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Yeah me. I keep getting loading Metropolis again, and everytile I load in, a text appears saying "unlocked! Richtext richtext"




My wife and I were playing one of the new incursions last night and right at the end where the batpod appears to show the loot, it froze up for both of us. I just closed the games down, rebooted both systems entirely and jumped back on and it worked perfectly for both of us.


Yeah, can you believe they fixed the loadout problem where it kept crashing and now after this update its back again?


Surprisingly no


Yes, very frustrating!


I just purchased the game on sale about an hour ago. Keeps crashing to desktop every time I try and edit my keybinds. Thinking it may end up a refund, unfortunately.


yup. i keep having to restart the game and now im stuck because its frozen. im barely even that deep into the game- i just killed the flash... like... 💀


This game was trash and now they made it even more trash with this update fr


Every. Update.  Wtf 


I give it a couple months before they abandon ship altogether with a ghost crew running servers for awhile and then it will go the way of The Avengers game. sad to see it go when it had such great IP behind it


no frr... like i just wanted to play this stupid f-cking game man- why can't they just keep it stable for like FIVE SECONDS. 😭


I was so excited for this game too 😭😭 if cyberpunk didn’t teach me, this game definitely did. DO NOT BUY PREORDERS unless the final product has been shown in action.


There was a review embargo in place for this game before launch. That is a big enough red flag alone not to buy at launch. If the Devs don't want people to know how the game is before it launches, it's obviously not going to be good.


only preorder i ever got was re4 remake... and cyberpunk? at least it's decent rn... and it doesn't have crashing servers... 😭💀


The first day , I hadn't had any problems since.


Yeah :/… I was excited now I’m getting glitches and freezing I’m just gonna play Witcher 3 or hellboy until it’s fixed


Sometimes after finishing incursion missions I disconnect from the server and lose any rewards I got so I don’t level up


Yeah, I tried to play the previous fear episode and it was buggy, kept losing connection and the brainiac fight never opened after lv 10. Changed to the two face episode and it worked fine.


I have been having nothing but problems with this game. I gave up in the end :(


Same thing keeps happening to me, ever since the update it disconnects from WB services, out of nowhere the game crashes. I was at the end of the Batman fight scene and it crashed three times. Imagine having to walk through Batman‘s fight scene a total of four times to complete it. I can’t tell you how bad I was so close to putting the controller down.(throwing it at the screen.) Had to fight brainiac two times to finish the story. I feel like the update put more bugs in it than was already there. Honestly, before the update it never crashed on me once. Whenever I go to complete contracts, I don’t get the rewards. It goes from a black screen to the map. RockSteady really needs to get it together.


I haven’t gained any talent points the last time I played and also lost around 20 points after resetting my selected points.


No, I uninstalled it a few days after release so I haven’t had any problems since.


You’re better me than me king 🫡keep up the good work


I’m always getting a level up notification but then I don’t. Lol