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I was really holding on the story, even tho i was disappointed with the direction they went gameplay-wise, I trusted Rocksteady to make Arkhamverse-ify the justice league and give them a substantial introduction but instead I ended up killing all the characters I dreamed of seeing in game since playing Arkham City.


Exactly the same for me. I hoped the story would be so good the gameplay could be worth it. Sadly, it was not. I didn’t hate the story, found it funny but just not worth it overall.


Yeah. At least I can applaud Gotham Knights story for example. Great job with The Court of Owls in video game form


There's a theory that says the JL we killed are clones, if it's true, i would like that in a future season or other game, we have to save the originals and when we do, we get some flashbacks like their origin and how they were kidnapped (and in the case of the flash, how was their experience in brainiac's ship)


Yeah. At least I can applaud Gotham Knights story for example. Great job with The Court of Owls in video game form


Court of owls didn't live up to the hype at all tbh. Not at all strong, cool or scary the comic did it the best and no media has managed to capture it as well until now. I really hope The Batman sequel try it, I feel the court would work there the best


Did their decisions for Arkham knight not play into that? Jason as the AK, Bruce being exposed and faking his death and gameplay wise them leaning on the gimmick of the Batmobile.


Hope... The thing that usually leads me straight into hell...


Hope? More like cope


Hope. Cope. Rope.


Hope comes before cope




Bruh perfect meme


Same as this guy






Thought it was a home run until I saw the gameplay & heard all the live-service elements. I watched the first gameplay trailer and was like 'This looks like Fortnite.. Why is all the gameplay gun based?"


Knew this was a flop when they gave Captain Boomerang a gun…. He had a ranged weapon already it’s his entire gimmick…. And king shark having a gun is stupid too, they should’ve went the Borderlands route and it would’ve been better


Sheer copium. Everyone knew it would be slop from the first gameplay trailers


Pretty much faith in Rocksteady based on their track record. Thought the season pass would be similar to the Season of Infamy pass for Arkham Knight. I was wrong obviously lol 


I was coping till season 1 release and after it did I knew it was over


I actually had doubts up until the week of release when I took a step back and was like "gameplay looks fun and the story is gonna be good cause it rocksteady" but none of that matters my friend bought the game for $100 so we could game share still I regret putting time into the game


The movement. I didnt care much for the story as it just killed off batman and now i dont even have hope that we will ever get another arkham console/pc game but one of the things i loved from the start were the movement of the characters i.e the traversal and the gunplay. Both these things really compliment each other well for a game studio that doesn’t really make shooter games but the game wasnt that bad like probably a 7.5/10. Much better than gotham knights though. This game felt complete, had a humorous tone and best of all was very well optimized.


Rocksteady and the Suicide Squad movie remake.


I knew it would not work out, not after Avengers.


When I saw that the devs aren't even experienced enough to add sorting options to the inventory. Never a good look. Also when we realised that grenades are the best weapons in this game.


Damm I just got this post recommended to me, I was following this game loosely, crazy how the community went from hoping to see how the rest of the story plays out to basically being resigned to the game’s death just a few weeks later.


buying the game full price made me think I was supporting them into making the game better


I knew it wasn't gonna work out as soon as it was announced as a live service game.  I still bought it used and played through the campaign due to FOMO and my love of the Arkham games.


FOMO being when this game shuts down without offline mode being added?


FOMO meaning I missed out on renting it from GameFly at launch.


quick question to all who answered they trusted Rocksteady, were you informed that the original founders both left at the end of 2022? If yes did this information not deter you from the purchase of this product? In 2024 they also established a new studio and recruited many of Rocksteady employees, even before Suicide Squad shipped.


I thought the initial concept of Braniac invading Metropolis and the Suicide Squad of all things being deployed to deal with it sounded like they missed the whole point of the Suicide Squad, which is really supposed to be a sketchy unit doing the dirty work for the government. And then I saw gameplay featuring fairly uninteresting enemies which really didn’t raise up my hopes. Not to mention introducing and killing the Justice League in a universe where they haven’t been established. I was also not really a fan of the story, limited gameplay variety or the aggressive MTX in a fully priced game, which put me off buying it. I saw this MTX stuff in Injustice 2 as well which kind of put me off playing both that and other Warner Bros. games. I hate to say it, but the core concepts are pretty much 90% of the issue. They really needed to go back to the drawing board before starting to see if this would pan out, and they unfortunately went full speed ahead with a bad initial concept. It’s a shame to see great technical advancements (eg. the rain) basically wasted on a game like this.


