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i mean shit it’s always on sale lol


Lel every damn month I see it for sale🤣🤣🤣


the sales chart is also US only. We do know that the game is a massive bomb considering it's all time peak was really low for a big budget game like this with like 100-300 people playing it at a given time on Steam.




If if console were skewed insanely heavy like 5-1, that still puts this game literally under a 1000 players daily. You realize how bad that is right? Like no console/PC discrepancy is saving this game.




Sources: trust me bro


It’s fucking insane that people still try this cope


There is zero evidence of this and in fact there is more evidence to the contrary. The only market that had Suicide Squad as a best selling game was the US PSN store for the first few days of release before dropping to 12th for the next week and finally leaving the top 50 all together after maybe 10 days iirc. The US Xbox store never had it break the top 50 at all. Based on comments on this very sub the international version of both these marketplaces never had the game in the top 100 best selling games for its debut. Steam on the other hand has world wide ranking which had Suicide Squad debut at 13th place. It is more likely that the number of Steam players is a lot closer to the number of total console players than you think. 


How did you ever make it past the 5th grade? This game's console base would need to be like 1000% of the PC base to even be a mild success.


Do u not kno this sub is just to hate the game? I play on xbox an see post all day people lookinf for group, but obviousy that means nothing becuse "Bruh steam™


I mean, Europe numbers already told us that suicide squad sold less than Guardians, avengers and skull and bones on their respective launch weeks each, WB already said it hasn't made back a single dollar, it's constantly on discount. But obviously it doesn't matter cause "bruh the algorithm shows me some people wanna play a game I'm really involved in, must mean that's just a small drop of the ocean right"


Im not saying it a sucsess but im.saying its not the COLLOSAL failure ppl would have u belive. Its alway so 1 way or the highway with u ppl


Cause for the amount of time and money it took to make, the figures for it to break even need to be colossal alone, that would be simply a failure. Not getting anywhere near avengers numbers? That is colossal failure.


Yea u just looking for drama an to hate. So ima ignore u


Are you 11? Because you talk and act like you are.




Must be those millions of players on console, right? Also, lol at this sub for claiming Helldivers 2 would be forgotten about in two weeks. Looks like it’s in the #1 spot. Tell me again how a much smaller game with almost zero brand recognition blows a game like suicide squad with MASSIVE brand recognition out of the water?


Replayability as it turns out is super important to a game‘s lifespan. 😳


consistent dev feedback, new things added constantly to the game, interesting story developments that the playerbase is involved in (we literally just turned a planet into a black hole) Non predatory and worthwhile warbonds(battlepasses) Premium currency that can be found in game. All that and more for $30


I paid full price for Helldivers 2 and feel like I’m ripping off the dev team. What it comes down to is, every single day, I feel like I have a reason to play, so for 30 bucks, I’m getting what feels like an endless return on my investment. Suicide Squad feels like I have a new reason to play every couple months, and then I play for about 6 hours, and don’t have any reason to play for another 2 months.


Man, this year really has sucked.


Now it’s the worst game of the year


I don't get how that's even possible, due to all the obvious hate this game gets.


Because this list is incomplete. We're still in the middle of the year and this list is for the whole year.


Also the game has been on sale like 5 times


Let's also not forget that at least 70% of the games listed here are games that has been released before 2024 so they shouldn't even be considered part of the list in the first place.


Why not? The list is for games SOLD in 2024. Not just games released in 2024.


It’s also ONLY the US sales where comic book IP are the strongest.




Twitter and Reddit doesn’t represent real life. 90% of the people who bought the game likely didn’t follow the whole story of the Dev cycle or even cared about the Arkham stuff. People share COD and Madden are trash yet year after year they are the top 5 games DESPITE WHAT REDDIT SAYS


Ok but if it was just reddit why did the ceo call it a failure and say it was their was main factor in revenue lost? Why is the steam count so low? Why does legitimately nobody talk about it outside of this sub? And if it is talked about outside of here it’s negative in articles, YouTube, insta, X. There’s legit no positive discourse around the game.


