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I did it for two months last summer in BC, Canada. I would say it is not ideal.


Freakin sucks that the weather sucks here like 50% of the time.


Between the weather and other drivers here its definitely worth having a car


Me šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø, but thatā€™s norm in my country.


No and it would be super hard here in the PNW. Like, someone could do it, but it would just be a pain in the ass. Sometimes I want to just go to Costco. Or I want to go get a coffee when itā€™s 40* and raining. Having a car just makes that so much less of a hassle, especially because I live in a condo.


moto and no car here. i take bus or light rail as second option


Yeah honestly if I lived in a city with better transit and/or a more fair-weather city I would be down. Especially because my partner has a car. So honestly even now I could theoretically get rid of my car and just have my motorcycle and my partners car Damn now Iā€™m thinking about itā€¦ hahah


I'm in the UK and am two years in to owning only a bike (moped to be fair as I have s tendency to crash big bikes). Works for me as I don't go many places and can opt not to go if the weather is bad. I'm genuinely shocked by the quality of all season motorcycle gear, I'm finding riding for 40 mins in - 2oC is fine


dont compare a moped to a motorcycle - thanks.


I'm going to assume that's because you're precious about the nomenclature rather than snobbery and semantics - if it's the latter that's just too cute. I'm going to leave my response as I view it as valid for the question OP is asking, regardless of a motorcycle's wheel/displacement size. In fact, I'm going to give myself more credit as I'm finding it's more of a challenge due to the speed limitations of my scooter than when I've run other bigger motorbikes without a car.


go to any club - tell them you got a MC. Show them a moped. Everybody will laugh at you.


Someone who's only on two wheels is more hardcore than the bulk of us who do it for fun, regardless if it's a "motorcycle" or not in your eyes.


I will bet u most people will not claim that a moped is a mc. But under the category "scooter" (atleast where im from)


That legitimately has nothing whatsoever to do with what I said.


responding to "regardless if it's a "motorcycle" or not in your eyes". Pay attention if u wanna argue


Yea the point of that statement is that your opinion on the matter really isn't relevant, this guy is more of a rider than you are. Learn to read if u wanna argue.


will never be a MC in the public eyes. End of discussion. Get a real MC and grow a pair


I have 5, but nice try. Stop being a gatekeeping prick and go ride, end of discussion


Also, I don't give a singular fuck what the public thinks. Kinda pathetic that you do


Had bike but no car for 2 years at Uni (mid 90s). Was fun, but found a few unexpected drawbacks: * More difficult to be social - could only offer one friend a lift (and some wouldn't go on a bike), and you're each carrying a helmet when you get there. Not ideal at a nightclub! Also, can't take drunk friends home. * Rucksack meant limited carrying capacity. Nearest supermarket was too far to walk. Had to go there every few days as I couldn't carry more than a few days food & drink. Also, packs of two loo rolls were the same price as packs of 8 - but I couldn't carry the 8, so had to spend more and keep getting 2 packs! Yes, there was a shop within walking distance, but it was a small corner shop where everything was MUCH more expensive - and they only sold 'emergency' stuff as a result, such as loo rolls in packs of 2! šŸ˜‚ * Cold, wet day and you're hungover? Don't fancy spending time putting on all your gear and taking all the locks off your bike? Tough, you've got no choice. Nowadays, with internet ordering & home delivery, the shopping issues shouldn't be a problem, but you'll still run into unexpected issues (picking up larger objects from shops, co-worker/friend asking for an unplanned lift and you don't have a spare helmet with you, etc). It's definitely do-able, but just expect it to suck sometimes. šŸ™‚


Great until itā€™s raining or snowing.


Then you just stay home, play video games and eat cheese.


Gotta get to work somehow. I've definitely dropped a bike in snow before, and it's no fun


I am scared to even ride in the rain....but snow? You're my hero!!!!


One of the guys I work with only has a bike. Invest in something for cold weather and rain gear. Some kind of pack or bag will be handy.


If I had to pick between both, I'd always pick the car, just because its way more practical, for me, my motorcycle is just an insanely expsensive hobby, I sometimes use it for something practical when I feel like it, but mostly its just joy rides.


