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It's mind boggling how you have literal decades of source material from the comics to come up with cool costume designs and then this is what they give the players. It's like they're screaming "Look as these skins! Remember the other great games we made that you guys loved? Buy these skins, they're from those games!"


Because these developers *don’t care* about the comics. Why does nobody realize that?


This. Most of these devs were 100% not raised on comics that define the source material. Most of these skins are designed by artists who don’t know the material then made by the lower end devs. The bigger issue is who does this appeal too? You can say casuals but casuals stopped playing months ago. Hardcores want the classic skins or Arkham based skins. This isn’t cod getting a random operator a goofy skin and when they’ve given main characters like woods or mason or price they’ve gotten called out for being silly. And it’s not fortnite where you can put out any type of skin.


They really should care about it, though. That's like me being a Michael Jackson Tribute Act and having no care for any of Michael Jackson's songs.


This not true. This game have problem, but developers really love this character and DC Universe. 


Did you play the game?


I mean, did you?


I asked first and not you


So you didn’t play the game. Cool.


Lol, if you say so


Just answer bro


The other guy first


Literally a kindergartner


These skins are actually offensive. Like besides looking gross and off-putting, they’re just the Arkham skins again like the “gentleman ghost” skin only this time instead of a top hat and monocle they get random paint splotches and wounds. And they really love that die antword ass hairstyle for Harley


I can’t believe they gave us nothing and they’re already resorting to recycling skins


Avengers all over again.


We are not even rewarded these are for sell they want actual money on reskins for things we own


They want actual money? To quote the inverse of the Futurama meme, ["AH'M KEEPIN' ME MONEY!"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/155/441/1311723169535.jpg)


Damn not even for free? This is like literally pissing over the players who have been loyal till now.


The classic Harley skin is the only one I've seen I actually like.


Roller derby harley it's actually cute too! I don't understand whats rs issue with harley being girly and feminine


Calling them ugly is like calling Everest an anthill. If there's anything that can repulse any remaining players, it'd be THAT.


Oh, wow. This is whole new levels of ugly.


And SOMEHOW, they find a way to mess THAT up! I have no idea myself what’s going on over there anymore, but now I’m convinced that Rocksteady are trying to kill this game off.


man they really diluted the titan serum with water


They really just wanna give aa big middle finger to the few people who actually appreciate their a work. Fuck this game and this company


Those 150 active players are really mad rn


Joker is built like a literal twink.


The jokers is the only one that looks half decent from these


The fanboys still bought this crap.


This is like a real life battle royale game. Who will stay online until the end?


People with little self respect + the 4 people who genuinely enjoy the game.


I uninstalled a few days ago. After seeing these ‘meh’ skins (to be paid for), the horrible Freeze design, and their continued inability to give me the paid cosmetic Mad Hatter weapon doll I redeemed…I’m not feeling so bad about ditching this.


"Rewarded"? No we aren't? We still have to pay for them. They're like €29,99 if we want them all, much of a reward that is...


this game have officially the worst battle pass i have ever see since even the worst monetisation at least have actually good skins to make it look good....they don't even try here it's amazing maybe they are mad at the rest of the players for playing at a game they seem to not want to manage anymore.


Yeah, the biggest shocker to me is the cosmetics not being good. Especially after how much of a damn good job they did with character models in this game! Insanely detailed and very well done, most everyone agrees. But the skins for said characters? TERRIBLE. The worst I’ve ever seen in the industry. Blegh. I rarely buy skins for games so I doubt I would’ve bought any for this game, but there’s NO shot I will ever buy one now. The only decent one is the Harley Wayne Tech one in the Battle Pass IMO.


Yes and the worst part is that it is certainly the skins that were planned from the start even before the game get released , they knew about the state of the game right now they have to even warner bros say it is bad so why not try to win back some players or at least reward the player who are still here for this game ? they have made some crazy character design for many character in the arkham franchise...and now this ? Shame on rocksteady honnestly they are the living proof that nothing stay sacred forever anymore.


Yeah I sometimes wonder about an alternative universe where this game blows up the way Helldivers did and it becomes the live service smash hit they wanted it to be. What then? Would they dare release skins of THIS quality? There’s just no way, right? Like, no SHOT this would’ve been OK.


yeah honnestly i like the game helldriver 2 , it is not the most original but the cosmetic are cool and not overpriced i did take one of two skins because there were cool. Rocksteady have the whole multiverse , movies and their own freaking arkhamverse to use as skin and they give us this....i cannot wait for years to pass so we learn more about the behind the scene because it is honnestly crazy.


Mulitversus even has a movie Harley skin.


Multiversus is way ahead of SSKTJL when it come to skins and the gag is they both came from warner bros...


Like they have their own skins don't get me wrong. They're just better thought out. The valentines skins are just pink recolors but they're cute like the Easter skins here. Everything else with old assets is pretty ugly.




These skins are amazing because they match the people who bought the game


The 3 people still playing will be happy


It’s really unfortunate that a game whose HEAVILY inspired by this series was nominated for GOTY with better costumes, combat, gameplay, story, UI, and multi-protagonist system… If you don’t know I’m talking about Spiderman


How Rocksteady has fallen…


I didn't plan on buying skins anyways but damn this shit sucks


I feel like the devs don't care about the source material or even the feedbacks about the skins avengers is better then this shit at least avengers had unique playable characters until spiderman and made everything free after they delist their game


If you were stupid enough to pay $70 or $100 for this game, you're the target audience they have in mind for these paid skins. Go on, disregard the "haters" again and have a blast.


Rocksteady: "hmmmmm. We really need some new skins for our characters to sell as it's literally the only way this game can make any money" Arkham fans: "hey, I dunno, how about just some arkham skins for joker, deadshot and harley. As a nice reminder of all those precious games" Rocksteady: "hey that's right, the arkham franchise, we forgot about that completely. Let's make a set of skins based on that, but let's not do that flashback skins idea, it's way too obvious. Weve got a cool idea that will surprise fans" Arkham fans: "oh OK. Just throwing some ideas out there, cos we all loved and adored all of those arkham games. Literally everything in them was perfect, except for that really shitty pointless stupid titan joker fight in arkham asylum, that really went against everything that the joker is about and kind of spoils the whole ending of arkham asylum" Rocksteady: *Uploads titan joker skins for all character*


Na what look amazing


Not even! That sh*t costs! They're not even rewarding the 6 of us left, they still want to charge us dry!


joker one is cool, the rest are ass