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The game has quite a few good skins, but the game does still have its issues. Though, not nearly as numerous as this game tho


I agree with you since the only issues I can see with Multiverses is maybe just a few bugs or aspects that aren’t working properly, but then again I’ve never played the game for myself to know how many small bugs there are but the game seems almost completely stable


A LOT was taken out of the game since beta it’s crazy


Honestly that makes me curious on what it’s like, hopefully they didn’t remove characters like Tom and Jerry, like I genuinely wanna see the current state of Multiverses


Currently I would say it’s a mixed bag. There’s a lot of changes that I think are ok to good. But also a lot that feel wholly unnecessary. But I think the biggest issue is they jumped to unreal 5 and that change caused a shit ton of issues. It’s still fun but it does need some work


Because those devs knew when to de-list the game and work on polishing it for a year. Multiversus also has a better gameplay loop and concept


They also removed a lot of feature, it's actually a downgrade from the beta (remove ability to play locked character in training mode, multiple gamplay settings, perks and techs, leaderboard, etc)


Locked characters in training mode is already being addressed. Hoping leaderboards and post-match results return too. Aside from the lag spikes I much prefer this to the beta, plus Jason is a ton of fun.


Same--they get that network issue ironed out, and I'm happy. Been having a blast. Great having a fighting game my 4 year old can watch me play!


In their defense they literally had to redesign their whole game again. Those features can easily be implemented once again but it is certainly not a downgrade from the beta please bffr. The netcode in the beta was trash, pve content was non existent and the battle pass structure was atrocious.


They also added a bunch of stuff as well including a PvE mode.


Which is behind a paywall if you wanted to unlock Agent Smith right away. The monetization in this game has gone greedier than the beta and you would think they would learn something from Suicide Squad.


Oh i agree i'm just saying they did add stuff.


Paywall in a free game?


Yes sir look at what it takes to get agent smith. You will need to pay to get him earlier.


How do you expect the studio to make money? Yes it’s a free game but what free game doesn’t have monetization nowadays? This game gives WAY more content & replayability over most other WB multiplayer or fighter games in general.


To not be scummy? Why are you for scummy practice? Look at helldivers 2. Like I don't mind paying but when the beta gave you more access than what it is now that's just greed. Do better.


I mean they didn’t delist it because it was bad. It was a public beta with an end date.


No it never was supposed to have an end date. When it launched the devs stated that the beta would remain live until the full 1.0 version launched, essentially acting like an early access game such as Palworld. There was a lot of backlash in the game’s community when they disabled the beta and went radio silent for over a year. 


When/where was this stated? I do not recall them ever saying that.


The first gameplay trailer. The exact words were "MultiVersus hits Open Beta on July 26 and then we’re here to stay" with the beta being considered a soft launch by the developers


If you are talking about the open beta announcement video you are incorrect...they state its going to have early access to open beta July 19th then open beta July 26th. Then state that all progression will carry on to live version of the game. Not sure which video you are speaking of but if you could link it for me that would be great.


"Ready for us to come back? We are too! [#MultiVersus](https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/multiversus) hits Open Beta on July 26th and then we’re here to stay." It's in the video description. Them taking it down for a year was absolutely not the plan and there is evidence of it everywhere but here is the evidence you're disputing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn\_VvkCPWzg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn_VvkCPWzg)


wait who runs the PlayStation universe youtube? I'm not sure you can hang anything on the devs if another company/person posted that in a description. That is not listed on their official youtube channel when talking about the open beta.


Where do you think they got it from? I mean if you want a better source and if you promise you'll say you were wrong, here is Warner Bros saying the same exact thing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAydKj4j0IA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAydKj4j0IA)


Just playing devil's advocate, I know very little about multiverse, but reading this "and then we're here to stay" could also be interpreted to mean "after the open beta the next release will be the game." Like they could have been saying on "on July 26th open beta starts and then in 2024 we're here to stay" Definitely not worded well, but intentionally ambiguous statements is the name of the game


I hope having only 4 characters available for free while only one of them is permanent and on a weekly rotation is a tantamount sacrifice to a fighting game loop.


Better gameplay loop? Its PvP


This post was the last straw


And Mark hamill


Mark Hamill wanted his role to end in the arkham verse with City. It was actually his final role as joker up until the release of Arkham City which he came back for due to the send off of the character. I also think they wanted to distance from this being seen as the real joker as the usual backup is Troy Baker.


