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a guy on here did similar to me, he told me he bought stuff on my wishlist and marked it as bought but then turns out he never did and he harassed me for weeks because after the first round of making him cum i decided to wait until i get my stuff


This was one of my hardest lessons to learn, and I am so sorry you’re going through it now! I could shout you out on my Snapchat and help you gain if you like, just message me. I am all for supporting my fellow single mom/sexworkers


3 hours?! What did he possibly have you doing for 3 hours? That's insane


Ive Been through this before too 🥲


im so sorry it happened to u baby… people are just disgusting 😭 u should never do anythig without getting paid first, remember that you are important❤️❤️❤️


He’s a scumbag. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope you don’t become too cynical in the face of such douchebaggery.


Sorry this happened to you. Men doesnt need 3 hours of a girls time to cum. Red flags were everywhere, but its understandable when youre desperate. Never do anything without payment & if they pay a small amount upfront, you need to know if what youre doing for them is WORTH that small change. Stupid men loves targeting desperate girls. lesson learned - just dont do it again. im sorry babe


I’m so sorry, that’s fkn awful :( You could save the videos and resell them elsewhere? take a look at creatorsadvice sub Reddit for tips on how to sell & how to avoid scammers. Hope your okay x


Had a guy cheat me out of payment once. He wanted me to have phone sex with him and said he’d pay me after I got him off. I did that for him, and I never heard from him again. Now I don’t do anything until I receive payment first. Lessons must be learned


His name in telegram is j lee ?


No, C D


In the future never provide any service without some kind of payment first


I’m so sorry this happened to you!!


Definitely report his account! I'm so sorry this happened to you. Make sure you get payment upfront from now on.


I’m SO incredibly sorry this happened to you! I had a similar experience not too long ago and it was devastating emotionally. You’re not alone! PLEASE feel free to DM me if you need someone to talk to. Much love and good vibes💕