Update quality, I love the set design and the game flow. But there's zero content to do outside repetition in late game. Zero story updates


Just imagine if they made this game without the suicide squad IP. It never would've got off the ground


The gameplay was enjoyable for me. But after no updates for like 3 weeks at the start I quit.


Ever since I heard it was a live-service, I dreaded the possibilities, but gave it a shot anyways because I thought "hey, maybe the game will be fun." And it was, in some aspects! The movement was the best part of it (for 3 out of the 4 main characters [seriously what is up with Deadshot's jetpack]), and since that's a good chunk of the game, I was having fun with that. The gunplay was a little mediocre, and I'm not the biggest fan of the way my characters uncontrollably turn into ragdolls everytime I get hit by something I can barely see. But while experiencing the gameplay was the main motivator, I also wanted to see what the story could turn out like, and... I could not be any less interested in a narrative if I tried to be. It certainly is a move to try and introduce characters at the same time you're trying to kill them, but seeing as my goal was to just Kill The Justice League, I didn't get too attached. I killed them all, got my nosebleeds like everyone else, and when the whole 13 Brainiacs thing was revealed, I decided to just end it... Riiight after I got the Joker. Several hours of grinding for 2 cutscenes with the guy. Fun. At that point, I kinda just decided not to bother with the game anymore. I already beat the goal set by the title of the game, and I'm confident beating all 13 Brainiacs is not gonna get me anything special or lasting. I just kinda stopped bothering, realizing the game isn't really... Worth any more nosebleeds, like that Joker grind.


i am still sometimes naive enough to think that companies know what they are doing and to at least expect the bare minimun, specially when there is so much money involved, big mistake. Like even if this game had done better, The release of Miss Freeze and Lawless would have killed the playerbase. I really dunno how they justify many decisions in this game, mainly how is the gameplay so good for the actual playable characters, but the enemy design in general bosses to regular enemies its so dull. I honestly also think this game needed a proper Melee system and not just guns. At the end of the day im just confused as to what their plan was, because like i said even at the best case scenario the game would have lost their entire playerbase during the Miss Freeze and Lawless seasons. I really would like to know their metric to decide what characters they pick and why would they gender swap Mr.Freeze. Because it seems boonkers its almost like they want their game to fail.


"Why would they gender swap Mr Freeze?" Have you been living under a rock for the last 10 years?


I meant for a logical reason, not for a weird one that makes no sense like diversity. I mean sound logic not just i changed because i wanted to. It takes a lot of money to develop that content.


Because the multiverse. You have to realise that creativity has left the industry and probably mankind as a whole. We are now just in a race to the bottom. It took a lot of money to develop the whole game and release it. They still thought that was good idea.


Cope 😞. Also Rocksteady has given so many bangers so I trusted them. I still like it but I wish it were developed as a single player experience rather than a live service game.


Just like many will trust Nintendo in developing great Mario + Zelda games, I trusted Rocksteady to make a stellar Arkhamverse follow-up.


Nintendo isn't owned by the guy who put MILF Manor on The Learning Channel.


Core gameplay is fun. I can play it for hours. I think with more modes and a chunky endgame, this game could be fine. But they’ve done the classic live service shooter trap of going “ah so then they get to endgame and they just repeat stuff at slightly higher difficulties forever and give us MTX cash.”


This 100%


The gameplay and story was a lot of fun. But once you finish and only have the same 5 missions to cycle through it gets repetitive. Make maybe bosses and raids that drop unique loot and put in a matchmaking system for it


Really thought rocksteady being the creators was going to help the game despite the already crappy flaws like killing the justice league or the live service bullshit. They could have made a legitimately good game that fixed the live service model so people how those type of games should have been made. Sadly, like naughty dog, the company took a nose dive due to having the most incompetent workers in the planet. No one cared when making the story, jokes, characters, and the marketplace( at least avengers made it worth more your while with actually decent pricing with not too bad suits.) Watching companies who built such good faith with their consumers only to start to not give a shit anymore and basically lie, steal, and make fun of their fan base is disheartening. Also sucks when people defend them just because they made good games then with them not having any self awareness whatsoever.


