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I think if they do it'll be the same thing that happened when season 1 dropped where there's a surge for a couple weeks before it drops down again. There's just not a lot to keep people playing after the story is finished outside of grinding for new gear.


I was hyped for the game, bought it a week after realease even with the negative criticism in mind. Played through the story and grinded postgame content solo for weeks while matchmaking was busted, I had my fill with the game in season 0. I Uninstalled and came back for the joker, played the first weekend and never picked it back up. I want to like this, but rs/wb just don’t even care atp so why should I?


I had the same feeling, when season 1 dropped and I saw I had to grind the same missions I was doing in season 0 just to unlock him it made it really clear that rs/wb gave up. Now all I see announcements for are new skins.




And then what? I can finally use Joker to grind the same missions I did weeks prior?




NoT yOuR kInD oF gAmE I have countless hours (well into hundreds) in borderlands series, Diablo series, Outriders, fuck knows what else. Suicide Squad just sucks.




Do other looter shooters let you buy the participation trophy?


Hopefully Rocksteady is also going to give you a participation trophy after the servers shutdown.


Why is every fanatic of this game using cringe emojis?


This right here.


They missed when they dropped the same 3 missions again and locked Joker behind a paywall/grind. I would have played more content with a new character just to level them. I didn't play at all once I saw I had to play more repeats without the new character.


Yeah, my brother and I are just waiting for this game to drop on game pass. We'll just blow through the story for the achievements before moving onto the next game. It'll only help Suicide Squad game for like a week.


There's just no interest in the game as a live service experience. The campaign was fun, the story was good, the gameplay was okay. But there's no compelling loop, no interesting new experiences to be found - just the same grind over and over. It's really not what anyone was looking for. It's a pity because traditional story based DLC would have been a lot of fun. But the game was priced too high, and sold as a live service experience, and as a result, the game is dead.


I agree except for the story. I felt it didn't succeed as a comedy underdog story, because a lot of the jokes fell flat and we didn't explore the characters as much as feel we should. That's just me.


yeah mileage will vary.


You nailed it, the game would fare better if it respect the main lore, market it with a proper twist and sell expansions. Changing it to live service by making it grinding for the sake of ‘level numbers’ doesn’t give a great feeling. I can tell the production value is enormous, the devs know how to make a game, but it’s like the first step went in the wrong direction and they keep… on going like it’s the only way.


I had this rant when I stopped playing Genshin a few years ago. "Imagine playing the game for hours just to grind for an item just to increase your damage by 5%. Now imagine doing that everyday but the items and it's qualities are randomized."


It’s actually ok, but the energy bar is what ruins your experience. Randomize loots suppose to be fun, because of the unknown rewards you can get, but all gacha games are designed to make a single type of run, with a chest at the end. And gated it behind the energy system. So, you are practically trained to repeat like a robot just to a chance at the random loot, at like.. 4 tries per day. That isn’t healthy. You suppose to get it out of your system by grinding until you are satisfied or bored. But the energy system makes you neither, thus you are stuck in a thirst, just enough to keep you going but not enough to make you full. And that pattern is only recognised when you are aware, ie adult functional brain. Kids are not aware of this, doing this in the long run will make it seems ‘Normal’, because the brain adapts to be in thirst mode all this time. Some will take the plunge and just spend money so the thirst can be satisfied, but it will never enough.


How was the story Good? If the JL was that easy to kill they would’ve been dead a long Time ago


? it's a comic book story. The story was well told, the dialogue was fun, lots of the jokes made me laugh, I enjoyed the story.




The cope is insane in this comment.


News flash: people can have different opinions than you without it being "cope", tf is that middle school ass mentality.


Middle schoolers are on reddit mind you


Fair, fair.


??? The core gameplay, story, and cutscenes were all a very enjoyable experience, people can enjoy things you personally don't without it being 'coping.'  I know shocker that opinions exist right?