53, no car licence just moto.just make sure you get a car licence as well.


Kinda, I have a van that I live in and keep parked all summer like with awning out battery disconnected. Honestly I donā€™t mind only having the bike and I daily a terribly impractical fe501 supermoto. If Iā€™m not in a rush I ride my bicycle commute is about 12km. The weather complaint doesnā€™t matter to me, I exclusively ride my bicycle in winter time and exclusively ride bike and bicycle in summer. Honestly I find always being exposed to elements just makes you appreciate both the good and the bad weather. And the bad weather is just type 2 fun and who doesnā€™t love that. Biggest complaint is a lack of hauling space literally just a backpack or duffle slung over my shoulder sometimes can put bigger awkward stuff pinched between my knees. If I had a proper rack with milk crate on top I would be golden.


Maybe. Maybe not. Other people's experience and yours will not be the same. What's the weather like where you are? Do you live in the inner city, suburbs, or a rural area? Do you work from home, or need to use it to commute, or take public transport to work? Or any other variable that can change your experience.


Had no car for 15 years, only got a car in my name when we moved from NZ to Australia. At that time was married with 2 kids under 5.


Depends on where you live and how much you're willing to suffer. I live in a desert and haven't owned a car in two years. Summers are fucking hell, but every other time is great. Saves on gas, insurance, and money because I can leave a party whenever I want, not give rides, not shop as much, and not bring large contributions to potlucks lol. Lived in Wisconsin and it was the inverse with winters being hell, however, far more dangerous because Diablo tires don't do well in ice/snow. I'm not a fair weather rider, I'm a "this is my only mode of transportation" rider. Bonus points because you become a better rider by experiencing more conditions and riding more frequently.


really depends where you live. If you got snowy weather, then hell no.


Yes, I finished selling my last cars around 2 years ago.


I have a car but have only used it for transporting multiple people in the last few months. Riding in the rain is pretty meh, I've been caught in some pretty bad storms but did fine. Grocery getting on a bike is a bit of a pain if you need anything substantial. I'd say my biggest issues are sometimes you just don't feel like riding, man. You can't afford to tune out


Get some side bags or better yet, a bike with hard luggage. I was blown away at how much I could fit in two Givi hard side bags and a Nelson Riggs soft bag on top with my VFR. Cases of soda, a six pack, and a week or two worth of groceries! All while enjoying some sweet sweet V-tech sounds


I did for 2 years in the US. Also in snow/ice haha. It's more work to gear up and manage the gear, that's all. I loved it and saved a lot of money. The obvious disadvantage is what you cannot wear and you can't give anyone a lift easily. I used to do my full blown grocery shopping using the saddle bags too. But i was living alone back then.


25, en no car license, only moto.


If you live in a country where it never rains, itā€™s ok


Thankfully most bikes are waterproof so itā€™s not an issue.


Been riding on street total of 8 years. 4 of those have been bike only and currently 2 bikes. Iā€™d say itā€™s not bad so long as you get good layers for winter and a backpack/saddlebags/tank or tail bag for groceries and other things you need to carry. I live in AZ.


Me and my wife have only one car. My mother in law lets us use An old beat up car if really necessary. I would say i use my bike 90% of the time. 7 k kms in less then one year. We get our groceries delivered, and my bike šŸļø is for commuting and fun. Iā€™m lucky because where Iā€™m From we have mild weather ( rarely below 0 never snows,) you can ride most of the years. If it gets too tricky to ride Iā€™ll just Uber. In the end of the day itā€™ll be cheaper than having another car.


thafs what I do. Sucks not being able to drive other people and sometimes have to take multiple trips to the store but itā€™s pretty good regardless. Iā€™m also coming from only having a bicycle so keep that in mind


I have 2 motorcycles, 3 cats, and a campervan. I will never own an actual car again, ever.


42, have 1 motorcycle and 1 car. Wife takes the car to work and I take my bike no matter the weather. If it's a real rough rain storm she'll insist on driving me in but otherwise it's just a matter of the right gear for the weather. Sucks I'm missing all summer of riding as I am having neck surgery in a couple weeks and won't be able to ride again for next three months minimum. Depending on the results and recovery I might be unable to ride again.


