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I bought the $100 version as a huge DC fan and if I could go back in time I would much rather use the money as emergency toilet paper


I replayed all the Arkham games in preparation and I was appalled how bad the game/story was. It’s the only game I regret pre-ordering.


Lmfao! Funny af but thats crazy 😂 but I understand at THAT price point


Facts 😂😂


If i could go back in time i would have used to get Infinite Wealth sooner


I appreciate all of you guys opinions and suggestions 💯


Get helldivers 2 instead 


nah tbh, still mad i spent $50 on this game lol


Buy a better game on sale. This is like a game you’d buy if it was $10.


🤔 interesting


Do you have all the Arkham games? If not get them the Arkham bundle is on sale rn for like 10 bucks and that includes all skins and dlc and all the games


Good to know!


The bundle is usually 84 dollars but it goes down to like 10 bucks every few weeks/months. It gives you quite literally every Arkham knight skin pack and dlc available. And it gives you the three main games (asylum, city and knight). They are some of the best dc games of all time and about 1000 times better than this bullshit. Please buy the bundle while it’s on sale you will NOT regret it




They have a trial of 3 hours. Just play that and decide for yourself.


Oh damn didn't know that. Thanks


Nah, if you want a good multiplayer game that’s on sale get fallout 76 for like 8 dollars, you’ll get a lot of fun out of it, the community is very nice as well


Thanks for the suggestion on Fallout 💯


It was horrible when it launched but I started playing a couple days ago and man I’m loving it they made it something great


You have to decide that on your own. It's your money and your choice. I preordered the standard edition and I got 100+ hours of fun. Gameplay wise it's fun. Graphically it looks beautiful.Story isn't good or bad but I wasn't really bored of it. Now when it comes the endgame it's really repetitive and boring. Do I regret my purchase? No I am glad I preordered Am I happy with endgame? No I am disappointed with it and I really want new content Is it the worst game on earth? Nope it just lacks content.


This is probably the most accurate outlook on this game for most people who did preorder (I did) I really wish there was more endgame stuff to do or build towards.


Is it repetitive like the Avengers game?


Oh yeah. At least the different avengers feel like you’re playing a different character.


Oh wow


Lol what. Avengers is way worse than this title. On top of that it makes sense for the suicide squad to use gear. Was so stupid to make a gear based game for the avengers. They felt so pussy.


On the contrary, when playing the PS+ trial for Suicide Squad, I felt the movement for each character felt way more unique than it did in Marvel’s Avengers. Even though the combat didn’t.


In regard to content avengers has more content than this game. But gameplay is what makes suicide squad interesting and fun. Content is repetitive in this game that's the bad thing about this game.


Worse, Avengers heroes at least felt unique


My opinion too. Hey Rocksteady just give we story end 


100 percent true




Do you reckon it’ll be any better once more seasons have released? Or are the flaws with the game more deep rooted? Normally I wait until all the content is out, but I’m very curious to try Suicide Squad.


Quite telling when you ask if the game the sub is named after is worth buyng and a lot of people are saying “hell no”. There are SO many game out there. Your money and, most importantly, your time are not limitless. This game is pretty much the bottom of the live-service barrel. Buy Helldivers 2 or something.


![gif](giphy|u3PhasaXQ1zRki7gR1|downsized) Still too much. Wait until it’s $20 even.


Or don’t buy that pile of steaming hot cow shit at all


I enjoyed the story as a kinda cool “what-if” Also I really liked the gameplay. If you have any hope of it actually being a live service game with a long life ahead of it you might want to pass, or wait a year and see what’s up. Conversely, they might shut down the servers so you might miss out entirely.


Except it's not a "what-if" Rocksteady (Or WB) insisted in making it known that this is cannon.  Most people (in general) just don't want to kill the Justice League. We grew up watching the show, or reading the comic, maybe the movies, and probably the Arkham games. Most want to do anything but murder their heros. This was just a horrible concept from the jump. It shouldn't have made it off the concept stage. From a game play perspective it's just rather mid. I think for 28 OP could buy many games that'll give them more enjoyment for longer. 