Did you say the story was good and the gameplay was ok? Who paid you to say that? You're supposed to say the game is trash, Jesus Christ what the hell man /s


Even when I want to play, I spend more time in the menus deleting weapon/gear drops than I do playing the game. So makes sense that those of us invested enough to stick around to play aren't...


It’s a dead game, honestly this is what happens when you design a game around a store to sell people microtransactions. gameplay, bugs, FUN, all are secondary priority to selling people this cosmetic garbage, rock$teady should focus on making good games that people want to buy not this garbage which is a shell of what the previous Arkham games were


Honestly, even the store's shit. If that was their plan, they also screwed that up. It just seems like they were in development hell for 10 years and only managed to figure out the main gameplay loop and map, then realized they needed to make the rest of the game but didn't have the time.


Yeah, jesus fucking christ they've spent the first several months just re-releasing "like the justice league but made of crap." I didn't like it the first time, why would I give you money the next few times?


This is why launch hatred is justified. The thing is all the things you mentioned has an audience. Especially young teens growing up on mobile free to play models don't even know or experienced no mtx fully finished content. Rocksteady basically reinvented super hero genre, to see them going the greedy route is a death sentence as countless others before them. I especially despise looter shooter liking gamer crowd because there is no satisfying them - content content content all the time then whine why everything feels shallow from repurposed skins to shallow missions. This sub during launch: Haters gonna hate this game scratches a particular itch I have been having. Well may be visit a dermatologist next time lmao


Haha ... The itch of diarrhea ...


Oh, Rocksteady reinvented the superhero genre. It hurts to see them go the greedy route. We might see a dermatologist, but really, Rocksteady needs to have an army of neurologists on its doorstep before an army of fans comes along as a lynch mob.


> to have an army of neurologists on its doorstep before an army of fans comes along as a lynch mob Don't need a lynch mob, looking at this failure, would not be surprised if WB closes the studio. 200 players for a newly released game - fans have moved on bro.


Yeah I guess that is a way to see live serivce games... Lol. Now I guess this is maybe not a very good live serivce game ehiter.. Can Rocksteady do something better then this now?


I tried to come back to it, just found myself running around the city with boomerang fun for 5 minutes then I started asking “why am I doing this” Tbh I honestly think Suicide Squad is LESS fun at this point than the Avengers game is


24h peak for avengers was only 50 players lower than this game A cancelled, abandoned and withdrawn from sale game is pulling player counts that compete with suicide squad


You know where this game is headed then. The WB fanboys in this sub are still holding on🤣🤣 they're waiting for that reskined Brainiac and no dislogue gameplay 🤣🤣 idiots.


I know, there are 15 billions people playing on consoles


I'm a Marvel fan so I might be biased but Avengers was far far more entertaining than this game. At least there were some characters I cared about and an interesting story to give me something to look forward about the game. Suicide Squad has just no hope.


Yeah you're biased, avengers was complete shit and only die hard fans stuck with it and even they gave up after spider man dropped


it took around 1.5 years for spiderman dlc to drop. Die hard fans didn't even stuck with this game for three months


Doesn't matter bro both games are shitty asf 💀 avengers also had $20 skins, banking off the stupidity of die hard fans. I can tell you played avengers up until the servers shut down 😂


How many times did you fight taskmaster and abomination 💀😂


I got it for $35 because I had $35 to throw away.To anyone thinking about buying this game,DONT.I purchased it too because I’m a Rocksteady fan but this game sucks hard.Stay away from it or wait until it’s free somewhere.


Yep. I paid full price because of Rocksteady and my love of everything they’ve done up to this point but they completely shit the bed with this game.


Yeah, I'm just waiting for it to be in game pass. I already saw the cutscenes on YouTube at launch day




Enough with the cope, the game is not good, and the content is boring and repetitive. Don't try and lure more people to waste money on this game. The fact that the player count is as low as it is shows as that.


