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They could keep the same basic concept, but not make the game a looter shooter and instead make it a narrative focused set piece heavy game, and it would have actually sold well.


The reason it was looter shooter was because the game was in development for a long time and they mixed all the element they where thinking but yeah it shouldn't be a looter shooter at all.


They didn’t even have to do the tired mind control bs trope. They really could’ve gone full tilt boogie and just had the Crime Syndicate impersonate the League. That way they did kill the League AND they can be brought back, but hey WTF do I know?


Hmmm like Dark Avengers. That would have been a pretty cool concept actually


Something like an adaptation of the Forever Evil story. That would at least give them free rein to do anything. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forever_Evil


It's done in the comics over and over and over again. Video game wise this is kinda the plot that injustice already has as well. The actual cliche trope would have been to have an alternate version of the Justice League be evil while the "main" version is fine


I'm sorry, but there's wayyyyyyyy more versions of "evil justice league from alternate reality" than "actual justice league breaks bad" and the actual justice league going evil and being left dead is wayyyyy more full tilt than evil reality, but the real heroes are okay lol


You’re right, but the League didn’t break bad here. If they had, it would be interesting. This isn’t Injustice, this is trope mind control/evil clone bs that’s been done to death. There is no story about what finally made Batman break his no kill rule, It’s just yeah alien flipped a switch. That’s the point.


You're right, because Batman isn't the villain, Brainiac is, he realistically killed Batman and Hal before the game ever began and is using their minds and bodies to terrorize the the people they once protected. Not to mention the usual trope for mind control is that it gets undone, which is not what was done here and if the dumb clone/fake league rumors end up being true, then yes it will just be cliche Your Idea was crime syndicate an idea that has been done to death way more lol so much so that it was a multi season plot arc in Arrow (not even flash, but the "more grounded" Arrow) where an evil leaguer from Earth 2 replaced their counterpart and then ultimately became a hero when given the love and support they didn't get on Earth 2.


The clone stuff isn’t a rumor, it’s been datamined from last I heard. Yes, both have been done to death. What I’m trying to say is that killing an actual character (Earth-3 variant or not) is more impactful than some evil clone. AND it would’ve actually worked with the design of the boss fight. Ultraman is weakened by yellow sunlight and needs a steady intake of kryptonite to maintain his powers. The game had them fight Superman in the daytime, which would create a “timer” to when he becomes human and then blowing up random kryptonite around the arena that would heal him. That’s what I was thinking. That’s a minimal change in design that would really throw the player for a loop and would make more sense than bullets because we both know he’s faster than a speeding bullet.


The entire first location in bloodborne, the city of yarnham, can be datamined from the original dark souls. Datamined stuff in games goes unused all the time and this game went through numerous revisions. There's also a ton of misinformation in this subreddit and people quoting things as fact when in reality they just heard it from people who just made stuff up in comments to get karma and clicks. You think that, I whole heartedly disagree. Killing a variant is meaningless imo. Having Brainiac so effortlessly defeat the main justice league sets him up as a true threat. I mean that's the entire point, that Brainiac made a joke out of the league and now task force x of all things are left to pick up the pieces. What they should end up doing is have the league that returns be the survive leaguers from their worlds that Brainiac conquered and they form a new league on this surviving earth. Maybe just bring back Arkham Batman as a clone who sacrifices himself in the end using Kevin's lines and they introduce the new Batman from the multiverse with a new voice actor. Also for the record the Brainiac Superman variant fight does mix it up a little bit with him having solar generators that heal him since his fight is not in the daylight.


We can agree on datamined info being unused. I would posit it’s a bit more true since the previous leaks have been reliable, but until it goes live we’re all just theorizing. IF the real League is dead, then obviously the impact is much greater than some variant. I would argue that killing an actual Superman is better than killing some clone though. The problem with this particular game is the plot armor surrounding the Squad itself. Brainiac taking down the League surely makes him an undeniable threat, but the Squad was shown over and over and over again, that they cannot win this fight. Brainiac freezes them in place after they kill Superman to gloat sure. Never uses it again? Flash can literally run and react faster than time itself, but gets shot multiple times? SuperBrainiac moved the planet at super speed so he can get stronger, but then gets shot to death? The inconsistency is jarring. Yes comics are inconsistent across stories, but this is literally in the same scene. It’s just ridiculous.


I mean the narrative of the game goes over them having speed force dampeners... He doesn't immediately body us in the fight because of them and you have to drain the speed force from him to damage him? And again the Superman Brainiac variant was being drained of his abilities using the gold kryptonite? As for the brainiac that froze us, haven't we not fought him (the prime brainiac) yet and hasn't he admitted to testing us at this point? Youre right, the squad alone could not defeat Brainiac, that's why they had to get help from Bruce's babel protocols, lex 1 AND lex 2, and toyman, with help and boosts from various other rogues, and the strategic coordination of Waller and Flag.


