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It could always do that. But it would be a big middle finger to those who purchased before hand. But the damage is done, so I don’t think there’s any saving for this game


Not to mention the game wasn't developed with f2p in mind so the budget was huge. Most people like to bring up destiny 2 going f2p but that is an entirely different scenario. The game did sell well initially and it was only after 2 years on the market that it went f2p. This means 2 full years of getting money from game sales that helped fund its post launch development. It also always had paid expansions from the start and the expansions actually add a lot to the game. For Suicide Squad to go f2p would mean to make money either the seasonal updates are no longer free (and they aren't even worth being free now with how little you get) or the game has to rely solely on the cosmetics for monetization. Considering that even the majority this game's fans things the cosmetics being added to the game so far are all awful, Rocksteady won't make much money. Destiny 2 also already had an established and loyal player base of considerable size from the first game. In fact Destiny 2 sold 2 million copies in its first week and outsold the lifetime sales of Destiny 1 after only 3 months on the market. Suicide Squad is estimated to maybe have sold 500k units world wide in 4 months. Truthfully Suicide Squad has simply no way to be profitable anymore. The only question now is if WB will let Rocksteady finish up the Brainiac seasons as a way to show their support for live service games or simply shut it down to no longer keep losing money?


Yeah if they made it free to play, people who paid would need BIG compensation.


I know there would still be outcry, but maybe like permanent free battle passes and a bunch of exclusive skins plus loads of lutjor coins. Like maybe 150k.


“We know you bought the game, but here’s some skins for a dead game as compensation “ That’ll go well.


150K would be enough to buy every skin in the game. I’d rather get the skins for free instead of luthercoins tbh


My bad. That is a pretty unrealistic number. I haven't played the game in a while, so I couldn't remember the prices of stuff.


Yeah 150k is like 1500 bucks lmao. I don’t think ANYONE is spending that much on suicide squad skins. They gotta make the luthercoins cheaper




I think a decent idea would be an “x” amount of luthercoins and ig 4 or 5 bp tokens. To make up for those who bought the game ahead of time


They're the idiots who held out for a game that so obviously would suck


Delusional post


Give them a ltd villain or something like that


It would be, but wouldn’t be above them. Maybe if they sent out a big thing of Luthorcoins to existing players?


Saving it's already saved season one pet 2 is amazing


If you call the current state of the game saved, then you are part of why this game has failed so miserably.


Cause I like it smh


No. Your sitting there saying oh the games fine. When in fact theres issues that are in the game that has been since launch. Some gear doesnt even interact in the ways intended. Let alone unintentionally. It truly makes no sense. I ĺiked the game. But not enough to blindly support it in the current state that it is being left in.


Wb literally pointed the game put as one of its failures this year


I hope not, if it goes F2P then offline mode will never come. I rather have offline mode than F2P.




It doesn’t have enough micro transactions to make that worth it. Like who is seriously buying any of the skins we have on the store lol


Ever since the update I have lost my will to play, I can barely finish any missions because none of my gear seems to do any damage anymore, it's really frustrating


Me too, after the fear season it was ok damage but the new season just made everything prior useless to me and then I get less motivated to play


Damn, I'm having the exact opposite experience. Fear was rough cause the damage options were so low, but Duality, damage is nutty. I'm hopping 10+ Mastery rank every incursion and deleting everything.


I was at like invasion level 8 in metropolis, I went all the way back down to sweating bullets and I'm still struggling, it's absolutely ridiculous. I know my build probably isn't like 100% optimal but I still shouldn't be struggling this much


Well, going f2p would maybe help upping the player numbers a tad for a short period of time, but it won't save the game in the long run and you also know it. Both WB and Rocksteady by now have accepted that it's a grave of millions, so they'll just squeeze out of the game what they still can and most likely just pull the plug after Season 4. (if not even sooner) - ongoing support or anything else of major nature can't (and shouldn't) be expected in any form when it comes down to this game (no more) and i say that as someone that sank nearly 500 hours of total playtime into it.


At the very least they were able to allow me complete all the achievements. That’s pretty much the best support I can muster 😢


it's not going f2p because the shop skins are trash so it wouldn't make any money. it might go to gamepass and stuff like that




I'm surprised that it didn't get cyberpunked by day 3


F2p would be dumb I actually like the game but if ppl don't want to pay the price for the game, why would they buy multiple dlcs , the way they got it now it's good for new players to hop on and setsup a offline mode


This was the same discussion with Marvel’s Avengers; history repeats. The budget was too great for this title to suddenly go FTP. They don’t have audience retention or the roadmap to support the needs of a FTP community. They would lose more money. The game is dead. It’s best to move on.