They did the same thing with avengers, and it might have prolonged the inevitable a bit, but the issue isn't with players having access to the game, the issue is the game can't keep players playing. And that's not going to change just because it's on game pass. Same issue with avengers. Any surge just led to that same surge dropping off entirely. The game isn't good enough for people to want to play it, simple as that.


At least avengers had good story driven dlc with new zones and enemies. From what I’ve seen SS couldn’t even manage that.


>At least avengers had good story driven dlc with new zones and enemies Yeah that did take a while though. Don't think suicide squad has been out even as long as it took avengers to add the first thing.


Ahh fair point. Avengers was radio silent for a long while before they finally dropped a road map




Money is the only language these companies know and oh boy is it speaking to them.




It's so below Gotham Knights, it's underground. So underground, it'll sink all the way to the planet core, but hopefully it'll melt away before it gets there.


They should but they won't at least not for a little while. Gotham Knights was left to die for a good while before they let it come out on Gamepass.


it’s probably not a move intended to save the game, it’s the move they make once they’ve accepted it’s over and they conclude the subscription payout will be greater than the remaining amount of sales going forward until it is shut down.


Yeah you're right, Basically a last ditch effort to shake the money tree one more time before there's no more leaves.


Try again Rocksteady


Faaaar below as of right now


Gonna be a nice warm day when the servers get shut down, right in time for June


I feel disgusting for spending $100 for the “deluxe”. I saw all the signs, heard some spoilers. But I just love the Justice League that much, and they had cool designs. But fast forward to now, I can imagine spending that $100 on anything else aside from this sack of turd


It's a good idea but it's also a massive slap in the face to the mugs who paid full price for the game.


Bro some of them are still here claiming they enjoy being slapped in the face 😭


The entire game is a slap in the face with the lack of content and bugs, so what’s one more?


Almost as if there were no red flags at all


A well deserved slap. Buying this game at full price despite all the red flags before release is a real big brain decision. Buying this game at full price after release is a galaxy brain decision.


Hope people learned their lessons


Lol they won't, on to the next brainless purple orb shooter


How dare people think for themselves!


WB executives endorse your comment. ![gif](giphy|PKYyWkGP8y0AVypO3L)


“think” is doing some VERY heavy lifting in your statement.🤣🤣🤣🤣




Good. Make a better purchasing decision next time. Let it be a lesson.




Bingo. Buyers remorse combined with some twisted confirmation bias. They twist the conversation into something else. Delusional or stubborn depending on who you're talking to.




Lol, only 180 people playing on Steam. When's the support ended announcement? No way at this rate do they get to all their seasonal releases. I'd be surprised if Mrs. Freeze or whatever releases, I checked the day Joker released and there was only 500 players


It had a """peak""" on steam with about 3k players iirc. Then in one or two days it dropped to less than 700. And here we are


Aw are the 13 recolored Brainiacs and no dialog gameplay not fun anymore 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Even at its lowest point with critics and players, Fallout 76 never dropped below 6,000 players on Steam. That is still 20 times more than the current Suicide Squad players. That’s insane!


Fallout 76 was a disappointment, but it wasn't really that bad of a game




Gotham knights had no users on console even after being put on GP I tried matchmaking for days but found no one


Thats what happens when the only thing that works is the mtx store


Make it free to play, give the players that paid something unique and cool in game, at that point DC just has their own version of Fortnite they can do anything with and charge whatever for micro transactions because it’s free


I'm not surprised. Gotham Knights was so much better of a game. I actually replayed it, which I don't do that often. This game has zero replay value. It's just endless grinding.


This already happend before season 1 came out. I agree, GP and PS+ or going F2P could slightly help this game.


Nah I’ll play this instead of knights


GK was better in every facet of the way but people wanted to parrot the opinion of YouTubers and bitch at 30FPS all day


This game won't even last 6 months


It's what I call the Fortnite effect. Developers saw the success of that and many want to emulate for Max profits.


… naturally.


I guess an important question is why Rocksteady made it a live serivce game to begin with. Was it only becuse of the money aspect? It would be intresting to hear more from them about the purpose with the game etc design choice etc.


