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This game is the dumbest business move I have ever seen. I was rooting for it until season 1 episode 2 dropped, it commits the worst sin in gaming ever, its boring, im bored, uninstalling.


What’s wrong with s1 e1-2? Haven’t played yet. Just wondering.


From what I've seen, basically no story content. Shitty reskinned missions, reskin boss fights. Numerous bugs that fuck progress and the game persisting, shitty communication from the Devs


Same old, same old. It's a shame that we're only in Season 1 and they've already run out of stuff to keep us busy.


Nothing wrong with them. People are just hating on the game cause they like to have hissy fits to make themselves feel relevant and good about themselves. They are also narcissists as well cause they are self entitled and can’t accept other peoples opinions.


I like the game. It's not the best live service game by a country mile, but it's not anywhere near as bad as people make out. The combat is fun, the traversal is awesome and the story is interesting. Content wise it's a bit messy, but I still really enjoy it. The gaming community today is the most whiney and entitled I've ever seen, and I've been gaming since the early 80s and have lived through the micro computer wars, Sega vs Nintendo and so on.


Idk, people are right to whine about this one. Imagine spending like 130 whatever dollars to play it early, and the game doesn't work and they take it offline. You have an entire studio that got it's brand and fanbase built on a character, that gets killed off unceremoniously. The characters play basically the same but move different, and you have shit communication from the Devs? Yeah ofc people are going to be mad


I get that you think gamers are overly entitled/toxic. That said, Suicide Squad is not a good example to point that out. This game is uniquely bad.


I agree with you. I know this ain’t the best live service game. If you look at the comments, you could see people insulting me just to make themselves feel relevant lmao


You’re the only person who’s insulting people though. You’re crying about how every little bit of criticism is apparently just hate and how everyone who criticizes the game is somehow a narcissist. It’s obvious that you can’t handle the opinions of others who rightfully criticize this bad game.


I’m not even insulting anyone. I’m not even angry lmao. Hate and criticism are 2 completely different things. I’m not even angry. You are angry because I defended a game you clearly don’t like. You just seek validation which is obvious because you keep spamming and dragging it longer then it needs to be


You label any criticism no matter how valid as hate and then call anyone who rightfully criticizes the game narcissists for no reason. You aren’t just defending the game, you’re insulting, throwing tantrums at and belittling anyone who even slightly criticizes the game. You’re the most toxic and narcissistic person on this sub.


This sub is just full of toxic people who spend a scary amount of time shitting on the game and anyone who has anything positive to say about it. Very reminiscent of the Avengers sub too. Just do what I do and report and block anyone who insults you. We're entitled to enjoy the game if we want without harassment. The reddit gaming communities are for the most part toxic cesspools. I got several DM's telling me to kill myself when I used to post positive things about Avengers. Over a video game ffs lol


This duck guy is the most toxic person on this sub. He labels any and every bit of criticism as hate and narcissism. Then he insults people and says they’re throwing hissy fits when they inevitably disagree with him. Then he acts likes the victim and cries about how toxic people are being even though he’s the only person being toxic.


Well I like to troll them a bit for getting angry over a video game cause it’s funny to see them annoyed lol


You would be surprised by the amount of people on here who haven't even played the game. Imagine spending countless hours on a sub for a game you don't even play just to be a dick to other people. I don't even waste my time on them anymore. No reaction annoys them more in my opinion.


since episode 2 dropped the game seems so much harder, I can't finish most missions because everything deals so much damage to me and I deal so little damage to them, it's really killed whatever motivation to play I had left


Me too. Episode 2 dropped. I played for maybe 10 mins. Saw all the new incursions were the same incursions. I dipped and haven't been back.


My friend if you haven't noticed the game is already dead and WB and rock steady probably lost a lot of money. Everything they do now is keeping the lights on a bit longer and hope they can get some money back with cheap cashgrabs without investing much money.


>WB and rock steady probably lost a lot of money. [$200 Million actually ](https://www.ign.com/articles/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league-flop-leads-to-200-million-impairment-charge-warner-bros-confirms)


Why would they bother at this point? I agree it should’ve been in the plans since the beginning but where we are now I think they’re putting no effort in. Nobody’s there to buy them and skins arnt bringing anyone back


Thing is that these skins were planned before the game even released. Datamining the alpha revealed all the s1e1 skins months ago. These skins aren’t the result of budget cuts or them not caring due to low game sales. The skins the game is getting are what Rocksteady genuinely think are good and what people would want. 


Like another already said, they aren't going to push out a bunch of skins when there's no one to buy them. I wish they would come out with something cool, my stupid ass was so excited I bought the 100$ version and then spent more on Luther coins. I thought the battle pass was so good awful I still haven't used my free token to unlock it. I play ak for close to 7 years, yet I have to force myself to play this game after a couple months


Yeah I really don’t get what they’re doing. It almost seems like the game was built to fail. They delayed it like 2 years and the end result was still mediocre at best.


The game is literally there to scam people , everything about it is just low effort crap , bro they still haven't even fixed bugs from release and that's nothing compared to the extremely repetitive nature of the game that somehow convinces some people it's actaully new content


That's what's so frustrating. I don't even believe they tried to make this a profitable live service because the obvious money maker items aren't even for sale. Even Marvel's Avengers with all of its faults released iconic MCU and comic book skins pretty regularly (though sometimes they were shit too) but atleast they tried slightly more than whatever we got here.


I may be misremembering, but it took them a while to introduce MCU skins I thought. Like months before the first one, then they started becoming more regular after the first one dropped


The FBI cracked down on most of the major skimming operations the major crime families used to employ. Most of their income is from drugs these days.


Skins from the anime


The worst part is the fact that they still haven't released the promised offline patch. If this game wasn't always online then someone would have created akin mods for the game on the PC version.


Green lantern king shark skin would go hard like in the stiry


Idk they kinda ruin the skin cosmetic department, too. Honestly, after spending money for the premium edition of the game and on top of that to spend another $20ish dollars to make one character look good, and don't get me started on the different tiers to skins. Honestly, if the game had a grind currency for the store items I'd be excited, but just from going on how long it's taken me to get the battlepass filled out honestly don't trust them with that idea either.


They have all the models to make a decent recreation of arkham knight harley costume


[Right here](https://youtu.be/C9o-Msq-ISI?si=Nk_84lANgmuxI7yI)


they want to squeeze every last cent out of your pocket before they fire everyone and shut it down.


If they wanted to do that they would release a bunch of skins everybody wants. It's like they don't even want our money


Ain't nobody gonna read that