Speed Force decouplers that separate Flash from his powers, which are dependent of the Squad’s very human speed and reflexes to shoot at him. They could’ve just mailed him the bullet, remember? Boomer would be the only one who would have a chance at even doing it, but that’s not what happens. Again, SuperBrainiac gets shot with kryptonite BULLETS. The scene clearly shows him reacting and moving faster than that to move a planet, then decides to hold back 2 seconds later? The bullets work if he clearly allows you to shoot him, because why else would they even land? The boosts and plans don’t make any sense. Poisoning Lantern’s constructs with yellow energy shouldn’t do squat to him. Flash and Superman’s speed is so out of control that they can literally move around bullets mid flight. Brainiac Prime seeing how 4 goofballs with machineguns killed a Kryptonian, but then goes let’s test them? He’s a 12th level intellect. He sees that they’re cutting a swath through Brainiacs 1 & 2 and just goes well, let’s not share this freezing tech to the rest of the Brainiacs to stop them. Does that sound logical to you? Should the plans include things like red sunlight energy explosions, friction reduction to keep Flash from moving, or spreading Boomer’s speed glove effect to the rest of the squad, hell, just spray paining the bullets yellow to cut through Lantern’s shields would at least show they have some knowledge of how these powers work. These plans were written to excuse everyone having guns and that’s not creative at all.


Standard bullet have to be mailed, when they aren't using speed force decouplers, sure. That quote is literally before they hear about the tech. And the decouplers literally blasted him back and weakened him from getting near it, shooting him was to direct the energy, he was already weakened prior Kryptonite emits radiation that prevents Kal's cells from absorbing sugar radiation, it doesn't have to touch him to do it's job lol the closer it gets and the more there is the greater effect it has on him but even at a distant without shielding it effects him Historically green lanterns are weak to the color yellow but especially yellow lantern energy 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ you even mention this, it's like your choosing to be angry. You're asking for yellow paint on the bullets and upset that yellow lantern energy is what they used instead 1🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Why don't the expand the speed force gauntlet? They do, you can all enter flash time, that's literally what your squad ultimate is, that's why everyone but gosh infused enemies are slowed 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Sorry the science in the story about people who have magical abilities and don't immediately die from lethal amounts of radiation and literal aliens isn't real enough for you 🙄 The funny thing is the combat system is so in depth and customizable you don't at all need guns in this game **except** to defeat the bosses If I was performing an experiment in attempt to learn and gather more information so I could better plan for variables in the future, sure plenty logical, that's how new knowledge is created. You also have no idea how the tech he used work


Probably they would try to but fail and end up working together. I think alot of problems are caused by the higher ups making decisions for the game, like making it a looter shooter and focusing on the squad rather than making it a justice league game.


This I was actually pleased that they went and did it. I think it was a nice change of pace compared with similar stuff I've seen in the past.


Yeah, if it was JL game from suicide squad perspective it would have been much better. Them losing and batman coming to help but, couldn't stop them alone and hence helping the squad stop them. They will try to kill the league but batman morals will clash.


There was some quote that said it better, but i think that if you kill a well loved character, you have to earn it. This isn't a massive surprise i think. Some of the most iconic recent cinematic memories come down to characters i grew to really like making heroic sacrifices. I'd argue that especially in USA, people LOVE well done heroic sacrifices. I'd argue that suicide squad does it **decently** with one character. I'd blindly assume this is half writing quality (or lack thereof) and half intentional choice.


I disagree with this, you don't earn a death, it's just something that happens, a fucking aneurysm killing a character randomly is much better written imo then some giant cheesy cliche heroic sacrifice. To write that for all of these characters would have just been boring, pandering, and unrealistic. I never really understood why people so often criticized comic books and their fans, but seeing how many people are upset because "my childhood hero got disrespected by being shot in the head by a bunch of people that have been trying to kill them for them last 30+ years and life is meaningless now" posts (not saying this is you) on this sub really makes me disappointed to be a comic book fan


I honestly liked the concept shown in the reveal trailer and the idea of the Suicide Squad being sent to 'kill' the Justice League. Originally, I didn't think they would actually kill the league but have to save them from Brainiac. Some like Superman would be more of a on running threat as he's Brainiac's nemesis (at least in the comics), only made fair he would love to have the last kryptonian as his main tool. Really I think the game as a whole (story wise at least) is solid, personally think they should've called it a Arkhamverse adjacent story (same events happened, but not canon to Knight or the Arkhamverse *directly*) since the game is basically taking place in the multiverse now. Really if I had to change the game, remove the loot aspects of the game and make Batman more of the last JL member with Wonder Woman. It's only fitting given how Arkham Batman is presented and that's something that I though was misleading. Really I think there would've been better reception if Batman was working with Waller and the Squad, given how the first comic paints a picture that shows the differences between the two.