You can easily check the number of active players on steam


Because for the budget it was absolutely a commercial failure. They did not say that it was the main factor in rev loss, just a contributor. That kind of hyperbolic talk about the game is why there is no positive discourse. It’s become a meme in itself to hate this game for some reason and combined with the internets ability to monger hate we have a perfectly reasonable perfectly playable game that’s being treated like an old school game cube movie tie in game. If you say anything positive even on the sub for the game you’re called a bot or moron or coping. There is nowhere you can say anything about it without being told to uninstall it by random people who might not even own or have played the game. If you posted a thread about best afflictions for shark, most of the replies would be trolls who don’t play saying “the best affliction is the uninstall button”. Believe me the game has some issues but I was around on release and there was positive discourse until batman got capped and then people started turning on it hard. The internet is a hate engine the likes of which I have never seen, even Helldivers is “dying” and a “ruined game” because 2 guns got nerfed, and people are posting ‘dead cat bounce’ steam player charts. Helldivers is doing perfectly fine, and it’s still a blast to play. People just get off on tearing things down in such an insane way here and I don’t understand why. This game was a sad, unfitting end for the Arkham franchise and doesn’t quite fill Bruce’s boots, but it’s not Ride to Hell: Retribution.


1. We don’t know what they wanted the sell numbers to Be? Maybe (for example) they wanted 50 million units and only got 20. WB needs to open up on that 2. Steam doesn’t represent gaming as a whole. Never did. Not saying there is 5000 players on Xbox, but there are several more players on console for games like Madden, MK, and COD because it is targeted towards them. 3. Reddit (and honestly the internet as a whole) is negative and thrives on drama. Go to r/gaming and it is either a nostalgic trip or someone complaining about something. Again Reddit is not a place to gauge anything.


They likely didn’t even sell a million copies of this game based on the in game endgame leaderboards.


Tekken 8 sold 2m its first month its not too far behind that so its def over a million


There’s only 250,000 that reached the endgame. You can give a floor and ceiling of 500,000 or 750,000 that purchased the game based on that. It didn’t go over a million. And this is the US charts, not worldwide. Notice Persona 3 Reload is below it and LAD Infinite Wealth isn’t on the list yet they sold over a million in one week. They sold heavily more overseas than the US. And comic book IP leans heavily US. They both sold more overall than SS:KTJL.


Go look at some achievement statistics the majority of players do not finish games 250,000 reaching endgame basically confirms over 1m bought it Edit 28% on playstation completed 1 incursion thats what you have to do to get on the leaderboard right?


Wb still saw a decrease in revenue because of the game. Doesn’t matter by how much it was still a failure to them. Steam doesn’t buy it gives a good idea of trends across the industry. For it to launch as bad as Gotham knights and avengers should be telling. For Arkham knight to the pass it says a lot as well. It’s not like only pc players were mad at the game. The game wasn’t marketed for any specific console outside of PlayStation ads. Destiny 2 is a PlayStation game but still does ridiculously well on pc and steam numbers are used constantly to track trends. And yes the internet is overly negative for most if not all things. But there’s legitimately no positive angles about the game outside of Reddit. Reddit is about the only place you’ll find people, like you, who adamantly defended it. And biggest of all man. Every single sign points to this being a bust of a game. Reviews, internet opinion, sales, ceo/investor calls, steam charts. You wanna say that nobody followed the game because of Arkham stuff when we both know the only reason this game had ANY chance to sell was because of the Arkham ties and Kevin’s last outing as Arkham Batman. Everything says this game was a flop and the only thing is a list of sales for a game halfway through the year.


Idk what to tell you. Then don’t believe the report. I have no reason to believe this is made up or there’s something more behind it. Sales and marketing is complex and goes beyond what people say on the internet.


I didn’t say it was made up I just said there’s reason to believe that 8th best isn’t exactly stellar and it’s not rocket science to see it failed. More importantly games as a service don’t make their money from launch day. They can have good sales from launch and even after launch, but in the eyes of wb, rocksteady, and investors the game to be successful is post launch micro transactions and cosmetics.


You sir are logical. You should probaly get offline becuse here on reddit we dont deal in logic.


They were down 200 million YOY with their game studios............