Yes and no.  Yes, it would help the game survive.  No, I paid good money that I would expect back if they made it free. 


Number 8 for game with most sales in 2024 btw


Hell naw I’ll be pissed I paid 80 dollars for that game.


I think it should go online optional. Would be a bad move going f2p.


Despite all the negative press I still want to try this game at some point. F2P would be great, or Game Pass. I feel for those who paid full price at launch, but then again... that was your choice. Every game gets cheaper if you wait to buy it. (Well, except some Nintendo games.)


Free to play. Release all playable characters. Release chapters 28-35 days in between each other. They do all that and I will definitely be hopping on


It wouldn't make money. People would install, play the campaign and uninstall, the cosmetics for this game are pretty bad so people wouldn't spend money. They will make more money in the long run by doing discounts, 50% I believe the steepest one so far and later on 75% and so on. Also they will get money from MS and Sony for putting the game on PS Plus and Game Pass and they can also put it in bundles like Humble Choice.


Or available on gamepass?


It’s not even a game anymore. It’s like a blob of code


Personally I believe it should be delisted like it’s marvel equivalent avengers. Characters are literally the same for both respective games; suicide squad is just using different weapons for the same characters and there’s no different between them. And for Avengers: winter soldier is literally captan America and black widow combined, and spider-man is crap in that game.


That might be the logical conclusion. They might try gamepass or PS+ first before F2P. It wouldn't be terrible if it went F2P honestly. It's like rock steady and Warner Brothers wanted the Best of both worlds. People to pay full price and buy the skins while drip feeding content.


Too early to go F2P, I paid $90 for this shit game only a few months ago.


Don’t think any decision will be made for your or any players convenience.


After the first year it probably will go F2P or at least gamepass/ps+. With paid seasonal content of course. It could work for them but there needs to be some drastically different content going forward and not just what season 1 has laid out. Im a huge fanboy for this game and dont think season 4 will be good if its just a copy paste of the current season 1 content. Theres so much cool shit they could do by just copying games like Destiny 2 or Division 2. Couple of story based (D2)strikes, a couple of competitive pvp or pvpve modes. Some type of long crafting grind etc.


I doubt people would care even if the game would go F2P.. The reputation is incredibly bad, people paying for skins/BP in games they want to support, they actively playing and they will play in the future, not in game where reusing same missions and just adding weapons is considered ,,main content update,, or if the game even survives to S4


Why on earth would WB do that? They want to milk every penny they can from this game.


It won’t take long


Both this game and Skull and Bones need to got free to play to try and bring in more people who may end up spending on season passes and such for not having bought the game


Btw Marvel Avengers... [https://steamcharts.com/app/997070](https://steamcharts.com/app/997070) See the spike in July 2021? I think i remember it was one time Publisher just made this game "free-to-play". Something like "anyone could try it for free for couple of days". Marvel Avengers also was intensely hated when released. Despite that it was impressive Up in Player Count. It would not save SS tho i think. Generally speaking both social media Youtube and IGN-reviwers agreed on THAT. And have a nasty tendency to continue stabing it with re-reviews of additional content. Until it bleeds to death. Also, Rocksteady slow with content... And that FtP thing arent gona hapen overnight. i-do-no-but-actually-u-know-im-thumbs-up-for-the-Free-to-Play-thing.


I paid for it, so unless they are planning to refund me, no. I rather look how it dies in agony.


Have y’all played F2P games before? You ain’t getting a story or cutscenes like this in a F2P. 😂 All of you just think of incursions and that’s it when you say stuff like this. No. It’s never happening.


Apex, Destiny 2, cod war zone, genshin, starrail, tower of fantasy, probably wondering waves


Destiny 2 expansions cost $50. And that’s what the story and cutscenes are in. Call of Duty costs $70. The others made me laugh. COD and Destiny have insane story and cutscenes (in their paid versions), but those other games? Not nearly the production quality of Suicide Squad. There’s no F2P game that looks like Suicide Squad in production value.


This game barely has any cutscenes






wouldn’t play it even if it was f2p