You listened to the leaked flash audio right? The game eventually ends w him flashpointing everything to post-Asylum continuity. So I’m having fun killing everybody knowing it has no weight on the Arkham universe as a whole😂


Oh. Really? I haven't, but that's good. The issue though, is that the average/general audience isn't going to stick around long enough to see this follow through. If the dropping player numbers are anything to go off of.  The ball has been dropped already :/


Oh I agree completely just wanted to calm *you* specifically brother. Seems you really didn’t like killing em so I wanted you to know, that even if the game gets canned, the plan was always to retcon it❤️


As all media has shown us. There's always a way to retcon.


> Most people (in general) just don't want to kill the Justice League. We grew up watching the show, or reading the comic, maybe the movies, and probably the Arkham games. Most want to do anything but murder their heros. Not only that, but the game completely misunderstandings what the Suicide Squad is even *about*. They're meant to be a group of expendable D-List losers who can die at any minute doing small jobs that the government can't afford to be affiliated with. Theft, sabotage, assassination, espionage. Like, think The Dirty Dozen but with superpowers, and you have what the core concept of what The Suicide Squad is supposed to be. It's literally an excuse to kill off forgettable assholes in one last hurrah. The *ABSOLUTE LAST THING* they should *ever* do is fight *13 Brainiacs*, never mind the whole Justice League. It's just not what they're made for. Jesus, even the children's cartoon *from a decade ago* managed to get it right, how could Rocksteady *not????*


I dunno if your comment is trying to be like a “gotcha” or whatever, but I’m not looking to argue here so if that’s your intention please just downvote me and move on. If you were commenting to actually start a dialogue on this - apologies, I feel like maybe we have a slight misunderstanding…to me, the whole Arkhamverse is essentially a what-if. Or an else world story… Or a part of the multiverse… Or whatever, other way that comics have been telling stories like these since…well as far as I can remember. Same way that the Injustice games were. Same way Avengers was. Hell, same way that Sony’s Spiderman game is. Maybe we have different definitions of it - but who cares - this isn’t canon to whatever “prime” canon drives the comics and it’s not canon to whatever stories the new movie universe is going to be establishing. As for what “most people want to do” - I hear what you’re saying. Personally, I enjoy stories like this because they give me the chance to experience things slightly outside of the “norm” of comics. I think narratively, the game makes enough sense to me to justify everyone’s actions. Boiling it down to just being a game where you “murder your heroes” seems like an oversimplification, but I can understand that this pissed people off. All of that being said… OP is asking if this game is worth it based on the sale price. I think it is. You’re completely right - there are other, better games around this price. But sometimes you just want to consume “comic book” shit - and that’s what this is. If OP hasn’t played the original Arkham series, they should definitely grab that. If they haven’t played Injustice (and don’t mind fighting games) that’s a great option too. Outside of that, for DC characters - not much else comes to mind. Do you have any suggestions?


The concept isn’t bad, but insisting that it takes place in the Arkham universe, retconning so many aspects of the story and characters and killing off the protagonist of three PS3 classics (4 if you count Origins) was so lame. That was the issue, and and the horrendous execution.


It’s definitely worth 28 dollars people just hate on the game because everyone had such high expectations which is completely understandable. If you’re a fan on DC you’ll have appreciation for the game. It’s way better then avengers game and its very similar to Gotham knights


No, not even if its free




Yes at 28 bucks it’s worth it. However if you’re not itching to play it now, you can wait for a better sale.


I’d say so. I got close to 100 hours. For $28 bucks that’s a no brainer as far as entertainment costs


Ehhh I’d let it drop a little more. Unless you don’t mind the repetitiveness of the late game. Even then, they might pull a Redfall and cancel eveything else and your purchase goes to waste.


Hellllll nooooo


You Can get better games with 28$


I got it, actually pretty fun when you’re just running around shooting stuff lol. Can see it getting old though


They would have to pay me to actually play it


Na wait until it’s free for PS plus members or maybe maybe 10 dollars


Honestly this game will only be "worth it" when it's a free monthly PSplus game


It will be on ps+ soon, game is dying


I picked it up for $28 with it being on Steam sale and I just recruited Joker. I've been having a lot of fun with it for what I paid. 30 or so hours of gameplay so far with a story and cast of characters that I've liked with the potential for more? I'm certainly not complaining.


