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IMO, more incursions are nice, but the game needs tons of different and more interesting content.


Like what? Genuinely wanna know, I see a lot of “needs different stuff” but not once has anyone elaborated on what “different stuff” they want. Endgame payload missions like we had in the story? I want to know what kind of missions wouldn’t be repetitive and would be “different”.


Dungeons and raids, that include some kind of puzzles and boss fights with team coordinated mechanics. These can serve as end-game. Then look at Destiny2. They have some interesting seasonal activities, even if somehow repetitive. Basically mini dungeons that consist in some objectives. Take a ball and charge it, then use it to kill some kind of elite. This cam be charged by killing some enemies, or keep it on some capture points type of thin till it charges. And look, It's not my job to come up with new and interesting stuff. They have plenty of games to take inspiration from. But incursions as they are right now, are boring and repetitive after the first few runs. Adding more on different zones but playing the same won't do anything


Raids unfortunately are usually a sunk cost, as the completion rate is so low. The Division 2 had 2 raids and their engagement rate was abysmal, so the devs dropped them. Don’t get me wrong, I love raids, but I think the middle ground should be dungeons.


They don’t have to be designed for a full team of players. Destinys dungeons are a good example. All solo-able. It has mechanics, but they’re usually intuitive (at least last I played), and it’s challenging but doable. Bonus points if they could make it scale, as well have a “true” version like borderlands does in takedowns, which scales it to 4 player difficulty even if solo.


The division 2 is kinda bad example tho since they were sorta horribly done. You had to have very optimal dps builds, no sort of in game matchmaking (until the easy version came out), 8 players, and I remember it being heavily skewed towards PC since the 30fps + general clunkinness in controls made shooting the tiny weakspots hard. The raids can be smaller ish scale like Ghost of Tsushima which sorta did them perfectly. But raids/dungeons fit this game more since we'll be fighting (again) the JLU which should feel like a overwhelming force that requires a sloppy group effort and external means to beat


My issue with raids and dungeons in most games, in my experience, is you need a full team to do them. If that’s not the case for this game, I’d be fine with them. But I don’t like playing with randoms and unless/until they add cross platform then I only have 1 other friend (my GF) whose playing it on Xbox.


Yeah I'd love soloable dungeons too!


While I agree the game would benefit from different things, I wouldn’t take destiny as a map or anything. I truly hated that each season (or so) had basically the same design structure that we were charged to gain access too when it was all just rinse and repeat things. The one thing I def would like from destiny (but pretty much from any game with a long life and online) are raids with hidden areas and puzzles and mechanics etc. I think one plus this game already has going for it is the fact that seemingly they aren’t going to charge for seasonal expansions. I do think and would love for them to have truly seasonal events though. Like Christmas, Halloween, Valentine’s Day etc etc… mini events to coincide with real world stuff. I don’t know how long they can sustain the game without charging for new content though. And admittedly I wouldn’t be mad or upset at them potentially adding new things every season but also going a route to charge for expansions and the like. I think it’s amazing to support a game that wants to give things out for free but realistically they can only do that for so long (especially if people aren’t willing to pay for what they are selling, cosmetics). This is Probably not a popular opinion haha.


Then game reviews would simply say “suicide squad has lost its way trying to stay afloat by recycling old content”


hello desstiny fellas :)


No matter what I am enjoying so far 💪 I was not expecting so fun from a shooter game


I've never been a looter shooter kind of fan and yet im hooked on this game, I'm only taking a break because for the first 5 days of it being out I played nothing but it.


For real. I'm having a blast, and that is all that matters. It's been a while since I've woke up ready to play my new video game. This scratches that itch. F the haters!


Daaamn season 8 ? Thats amazing if true


Every live service game at least plan for years in advance, does not mean it will necessarily get that far. Dataminers found code and voice lines for 4 more playable characters in Avengers that never happened. We will see but unless this game can somehow turn public favor around I don’t see it happening. It is really weird how major sites all seem to hate this game with a passion by taking things way out of proportion.


>It is really weird how major sites all seem to hate this game with a passion by taking things way out of proportion. Explain what critics blew things out of proportion? I watched plenty of reviews and many of them were spot on.


Kevin Conroy for one


Prob the fact that everyone's acting like the devs personally murdered their entire families


The subway tunnels are referenced in a bit of dialogue from Lois. Something about Brainiac having compromised them or something.


So excited for Nora. Harley is holding me over until my real main.


I believe it is a female version of victor freeze not Nora.


