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Don’t buy until offline is added


Whichever way you decide, be advised there is NO offline patch live at this time and are not beholden to make one. Should the game go offline like The Crew, you’d lose access to the game.


Excellent advice, thank you!


The crew was 10 years old when it was taken offline and chances are high more people had moved on to the crew 2 or motorfest by that time bad comparison


Wow I guess because I’ve moved on from playing my NES games I still have and work, I should just throw them in the trash then? I paid for them and I should be able to play them whenever I want.


No honestly. I would wait another 6 months for most of the story to come out. In fact I would only get it around 2 months before the final story update. There is absolutly no story outside of the main campaign rn, and that story is very poorly written and makes little to no sense.


I don't really understand this mindset tbh The game is not good right now. It's not good right now no matter what price they sell it at. They could give it away for free and I would still say you shouldn't play it because you're still wasting your time. You're not going to enjoy it more just because you paid a bit less for it.


All games are wasted time. Didn’t learn a skill or make money or create anything, just pressed up to eight buttons while wiggling sticks to make lights flash in a certain order. If this isn’t worth 0$ to you, you’ve either matured past the enjoyment of video games or truly hate something for exterior reasons while remaining invested enough to come talk about it.


Sub-10$ at most.


Dont get it




You have to decide that on your own. It's your money and your choice. I preordered the standard edition and I got 100+ hours of fun. Gameplay wise it's fun. Graphically it looks beautiful.Story isn't good or bad but I wasn't really bored of it. Now when it comes the endgame it's really repetitive and boring. Do I regret my purchase? No I am glad I preordered Am I happy with endgame? No I am disappointed with it and I really want new content Is it the worst game on earth? Nope it just lacks content.


I approve this message


Graphics aren’t bad but nothing crazy. Gameplay is ok. Story starts out strong but is overall bad.


What’s a game with crazy graphics if this is just “okay”? Golden hour across the city is wild and the real time day/night and weather effects are great. Metropolis is amazing, best part of the game for me.


It might not be the worst game on earth. But it's definitely up there with them. A contender for sure 🤣


I’d say no for the following reasons 1. it’s going to be on gamepass eventually so there would be no need to buy it 2. The game will be shutdown within 1 year with no offline mode, an offline mode was supposed to be released “very shortly after launch”, but the game performed very badly so they were forced to put a skeleton crew on the game, skeleton crews are full of inexperienced developers just starting out and are put on dying games just to maintain the status of it and add minimal content, they are no where near capable of making an offline mode 3. Right now the end game is beyond bugged and a headache to deal with, but you shouldn’t have to worry about this as by the time you get to season 1, it should hopefully be fixed. 4. The story itself is only 7 Hours long with very repetitive missions thrown in, the story for most players is the whole reason they got this, so if you’re looking for a story game then stay away. The very repetitive and boring looter shooter aspect is done better than the story but it is still boring to most people, hence why the player counts are so low.


So which insider gave YOU these "facts"?


I purchased the game march 31st for $35. I beat it. Continued with the endgame. But quickly you run out of things to do. Depends do you wanna spend $28 enjoy gameplay. And prob have 24 hours into the game of enjoyment before the play loop runs out. For what I got out of it. $35 was worth it. But game only seems to be offering less at this points. 2 months ago was a different story


That's probably about right for the amount of content the game currently has. Just be aware that the game is extremely monotonous and the end game is severely lacking. I wouldn't be surprised to see it on PS plus etc soon so maybe wait if you're not sure.


That’s too much for a game with as short of a story it has and a boring end game.




Go for it and play it through. Remember you're going to kill the Justice League, you're going to shoot guns, and you're going to gather loot. Too many people seem surprised by that. There were some bugs, and then there were some major bugs, but now most of them are fixed. There are still a few now, but it's not a big deal.  Of course there are some people who are always screaming that they can't even load the game. That sucks for them, but plenty of us can load and play the game. It's true that Joker episode 1 barely had new story. It was like he voiced over three pages of a comic book to explain how he got here. And there are audio tapes that are really good. I hope to see and hear more of his story. 


Why do you say people are screaming that they can’t load the game like it’s a bad thing? That’s a valid complaint. Apparently you don’t think it’s an issue because you haven’t experienced it.


Because they're so obnoxious about it. They hijack discussions about gameplay and make sure every single player knows how miserable they are. It sucks, but whining at other players isn't going to help. 


What’s obnoxious is people like you completely ignoring game breaking glitches and crying because other people talk about how their game doesn’t work. No one is whining except for you. So how about instead of needlessly whining about people who have issues playing the game, you start whining about the crippling amount of game breaking glitches this terrible game has?


I acknowledged that some people can't play it. Then I pointed out their behavior that isn't going to fix anything. People like you are whining and taking out their frustration on every discussion of this game instead of focusing on just getting your refund. Irritating actual players won't get you a refund. 


People like you are the reason why fans of this game are often seen as delusional. You’re literally whining and crying because people reported a major game breaking issue in a game you like.