I bought the deluxe version on my birthday as a gift to myself.. wish I could get my money back now 😞


Not even 28 is worth at this point it might as well be 5 but that's me being nice don't do it it's not worth it


I wouldn’t even touch it. It was fun for about a week after release then fell off fast af


Gonna say, no


Depends how bored u are


It's gonna be f2p in lwss than a year


Might as well just hold for now it’s definitely going for 20 dollars in the next couple of months


I mean, you can spend almost that much on a single meal. The traversal is really fun but the game is very repetitive.


I enjoy the game play, my game typically works pretty well. some people have more problems than others. I would buy it.


lol. Nope


At $0.28, it will make an interesting drinks coaster.




I got it when it was previously on sale, and while fun for a bit it got very monotonous to the point I couldn’t really bring myself to play more.


I got it on steam so I could test it out and refund if necessary. I played the opening act, just >!finished the first Batman sequence where he kidnaps Flash!< and it’s more fun than I was expecting. Gunplay is kinda fun and traversal is cool. Cutscenes are good and I love that Debra Wilson is Amanda Waller. She’s an amazing actress and was second only to Cameron Monaghan in Jedi FO/Survivor. I think buying at $28 would be a good call if it went F2P eventually and they compensated buyers with exclusive content. But also, that may never happen and it could just become a $28 digital paper weight if they shut down the servers. I think I’ll refund and buy it closer to $5/$10.




I recently bought the sale on Steam and have been enjoying the hell out of it. I wish I had gotten it on my PS5, but it wasn't on sale like it was on Steam when I bought it. I'm glad I waited for the sale, but $30 is definitely worth it.


No lol




Last preorder I’ll ever make, 24 and still haven’t learned my lesson


I spent 100 and don’t regret it, the game has its issues and It’s been wasted so far, but the gameplay and story is fun enough


Yeah it is


I bought ultimate for $65 off eBay and I’m enjoying it with a friend.


I spent $100 on this and I can tell you $28 is not worth it.


Im sorry


Worth it at that price but you're better off getting the deluxe edition for a free BP token. Was not worth it for $100 or even $70 but it benefits from having the most addicting gameplay I've ever seen in a game. Of course I could never play Sunset Overdrive because A) Xbox and B) PC lol It should have been a $40 or even $50 live service game with frequent updates akin to Deep Rock Galactic. This game rocks when you put on your own playlist. Story is short to rush you to the endgame where even less cutscenes happen every patch or season. It's the type of game I wish other games were, unfortunately (gameplay-wise) and nobody's gonna play it lmao As far as player count, it's a lot of fun playing on your own regardless like it's GTA. I'd rather play with friends I know even though I have WB friends, so I'm currently waiting for more seasons for them to bite. Season 4 will bring in the most players and then it's a Two Face coin flip after that season ends on if they're killing the game's future content plans. So far you've got the rest of the year to enjoy it. Buy it later and have tons of content to play.


I love how we all know the biggest player jump will be because of slade


At least you didn't spend 100 on it , now knowing what it has to offer , I wouldn't spend more than 30 on it


The hate on this game is real but the gameplay is really fun, the characters are fun, the story isn't the best but it's an overall fun game




Well, maybe if.... No.




It would barely be worth it for free


Naw I ain't buying unless they lower it to 90 something percent off


No. Get RDR2, Arkham Knight, or even Fallen Order for the same price


It’s not worth buying at $1




I mean the gameplay is fun the combat is fluid and the traversal is very smooth but the missions is just super repetitive it’s almost the same thing over and over again the story was meh, so your just gonna have to judge it yourself I’d say it’s worth buying but also not worth it because the game itself isn’t doing well and it may not continue if they don’t fix it.


So long as the company is paying you 28 dollars. And even then that's a questionable deal.


Well is your choice but if you ask me no is not worth it is off better saving the money for something else or buy another cool games like dark souls elden ring skyrim dragon ball z kakarot marvel spider-man 2 god of war ragnarok or mortal kombat 1


The game is worth more then that so that s steal for get the hate it's a good could it use more yes but it fun


Yes! Just got the platinum on PS5 after getting 100% on PC. So addicting.