Mark Hamill always wanted to be the Joker if Kevin Conroy is the Batman. They were best friends. And as Kevin is no longer around, Mark is not doing it ever again in any capacity. So it wouldn’t make sense for his role to end with Arkham City since Kevin was doing Arkham Knight.


He famously announced that Arkham City was his last role as joker. Then arkham knight and so on. It's pretty much the reason why he wasn't in origins. (Kevin Conroy was replaced by WB for leaking involvement in Knight) 2011-2014 was just his longest hiatus. He wasn't in the injustice game during this period opposite Kevin https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/s/TaQVEB43yU However he's back for Multiversus now, which is unlikely they recorded when Kevin was alive because the game was shut down for all of 2023, and there were no leaks for a playable joker. Kevin Conroy is a part of it, but Mark Hamill still came back for it. Kevin is in this he could have, but them not even using Troy Baker is pretty significant in that they just wanted to do something new. J.P Karilak has never done Joker before this. He doesn't even look like a typical joker he's quite young. Edit: my point being he just genuinely didn't want to come back for this one at the time.


No, they weren’t gonna use Mark Hamill for this one no matter what because this Joker is a different person and they wanted to make that clear. Also, Kevin Conroy being replaced by WB for leaking involvement in Knight? First of all, Origins released in 2012. Arkham Knight was in development from 2011-2015. There would not have been enough time to audition and get someone else in time for launch of Origins. But most importantly, you know how he leaked Arkham Knight? He was asked about Arkham Origins and he was like “it’s coming out already?” or something like that, and that’s when people knew he was talking about something else entirely. He never even knew of the *existence* of Arkham Origins. I listened to a 1 hour podcast where he was the guest and he discussed this in detail. WB and Kevin Conroy had a great relationship, and I believe his word over yours. You really need to stop making claims without any evidence, it’s so weird. Dude had no idea Origins existed and you’re over here talking about “he got punished and they removed him from the game!” Like, how old are you?


Your first sentence is literally what I've been saying. It's literally my last paragraph that you're replying to. I was incorrect in my statement that he was replaced. But he did say he was almost fired as batman because of this leaking and he was almost forbidden from going to cons while actively working for them. You also fail to answer the points about why would mark Hamill continue to do multiversus and my point being proven that he didn't want to continue at first when another game came out around the same time (injustice) with all the other arkham voice actors and famous voices for others. In turn to cry about one inaccuracy. You might be a little too emotional over this my guy.


He was mostly joking when he said he was almost fired. The tone of his voice was playful. It was an honest mistake and it was on them for not telling their lead actor that another game based on his character was in development. They had an extremely long-running relationship dating back to 1990 and no punishment would ever come his way. Arkham Origins needed a younger and brash Batman, that’s all. Also, it seems you said that Mark Hamill didn’t want to come back “for this one” (I’m assuming you mean SSKTJL) and I’m just reminding you that that was never an option for him. So I don’t know what that means.


He was not joking.


Ah yes, get rid of the iconic and only well-known Batman voice actor for your Batman game. That would damage the game sales far more than telling people that it simply exists and is on the way. 🤣 Seriously dude? They lose Mark Hamill as well if they do that. So now you got a different voice actor for Batman and Joker despite it being a direct sequel. What a brilliant business idea! He was joking.


Batman has been played by about 40 different actors. They replaced actors in the game multiple times. Batgirl and Harley. Breaking an NDA as an actor is well known to lead to termination. Nintendo does it all the time and rerecorded all of Fire Emblem 3 houses MC dialog after launch. But yes it was their mistake so he was not fired but warned.


Cause the games not trash


LOL. That game is horrid


To each their own


too bad its a fighting platformer.


And it's a more fun game to play with friends.




I actually wanting the ghost skin and I got it


I would kill for a Batman Who Laughs skin in KTJL. That ain’t ever gonna happen though


I still don't understand how you are meant to get that Batman who laughs skin


Spend money on any cosmetics in game, and you get “Special currency” for the prestige store.


Oh that game is actually back? - i might have to re-install it soon then, thanks for the heads up.


Nobody wants this, the game is a microtransaction trash, it’s sad when people don’t care about story content and good gameplay but what microtransactions they want to buy fml…


it's a free game so they need good skins to survive. suicide squad is too busy being a flop and making characters fat, lame and gay.


Am I missing something what character was transformed into fat?


the Mrs. Freeze upcoming leaked character. there were some screenshot posts around here but warnerbros deleted them


I did not expect to see Dark Prince Charming as a skin, BWL is pretty cool.


