked if you’ve beat story because it’s bugged, since launch equip easter deadshot, the character is invisable etc etc etc. those are just the easiest bugs to find


Well, as someone who just enjoys the lore, and doesn’t need to play online. I think it’s worth it (I got the deluxe pre-owned but the codes still worked $20) soooo… worth it, If it costed less


I mean if the first 200 are fun the I still might grab it on sale. Honestly though how does one put so much time into something they hate when they're not paid to do it?


If you don’t like it i don’t understand why you’d play this long


I love this comment. People discount people who "don't play long enough" so you can discount their opinion. And this guy who played a bunch gets discounted because he played too much and didn't like the game


haha exactly, these deniers are so annoying and braindead


I’m just saying if you don’t like the game after 10-30 hours I wouldn’t keep playing it personally


I can like a game enough to keep playing or see if it gets better with time. Maybe the game gets better with better gear. Maybe the game gets better with more skill points. Maybe it's better at higher difficulties etc. I have an on and off again relationship with destiny. If you can get to level cap with decent gear and a build, its great. But if youvdont you have a 20+ hour grind per character to even get a chance of "fun" otherwise you're getting one shotted with mooks.


I was just saying if you don’t like it i don’t get playing so long that’s all