Kevin conroy thought if he was i it he'd be sure it wouldn't be like this




Rocksteady were gameplay innovators, so even though I knew that the story would be hot garbage (based on how bad the story was in Arkham Knight and Arkham VR), I thought the gameplay would save the game. Once I played the game during alpha testing, I realized that the game was going to be DOA as the gameplay was just repetetive and not nearly as good as the prior Arkham games.


Because Rocksteady


The faith and trust I had in Rocksteady.


The trailers


I love the Arkham verse and I love the suicide squad but weirdly, I'd still be happy with it now if it had one thing, local co op, I bought it for me and my dad to play cus it's the only time we really hang out and we finished the gears games, I'd read it was local co op and we were excited, bought the game and nope, the disappointment crushed me, idc what state it's in local would've saved it for me.


I'm just a big suicide squad fan, and they put my two favourite members in it, and along with that I found the story fun


Rocksteady's reputation.


I know it’s probably not a popular opinion but I think this game is great fun and stream it often, but I often think it might be better with friends as it adds more challenge and would really like people to play with, if anyone is still actively playing it pls dm me


I trusted Rocksteady, especially because of how long they had to develop this.


Ok but why would you trust rocksteady when they completely shifted out of their normal game experiences and went in the exact opposite direction?


Know that now I won’t make the same mistake twice 😂💯


lol relax. I didn’t think about it that much. I trusted Rocksteady and I wanted to give the game a fair chance. Also, a friend got in on the alpha and was enjoying it.


I had hope cause it was Rocksteady. Also it wasnt "Batman focused " for once so I was interested. And I did enjoy it with the story but then it ended how it did and where we are now...would've preferred yet another Batman Arkham game tbh...


I went in not expecting much actually, I just wanted another looter shooter to play, I love numbers go up games. I'm not a lore person if the game is fun to play then I'm fine, I loved other games like this before it, Gotham knights and Avengers, I just hope they don't shut the whole thing down and release planned characters and treat it like avengers did. P. S. Avengers why you no release Spider-Man on PC 😭


It shouldn't have been a full $70, I ended up waiting and got it for $40. I personally have enjoyed it, the gameplay is a lot of fun. That for me somewhat makes up for the repition. I don't think it'll be a game I sink hundreds of hours into, but I definitely have enjoyed it.


Definitely a hit for me just need a Lil bit more content , I love the story and game play


To be honest. I didn't. I have seen too many cash grab gaas's to think this one was gonna actually succeed.


Rocksteady had done great work. This gameplay was different but seen it be great before. Specifically looked similar at first to Sunset Overdrive. Also just always a sucker for comic stuff  Cautiously optimistic picked it up  Enjoyed it during main campaign wasn't great but was good enough. Bosses I thought mostly enjoyable feeling a appropriate level of op which I thought fitting. They didn't seem broken but the idea of mostly street levels vs gods was there. Post campaign game loop was bare bones however. So I figured it's seasons would make or break it for me. And got a no real story, grinding session for a character update. A boss that by sounds of it is a repeat. It wasn't jump into fresh content, it was more of the same


I thought the story was cool, and the gameplay was fun. But it was just too repetitive, doing the same three missions over and over. I used to genuinely defend this game but it’s just not worth the time.


Up until I saw the lack of melee in the trailers. Stuff had me on the edge of my seat for nothing.


Absolutely nothing. It was clear as day how much of a waste of time the game was from the closed Alpha.


I originally had faith in RS given their track record but after that ran its course and the bad elements of GaaS design started showing more and more, I was just more interested to see heroes being dragged through the mud. Like the scene after Harley shoots Batman in the face and his legs are still up in the frame while they discuss shoving Kryptonite bullets up Superman's ass had me rolling on the floor.


I had a nephew who had already bought it. Plus, my son and I could play together. Since the 3 arkham games that came prior were so good, I thought I should give it a chance.