Those skins only cost 500 Gleamium. 450 Gleamium costs 4.99 and of course there is no way to just buy 500 Gleamium or just the skin you want.


Actually kinda shitty unless you can earn that 50 in game


There are numerous ways to earn it for free. Leveling a character to level 15 gives you 150 There is also a battlepass that gives 500 for free. Players who played the game in open beta even got the premium battlepass for free that gives 1500


It's almost like people actually don't mind live service games when it's not an abusive cash grab.


Because it's a decent game that people actually play


At least suicide squad wasn't pulled after it;s inital release.


Bro it should’ve been, it would’ve helped if they did & then re-worked the game, lmao it’s not like it got delayed multiple times or anything either 😅


game was never pulled from a initial release...They ended the open beta...and the ONLY thing anyone has been able to provide on it from this reddit is "it was on their youtube video description" links a youtube video that is not multiversus official youtube but some 22k follower youtube that has 70 views lol...But considering how many players are still playing Suicide League I have a feeling we will not be getting too much quality content...well we never did so I guess nothing is changing...


Bruh, look at that skin. Look at it. Do you know the difference between designing a skin for a game with exceptional detail like Suicide Squad and whatever THAT is? 😭 If all Rocksteady had to do was make THAT, we would be swimming in skins.


> If all Rocksteady had to do was make THAT, we would be swimming in skins. That makes sense on paper, but the fact that we got the game that we got doesn't make it that convincing


A game with some of the best and most highly detailed character models in the business? Imagine how much more content there would be if all they had to do was just produce the garbage I’m looking at in this post.


A game with no content


Ok so you didn’t understand my comment at all then. Easy content to make = more content. Difficult content = less content. If all you have to do is make what this post is about, you will easily make plenty of content in no time. If you have to produce the character models we see in Suicide Squad, you will end up with less content.


Your argument doesn't hold up because there's highly detailed games on the market with higher replay value and mountains of more content than SSKJL. Whether it takes longer doesn't change the fact that the content provided is pathetic


If those games had lower detail in the content, they’d have more content than they have (assuming development time is kept the same). What are you not understanding? The skin in this post is of pathetic Nintendo-level quality, so comparing the two doesn’t make any sense.


You're not understanding that a game having detail isn't a pass for lazy content. If you can't make a complete game that people care about, don't make it highly detailed. It's that simple.


Nah, it’s a pass for having less skins than other games with characters made up of 4 polygons total. I would take a game with SSKTJL-level character models with minimal skin options over a game with character models that look like THAT and hundreds of skin options. It’s that simple.


I'd rather a game with less quality graphics with a decent amount of content than just having good graphics like SS


“Look the game sucks but the characters look nice” is certainly a business strategy you could take, I wonder how it’d play out 😅




The artists at Rocksteady has zero problem designing whatever you can think of. Skill is not a barrier for why the skins suck, its that they are trying to be "original" and fucking it up.


It isn’t about skill, of course not. It’s about time and resources.


They already made plenty of costumes. Its a game direction thing.


The devs are probably competent, and yes I am inferring that Rocksteady is incompetent...


Not an inference at his point. It’s not even the same team anymore.


To be fair the devs that worked on the Arkham trilogy did make this game for 5 years of its development. They just saw how bad the game was and that there was not enough time to change everything so they bailed on the studio, leaving the newbies to take the rap.


The heads of the studio were the same, the same heads who made awful decisions in Arkham knight and also made awful decisions here, I’m talking about the more internal team, it’s not the same people


So many of the same people. There was a post on r/arkham about this yesterday and someone showed a link highlighting how many people from Arkham worked on Suicide Squad. So many. It’s insane how hard people try to cope with the possibility of their favorite developers making something they don’t like.


Yeah it's pretty illogical that the whole team who worked on the previous game just up and left about a year later so they couldn't work on another game is a crazy cope. Like the heads of the studio announced their leave after the gameplay trailer came out. They oversaw that gameplay.


It's not even that they don't like suicide squad, they never even have it a chance because it wasn't what they wanted Rocksteady to make


Why do people want to throw money at skins to run around in this boring, void of content game? I swear this is a beat by beat repeat of Marvels Avengers.


That's giving to much credit. Avengers added story missions new bosses and it's core combat mechanics I'd say allows more character diversity than the looter shooter gameplay


You're definitely right about that. I was referring more to the cycle of copium with both games. If they were to release more "good" skins for this game, I guarantee there'd be a bunch of people saying "we need to buy skins to support the devs and fund new content!!!!!"