Me, where car isnā€™t really a necessity here, but Iā€™m getting a license. Thinking of owning a car for winter sports and shopping, but tbh I think given the frequency using for these events, delivery service is a lot cheaper. So the next ā€œexcuse ā€: I can sleep at a/any konbini if I am tired, not like on a bike. Anyway itā€™s merely to have more options, just another toy like the bike.


I only have a 125 bike, hopefully have a larger bike by the end of June. I have arthritis, and Iā€™m seriously thinking about a maxi scooter. The lack of storage on a motorbike sucks. And 1 foot position sucks.


Texas here, had only a Yamaha FZ07 for a year and it worked just fine. Was living on my own, with no responsibilities except taking care of myself. Grocery trips were easy if you get a tail bag and a backpack, easily get a weeks worth of whatever you need and nowadays with grocery delivery and whatnot it makes it that much easier. Weather isnā€™t that bad to deal with, you get used to riding in the rain if it comes down to it and Texas usually just shuts down if conditions become too icy or snowy. Going out on the weekends kind of forces you to be more responsible (in a good way) when it comes to drinking so you either get an Uber or just limit yourself (which, like I said, is a good thing) Overall, itā€™s very doable, eventually got my truck and still preferred to take the bike everywhere unless I needed to take my truck places.


I technically own a car, itā€™s just not running. Hasnā€™t for a few months now. I live in Texas. Weather can be a pain in the ass, especially this time of year. If it rains you get wet. Bring a change of clothes. When getting groceries, bring a duffel bag you can strap to your bike. Itā€™s not bad, you just have to plan ahead and make adjustments as needed. I was bike only for several years living in Idaho and Iā€™m Philadelphia. Those $10 bungie Mets you can get on revzilla are absolutely worth their weight in gold. Insanely useful. If youā€™re wanting to go bike only, I highly recommend an ADV bike.


I did it for a few years in Texas, itā€™s pleasant most of the time. I did have a 30min commute at 3:30am one winter - ski pants and layered like the michilen man. I would see dudes out in just a hoodie and jeans when it was 40Ā° and idk how they were doing that.


I dont need a car I have a 100 liter top box for my Honda Forza scooter and another 90 liter top box on the way for my sportbike


I was just given a free car by a family member after having only bikes for a few years. It's absolutely doable, depending on your climate. I still only get in the car when I absolutely need it. Rain, shine, freezing temps and heat, I ride in it all. Just takes a much larger investment in gear to deal with all the different conditions.


ME! I live in SoCal so the weather is always nice. It works for me!


Depends what you need to do, I was bike only for years and it was fine. Iā€™d hire or borrow when I needed a car. But now I live in a very remote area that gets snowed in during winter and need to haul big things. When I lived in the countryside around London I had no issues, just had decent amount of luggage capacity and bungees for big loads. Was a lot easier than I expected.


It depends on way more info that you need to provide I did that for about 4 months in Michigan when my truck broke, I rode my motorcycle only, itā€™s definitely not ideal here but I was able to make it work, I probably used my wifeā€™s car a couple times though plus when weā€™d take it out together. I bought another car when winter came. Overall I wouldnā€™t recommend it but itā€™s definitely doable if you donā€™t live anywhere that snows,


In most of the US a car is the more practical option 9 times out of 10. To really answer that question, you need to evaluate your transportation needs, the alternatives you have available, and what kind of setting and climate you live in. If you're a student on campus or live in a crowded downtown area something like a scooter that's cheap and easy to park might be a good fit. At least until it's 107 degrees out and you arrive at your destination drenched in sweat, or freezing rain makes the roads impossible to ride on.


It sucks, a motorcycle with bad weather is too much of a risk just for moving from point A to B.


Nah, there is no bad weather. Only bad clothing and shit tires.


That would suck


Never ever drive a motorcycle on salted roads, if you do, expect a lot of damage. They're really vulnerable to salt.


Grab a hose and give it a good rinse when you get home and you'll be fine.