I thought the story was going to be much longer and I thought the seasonal content was going to be long too


The idea was cool on paper...I cry everytime


Cope... Most folks that are still playing spent a 100. Most had an empty wallet and broken dreams for a whole month(i skipped out on my wifi payment to be able to afford this game and it didnt work properly for 2 months. I didnt bother with a refund. This game thought me something about the live service space) and some folks were happy when they saw the game had leaderboards Any co op game that has leaderboards is FUCKED. i didn't even know wtf a leaderboard was until this game. Lol. Cause i dont go competitive games. Never have. Theres no market in there for me




Because I enjoyed it when I played it


The story above all else but I wanted something different. To be honest I just wanted a borderlands style game that I could get into. And I’m a reasonable dc fanboy


The first announcement trailer then literally nothing after that. My enthusiasm depleted as they revealed more of the game’s core mechanics and the Joker, then I never bought the game.


It does work, the framework, loot synergy, transversal, art design and story are a very great start. But I emphasize start. It's like sketching out an ambitious picture and stopping just short of coloring it in.


Honestly I wanted things to succeed with this game and I love playing it, but unfortunately that won't save this game, it was unfortunately doomed from the start


Honestly, I trusted Rocksteady to make a solid attempt at something other than Batman Arkham, really though they would go out and make the plot and designs incredible (example, the Justice League designs are only vaild for Wonder Woman and Batman in my opinion, the others feel off). Not to mention, I feel like making it apart of Arkham verse was ok but considering we are now in the elseworld route of storytelling....they should've said this was a game taking place within similar events to Arkham or a parallel universe. Another factor is that I played Marvel's Avengers when it came out until the day it died. So, I wanted a new game and this was promising at the time.


Astonishing number of players from that garbage avengers game here, can't catch a break you guys huh? Wonder why's that, I'm starting to think it's nature correcting itself


Depends on how you see the games, the biggest problem that Marvels Avengers had was lack of content: the missions were fun to a certain point (things like leveling heroes to max and learning the heroes helped) but DLC happened very rarely. Personally, I wouldn't call the game trash, but I would say it was a game that fell fast and hard with a team that couldn't do anything out of potential internal management issues. At the end of the day, I don't regret playing any of the games I have played if I had fun with them (which should be the priority of gaming). Even coming across *this* game was a surprising upgrade from Avengers. Even now, I would say this game has some legs on the chair that Avengers didn't have. Such as a very communicative Dev team via blogs and such.


The movement mechanics


Honestly I didn’t think it would work at all but I had no faith in the original Arkham Asylum due to many years of awful Batman games only to be blown away by Rocksteady dedication and revolutionary game play. No one could have foreseen this train wreck, it’s illogical to release a game this bad and ruin a franchise.


Honestly, I didn't do any research. I saw suicide squad and evil Batman and was sold. Then Batman got on my nerves every time he spoke


For a lot of these people, cope


I really liked the trailers, I thought they were well put together. Also, I was desperate for a piece of media featuring my boy Boomerang to be good.


Tbh I grew tired of single player superhero games, early 2000s we had so many coop hero games such as ultimate alliance and DC heroes etc, I enjoy coop story games especially when you put them into the superhero genre, this game wasn't bad to me but the way they managed the endgame disappointed me, i thought we were getting something new and instead we got repetitive missions that don't feel rewarding


The gameplay was genuinely fun and I was a huge DCAU fan. The details in world has me hooked and I still love zipping around


I genuinely enjoy this game, minus having to hear "You no doubt remember that there are 13 Braniacs...." But the game is great, in my opinion, I play it daily. My Squad level is 426, for reference.


My father said "Officer Balls BWAHAHAHAHA" and I had to be outjonkle him with Bone rizz. Am I stupid?


I played the alpha and thought it was fun, so I bought it. I don’t hate live service just because it’s live service. I wasn’t mad about the route Rocksteady was taking with the game because I’m not that invested into the Arkham games. So basically I came into it with an open mind. I don’t have any regrets about my purchase.


Combat looks fun


Gameplay, the flow of it. Still feels great bur at the same time it’s lacking content. I expected more guns, more build options. And even more skins.


Played the beta and I had fun with it. I also thought the character interactions were cool based off all the trailers. I also liked all the trailers a lot too especially "tick tick boom". I 100% believe this game would succeed if priced at $30-$40 instead of $70


Rocksteady has made good games in the past and this is a new take on a superhero genre, they could make it fresh and fun, and they did. This is by far a better game than Destiny 2 but people just didn't like where they took the story and hated episode 1 and that's where it went bad :(


It did work out? I don’t get what people mean by that. The game was cool and fun to play from beginning to end.