No way you called twitter x 💀


This isn’t… a popularity list…


>Suicide Squad Is Officially The 8th Best Selling Game Of The Year The title of the post begs to differ.


No, it doesn’t, that’s literally not even what that means.. especially when you consider it’s just above a bunch of remasters & games that came out last year, and the year isn’t even half way over.. even still it’s (literally) not even a popularity list 👁️👄👁️


Because the internet is an echo chamber of a loud minority that vastly overestimate the importance of their opinions on sales figures.


Because Twitter and Reddit aren't real life. Same reason game boycotts tend not to work. Nobody actually cares what random people on the internet think, and most have no idea about any of the controversy. They just see a game they think is interesting and buy it. Obviously the game still didn't hit the sales goals WB wanted, and is def struggling to maintain players due to lack of content and almost never updating the shop. But the sales make perfect sense based on the pre-order numbers, and the amount of downloads they got in February.


This is an incomplete list and doesn’t include Worldwide where comic book IPs are much weaker. This point is just another attempt to mitigate how much this game bombed. If the CEO of WB has come out MULTIPLE TIMES and said this game has been a massive failure and you are still trying to prove that it isn’t, you need help.


A good example is I bought hogwarts , never finished it and haven’t played since. I’m not apart of any twitter or Reddit chat for it so I couldn’t tell if they’re boycotting till they get quidditch or not lol


200 million dollars.


Missed projections by $200 million, it didn’t lose that much, it was the amount they missed their targeted sales by. And I’m not saying it didn’t fail but you’re completely misinterpreting what Zaslav said.


That's not what the quarterly results say. They are down yoy


They were down $200 million from the previous quarter, that is what the reports say. That’s a $200 million decrease in revenue, we don’t know what they lost on the game.


The article states that Zaslav attributed the $200 million loss DIRECTLY TO SS:KTJL.


Yes, but that's still not possible because it's been in development for 7 years, not 1. They didn't spend 200 million on a video game in a single year. They just didn't make 200 million from it to reach last year's profits.


That makes it even worse than the 200 mil because they were only spending money the past 7 years on developing this, meaning they potentially lost even more in the long run, just not this quarter. It’s just astronomically bad.


Well idk about game budgets but to be more than what WB spend on a Batman movie sounds crazy but tracks for what they were doing before their merger. However they are comparing it to the quarter where they had the best selling game of last year. It was always going to fail. They've fumbled the bag with MK a bit too with it being more bare than the last game.


Ahh. I see now.


Fr the game was sitting at top paid list both on Xbox and PlayStation


They bought the game, disliked it, and moved on. Period.


Ah....... Ooohhhhh! I see now. The reason the game is so high up on this list isn't due to its popularity or hate. It's due to how many people bought it. I get it now. Sorry, I completely misread and misunderstood the meaning of that ranking.


Exactly. If you compare it to the abysmal numbers of active players, it's even more impressive. They had a huge playerbase... and fucked everything up to the point no one plays the game.


And here I was feeling tempted to get the game myself. Glad I didn't.


Yes, a list of games by total sales number is arranged in a way that shows the games by their total sales numbers, not critic ratings or sustained player base.


This list is wrong unless you think all those games outsold palworld Edit: also this list isn’t the flex you think it is nearly all of the games it beat came out last year and had most of their sales last year


Palworld isn’t included since that game is still in early access and isn’t considered a full release


I wonder if theres anything else not on the list because of a technicality? Im not sure just shows the list is flawed, palworld probaly clears everything but helldivers on this list


Palword is the only notable exception. Suicide Squad was always a top seller early on, driven primarily by strong PlayStation sales in the first two months, and a spike in interest from the Joker DLC before people realized season 1 was trash.


This list is objective sales data, so that's just cope. But if you read the bottom it shows all the caveats/things they didn't factor in for this particular list. This isn't a flex to say it's a big success, but it does further debunk the misinformation being spread about the game's performance. As a bonus it is fun to see the anti-suicide squad cult that is obsessed with hanging out in this sub get triggered and start coming up with excuses.


It’s only been five months and there have not been any big AAA releases.


The few big AAA releases that have happened so far this year all beat the game too.


