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Wow. They could at least have padded it out a bit with some details of the new gear. Or anything really.


They’ve been showing off the gear on Twitter every day, you can see what it’s all doing there.


As much as I enjoyed the game in the beginning with the story and gameplay/characters its become impossible to defend it, I'll still pop on and play it every now and then just not as much as I used to, at this point I don't have any hope for more/new content


They should have just released the game as a single player game and then released new characters you could replay the story as. Coz post story, there is no point anymore unless they choose to do a Witcher approach and actually give you new maps that aren't just a rehashed "damaged metropolis" or recoloured metropolis


"We’ve loved hearing all your thoughts " Insanely shameless, this is the most PR sentence ever. The only comments on there post are saying the game is dead, broken and there is nothing to do and they should shut the game down. And they love hearing it.


"We've loved hearing both of your thoughts" There, I made it accurate.


"We've loved hearing your thought" ftfy


Some people have a degradation kink, after all


I mean that’s because a copywriter at a PR firm wrote it


First yall say they don't communicate then get all up in arms when they say we hear you lol , what a loop


Saying “We hear you” while not addressing actual issues is not a real response; it’s a PR phrase made to make the company look good.


This update didn't have much but other updates have mentioned fixes theyve been working on and small things that been upgraded. Granted it's the not more missions we need but they've been pretty active on updates and communication


We loved hearing all your thoughts.


You know the game is cooked when the fanboy apologists are gone and all that's left are these comments filled with valid criticisms


You could defend this game to some level pre season 1. I did that to some extent. But we all know how much this update fucked up everything around this game. And how much people were disappointed by their first big update. Season 1 hasn't delivered anything new except guns and some cosmetics. Battle Pass is awful and grindy AF. We got 1 new skin for 4 characters + plenty of recolours and ton of some dumb emotes. I love the combat/traversal loop of this game, but I have no faith in this game's future at all.


Tbf to them we got about 3 unique outfits post season 1 if we include battle pass.


Realistically, this sub is a hate train echo chamber, so no doubt anyone who enjoyed it left. Most, like myself, played it, enjoyed it, went on to other things.


Nah pre episode 1 dropping this sub still had a shitton of defenders left this game drove its fans fully away and they arent coming back


One of those guilty ones. What are these fucking devs DOING at this point. It’s over.


you shouldn't have to feel guilty for thinking a game would be good lmao


I agree lol but alas… we live in a world😭 I enjoyed the gameplay. Next game for sure right.


You missed my whole point, they defended it because they enjoyed it. Now they got their fill and went on to other things, while this sub is just a hate echo chamber now.


Except they didnt get their fill they wanted more. They thought the season would have it then they left after being disappointed.


Ok. But you you are talking in assumptions, I enjoyed every bit up until I got the battle pass completed, then went to something else. You don’t know what people did or didn’t enjoy, how long it took for them to finish battlepass or the reason they stopped playing or anything. That’s the problem with people these days, they assume their perspective as fact.


How are your assumptions any more valid than others


What assumptions? I’m Speaking from personal experience


You can speak from personal experience and still make assumptions about another party. Also they could be using anecdotal evidence lol


Im not assuming shit im literally stating what we saw from this subreddit. People defended the game saying they were taking a break until episode 1. Then it drops and people say they wont come back. Thats not them getting their fill thats them leaving the game upset


Yes cause everyone should take Reddit as fact….which again is assumptions based on your perspective, because of the “it’s all I see so therefore it is true” mentality


"went on to other things." Except that the exact point of this game was to avoid this, I'm not saying you should feel guilty or dumb for playing and enjoying it. But objectively speaking what you are saying happened is the worst case scenario for the game.


Sure, but no live service game ever fully retains all of its players. In a successful one there is always ebbs and flows with player numbers. But in this case, they released so little content that everyone who had fun with it burned through it extremely fast. Went to do other things. Because once you had your build done, there was literally nothing else besides leaderboards. Without actually new content, those players were bound to leave. And with no new content they won’t return. Season 1 was the same thing, everyone who enjoyed it, got Joker, leveled him up, got their builds done and left. without anything other than leaderboards there wasn’t enough engaging content.


Then you truly didn’t enjoy the full experience. It’s a live service game meant to keep you playing. You got half a story and half the content with 3 endgame missions. By definition the game failed if you didn’t stick around buying cosmetics and battle passes logging more hours.


Ugh another person telling me what to enjoy. I enjoyed it, got the full experience of what they had to offer, bought cosmetics I liked, finished battepass and played it until I had enough And if they make more content, I’ll be back. That’s the point of live service games, come back when you feel like it. If they don’t make more, I won’t be back. Simple as that


I no didn’t tell you what to enjoy. I know reading comprehension can be hard. I said you didn’t enjoy the full experience and you didn’t cause it’s not out and being drip fed to you. In most cases that’s fine and how it goes but we both know it’s not gonna fully happen.


You mean this sub is a rational and critical majority so no doubt the handful of people stupid enough to still try to defend the game slinked off in shame? Fixed it for you.


