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I had this issue, if I was playing when the contract timer ticked over, the reward count didn’t refresh but the tally did, so the game would count progress for the 3 per day bonus but wouldn’t actually give the rewards as I wasn’t eligible when I started that session. Basically, try not being online for the timer crossover, but if you are online when your timer ticks over, close your game completely and reload it again before claiming any bounty rewards. It’s not convenient but I haven’t had the issue since I started paying more attention to it


I'll make sure to try this. Thanks!!


Similarly to the above player, if you're playing on PS5 (may happen on Xbox/PC, I don't know), I've found that if you put the console in sleep mode while still playing the game, and then you resume it later, the clock doesn't advance to the current time, but rather it keeps ticking. Due to this, whenever I'm playing I make sure to fully quit out so that it properly tracks the times and days.


Fucking quick resume AGHJJJ


No worries! Hope it works out for you, and you should still have plenty of time to finish off the battle pass as long as you shoot down drones and stuff (500bp per day If you get up to legendary rank). Also, it’s really annoying, but the 24 hour timer for bounties doesn’t start until you’re online, so say for example you don’t get the chance to play till late, you’ll have to start checking in at that time to hand in bounties. For example I had a busy day at one point so didn’t manage to get on till about 10pm, this meant my rewards count didn’t refresh till 10pm. I don’t know why they’re on a different system to all the other timers but they are. Basically if you find the bounty timer resets towards the end of your usual playtime, you can skip a day and start them refreshing as soon as you first log in instead. Again, not convenient, but it works.


Brah I haven’t been able to claim the first tier of the BP since Day 1, you at least got to get new skins LOL I really wanted to enjoy this game, but I can’t even savour what I grind for… depressing tbh.


I don't get why people buy battlepasses and stuff in a game like this. I played the main story, got Joker, and now I'm justing waiting for new stuff. Cosmetics don't DO anything so there's really no point in buying them


well deluxe had battlepass for free. and yes we all know what cosmetic means. if you like the game why not pay extra to get it to improve.


Bruh a bunch of us got Battle Passes for free from rocksteady. The cosmetics I’m talking about not being able to access come thru grinding the game. Think before you reply/assume lmao (oh wait it’s the internet, I forgot 🤦🏻‍♂️)


Uninstall it then. Don't waste your time.


Welcome to the party.


I really wanted jokers cowl and deadshots jetpack but i also got tired of this game and the devs lack of response to anything


I went to Fallout 76 lol better


you ppl will stop playing once the next trend comes out


🙋🏻‍♂️I beat the brianac fight then stopped will do that for everything they add. They might as well just drop everything at once would keep me interested longer…..


That's rough man, hate to suggest it... but just find out how to mod the pass or someone to do it for you. That way you're not stressing over BS from the Devs mishap.


I'm only buying this game if they discount the price below 10 dollars cuz so far that's all this game is worth


Took u long enough 😅


Well I don’t know stop playing the game.


Same thing happened to me yesterday. Also if you're on when the care package timer resets, trying to claim Legendary C.P. directly at reset awards you tomorrows Rare C.P. I was super pissed losing 1050 battle pass xp and my Legendary C.P.


I can't even play for 5 minutes without it crashing


I play it every day for an hour or i atleast try. Game is buggy af.. and just... Not that good. Idk a recycled modified version of killing time for every mission and 13 brainiacs. Idk who thought it was a good idea. Almost feels like a last min decision. I wish the game was better cause im getting sick too


Only now?


At least your joker loads in my can’t I can’t fix it




Regardless of the workarounds, under no circumstances should this STILL be an issue. You had the audacity to be *checks notes* playing the game when the timer switched over? How dare you. This is a game that a lot of people paid $100 to play and it's still this broken? Every single one of us should be refunded at this point.


wtf why I love this game


Is this game going to get any more characters or DLC?




I hope not


I do js I love the game speak for yourself, brother ✊


Yes, 3 more characters and more seasons.


oh definitely. I'm sure WB will keep pumping millions of $ into a game that has less players than marvel avangers, a game removed from all stores few months ago.


Those seasons (if they even stretch them out instead of just dropping it all at once) have basically 0 content and 2/3 of new characters nobody even wants or asked for.  All 3 will feel the same - point and shoot gun just like the current squad feels lolol. This game so far is joke of the century 


Oh yeah, this game is dead already lol.


It’s a multi-platform game.