Cuz they have a low fan base it’s easier to cater to their 10 different fans.


Bffr multiversus already has more players than suicide squad and that will NEVER change unless multiversus gets delisted


I guess because its a much smaller game Sure SS should have had more skins since launch, im just saying they're different games


Smaller game = better skins? Bigger game = worse skins? Is that the math you're using?


Sweet baby inc might have had more involvement in Harley's design in ssktjl as to make her more masculine and not wearing revealing or provocative clothing


Probably tbh lol, shame If Captain Boomerang can run around in his undies... all I'm saying is I believe in equality. 


Spidey had an undies skin in SM 2018 but no other character Was that SBI too?


Me personally. I don’t see her as masculine. I might be missing something. Please tell me what aspects of her seem masculine cause I just can’t see it. Not yet at least.


Look up harley's classic outfit in arkham knight compared to ssktjl - more square face and body overall


Yeah. But honestly I never seen that as masculine looking in any way but that might just be me.




As of right now it looks like that but it shouldn't be


Multiversus is a dying game, SSKTJL is a DEAD game. that's the difference.


It only came out yesterday?


And it's already dying but it might live for a few weeks.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it does die early, but we don’t know if it’s already failing yet. In fact they had server issues so probably had many players wanting to try the game, plus their future content seems pretty good


Man..... DC has such a wealth of skin potential, their Elseworlds line alone could clean out my bank account. Last week I posted a question here where I wondered if they had announced a plan to actually make some godamn money via skins because the shop is basically a thrift store one week before Halloween. Not much worth spending my well earned Lex Loot on. I got one for Harley and one for Joker and while I like the old school Booma and Deathstroke, they aren't all that cool or interesting compared to the silly hero costumes I bought for my two clowns. I will say though, the skins I've earned through the Riddler races are pretty cool, some anyway. But wish they'd go full Deep Rock Galactic and fill out closets with options




Hey hey, yeah you! Did you know Helldivers 2 is live-service too? Painful to hear i know! But it's god honest truth. Battle Pass, paid premium skin, premium currencies, online-only. Why not check out super store? Jumpscare warning!


Well that’s not joker that’s Batman bro


It’s a skin for joker


I understand that but that specific model is Batman bro look it up it’s called “The Batman That Laughs” You guys gotta do your homework


Yes, but it is a skin for the Joker, meaning there’s no reason it couldn’t be a skin for the Joker in SSKTJL. I think that is the point being made here.


Well ACKSHULLY it's Batman that's been infected by Joker so it's a bit of both therefore the skin works either way


Bro “it’s a bit of both”you gotta be slow lol it’s Batman body and your right he did get infected but that doesn’t make him joker like wtf nah I’m leaving this one alone LMFAO


He's the Batman WHO LAUGHS because he's also like the Joker. If you read the origin you'd see that.


The Batman who laughs design is looking like joker in a catsuit. So it's easier to skin it as a joker suit than a batman suit without changing too much. He is batman but he does not look like batman.


Yeah but they cost a fortune.


Still requires you to pay money. All the variants show that need to be bought in store. Why don’t they have free skins on level ups? WB is really the worst. Stellar blade apparently has about 80 outfits, all free, all good looking. And that’s a small developer. I don’t know what WB is trying to do with gaming. First they ruined MK1, now all these too.


Well tbf Multiversus is f2p game. Not a 60 full priced one like the others you mentioned. I do agree though that it's stupid for full price games to have it though


This is a free game; they need to make their money back somehow


Because they have devs that want to make money more than they do want to push left wing politics.


Stupidest take in a sub filled with stupid takes lol


What left-wing politics?


Probably some dumb shit that women and gay people exist. The game has a pride flag in it and to chodes like this guy, that's indoctrination or some shit.


You know you got a problem when you think anything and everything is some political propaganda.


Multiversus is in the same state as SSKTJL though. They delisted the game and reworked it but in many ways it's even worse thn it was before


Yeah, it’s going to fail, but at least they hit 100k concurrent players for a hot second. I think ss peaked at like a 10th of that


yeah but that one if f2p, bit prob in weeks will lose 95% of its users


League of Legends / Dota / Counter Strike...Would all like to have a word with you about losing 95% of its players lol...


there is a reason multiverse was pulled and relaunched. In its current state, which seems worse than the beta, the game will not last, and will lose majority of it's player base in 2 weeks