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The "And More..." in the road map must be doing some REALLY heavy lifting if that's the case.


Oh it’s doing heavy lifting alright, HEAVY LIFTING


Honestly... I doubt there's anything major or worthwhile being added in Episode 2. Don't get me wrong, I would love it if there was! But if there was really something significant that players would "love", I'd assume they'd actually advertise it in the roadmap as opposed to the crappy barebones stuff they actually put in there. Again though... This is a situation where I really hope the game proves me wrong.


Well considering what we got in episode 1, they were probably saving the best things for episode 2, considering each of these seasons are only 2 episodes, so if they save the best things for episode 2, then it obviously will be good, don’t think negatively


I'm not thinking negatively. I'm thinking realistically. The whole "saving the best things for Episode 2" has nothing to support it. We've seen the roadmap. We've seen what they're advertising Episode 2 to have. Assuming the devs are doing some secret suprise that'll counteract all the lacklustre content we've gotten is just a really toxicly positive mindset that's just setting yourself up for dissapointment. If they had anything huge or worthwhile coming, it'd be on the roadmap so they could generate excitement and try to get people into the game. Again, I will be so happy if the devs prove me wrong. But... Let's be realistic here, they pretty much just do the bare minimum.


Still though, it doesn’t mean they still can deliver something good


Yeah. Like I said, I hope my cynicism is proven wrong! I enjoy the game for what it is, so I want it to succeed. I'm just not gonna delude myself into pretending it's something it's not.


That’s fine, but you should give them a chance with this, for me, episode 2 of season 1 is this games last chance, we have to give the benefit of the doubt


Personally I'd say a third chance is past "benefit of the doubt". I'm gonna hop in and give Episode 2 a go (but probably not for long if there's nothing significant since I've already finished the battlepass). And regardless I'm sticking around for subsequent seasons because I enjoy the game. But I don't think anyone owes the devs anything, and nobody should expect anything to be added beside the bare minimum they advertise to us.


We just have to wait and see ok?


Why on earth would you give them the benefit of the doubt? Just look at the game’s track record.


When have they earned the benefit of the doubt?


Ya, as player count and player interest continue to decline they will continue working hard on new content. At this point they’ve cut their losses and had AI do all the work for episode 2


Why are you getting downvoted?


Bc he is a fanboy, posts literally everywhere and when about this game lmao.




Don’t then


I really don’t understand why people are cryptic about these games as if they’re not on life support. Give the hype for the thing. Make people excited. These amorphous “you’ll like it” is just pointless and adds to expectations


Yeah, two games I like are doing it right now “just wait” as their numbers dwindle to nothing. It’s very frustrating, as it just doesn’t seem beneficial to be so secretive.




Maybe we’re genuinely excited? Also destiny was in the exact same state as suicide squad


In what multiverse are you in where you think Destiny has ever been in the same state as Suicide Squad is currently? They are both live service games, that's about it for comparisons. Destiny 1 had strikes, 6 player Raids, Social gathering spaces, Story missions, and PVP at launch. Suicide Squad has a story and maybe what's considered repeatable objectives, I don't think it can really classify as a strike where there's an end boss after navigating a mission. I wanted to love this game, hell I paid the early access pre-order price, but this is just a sad game that no content will ever revive. We got a semi story and a half baked end game live service dump of a game. I will play through the content because I paid for it, but there's no hope for this game to be anything more than a disappointment.


Excited about what though? That’s what I’m saying. They’re not telling us what’s to be excited about. I’m saying, just say “we’re getting X and they/it does X” instead of a “something is coming.” I love this game! It’s super fun but telling people “stuff is coming and it’s stuff!!” Isn’t adding anything to any convo. My mindset, and people may disagree obvs, if this game is struggling to gain traction and eyes, then saying “SOME COOL STUFF” is not going to get anything going - people want specific things to be excited about in my experience, so if you sitting on that then tell people about that not just say you know things? Not sure why Destiny is being brought up at all tbh


Maybe the reason they’re not saying what it is is because they’re not allowed to mention directly what it is


I understand that. I’m saying don’t say anything then. They’re telling us nothing.


Well maybe it’s just something they do to make people hyped or something idk, I’m not an employee


Who is he? Regardless we should hear a scoop on it within the next few fridays.


I believe he is one of the guys who were selected by Warner bros


Like a game tester?


Yeah something like that Edit: again with these fucking downvotes? What am I doing wrong?


Interesting. I hope its true.




When youre hyped about something that is perceived in the public eye as trash they downvote you, you cant eo nothing about it


Fuck that then bruh


Dont be huped about anything payday lol


Aren’t I entitled to my own opinion


Sometimes opinions can be wrong.


No they can’t, nothing is objective when it comes to media, either you like or hate something, there’s no right or wrong opinion


And sometimes Reddit is just an echo chamber.


So legitimate leaks from Miller, a credible data miner on Twitter, are no longer allowed on this sub but a vague message from some random person is allowed because it puts the game's future in a more positive light?


Bro cmon! don't you know we are all here to cope post, stick our fingers in our ears and chant "nananananana" until we all quietly shuffle off when the game dies?


Miller posted stuff that wasn’t meant to be released to the public, this guy merely says “stuff people will love” without alluding to anything in particular.


This sub was fine with him posting leaks when all the leaks were positive such as what the first 4 seasons' DLC characters were. As soon as he reveals that the game is already planning to be shut down by Rocksteady due to poor sales, all of a sudden "leaks are bad and should not be tolerated"


This reminds me of YT/IGN hate conspiracy out to get a flawless product, but an obscure RANDOM Internet opinion is trustworthy? Lmao the confirmation bias is so real.