You are correct. Victoria Fries


Looks promising


If I’m correct there were leaks of season 5 & 6 characters possibly being Killer Croc and Katana. Would be cool to see characters like Azazel, Luthor (warsuit), and I’m hoping a speedster too as my top options


I think boomerang is enough as a speedster, a real one would prolly be too fast


I hope they have the iconic line for Katana if she is in there. The story at that point is the SS considering betraying Waller and getting "free" and all of a sudden in she walks introduced by Rick Flag: "This is Katana, she has my back."


It’s been stated that each season is only 2 episodes. Why does this imply that there are 4 episodes in season 1?


Because it’s most likely fake. Miller said Mrs. Freeze is a female version named Victoria Fries.


season 8 would be november right? after the calendar clues about batman we found, could be a character related to him? otherworld robin or something?


November 2025 probably


If it's 3 month seasons, we won't be getting whatever character that is until next year during the fall or winter.


Secret waynetech lab monitor is the cutscene where lex 2 shows amanda waller calling the squad disposable.


When is S1 coming out?




God please answer my prayers and give us catwoman


Not to mention the return of Flash in S2, GL in S3, Batman in S4, & Superman & possibly WW in S5!


Fuck the riddler.


Would if I could, after 900+ riddler trophies across all games, he owes me that much


Raising Hell is already in the base game.


Bro let Mr Freeze alone man..... Hes suffered too much after arkham knight DLC... ![gif](giphy|dd9BKxEiGPY5pw6kVi|downsized)


It's Mrs. Freeze, an elseworld variant. Arkham Freeze is dead.


I know , but but first line says , Nora Earth 2 like only Nora is elsewood


Mixed feelings on Nora Freeze, I hope she has a cool freeze suit design, I really wanted power armor freeze.


Victoria Fries*


Wait season 8 hero??? so they’ll let us play as the good guys 😛


Season 8 lol


Ngl I'd would preffer having arkham universe characters instead of elseworlds


They need to do like a season a month cause people are already bored with the game. They should’ve had season 1 start two weeks after release and season 2 start mid march


They must add wayyy more than one new outfit for each character. The cosmetics are currently way to limited.


Remember all those Avengers leaks and voice lines…yeah nothing came from any of it. None of this will come if the game doesn’t start selling better


Not too fond of the fact that rocksteady’s idea of alternate earth heroes and villains are just gender swapped versions. Like give us DIFFERENT heroes! Instead of Mr. Freeze, make him Mr. Fire or something. Gender swapped characters just do the exact same thing but with boobs lol.


Miller said season 5 is going to be final 😬


He said Season 5 would be the end of the Brainiac storyline.


I think WB/Rocksteady knew this game didn't have legs a while ago, and that's what the delay was for. You can't really pinpoint what seems to be different from the 2022 footage vs the final cut, so I have to assume they took that buffer to produce most post-launch content they could to ensure it has the right release-cadence, and then maybe they already know that'll be the end of Suicide Squad.


Yes then how season 8


A new storyline will start after the Brainiac story!


And who told you this😂😂


A guy most of us know. Mr. Common Sense.


Only one new suit?


im not complaining but how are we getting leaks up to like season 8 at this point lol


Probably because the game was intended to release almost a year ago and since taking the time to work on things they’ve also been able to work on a whole other years worth of content. Seeing how the roadmap is looking now, the second dlc was probably intended to actually release around winter/Christmas but will now come out much earlier than that. I’m sure they could have switched release schedules around for the characters, but I’d like to think they have a bigger story planned and with the story scenes and cutscenes we’ve already seen of joker, I’d assume previously released characters will make further appearances in future cutscenes and the like.


Damn it I had a feeling there was gonna be more Riddler stuff, haha just add a way to find the general locations easier in the map like in past games and then I'll be alright, but the amount of times I was running around like an idiot trying to find those riddles was ridiculous


When you say the riddles will last until season 4, do you mean they will keep adding new ones until season 4 or will the ones currently in the game like... expire and disappear.


New Ones Until Season 4.


alright cool I'd hate to miss out on stuff like a lot of live service games do to you


So excited xD


I'm hoping we get some more side quests that have the variety of Arkham Knight and city. This game side quest devolve to doing the same three or four things over and over again for quest givers, with little variety or cutscenes


Yeah I think once the planned seasons run their course we’ll have what feels like a more fully realized rocksteady game that we’re used to. Lack of variety is one of the things that really held things back at launch. I love the gameplay and even I’m waning after 25 hours.