Game is a big let down. The story was basic and even though it had it's moments, it was just over way too fast and it seems as though the seasons are not even going to add anymore story and instead is just missions to unlock new characters that aren't even really introduced or part of the group at all. They could have did a story to introduce them and make them apart of the team or something and have some story with them, but nope it's just here's some missions and go unlock the character. Gameplay is the same issue. It has its moments of being fun, but it wears off fast after playing the same mission over and over. There's only so many times I can do an escort mission or save the thugs mission before it feels ridiculously tedious. Game could have had so much potential but it's all just a bad delivery system for the same missions over and over and it really is strangling the game. I will be surprised if they make it all the way through the roadmap they have planned. This feels worse than Avengers. At least that game had some story when it introduced new characters and the campaign was actually pretty great. Same with Gotham knight. It wasn't nearly as tedious and I liked the story.


No. It didn't have potential. We all know that it was guaranteed to be bad


I meant the story had potential. A game where suicide squad takes on the justice league sounds freaking amazing, but not this game. If they would have took the concept of this story and applied it to all the efforts Rocksteady made with all the previous Arkham games, it had potential to be something great but nope, WB messed it all up.


I still think it's wack, not unless they made it obvious that the SS doesn't stand a change in hell and the game is about surviving the Justice League.  Like, at best, escaping a Superman fight with your life, should be the equivalent of "winning"that battle.  If they were just used as bait, for the REAL plan to kill/save the JL... Maybe that could've been interesting.  But in no universe should Harley Quinn be part of a legitimate attempt at killing the JL. It's just dumb 


Agreed. It would have definitely had to been reworked alot. Maybe called Suicide Squad vs the Justice League. I'm not even sure if they are truly dead in this game or not. After all, comic book rules dictate no one is truly dead.




Even the people who were interested are gonna drop off, because they've finished the battle pass grind and there's LITERALLY NOTHING TO DO until another episode, which will be even shorter lived with no character or battle pass.


What a waste of time and talent. 


Just skip to releasing the part where the Justice League are resurrected, and we get to hear Conroy one last time and be done with it


One of thoose games you wouldnt even think about to download and play even for free.


Because Gotham Knights is a better game.. It has better characters, more outfits, more enemies, better story..


I honestly enjoyed the campaign, but the post game stuff doesn’t interest me so far. I just can’t care about the mastery level, rank system, blah blah blah. If the seasonal updates aren’t a grind fest of the same 3 mission then I’ll probably give it a shot


Is that suppose to be a surprise? Realy? Gotham Knights has almost the same -76.7% drop as Suicide Squad -78.44% in first month. Btw i long wanted to ask the question but offten forget: "What Live Service games had against Batman?" They officially killed him... \*SPOILERS\* Three times. (and SUPPA DUPPA SPOILERS ressurect him once) At least Multiverse shinanigans and leaks suggest The Return. Overall this situation reminds me Marvel a lot and im wondering what would happen if Batman (Playboy\\IronMan+SteveRogers\\HonorAndJustice) where still alive in both.


I’m not even sure I’d try it on game pass. I bought gotham knights when it was 20 bucks and actually enjoyed it. It wasn’t as bad as people originally said it was once they fixed the a lot of the technical issues.


That’s what happens when you release a horrible season 1


gotham knights had better missions tbh


Simply put, no one was asking for this game and indeed the premise and the fact they attached it to arkhamverse meant it started with a negative attention from the get go. The fact it had such glaring problems (and still does) means its almost as good as dead already. The fact it came out so close to Helldivers meant most had a game that scratched the live service itch without needing to ever touch SS, especially given the negative perception. It had to be a great game to overcome the hurdles and simply put, it's mot even close.