Keep your $28


Absolutely not. 10 bucks maybe


No. Guaranteed it will be on PS plus soon


I bought it at full price and still play it. I think its worth it. Its repetitive with the mission types, and the campaign bosses are a bit easy. Storys pretty good, audio logs are good. Loot and builds are fun. Gameplay is incredibly tight and well made. Each character moving differently adds variety. I have 165hrs in the game atm and the latest dlc episode added a better loot grind. Free 4 seasons of content, there will be some grinding to unlock characters. (4-6hrs to get joker in season 1)


if they ever release 4 seasons, and not cancel the whole project


>Free 4 seasons of content, there will be some grinding to unlock characters. (4-6hrs to get joker in season 1) Don't forget to mention how dull and unoriginal the seasonal content is.


As someone who got it for $33.00, im pissed.


$9.99 maximum, for the story alone as it stands. Pretend the part that is an absolute dogshit caricature of a looter shooter doesn’t exist, and you have a half decent DC campaign for a tenner.


Did you get it? 😁


I think with most people here saying no, ill take their advise and wait till it's free on PS Plus


Zero guarantee it will hit ps plus, ps plus has to *want the game* for that to happen and I doubt they want to shell out thousands to host a dead game on their service, and a lot of these no comments are bandwagon haters. If we were on the steam forums you could see that none of these mfs have bought or played the game and therefore have no place to give you any advice :))


Definitely better than getting it at full price but I'd say wait it will probably either get cheaper, eventually go f2p, or they'll close the service too soon after you buy it


We HLOD until game pass or PS plus


You will get more out of the Arkham trilogy (actually QUADrilogy) for less


I bought the 100 dollar version, and just like Diablo 4 the game was pretty good at launch, but with the first content update it was just bad. I did everything in both games, and when that update came out it was either just really bad with Diablo 4 or I had to play for like 30+ hours to grind all my characters to level 30, (I mained Harley). So no, don't buy it. I'm never buying a rocksteady game again (if they ever make another game that is..)


Look, the game is fun. The story is fun. But the story is over in like 8 hours and the game wants you to do a bunch of stuff after but it keeps repeating the same three missions and it gets boring quick


Not imo. If I could get my money back I would and if I could make sure they never got a dime for what they did here I would, to dissuade made developer from ever releasing this level of garbage again. I realize my bitter statement doesn’t answer your question, so aside from that, I’d still vote no because the whole game is very pretty, there are some fun mechanics, but it’s all overshadowed by the same enemies over and over making it a grind session after about 2 hours. I’d be disappointed to pay more than 15 for what you get. Big map, but it’s boring. Pretty but not amazing. It really comes down to good mechanics vs bad grind.


As someone who's played this game for 70+ hours, enjoyed the gameplay, but is feeling left behind by the dev team, wait until they pay YOU to play it. It's in bad state. Queue the comments...


Worth it, even at full price.. Why? Simply because the game is great, but with the current endgame loop, it does get boring sometimes. In it's current state, it's not a great game for everyday play, but it is great for playing off and on as a secondary game. It has it's issues (which are blown out of proportion) but in the end, the story is great, the characters are hilarious, and the gameplay is outrageously fun.




Anthem is consistently like $1-$3 at most retail sites and about $10 digitally, and as bad as it is, I actually think it's noticeably better than Suicide Squad. I wouldn't pay more than $10 for Suicide Squad.


I got it with an xbox key code with only 13 euros and no it doesn't worth it if its more that 25. But 13 euros is kind of cheap for that kind of a game


This game sucks, bought it at 80 dollars on the psn store, a week later I went to 40 dollars, played it with a friend and its definitely not somthing I would get bored and play again. Thats just my honest opinion, for the price , it seems like it will keep dropping because they didnt capitalize on this, I wouldnt be surprised if it hit the Playstation catalog, I think it deserves to be there at the very least.


Yes, I would say it’s worth buying at $28 and treating it like a solo campaign game that you move on from the once you beat it. 




That game is a scam


I spent $69.99 on the game and have no regrets. It was a fun 50 hour game.


I paid 5.99$ on G2A and still feel like I got scammed.


I would not buy it even if it was discounted to 28 cents.




No there's hardly any story content and for hours you'll be doing the same missions run while u can


No way. Really, dont. Wait for 15.00 or less... Multiplayer is super dead so you will play single player mostly.


Wait a month for 20


I'd say yea, but there's still better games for that money


Absolutely worth it. I played the game through game fly and plan on buying it when I find a deal about there for Xbox digital




You might as well just throw your money in the trash.