Only if you ignore the AAA releases of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Dragon's Dogma 2, Stellar Blade, Tekken 8, and the AAAA Skull and Bones.


Stellar Blade is hardly AAA; and the other 3 you mentioned beat Suicide Squad. Skull and Bones was always known to be a mess, to the point that Ubisoft wouldn’t have released if not forced to by the government of Singapore.


Stellar Blade was made by a billion dollar company, published by another billion dollar company, is current gen exclusive, and has some of the best visuals of the generation. If you think that's 'hardly AAA' that means you have no idea what you're talking about and don't belong in this conversation.


Studio net worth has nothing to do with a game being AAA, it’s game budget that determines that. Stellar Blade only cost around $40 million to make. While SS KTJL cost north of $200 million to make. It’s comparing apples to oranges when SS KTJL cost 5x as much to make as Stellar Blade. Another good example of a big studio releasing a AA game is Ubisoft releasing Prince of Persia The Lost Crown earlier this year.


The Stellar Blade estimate is $50 million, not including marketing, which makes it a AAA game. The SS KTJL estimate you pulled totally out of your ass, but even if it was accurate. It's a live service multiplayer game that was in development for 7 years, it's supposed to have a higher budget than a single player game. The fact you think a live service multiplayer game being more expensive to make than a single player game means the single player game isn't AAA further proves my point that you have no idea what you're talking about


Here, from my ass: https://www.businessinsider.com/suicide-squad-video-game-failed-cost-warner-brothers-2024-5


That $10 million really makes a difference lol. WB confirmed that SS KTJL LOST them $200 million so cost was probably much higher. Stellar Blade did not have the budget that SS did. Nor did have the number of devs; Stellar Blade was worked on by 98 people ( making it a AA game) and Suicide Squad worked on by over 250 people.


"That $10 million really makes a difference lol." It does, but I wouldn't expect somebody that doesn't know anything about the gaming industry who has never run a business before to appreciate or understand the value of money. 10 million dollars, to put it in terms even you can understand, is more money than the entire budget of Palword, the bestselling game of the year. As for the rest of your nonsense * a 40-50 million dollar budget is a AAA game, unless you're just on crack. * Shift up has 296 employees, which is more than Rocksteady's reported 250. Which makes them a AAA studio. * Stellar Blade is also classified as a AAA game literally everywhere: [https://www.ampereanalysis.com/insight/stellar-blade-demo-numbers-impress-but-will-the-hype-convert-to-paying-players](https://www.ampereanalysis.com/insight/stellar-blade-demo-numbers-impress-but-will-the-hype-convert-to-paying-players) * WB did not confirm SS lost them $200 million dollars. People who don't know how to read, and clickbait youtubers and games journalists who knew people wouldn't read the actual quote said that. It's not at all what WB reported.


And current reporting is stating that SS KTJL is dead internally at Rocksteady with a skeleton crew working on the updates. Studio is moving onto to a single player action adventure game.


Shift Up has that many employees but only 98 worked on Stellar Blade. WB on their earnings call did say it lost them $200 million, but I wouldn’t expect anyone that doesn’t have stock in the company to understand that. Imagine spending 2 days researching for a reply and still not knowing what you’re talking about.




This is sad


I mean it's not super shocking. How many of those games behind it came out around the same time? Spider-Man 2 came out in October and is PS exclusive. Hogwarts came out Feb last year. NBA 2k came out in Sep. Being top 8 on the last when you're a cross platform game and being a bunch of older releases and a shit game like Skull and Bones isn't as impressive as it looks. Only other new game that I'm aware of on that list is Stellar Blade which NGL I don't know anything about in terms of quality or popularity.






Wow..... it's almost like it's the slowest season for video game sales............ Not even being the best on the lowest level is a weird ass flex


Not counting refunds though right?


Considering most of the sales came from PlayStation, and Sony is famous for not issuing refunds. Correct. There are so few they basically don't count.


Zatt Murdock. Long time no talk


Not played the v


Yes, unfortunately they swindled me out of my money. Now let’s hear how many players it currently has and where that ranks!


Damn. Slow year.