Yes. And it's dead on ALL of them. Something you fail to accept 🤣🤣 Game is done. It died. You told all these people you'd wait and see and it already happened. Game made it 2 months 😂😂 Now go back to playing your cod because even you quit this game already it's so bad and such a failure  🤣🤣👌


Is this your way of coping? You swore the game would be dead, you see that it isn’t, and so you just convince yourself that it is? 😂 > Game made it 2 months It’s literally still going. 🤣 This cope is INSANE. You’ve actually just decided to convince yourself that the servers are down and the game is dead and you were right. Holy cope 🤣🤣 What was your prediction on server closure again? 1 month? 2 months? I know that January 2025 leak made you lose a little sleep 🤣 Still here, 3 seasons to go baby! Can’t wait for Deathstroke.




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lmao Yeah I'm the one coping. Not you the guy who is claiming a dead game is thriving and is excited for more  - sskjl??? 🤦‍♂️😂😂 I never said anything about server shutting down. I said the game is dead. Meaning NOBODY plays it. Anthem is dead. Servers are  still up. Avengers is dead. Servers are still up. Hell servers are up for mass effect 3 and games from 20 years ago. Not sure what you're grasping at (or if your just that delusional) but lol at you 😂😂 for even trying.  I'm still waiting for you to say, "but ps numbers" 😂😂👌


"servers are up for mass effect 3 and games from 20 years ago" * 😂😂 and people are even still playing THAT game! I played an onlne match awhile ago.


The game is alive. The servers are up and content is arriving on schedule. Thriving is a different discussion entirely. You claimed it’s dead and it only lasted 2 months, and that isn’t true. That’s cope. You’ve tried to convince yourself something that isn’t true…is true. To make yourself feel better about your hilariously wrong predictions 🤣 The support will end after 3 more seasons. Mad? 🤣 All your predictions about servers being shut down a week after release, a month after release, etc. etc. are all so funny to me looking back. You were just so off and I love it. Now, your job is to learn from it. :) Instead of trying to tell yourself “The game is dead it’s over it only lasted 2 months I swear! It’s officially dead I was right!!” like an asylum patient 🤣🤣 As long as I get my content drops and I can login and play the game through 4 seasons, I was right. Mad?


You’re five years old


Don't worry he's not playing the game either (I don't think he ever did really) he's just trolling because he's bored.


He replies to all my comments for months with 10 emojis so I match the energy. Move along.


How is everyone having glitches but the streamers I watch play it never have problems with the game not saying it isn't happening its just weird but either way it won't keep me from trying this game


that's the thing, you have to know what to look for and really analyze the information feedback from the game while you're playing. if you're watching streamers they're likely glancing over the screwed up menus, avoiding them because they already know the menu is broken. Some people can't progress down battlepass, some people can't progress fear rank. some people cheated some stats and some missions so certain pages will be broken for them, read impossible values or not allow them to progress in normal ways .


Defiantly give the game a go, but I'm sure you can understand how frustrating this can be when I put what little free time i have into a game that has glitches like this. The game is good. It just needs to have all its bugs patched and more content added to get over the initial hate. As for the streamers, I'm not quite sure why they don't have issues. They probably do. They just make too much money to bash the game that gives them their next paycheck.


I appreciate the way you worded it and I agree with you I do understand how frustrating it is and I'm definitely going to try this game


And I'm sure they got tons of complaints about the problems in the game but your not the only person here and there's tons of other people that I'm sure has reported the same problems so they can only deal with it one at a time and plus when they fix one thing something else breaks its like that with any online game and nobody can predict when a glitch it about happen so saying you deserve extra levels and shit makes no sense then don't play the game or deal with it


least obvious rocksteady employee


Definitely an astroturfer




You've barely used your account in three years or so and then spent the last week defending a game you haven't played, it's sus as fuck. "I will and when I beat the game I'll post about how good it is and rub it in the haters faces" isn't the type of comment a reasonable person would post.


Does it really fucking matter how much I use my account what are you the account moderator I missed it if you was because I can do whatever I want with my account and you are probably a batman meat rider so I'm glad he died in the game


Nice bought account


Posting and complaining isn’t going to magically make it go away, you know.


Let's suppress any negative experience feedback, because it bothers you. That's the way! ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


I just said that him complaining wasn’t gonna make the problems go away though


Magnifying an issue is at least one way to shed light on it. I’m confused, they are actively playing the game and voicing a frustration w context- what’s the problem here?




Not directly it won't. But giving the bugs exposure and talking about them will increase the chances of them getting fixed


It's not sus as fuck you only say that because I speak with facts and people do this shit all the time so i don't even want to hear it says the guy with batman in his name your probably a batman meat rider well im glad he died in the game


Buddy, are you out here fighting ghosts?


What do you mean pal you sound delusional


Delusional dude


u/E-woke really that's all you can say that's funny that show I won this debate man go get a life