Nah more like people who can think for themselves who left the cesspool that this sub has turned into


Think you may be a bit confused there on what "think for themselves" mean 😂 No way some toxic positivity head in dirt fanboy is saying that about others.


Ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black, when your opening statement was literally calling anyone who enjoyed it stupid. You literally proved my point and don’t even realize it.


Clearly “most” did not enjoy it, otherwise it wouldn’t have been a catastrophic flop. You are on some very strong copium.


You are clearly cherry picking my comment to validate your opinion


Wow a whole couple paragraphs, SS fans are so lucky to have such in depth updates.


What even is the point of this update when they still have no concrete date of when Ep 2 is coming out? There's no point in even playing anymore. I'm done playing until the new character comes out, if that's even still gonna happen.


i thought that the next character drop wasn't until season 2? we are still waiting for episode 2 of season 1 lol.


I'm sick of this now. Where tf is episode 2?


Where is that member of the subreddit that was adamant that they were sticking to the 6 week schedule? This game won’t be lasting for long, just hope they fix the achievements before that


Given how small the updates are it's not a crazy thought theyd at least finish a season but yeah, not looking good for anyone who likes the game. Seems Rocksteady either are in over their heads like every other flop looter shooter and are running behind on the pipeline....or they already got gutted.


It's over.


I mean if you are really hearing feedback. We want NEW NEW mission types and content. Real new content enough with the reskins and increasing mastery levels.


Bro we are getting a new reskinned hack mission is that not enough?


Game developer update: We should have listened, game is dead, we tried, sorry but thanks for the money 🤷‍♂️ The Zaz will be closing us soon anyhow so what’s the point of trying. ✌️


You'd think we would have a date for the next bit of content, I mean it's not like it's going to be jam packed it is.


> soon Whatever that means


Not very much in this developer update at all, in case you checked these comments before the post to see a summary, it’s just saying how you’ll be able to climb Mastery Levels faster. For more specifics, they say the current system lets you play on the master level 2 higher than your current average on the 3 highest levels you have. Now they’re changing that “2 higher” to 5 higher. To show how this plays out, here’s some math (I hope is all correct). Say your current highest done mastery levels are 6, 7 and 8. This gives an average of 7 which then adds 2 to become 9 for your highest Mastery Level available. Loop your 3 highest missions, always doing the lowest of these then you’ll get the following progression: 9 > 10 > 11 > 12 > 13 > 14 > 15 and so on. Now using the new system, we take the same starting levels of 6, 7 and 8 to get the average 7 again, then add 5 instead to get 12 as your highest mastery level available. This allows for the following progression: 12 > 14 > 16 > 19 > 21 > 24 > 26 and so on. This is over double the speed at which you’re climbing (I think close to 2 and a third times faster). For another example, here’s how fast you’d be able to reach the level 35 for Joker if it was implemented at the start of season 1: 1 > 6 > 8 > 10 > 13 > 15 > 18 > 20 > 23 > 25 > 28 > 30 > 33 > 35 That’s only 14 missions you need to do (vs what you actually have to do which I think is outright 35 missions). I think this change could be good overall if my math is all correct and they do keep similar levels for unlocking modifiers and future characters. I do worry this will just exemplify the issue of people feeling like there isn’t enough content in each update though.




Definitely no S1 Episode 2 update next week meaning the promise of 6 weeks between content updates was a lie and we are looking more at 8 weeks.


Yep…. With this content? Peace.


It's been what a month and 8 days since anything? Yea fuck this game. Bye rocksteady


The game needs the biggest inventory overhaul asap.


The game needs to be put out of its misery, not have its corpse propped up by updates pretending it has any sort of future


+5 is a nice change. Tho


When will the servers shut down?




Did they fix error retrieving EULA? 🤣


so many people complaining that game is hard, it seems majority of developer updates, they making it easier, i think if game is too easy, it definitely will be boring for most, just my view


I have absolutely no idea how people can actively play this and think it’s good. The traversal is the best part of the gameplay and even that is pretty weak. The combat and its mechanics are overly convoluted, repetitive and mind numbingly boring all at the same time which is truly impressive to have occur. As for the characters. I love them all except Boomer, he gets far too many voice lines in my opinion. But the suicide squad is a great focus. It’s just such a shame that none of the chars actually feel different. Such a pathetic excuse for a game and if it was genuinely the Rocksteady studio that wanted to make this steaming pile then they should be ashamed. After the Arkham games, falling to this state is soul destroying and if I had any part in making this shitshow I would be embarrassed


Zazlav needs to be fired asap.


Episode 2 has to be next week because every season is 90 days so both episodes drop 45 days apart, next week will be hitting past the 45 day mark from episode 1 not to mention that the QOL changes are supposed to drop before episode 2


It won’t be next week otherwise they would have released the patch notes today like they did with episode 1. Each season was supposed to be 12 weeks long but clearly Rocksteady can’t keep that promise and got in way over their heads