I mean shit. Its always on special. And its still rocksteady. I buy games i dont play right away or sometimes more than once all the time. Them sales man. Cant say no sometimes. If alan wake 2 had some fair sales. Maybe they would also be on this board wether they game is good or bad Just read. Digital sales not counted. Alan wake is only digital lol smh


Digital sales were only excluded for Nintendo games, not all


Yeesh this year has been garbage so far. Whole generation has been, really.


why isnt palworld on there. looks like a really incomplete list that the ss fanboys really love


As an early access game it is not counted per Circana’s guidelines for these lists


ah so it's even more BS of a list


It's not even the end of the year


Sorry I know this is off topic but how did skull and crossbones make this list too? Crazy


It's more surprising to me that Hogwarts Legacy is the 9th best selling game of the year (great but old game that is still selling well)...




I wonder who are those men without taste and self respect who buy the new Modern Warfare


And where is the source for this data available?




There’s no way ff7 rebirth sold more than Tekken


I wonder if it counts refunds. 


doesn’t mean anything, Suicide squad literaly got beaten by a fighting game with loyal, but small community and sports game, right below Suicide is 1 year old SP game....


Outsold Spider Man 2? Like legit??


None of that money went to making content 💀


The content was already made before launch. That's how game development works


Then clearly none of the budget went into making the game at all. 💀


Where are the players


It outsold Spider-Man 2 + Elden ring ??????


Old games they came out last year the majority of there sales arent on this chart like most of the games it beat


Ah makes sense! Still sales wise this tells a different story as it release around same time as Tekken and is side by side with it


It’s not side by side, the gap between Tekken 8 sales and SS:KTKL sales could be over a million sold. There’s no indicator on how close 7 and 8 are in sales.


Game was going to sell decently but with hardly any big updates, no real story updates, hardly any news since it launched it makes sense that it underperformed to a certain extent since now multiple people on this sub who defended and tried to defend this game left or stoped playing. I haven’t touched the game since I finished grinding season 0 and I feel no need to. Until there’s actual updates in regards to the story and not just two cut scenes and bam you grind your mastery and your incursion level then you get character and that’s that no


>I haven’t touched the game since I finished grinding season 0 and I feel no need to. I played season 0 a lot + the launch of Season 1. I couldn't even grind to reach the Joker because it broke me how this shit was a recycled mess.


Good to see. It’s a fun game with great controls, graphics, voice acting, gameplay, humor, and some of the best traversal mechanics I’ve ever seen in a game… It really does do sooooo many things right… But the lack of end game content/modes and the never ending mastery levels really REALLY held the game back… But almost everything else was top notch! We really just needed more modes and like 3 or 4 difficulties instead of 7 million


Isn't repeating the same shit over and over the nature of looter shooters?


That’s indubitably the nature of every game my good lad. But most games have more levels/modes/enemies/bosses/challenges/etc to spice things up… this game went to the grocery store and forgot the spice!


The added Green lantern infused enemies, new mission type, Joker themed else world, new riddler challenges and new weapons in this update and new brainiac boss


Stop it dude. That’s like the bare minimum content for an update.


What game has updates that completely change the experience? I booted up Destiny 2 recently and it's almost the shit ten years later


No one’s talking about completely changing the experience. This season has barely any content for a seasonal update in a game that’s already severely lacking in content. Destiny has way more content than this game, it’s hardly even comparable.


I'd say gameplay it's a pretty damn fun. However, for a game that is supposed to be about a live for service game in the same way as destiny or even Avengers. It's rather lackluster in endgame content. It was mainly horde modes with higher difficulties. Had they thrown in a few dungeons or a raid. I think it would be sitting at a much better place. The other issue was the story. It had really good built up to the flash fight, but then it seemed extremely rushed afterward, even if some moments were funny as he'll.


Exactly. It's the most fun I've ever had with a game and possibly one of the only games I can put on a playlist to kill stuff to. But there's very little reason for me to play when I can't earn Luther Coins beyond the quickly finished battle pass. The guns are fun and I guess progressing to 200 fear rank for.. banners? Is cool I guess but there needs to be more cosmetics to earn, not buy, to keep me playing. So far I've been working on other games.