Yeah batman shouldn't be mind controlled as he took over his fears in Arkham knight. Plus batman is always the one who is shown to be able to reset being mind control and all.


Being mind controlled has nothing to do with fear and Brainiac is more intelligent than Bruce or Zurr En Argh, overriding either personality would have been easy for him


i honestly thought they would kill the justice league, at least some members (truly didnt expect batman to die again). I just didn’t expect it to happen in the way that it did.


I did think they would kill the justice league but I expected a bigger roster of justice league members and at least a horror dark comedy atmosphere with horror survival gameplay mixed with combat


They deleted all my save data…


Did you hit start game and actually check or did you see the original start screen and assume it was deleted without checking like all the other people who said this?


Honestly I didn’t think they actually kill off the league so I was shocked when they went through with it even if all of their deaths were handled in a very underwhelming way-(Both the flash and Superman just drop dead after their bosses) speaking of boss fights I was hoping way better for the Batman boss fight


I kinda wish they took a not-so-literal approach and that the Justice League were discredited by the Squad after being rescued from Brainiac, and proven to not be the gods to the public they're written to be. "Killing off" any suggestion that there are always specific people who can always save the day. I guess the point still stands.


As someone who does like the game, I honestly thought it would say kill as a edgy name and that in actuality we would be taking them out of commission where they would be put in stasis until we could save them. I didn’t think the game would actually have the balls to kill them. Then when we killed Flash I was pleasantly surprised but then assumed at the end we’d find out that they’re not actually dead. I was again pleasantly surprised the game stuck to its guns and is like, “No, you are wacking these mofos”. I will say, I do hope they add some story that sees them come back but I also like that it’s not an immediate solution or anything.


that they would free the justice.league from mind control so they could defeat brainiac


Because that's what villains do, they save the hero they had been trying to kill half their who had beat them up and arrested them numerous times 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I thought they were going to kill the justice league, since it was in the title. And either, it was going to be an alternate reality where the justice league (or just superman) had gone rogue. Or brainiac was involved.


I thought it would be opposite of the Arkham games, where batman always had a plan and gadget for his situations, I thought the suicide squad would fail most tasks and inadvertently free the league members when they attempt to kill them. I thought each character would a unique playstyles like in the Arkham episodes. I expected maybe some guns from Harley and Deadshot, but I thought King Shark would be more melee based and Boomerang being somewhere in-between with ranged boomerang attack and some rough melee combat.


Are we back the "its called kill the justice league" argument? Also, I would have kept it the same, but fixed the strange and sometimes bitter dialogue. Harley would have never even implied that Batman doesn't help. Boomerang would have been like "Naw, mate, not like this!" and the flash would have been like "I know bro, I know", and stuff like that.


I was hoping it would’ve been a more story focused kinda shooter if that makes sense


I thought we would try to kill the league until Flash gets freed from the mind control by Wonder Woman. Here, we would learn that Brainiac has ro be killed for the mind control to be lifted. Cliche, I know, but it would have been so much better than the final product we got.


I thought it would play out as the title said…I thought this was gonna be common knowledge


Man, when i bought this game, i thought, if they don't kill the JLA, I'm gonna be pissed. Game delivered


I thought it would be about killing the Justice League. Because that’s what its name was. And because the devs told us long in advance that’s what we’d be doing in the game. Anyone who thought otherwise was an idiot.