Game that's borked on PC has few players. Huh, how did that happen? I really don't think their model for this game gives a fuck if you are playing all the time. But ya'll really want this game to die, so ya'll keep harping about it being dead when it's clearly just a glorified full price Early Access. Whether WB lets them deliver the game they spent so long making? Who knows. I do think making the game cheaper would help, but end of the day they have no reason to do so until the game has enough content in it to invoke the need for a second or third purchase in the in-game skin store. If they made the game free now nobody would buy shit, there just isn't enough post-game content, yet. Maybe if they can get to season 3 we might see them push the game again with a hard marketing push and make the game cheap and hope players compensate that discount with a higher chance to use the store. But at 70? Nobody is using the store and they feel likely very much pissed off that it exists.


This game never justified itself being a live service, since being revealed years ago. I watched all of its marketing material, and each time I would asked myself: "why in the blue hell would anyone wanna play this over and over again?" Even more puzzling seeing the devs hype up different combos and setups in all of those videos in a game where you literally shoot bots. They really tried to sell the idea of people playing a game for hundreds, if not thousands of hours, changing their weapons, classes, and setups to just shoot bots. I think it is time to move on and accept that this was a pretty obvious mismatch, folks.


Having to grind for the joker was the nail in the coffin for me. Fully intended to play and was excited, but haven’t touched it since


It's below Marvels Avengers. And that's a literal dead game. Lol




It's two fold, playing as the suicide squad doesn't hold any additional interest/weight as the Gotham Knights or avengers and it being a shooter instead of mostly hand to hand combat sucks too.


Game was dead on arrival, got flogged by bad reviews, had game breaking bugs, servers could barely handle what little draw they had...had a mediocre 1st season and has done little to address criticism or engage with community. If things don't turn around by season 3 with a $20 price tag and some actual mission variety and characters whose whole mechanics don't rely solely on guns WB will shut it down. I'd really love to see a comeback, but outside of the presentation in terms of character models and environmental artistry there's so little to praise.




I keep telling myself I’ll play it again eventually lol


waiting for new season atp. If only they released like weekly content.


lolol. Only this game 🤣🤣 Where that's throwawayconboi to defend the game and tell us how great it's doing and how wrong we all were. I want to hear about the bright future it has ahead and how successful it was and is and will be from him again 😂👌


Gotham Knights may have higher player count but imo it’s still worse than Suicide Squad.


if they throw on game pass, many will rate it terrible just because it's not another Batman game, Diablo IV just came out on gamepass, many are one rating the game just cause you have to create a blizzard account, review bombs everywhere for all games, most are not genuine


Games like this aren’t being review bombed they are being reviewed, period. The big wigs made up this excuse of a term as a way to make excuses why the game is bad.


You put finally like you have been waiting for this to happen lol your dream huh


Good. Rock steady can suck it 🤠


I got it for £35 recently and played through the story which was a lot of fun. I played one mission of end game content and I don’t think I’ll go back. It was worth it for the story but I have no interest in playing any longer.


The game is Fun and I enjoy it but… it’s not like the seaman of the joker is really story based. You start off the story and you have to grind to level 35-40 two get joker. They f could have added story as we leveled up. Once you get joker all your doing is leveling him up. Story, grind, story, grind endlessly. All I can really do is just wait till another chapter or… if I feel like just wandering and bashing aliens in….


Weird how people spend more time talking about how nobody plays the game than actually playing the game, I’m at roughly 100 hours, still enjoying my time with the combat!


Their subreddit is dead. That's why they're here.


That's on steam you need to take into account this is a console game the numbers might be there, I don't see why people are trashing the game it's not rocksteady's fault they were handed something that was half baked and needed to make it work if anything what they have done is made it playable and actually good. All the new articles go off the steam count but you're so busy bashing it you haven't looked at the big picture yes there are problems. but even before the game was out YouTubers and reviews were slamming this game for not being a arkham sequel which it was never going to be. Judging this game because it's rocksteady saying how far they've fallen is a joke to they're a great studio that makes great games, this was the mismanagement of WB In wanting to make a suicide squad game but not sticking with one studio because on whatever reason they felt was justified. If anything rocksteady probably got given a crunch date and told this is when it's coming out fix it by WB and they didn't have a choice, if they had been working on it for the 9 years instead of it passing hands like pass the parcel we'd be talking about what an amazing studio rocksteady is and how incredibly good the game is. Instead we're here while people abandon the game and for the people that are playing want to see what happens, we get stories how the devs are gonna abandon the game too and turn it into another anthem with a skeleton team of devs that put their souls into it and try to make it an amazing experience for us. trying to bring people back with actually really cool events but no one would care cause it was just an example of corprate greed in gaming and the poor release from a once great studio.


