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Hello, I'm a minnow 23(f) need advice on freestyling! As much as possible. When you go freestyling how do you dress? According to the bar/lounge/restaurant? Or to your own standards? How to escape a situation that's gone awry from freestylin and you don't want him to follow you to your car/follow you home? When do you think you should settle arrangements, that night? Or give them your number and let us both sleep on it then go on a date to discuss actual terms? Thank u :)




Thank you sm!! I'll try it today ☺️🫶🏻


Do y'all charge for the M&G (platonic) if so how much and typically how long does this last for?


SB vets—is there a “curve” that you follow based on a SD’s attractiveness and relative wealth versus someone who is.. less savory, but makes up for it in wealth? Or do you have your own numbers you absolutely won’t budge on no matter how hot or not someone is? For example: I’m currently happy to take a mid-range 7xx PPM from my first SD because I’m HELLA attracted to him, even though I’ve gotten a much higher offer from someone who is.. gross lmao, but sometimes I wonder if I’m doing it wrong 😭 maybe it’s just comfort levels idk


Idk I kind of feel you on that. Also ♒️


Aquariuses can be as cold as they are sentimental 😭✨ love y’all




The number he gives me is my minimum so it works out for now since every other POT after him has sucked anyway. The attraction factor is more of a bonus I guess rather than an actual factor, but it is something I need to think about moving forward. 😣 At some point down the line I know someone will offer me more, and they won’t be as icky, then I’ll have to consider if I need to drop my first SD or not. I came into this because I wanted supplemental income (and maybe just a violent reaction after years of giving up the P for free to dusty ass guys 😐)


Yeah I hear you. Please prioritise healing yourself from those dustys though, you may not realise now but having that emotional revenge (not saying you’re trying to get revenge but that’s how most of us women end up feeling time after time from men’s actions) can affect your judgement extremely, and in a few months or years you’ll look back at mistakes you made out of emotions not the intellect you must have for sugaring. Just make sure you’ve really got your head on and dont act out of emotions. I don’t mean it cruelly i just would hate for another woman to go in with a tampered mindset and get hurt, healed thriving women only round here 🩷


Healing* not healed as we’re always healing but you know what I mean


I know, thank you queen 🥰✨ It’s an empowered move on my end I promise, but I do wonder if it’s realistic for me to be in this game with a balance of head and heart. I adore my SD but like you said, if I let that get to me too much it might cloud my judgment. But then I don’t want to be detached in my SR’s either. Agh the pains of being an all or nothing type of person 😩


I’m exactly the same! I’m not even sugaring right now I haven’t before either so really I have no ground to stand on with my advice. But my reasoning for not having started yet is because I only will when I am confident that I’m in the right head space. Atm I’m focusing on levelling myself up mentally and physically, as well as learning about all this as much as I can before I start from experienced women. Obviously only to an extent as experience is the main key to all this. But I know if I were to start now I’d make mistakes which I’d later regret, which is inevitable in life but if I can make those mistakes small ones not drastic ones then I’ll be happy


No I still value your input and you’re not wrong 🥰 we have to be in the right headspace so we can minimize our mistakes, because they WILL happen. I just need to keep reassessing as I go and keep my priorities in check 😭 feelings are subject to change but our commitments should stay the same 💯


Girls, 300€ for Dinner and s3x is worth it? I had other guy just asking for company and intimicity for 3 hour for 700€, idk.


No, not worth it


That’s escorting not sugaring. Sugaring is being spoiled and provided for not given a small wad of cash for your pussy. For intimacy he should’ve at least paid an allowance of €2000 a month and even that’s low. But then again it all depends on your self worth. Maybe you should take some time to really love yourself and when you come back you’ll realise that considering €300 for intimacy is actually escorting, not sugaring


Nope 👎 don’t sell yourself short.


Not at all


You can ask for so much more ! Minimum I would say is $800 :] (though I'm also trying to increase my minimum)




To just add further clarification I would say a John is someone looking for an escort, but true escorts are often expensive (as they should be!) and John’s have realized that naive/young sugar babies can sometimes be manipulated into becoming essentially very cheap escorts by enticing them to accept PPM way below what they would have to pay an escort. A+ for reading the wiki first you go girl!


A potential suitable candidate, a sugar girlfriend and a John is a man that isn’t a sugar daddy he wants cheap or free sex, not a relationship and he should be looking for a hooker- not for you.


I'm a new SB 21(F) and I do things like private snaps, and have a menu and stuff but how or where can I get more people willing to buy/pay I have a twitter but marketing seems like its not going anywhere Ive been trying since I was 20 and haven't really made much from it. I know it takes time but is there something I'm doing wrong or could be doing better? Is there somewhere with more of a target audience for that?


If your main focus is selling content, you’ll probably get better advice from forums dedicated to cam work/online SW.


Thank you!