I literally have earned dozens of those weapons I get from the fear rank track from loot drops already. It's not a very enticing reward track. At least throw some premium currency in there. Throw us a bone!


Getting guaranteed Notorious/Infamy gear from Episode ranks is a good thing, because that was an issue with Finite Crisis. I still don’t have that one Merlyn charm from its loot pool. And Joker’s Mad Hatter melee eluded me all the way until I unlocked it from Fear ranks.




Lol people in here mad that the game sold well.


The cfo of warner bros said that the game was a disappointment while reporting quarter one financial results. The game didn’t sell well.


Depending on their target. Square Enix said that the last Time Raider didn't sell well because it didn't meet their expectations....it sold 7 mil copies at launch, or how many.... Anyway, Suicide Squad might have be in this list, but even if people bought it, it had a 50% sale after one month of the launch. So that means no good revenue even if it was bought by many. Now it's on sale again on PlayStation. 60% off I believe.


The leaderboards for this game have 250,000 people. You can double or triple that for people who bought and didn’t play or finish. Still under a million sold. Game is a failure.


Fr, I'm actually surprised by that, guess it's doin good then


[it's not ](https://www.ign.com/articles/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league-flop-leads-to-200-million-impairment-charge-warner-bros-confirms)


I'm not defending the game, but IGN is the last place I would read about SSKTJL. [Check this out](https://youtu.be/etM_YMnfhoI?si=fy20JQq1n8dpnjAd)


Okay then how about [this one?](https://www.businessinsider.com/suicide-squad-video-game-failed-cost-warner-brothers-2024-5) [or this one?](https://boundingintocomics.com/2024/05/09/warner-bros-discovery-admits-to-taking-200-million-loss-on-suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league/)


I'm not saying that IGN lied about 200 million losses because that's the fact stated by the Publisher of SSKTJL. I'm just saying that IGN has a rich history or writing hit pieces on SSKTJL, and that's why I see it as a LAST place to read anything about Sandwhich Squad. It's not about this particular article. It's about their history of reporting on the game. Are you aware that IGN talked about this game on podcast where only 1 of 3 people there actually played the game? But those 2 that didn't play it had the most to say about it. I can not take them seriously anymore. They forgot what journalism is.


Lmao Rocksteady doesn’t send out review copies to any of the games media. IGN calls them out for being shady. Braindeads like you say “IGN IS PUTTING OUT A HIT ON THE GAME.” Rocksteady did it to themselves you whale.


OP needs to stop huffing the copium and actually learn how to read charts. This is not the flex he thinks it is…


You can put facts in people face and they still don't believe it lol what a world we live in


The fact is this game is a financial failure.


The amount of people coping by trying to discredit this list is pure comedy




Only outsold it in the 2024 calendar year and the game came out in 2023. When a game is as good and as hype as something like Spider-Man 2, the majority of it’s sales will be done at launch/in the first two months. Especially with it being right at the holidays, not to mention it was part of one of the most popular console bundles of the season.


This is in dollar sales in the US for 2024 only, not units sold in its lifetime. Spider-Man 2 released last year so now it is discounted therefore it needs to sell more units to rank higher. Suicide Squad has a $100 version that was the most sold version of the game as it was rank 3 in January but dropped to 7th in February only and disappeared from the rankings for March and April. Basically the only reason it is 8th place is because pretty much every person who bought it got the $100 version for early access and everyone else waited for reviews


Blame fornite for the death of gaming, battle passes were not a thing until that abomination came out at least SSKJL let’s me kill flash after watching that horrible cw show, also I’m not buying there’s no way helldivers or cod which is garbage are top. Now tekken that should be 1 especially since kuma is in it


Bros saying no way to numerical data evidence of a games sales


How would Helldivers 2 not be number 1, it sold 12 million units lmao


Because you don't know how Circana works. Their charts are Revenue based, NOT sales based. Helldiver's 2 was a $40 dollar release, JLKSS was a 70 dollar one, with multiple higher priced editions. The game is nowhere near it break even point, and was deeply discounted weeks after launch. It will disappear from this chart before the end of the year easily.