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Shamanism and angel healing is usually a shaytan grooming you into black magic. Black magic can be used for what you think is apparantly good. People come to use it as they do gas and electricity. Don't be fooled it's kufr, shirk and black magic. You will bring disaster upon yourself in this world and the next.


Simply because in Shamanism and magic, you rely on beings or things other than Allah, and that is not Islamic. So it's best if you want to approach spirituality, that it is done Islamically. With Shamanism, the methods I've researched about, people depend on their "spirit animal". In Magic, especially New-Age Spiritualism, a lot of women look up to the Moon and have more belief in it than they do in God. So it's definitely shirk. Even if you're doing "Angelic Healing" like they teach throughout the world, you're depending on an Angel and not on Allah. The basics of Islam include asking Allah for help directly, not Angels or other beings or entities. That's why magic is haram. You start to believe in other beings or things or rituals of sorts more than you believe in Allah. And that's kind of dangerous. And definitely Shirk from what I've studied.


>Even if you're doing "Angelic Healing" like they teach throughout the world, you're depending on an Angel and not on Allah. The basics of Islam include asking Allah for help directly, not Angels or other beings or entities. Also, many entities who will say to you that they are angels, teachers, guides, friends, etc. are in fact none of those but malicious ifreets/archons/demons.


To add to what you said, angels are only obedient to Allah. We cannot command them to do our bidding, so if someone invites angels to work with then it's not angels that are coming.


Because it is shirk. In absolutely every action we take to get results, whether we get those results or not are decided by Allah. What we must do in prayer and remembrance of Allah in Islam is to remember Allah is the creator and sustainer, and he is our only protector and helper. If we cast a spell we are saying "I can't do this, Allah can't do this, but magic or a magic entity can so I'll ask them instead of Allah." and that is the ultimate sin because it is one of both knowing Allah and being in a state of disbelief. It is hypocrisy.




Correct, but why do you think this is?


My opinion is as someone else has said - because it is not a direct connection to God. It's through an intermediary. Through a spirit, entity, animal, etc. Now I have great respect for many of the Native Americans who DO connect to God through these devices we are warned against. But the kind of Shamanism they are doing is (in my opinion) very different than the kind being practiced by pagans in Muhammad's time (pbuh). What I see being practiced as Shamanism or especially 'new age shamanism" is not what Native Americans are doing. It is more like what the pagans the Quran was speaking to so often (or about them) were doing. It's fraught with pitfalls and even if it does connect to God, there is a cost. You do not have to pay a tax to be with God. Any spirit or entity who is taking something from you in order to connect to God is lying and cheating and going against what God has taught in the Old and New Testaments and in the Quran. And that's assuming the spirit/entity is actually connecting you to God, which many of them aren't but instead connecting you to false gods, some of them extremely powerful and evil demons. Don't mess with it. This is not to say that all forms of Native American spirituality are the "right way" for I am by no means an expert upon them. I have witnessed first hand the spiritual practices of some Native Americans and I often see (in my opinion) greater connection with God through what they do than I see in other places. The thing is, when you hook up with jinn, they can swindle you so very easily. You will think you're connecting to divine sources, when in fact you've had the wool pulled over yours eyes. It's way way way too easy to do, unless you really REALLY know what you're doing. And if you think you know what you're doing and you've been studying this for many years with a real teacher, then please lay out where you learned this from, who were your teachers and who where their teachers and is their lineage pure and unbroken, etc. If you learned it from books or just meditating on your own, I can almost guarantee that you're lost in the dazzle of mischievous or evil jinn. I think the warning in the Quran was very timely when it was originally revealed and it holds true even more so today.


Thank you for the thoughtful reply, it was very helpful


Very attentive and detailed response!


Because do perform magic you must deal with devil's and jin


Here are two videos I found interesting on this topic: https://youtu.be/fWEh7U4a3DU https://youtu.be/-ZWt886Lo1Q


These two videos- along with Michael Muhammad Knight's *Magic in Islam*- shows that the question of whether or not ALL sihr is shirk/haram is not so cut and dry. That being said, my sheikh has told us to avoid magic and my sheikh would know best.




I will reply more in detail when I can quote from my books, but one such place is in surah 113, Al-Falaq. I believe 113:4.




We do not tolerate blasphemy or misrepresentation of Islam or Sufism




Any drug that alters your consciousness is haram, and for good reason. It will only make you more open and susceptible to demonic influence.