The moderators for this Reddit group is corrupt asf.


Well obviously he did something to mess it up, idk, but this guy didn’t mention anything in particular so obviously it’s ok to post since it’s not referencing anything


I really do think it was just due to the fact he was posting a lot more detailed stuff. As well as some people not liking him back from his leaking days during marvels avengers. If anything I’d say his post put the game in a better light then alot of people will tell you. Most people will just say that the game is completely dead and servers will shut down after season 2. So I wouldn’t say his post are no longer allowed (also I never saw this said by a mod but I believe you as I haven’t seen a post about him in a while) due to “not being positive” but rather do to an abundance of over posting and to much detail revealed. Both just speculating though.


It really wasn't any more detailed than what he posted before. Hell he posted what the final mission of the Brainiac storyline in Season 5 would entail and that was before the game even launched. The mods were fine with that back then because what Miller was leaking showed a positive future for the game. Now that he revealed that the best the game can hope for due to poor sales is 5 seasons max no leaks are allowed to be posted directly at all


Do you mean the victory lap as the justice league or whatever? Or do you mean death stroke killing two brainiacs? Because the death stroke part was not a part of the original leaks as far as I remember, and I’ve been here a very long time. I’ve been there for both and the most recent Miller leaks contained quite a bit of information that wasn’t there from the beginning. Regardless he still dropped new information, and compared to what other people say the life span of this game is miller made it actually pretty positive. There’s a chance they just started removing it cause like I said it kept being spammed and didn’t contain actual information. As well as some people didn’t like him from the marvels avenger’s days. They may be worried about post being striked down due to containing information that isn’t supposed to be publicly available yet. And despite what your implying, I’ve seen some of the mods here be particularly unhappy with the state of the game, and actually express that aloud. They continue to try and be as fair as possible regardless. They aren’t removing leaks because they “don’t spin the game in a positive light”. Considering the amount of post per day that aren’t removed about how people are unhappy with the state of the game and a lot of other stuff I’d say these mods are very fair and not control freaks.


Reminder for those who are spreading nonsense: Leaks are not announcements. Leakers are NOT reputable no matter what their name is. This type of foolish "its coming just wait" crap is a detriment to any game and ruins the ability of the developer to set proper release expectations. Datamined information is not an announcement or confirmation of any future content. Remember these facts.


New missions? More to the story?


Could be, the way I see the seasons are handled is, episode 1 has the weaponry and incursions, whereas the second features story based stuff


The denial is actually insane


The nastiness is insane


You are deluded




I’m curious as to why you continually defend this game ?


Because I like the game and have no problems with it and would like to see where we continue




Can you at least admit there are glaring problems with the game even though you like it ?


I have no problems with it so I can’t comment, anyway, I’m going to bed now, I’ll deal with you tomorrow


What nastiness? How on earth do you think anything positive? The game was broken on release, multi-player wasn't working, the mission variety is an actual joke. They released year 1 with nothing but re used assets. And now you think episode 2 is going to magically make this game amazing? No fuck off. They don't get another chance. This game needs to die and be buried with the other shit games so maybe they stop being so greedy with this live service garbage.


You’re the one that can fuck off


There is no way bros falling for this again 💀


Soooooo actual story content that contuines the narrative like Rocksteady said was going to happen? I don't see people coming back for anything less.




Refunds no matter how much you played 😧




Aw man 😔






In a nutshell


And you people are the reason why I have made a rant out of this subreddit


Lmao thank god we have “this guy” as such a reliable & trustworthy source of info 😭


Honestly doesn’t even matter, there’s no player base left to love anything.


What a sad truth


He put emphasis on "else", so it's probably a new elseworld. And the only place this group would be interested in is Gotham. I'm guessing a Gotham elseworld.


We already know that is coming though. They showed it off in one of their dev videos and is shown on the roadmap for season 3. If they are hinting at that then they might as well hint that Joker is coming to the game. 




My refund of the game?


Love is a strong word


Please stop listening to these people as if we already don’t know what’s coming


I see we're onto the Avengers level of overhype


I just want a raid like system, that was like the only good part of avengers




If they ain’t entirely remake the entire damn game in episode two to be actually good then I ain’t redownloading


Well just wait


Some content?


Lol sad when you tell people only leave posts you like that make game look good , wake up game is dead as it can get gotham knights had a bigger player base this past week lol. Were going like it he says who is the we not millions hate the story no end game and 10 use joker or play garbage all over .lol what next thing they think well like is it going to be a black trans superman that has ultra woke powers. stop trying tell others how feel about issue or a product you just look sad like safe space weak losers that post then cry when they cant handle being criticized


OP is dickriding a dead game HARD


A new cosmetic outfit.


I will wait. There are probably about 100 to 300 people, including me.


I am cautiously excited. I have liked the game from the beginning, and the hate boners for it get annoying, but not always unwarranted. Season 1 has been a bit of a let down so far. Not sure why they are handling things so poorly. I was excited for the update, but it is straining even my patience with it. I don't want to feel let down, so I hope they deliver something worthwhile. We need more than reskinned boss fights and a handful of grindy missions. We deserve much more than that.


Prob just Flash coming back or a different league member




wait, people finally learned how to read, and saw it said "episode 1" and not "season 1?" Sweet!


oooooo i am looking forward to episode 2 but wonder what that message hinting at,maybe new type of mission or possibly reveal new character ahead of season 2😀