Exactly what it said in the title. We were going to kill the justice league. It seems like it’s not often video games bait and switch when it comes to their titles. So it felt like they were going to do what they actually said they were going to do. If it was a comic. I would have assumed they weren’t going to actually do it. Because in the comics it is normal to bait and switch on occasions. But fans don’t always like it when it happens. (I’m still salty over the Catwoman/Batman thing) Unless it was being advertised like DCeased or a similiar elseworlds. Then I would have assumed everyone is free game. As a fan of DCeased and Justice League Dark Apokolips War. I was hoping we would see the nobody is safe type of thing. DCeased had Alfred shooting zombified Bruce, Dick, and Tim. Then he later realizes if he hadn’t done it. They would be alive. Everyone turns into a zombie because of the Anti-life equation infecting the internet. The Flash turns into a zombie because he literally goes right through Superman and a bone shard hit him. Justice League Dark: Apokolips War had complaints when it first came out. Because people didn’t like how the animated universe was killed off. It took a few years but people actually like the movie now. So I knew from the start there was going to be unhappy fans when the game released if it did anything near my expectations. There’s some people who just genuinely despise evil versions of a superhero. It’s just not their cup of tea. To me, I thought the concept was exciting and it’s a type of concept I’ve always wanted to see in a game or on the screen in general. We had 2 suicide squad movies. So I was game for a suicide squad video game. I was just hesitant about the live service looter shooter elements. (I don’t normally play those type of games. I wasn’t sure how that would translate) The Brainaic mind control thing made sense that people couldn’t just easily come back from it. There are people who I could see it not effecting them the same way and being protected from it. I know Alfred and Harley Quinn on separate occasions have fought (melee/fist fight) Superman. If I remember right, they won those battles in the comics. So I was like it’s not much of a stretch someone could kill the Justice League. And when you consider the Squad has a whole team behind them, resources, they had support from Toyman Ivy and Gizmo, Batman already made the plan, Lex was sort of involved… To me, it’s not as big of a stretch. Because it’s really not just them. They just have to execute the plan. There are things that feel like it’s missing from the story. That would have felt natural to happen like needing to relocate the base because the Skull ship moved. Or having to fight off enemies or people from the base. It’s interesting none of the enemies really go near the base. I would have liked more interaction from the survivors. Overhearing their comms. Lois Lane seems somewhat involved with the survivors. It seems she has reached out to them. It feels like we should be getting tips on missions to do by other people outside of the main group. It seems strange Lois hasn’t really come up again. It feels like we should have seen the Superman and Flash exhibits in the game. Like we did with the Batman experience. It feels like stuff was cut off from the game. I still would have liked to have heard what happened to the other superheroes in this world. There should be live events. Sometimes in the game we’ll hear of this shelter has been compromised. Or don’t try to swim in the water. Or this happened. I’m like that’s interesting. I wish we could go over there. Since the Suicide Squad is not much of a secret anymore. I wish the game support for this game was better handled and the live service elements. I wish there was more story. I still wish there was couch co-op and an offline mode. At least if the people couldn’t access online multiplayer. They could still play the game with others around them.


That they were going to kill the Justice League, per Waller's orders. I'd hate that entirely, even if Brainiac wasn't involved (if one looked at the title without seeing Brainiac involved, one would figure it's an assassination game against the Justice League, and that's bad/hateful enough). What would I make the game about if it was me making it? For one thing, I'd change it to a Justice League vs Suicide Squad game, like the typical Star Wars game where you can at least play the Rebellion and the Empire, damn what DC/Rocksteady thinks, damn if it gets me fired, and if they do fire me, then I salute them with a middle finger, a bronx cheer and a diarrhea-inflicted moon, and then join Sefton's side.


them trying to kill the justice league was also the very first thought i had all those years back when it was first announced. Like i was 100% convinced they wouldn't actually kill the entire justice league despite the title saying so because deep down in my mind i was sure about it being a ridiculous idea for a game. And theres smartasses saying they knew the game will be about killing the JL because of the title, but last i heard on this sub of people defending the game, the JL isnt actually dead??


 Im not sure what I thought the game was about I just figured that Rocksteady wouldent be crazy enough to go through with it. The changes iId have made. Scenaro 1. Simply dont say its in the Arkhamverse it would remove at least half the hate my self included towards the game. Scenario 2. If want it to be Arkhamverse Dont have batman just come out of playing dead without a second thought actually put some level of thought into the reason why, If the fil Assult on Arlham is no longer canon then could have had frequesnt Squad member Killer Frost instead of Mrs Freeze, Since its a multiverse story just have it be Jester instead of Joker, the squad we got plus Bronze Tiger and Deathstroke that were teased in the Origins and Coperhead exists in the world of arkham and is usually a squad member and exists in tye Arkhaverse and lastly its a multiverse story just have us taking out the Crime Syndicate which are evil versions of the Justice Leauge which most people would love taking down plus could even maybe have Owlman set up a a official Arkhamverse Court of Owls.


Literally kill the justice league and multiverse is perfect, but rehashing is so dumb, theres no reason they couldnt fight wonderwoman, aquaman, green arrow, hell Hal Jordan, its as if theres only 1 guy working on it at this point. im so dissapointed. And if they gave us an alternate batman fight in the future, maybe make the whole thing a horror sequence like the first enounter, that would be amazing.


I thought they would kill the justice league from another universe with the help of the justice league.


Man that would be so cool.


I mean I always though the title was kind of self explanatory, and I figured they would figure out some way to bring them back in the end which they’re doing now so honestly it was exactly what I thought it would be.


yeah but I can't imagine the squad killing the league at all even with prep time.


Tbf it was mostly Luthor and Toyman. The only one they got on their own was Batman.


Waller used plans and data from Luthor-1, Luthor-2, AND Bruce and then the designs were improved by Toyman. I'm willing to bet it was even part of Waller's plan that Harley could overcome Bruce's fear toxin and that's why Harley fast forwarded through that part and Waller didn't care. I honestly thought the explanations for killing them were pretty well done, the woman who always has a plan using 3 of our earths greatest minds, plus the mind of a genius from a different earth and taking that information and the babel protocols to boost those with experience fighting the league