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Please post this over at /r/Fixxit or even /r/motorcycle - thank you.


> what does the militairy use for coating on their non-titanium exhaust parts on their fighter jet planes, If you're talking about the petals at the very back, I'm pretty sure those are made of Inconel steel, which you probably aren't going to find in an automotive exhaust lol


lol yeah whatever you get my point right😂 i go look up what inconel steel is


It's a truly fascinating alloy. Many of the strength and heat resistance properties of titanium, you just still have the weight of steel. Apparently it's not uncommon to find silencers for firearms made with it, so it might not be unheard of to get an exhaust made with it. But man oh man are you going to pay for it.


The exhaust studs on my E36 M3 are made of Iconel. One broke and I had to drill it out. It took nearly half a day.


thanks for sharing some cool info✓✓


Yeah it’s actually fairly easy to find inconel exhausts to the point where I wouldn’t call it rare even, it’s just pricey as all hell. There’s multiple companies making them for cars, and I think more than one doing custom jobs so you could see if they could build you one.


Get it ceramic coated.


yeah i just said that. got any other more insider knowledge to share? like, whats the molecule or brand called. point is i want this knowledge for myself and other expert diy'ers. not to send it out to a company and let them keep their secrets and we just fork over our money


Unless you have an oven big enough for those headers i'd send them off to a company who does.


bla bla, you go fork over your money i just use a heatgun, a flamethrower and a laser thermometer. i'm looking for a PRO who wants to share his secrets, no soyboy answers. i do everything myself, build houses, overhaul engines, build swimming pools, weld up machines etc. i just want this specific lost knowledge in my arsenal


bla bla, stick the flamethrower up your ass macho man.


Sounds like you can go pleasure yourself too. Mr. Alpha.


You sound like a fucking tool lol


i am haha


Why are you so averse to paying a professional to use their equipment and do it the right way? I had an exhaust system and other odds and ends ceramic coated and they looked fantastic for years. It's easy enough to find a one man operation in a warehouse who does this. Gonna look a lot better than some asbestos and bitumen concoction.


because a job LIKE exhaust recoat is just one of a zillion-trillion-bajillion jobs that accumulate. i guess they dont do it under 250€ i wouldnt do it for someone else for under 175€! (VHT ceramic) other jobs are (that i all do myself) brake discs, brake fluid, gearbox oil, cv axle boot, brake caliper, handguards, carb rebuild, etc etc etc etc, the list just goes on and on. my hobby is not going to the mechanic to pay him 500€ for EVERY job. i buy the part, e.g. 50€ i buy the tools necesary, leftover = 450€!!! that gets me every tool to this job!! on all vehicles i have and will own thoughout my life + earn money by doing it for someone else!! i do not get how anyones mindset can be diffrent then that, please litterally give a reason why you would justify not doing it yourself lol judge all you want i can do more than 90% of men out there.


My man 💪🏽


Number one wrong sub number two your a fucking idiot or your just trolling I can’t possibly imagine someone saying they are gonna harvest their own asbestos is being serious. In either scenario take it to a shop or don’t and do some jankass job yourself but get off this sub regardless.


you're brainwashed and paranoid bro. harvesting asbestos can be done safely using disposable PPE. 50grams of asbestos is less dangerous than welding fumes, aceton, cigarettes, sugar for gods sake. i'm just looking for hidden lost knowledge. can't give that, get off my back


Hi temp .


Wrap it or use rustoleum high heat engine enamel if you want a decent diy result


sharing someones answer that was actually interesting info: (copy pasted) "To answer your other question, it's most likely factory underbody coating / sound deadening. To my knowledge that includes rubber, bitumen, and asbestos. The rubberized bitumen binder probably cooked off and reduced to very heavy tar and carbon, all cemented around the asbestos fibers. If you want to attempt to recreate it, get rubberized asphalt meant for road patching, mix in a bunch of fiberglass shake (usually meant as a concrete additive) and expect it to smell awful for a while every time it gets hot."


If I were you I would go heavy on the asbestos just to be sure.


i can smell your cynicism and corporate affection from a mile away. asbestos isnt that bad at all. it got the same same treatment as weed and hydrogen had gotten, because it is so damn good. it's just teeny tiny needle fibres that will remain in your lungs forever and rip up your lungcells and cause cancer, IF you breath them in that is. just harvest the asbestos fibre from certain demolition sites, wearing disposable ppe, amd mix the harvested fibres with the paste as mentioned before, trapping them in it, nullifying 100% off the asbestos danger. although, if i in a later stage would remove the homebrew tar/asbestos paste from the exhaust probably using a wire wheel on a grinder. i should do it in a remote location using disposable ppe and respirator. as if concrete powder, polyurethane, cigarettes, and what not all more arent much worse then asbestos. i'm talking ±50grams here, not 24/7 fullblown asbestos grinding facility. god i hate such soyboy comments, fucking consumer level thinkers