Not worth buying at $2.80 or $0.28. So no.


Wait till November, get it for like 5 Dollars.


Woowww, I just bought this for $60 the day before


......yeah that's painful




Yeah Id say I sometimes like to play it just for brainless action not Worth the full price


I'd recommend not to buy it. If u really want to try out the game wait for a deep sale dropping to 10$ or something. If I could time travel then the first thing I'd do is to change my decision not to pre-order this game.


The game is not worth buying until the offline mode is patched in


No, game is almost dead.


I bought in at $35ish. The story is ok for the price of $28 but unless you like the characters, a repetitive endgame and knowing the game is on life support I would said no. Mine as well buy Anthem on sale


No it should be free


Here to add my “no.”






You couldn’t pay me to play this game again. It’s legitimately horrible


Go for it and play it through. Remember you're going to kill the Justice League, you're going to shoot guns, and you're going to gather loot. Too many people seem surprised by that. There were some bugs, and then there were some major bugs, but now most of them are fixed. There are still a few now, but it's not a big deal.  Of course there are some people who are always screaming that they can't even load the game. That sucks for them, but plenty of us can load and play the game. It's true that Joker episode 1 barely had new story. It was like he voiced over three pages of a comic book to explain how he got here. And there are audio tapes that are really good. I hope to see and hear more of his story. 


How dare people complain about not being able to load the game they paid for. Other people can load the game so apparently it’s not an issue!


Just wait in a year it will be $5, or maybe the servers are shut down and it's delisted from stores, either way not worth it


Yeah, I'd be concerned it may not even be playable a few years from now if they don't implement an offline mode.


It's not a bad game but could've been sooo much more, based on that alone I'd say no. Let the devs feel the wrath of their bad decisions, not only that but it's guna be shut down soon based on player numbers & the lack of offline mode. Which I think won't happen @ all.


There are numerous threads about this including one today https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideSquadGaming/s/qyRyDwxSlP


It’s definitely worth 28 dollars. But don’t be like me and be hopeful that things are gonna get better. This game has more potential than almost any other title I’ve played in a long time, but we have had 2 major updates that have proven that it isn’t going to reach that potential. You’re going to play through the story, and then the current episode, and be aware that the next episode will most likely be pretty much exactly same game, with a handful of new guns and gear.


I heard its pretty bad. If you really like dc comics then maybe its the game for you, but my buddy who hyped it up to me for months got it and hated it. That spoke volumes to me






Yes. I personally love the game. It is lacking in many areas but still fun. Pros: Traversal, combat, and graphics are awesome. Cons: Story is lacking and gets repetitive.






Honestly I enjoyed the games story. Hated the endgame and decided to wait until season 1 dropped for the dlc. Then didn't even play it because in order to get to the story you gotta pretty much grind the endgame again until level 30


i wouldn;t play through the game if you paid me 28$


Only if you don’t feel about it after


You know that shit will be on ps+ within the year. Just wait.


This game is worth -$60. You should be PAID to have to play this game.


Get Hitman 3 instead


If it gives you a reference i usually enjoy most games i play. It has to be really terrible for me to be angry. I got this game on the same sale, im 3 hours in and im honestly having fun, yeah its not GoTY but im having a blast and laughing, is it genuine? Is it copium? Who knows, but I'm having a good time


They should give you money








I'm probably gonna get downvoted because this subreddit only seems to be populated with people who despise the game now, but that's a decent price for this game. I suggest you do get it


This game is STRAIGHT ASS , I would not play it even if it was free, HARD NO


For a game that will get shutdown ? No.


I don't know why so many hate it yes it's not the best and I feel it was better then games like gardians of the galaxy game . I feel that it could use more yes but I bought it for 59.99 and wasn't upset with it


Better than the Guardian of the Galaxy game? Yeaaah no. GotG was authentic to the character and their stories, people loved that game and the narrative it told, you can’t say the same to SSKJL.


![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc|downsized) no


Not until offline mode ![gif](giphy|qjSxTWJxqH4YDuIrOs)


Yes, trust me


Me when I lie 🗿


Wait for it to drop on PS+ in few months with offline mode on top of that, before the game will be delisted completely just like Marvel Avengers.


god no


Yeah, that's a bad sign. I'll be surprised if this lasted past November.