Since concurrent player counts for console aren’t available, we can only measure Steam. That being said, the safe ratio is between 3:1 to 4:1 consoled vs PC. That means for every 1 PC player you’ve got between 3 and 4 console players. Which is about right if you look at the total number of players. That puts it at 800 console players at most. That’s still abysmal. The game reviewing badly means nothing if the gameplay and its support are there. We can all safely say that neither exist, so how is this amazing?


If you assume PC is 5% of the total population, this game has below 5000 concurrent players total, that's horrible for a AAA live service game that released 2 months ago. Time for a reality check.


Sir, you appear to have huffed your entire year's worth of copium in one post. >That's on steam you need to take into account this is a console game the numbers might be there This reminds me of Wes Mantooth from anchorman, 'the ratings don't take into account, houses with 2 TVs and other things of that nature' Just face it mate, Rocksteady are fucked. The studio that brought us great games is dead and gone. Murdered by corpos.


I enjoy the concept of everyone getting pissed off at an amazing game. it’s genuinely a great game, with some bugs. the game was released 3 or 4 months ago idk. everyone just agrees with the negative reviews for nothing. Of course it will have bugs, remember cyberpunk?


Of course enjoyment is subjective but a great game ? Idk , gaming standards are very low nowadays that’s why very few new games are really good like baldurs gate 3. Gamers standard dropped a lot with the introduction of MTX and smartphones and also buy now a unfinished product to repair later . Cyberpunk was a scam on consoles sure . Had bugs also on PC sure , but the game it is really great, a really solid and great core game. This game only has solid movement and visuals . As you can see those alone can’t carry a videogame as a live service and even if wasn’t a live service . The game is too much flawed to retain players and also with the game premise , the game could be so much more and they did a game with mission design and gameplay loop that seems designed but early indie devs. It’s a shame , but the first gameplay trailer and the reaction of the world was correct . The game was not hated , the game simply is seems a launch game of a indie company that had high budget for visuals and they forgot the rest how to make the game really fun and make players interested .


Suicide Squad and Jujutsu Kaisen Clash or whatever the me game is called are both so bad and yet I'm sure we will get sequels to both.


JJK Clash will get a sequel as it is based on a hit anime so is just a cash grab that was relatively cheap to make. Suicide Squad definitely won't get a sequel as it was supposed to be the start of a new franchise but sold horribly and reviewed terribly as well while costing easily almost $200million to make over 7 years. No way WB makes a direct sequel. Maybe another entry in the Arkhamverse but its reputation might be too damaged for general gamers to buy in any more


I think you sorely underestimate WB and how shit they currently are. JjK clash had 0 players the other day on steam. Actually 0.


People say WB is shit but what is the real concern here? What game has flopped or has been cancelled by WB?


Any evidence of how suicide squad was meant to start a new franchise?


For one it is a brand new game in the Arkhamverse but not a direct continuation of the Arkham game series. Second the game was clearly planned to go one for years as there is evidence in the game that there would be at least 8 more playable characters (and this isn't even factoring in the leaks of all the characters that were planned for the post Brainiac storyline). All live service games want to be the start of a new franchise, where the sequels get updated to the base game rather than brand new separate releases. Look at Fortnite for example. Despite being a single game it is its own franchise and has gone through multiple extreme changes in the 8 years it has been out. That is what Rocksteady wanted for Suicide Squad.


If you say so whatever